Lin Xun heard the news as soon as he arrived home.

To be precise, Liu Baihong's family is leaving Jiang Province, Liu Baihong was originally an elite-level trainer serving in the alliance, and now that the alliance's order has come down, he can only leave Jiangling City, which has lived for nearly 20 years.

At this moment, Liu Baihong is saying goodbye to Lin Xun's parents at the Lin family.

Father Lin was also a little reluctant when he saw that his old friend was leaving, and sighed: "Why is the alliance's order so urgent this time, and actually let you report within three days."

Taking a puff of smoke, Liu Baihong also looked sad: "Phew~ The specific reason is not clear, in short, this alliance has a particularly tough attitude, I heard that it is related to the coastal side of Fu Province." "

Fu Province?" Hearing this, Father Lin was surprised.

"Well, it is said that an unknown elf has appeared, extremely powerful, and the alliance has dispatched a large number of trainers to go, even king-level trainers." When the cigarette butt disappeared, Liu Baihong sighed.

When Father Lin heard this, he couldn't help but worry about his old friend in his heart, but he still laughed and said, "The Heavenly King level trainers have all gone, what do you want a little elite-level trainer to do?" And it also makes you go permanently.

Liu Baihong listened, and glanced at Father Lin angrily: "Why, you still can't look down on me as an elite-level trainer?" And I'm embarrassed, not long ago, I had to successfully break through to the hall master level with Bidiao and two other old guys, and now I am also a Taoist hall level trainer. "

Really?" It was not difficult to hear in Father Lin's voice the joy of becoming a Taoist level trainer for his old friend. After all, they are good friends for more than twenty years, and the friendship between the two goes without saying.

"Well, not long ago." Liu Baihong took a deep breath of cigarette, slowly exhaled it and continued: "This is also the reason for transferring me, the alliance hopes that I will be the commander of the coastal patrol force in the past." With a hall-level carving, I can undoubtedly patrol the coastal vicinity more quickly.

At this time, Lin Xun couldn't contain the curiosity in his heart, and opened his mouth to ask Liu Baihong: "Uncle Liu, what kind of elf made the alliance make a big move this time." So many people were mobilized. What

Liu Baihong said next made Lin Xun fall into a deep shock.

Liu Baihong extinguished the cigarette butt in his hand that was about to burn out, looked at Lin Xun and said, "I don't know the specifics, the video data of the alliance is also very blurry, and I can only faintly see that it is a huge blue fish spirit." "

Giant blue fish?" Lin Xun already had some doubts in his heart, but he was still not sure.

Liu Baihong nodded gently: "Well, a very swollen blue whale-like elf, with two huge pectoral fins, very powerful, one blow to sink the five survey ships sent by the alliance at that time, but also can trigger the celestial phenomenon, when it appeared hundreds of nautical miles were all rainstorming, the specific information is not at all, the alliance only has more than ten seconds of video transmitted back before the sinking of those survey ships." "

The Alliance now suspects that the power of that elf has surpassed the champion level, and may be at the same level as the Phoenix King who appeared at the beginning of the elven era!"

Liu Baihong's words shocked several people. The difference was that Lin's father and Lin Mu were surprised by the strength of the unknown elf, while Lin Xun was shocked by the identity of the elf, and at this moment he could almost determine the identity of the elf.

Legend has the power to control the sea, in mythology is called the elf who expands the sea by flooding the land with pouring rain and raging waves, and the incarnation of the sea - Sea Tooth (aka: Gaioka, I still think the Sea Tooth is imposing.

But why did the Sea Emperor's Tooth appear? Isn't it a divine beast in the Fengyuan region? In today's world, only the elves of the Kanto and Johto areas have appeared?

If the Sea Emperor Tooth appears, then will Guraton also appear!!

In an instant, Lin Xun thought of a lot, to know that in the original anime, these two Tie Han will fight to death as soon as they meet, the kind that does not die, the aftermath of the battle is enough to pull up the huge waves that flood the entire coast, and the devil knows if the only cracked empty seat that can stop them from drying will appear!

As soon as he thought of this, Lin Xun broke out in a cold sweat.

Seeing this, Liu Baihong also thought that Lin Xun was frightened by the news he said, and then said with a comforting smile: "Haha Xiaoxun, there is nothing to worry about, there is really a danger is not still our alliance to bear, and maybe that unknown elf is also the same as the Phoenix King, as long as humans do not disturb it, it has not been safe with humans in the past hundred years, rest assured!"

After hearing this, Lin Xun complained in his heart: "No, you don't understand, that goods are usually very peaceful, only know to sleep at the bottom of the sea, but can't stand it has a good friend who fights as soon as they meet!" If those two guys meet, the dog's brain will be punched out.

But Lin Xun couldn't say much, he could only bury it in his heart, and then nodded to Liu Baihong and said, "Well, Uncle Liu, I know." Seeing

Lin Xun's complexion recover, Liu Baihong changed the topic and said, "By the way, Xiaoxun, I heard Mengyi say that today is your final?" How's it going? Was the game won?

Lin Xun also recovered, raised his head proudly, and said: "Then it is necessary to say, it is all a small meaning, the whole school champion, the basic exercise is not 6."

Looking at Lin Xun's tail cocked into the sky, Father Lin slapped Lin Xun's brain angrily.

Lin Xun stood up and said dissatisfied with his father: "Dad, there is something like you, why do you always hit me on the head, your son is a champion!"

"The champion is still my son, what's wrong with beating you, look at your villain's victorious appearance." Squinting glanced at Lin Xun, and Father Lin spoke angrily.

Seeing this, Lin Xun had to swallow this breath temporarily, but he was obviously not the master who swallowed his anger, and ran directly to his mother to make a small report: "Mom, tell you a secret, my father secretly used the hidden private money to buy a fishing rod with thousands of yuan before." "


, Father Lin obviously also heard, the body sitting on the sofa froze, stiffly turned his head to look at his wife's side, his face was full of panic and disbelief! How did this rabbit cub know.

Lin Mu stared at Lin Father with a frosty face, although she didn't say anything, but the chill projected in her eyes, at this moment, Lin Father felt that it was not worse than absolute zero at all.

Liu Baihong also seemed to feel the chill in the air, seeing that everything that should be said was similar, he did not help the old brother of more than twenty years to return to the circle, and chose Mingzhe to save his life.

Standing up, Liu Baihong gloated and said, "Okay, I'll leave first, and it is estimated that our family will leave tomorrow."

Lin Xun asked, "Auntie and Mengyi are also going?" What about schools?

"Well, the school alliance over there has already been arranged, and for this kind of compulsory transfer order, the alliance's placement of the family is still very timely." Nodding, Liu Baihong said to Lin Xun with a smile.

Then walked straight to the door and waved his hand: "Okay, have a chance to see you again, by the way, Xiaoxun, Mengyi asked me to say goodbye to you, she is not in a good mood, and she is not willing to say it to you personally." Lin's

father and mother also stood up, sent Liu Baihong out of the house together, and stood at the door Lin Xun's family and waved goodbye to Liu Baihong.

Father Lin also proposed that he would send Liu Baihong again, but who thought that Liu Baihong had already guessed Father Lin's careful thoughts. I said no more. And then ran away with a puff of smoke.

Lin Xun's father's smile froze, and then a hand reached to his ear and pinched his ear, Lin Xun's mother's voice was like nine cold ice: "Lin! Hong! Resolute! Explain to me about the rod and private money!

"Don't don't, wife light, the ears are going to fall off!" Father Lin, that is, Lin Hongyi, screamed miserably.

"Hmph, want to tap? Let's explain it clearly! Lin Xun's old mother Chu Wan spoke in a deep cold tone.

On the side is Lin Xun, who is gloating and watching the play and eating melons. Oh, I really thought your son's head was so easy to beat!

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