After a click, the handcuffs were locked, and the poachers could no longer turn over the storm.

Jiang Chuan found the Poké Balls of several elves who had fought before from the poachers and took back the three elves, and the incident was perfectly solved here.

Well, except for Lin Xun, who was still eating melons and watching the play, and Scorpio Little Kabi Beast.

At this time, Lin Xun also breathed a sigh of relief, there would be no accident with this little life.

At this time, Lin Xun also had time to observe the large needle bee flying beside Jiang Chuan.

[Elf: Needle Bee]

Gender: Male

Classification: Poisonous Bee Spirit

Attribute: Bug / Poison

Height: 1.5m (average is 1m) Weight: 50kg (average is 29.5kg)


Sniper (When the sprite of the sniper characteristic hits the point, the damage becomes 1.5 times the damage caused by the normal hit point. Skills

: Double Needle、......、 Poison Ling, Missile Needle, Poison Strike, High Speed Movement, Brute Force, Lethal Needle Strike.

Disc Skills: Poisonous, Destroy Death Light, Hasu, Hold, Split、...... Sword dance, clearing fog, tailwind...

Genetic skills: None.

Level: 68 (Heavenly King Level)

Potential: Champion Level (originally a Dojo-level potential qualification, later baptized by the power of the World Tree to break through to the champion level. What

to bring: Orb of Life.

Breeding Program: Improve the elf............

Lin Xun's pupils shrank sharply, he had always been curious about how Jiang Chuan Heavenly King's big needle bee broke through to the Heavenly King level, and even comparable to the fast dragon battle of the Long Yue Heavenly King, it turned out that the key point was here, the power of the World Tree!

The strongest needle bee in the original anime should be the one of Sakaki, the leader of the world's number one terrorist organization, but Sakaki is the owner of Toki's power, and the needle bee is his initial elf, and he has used Tokiwa's power to baptize the body of Tokiwa since he was a child, so that it can constantly break through the racial limit of the insect elves to have that kind of strength! (ps: There has been a debate about Sakaki's initial elf, and some people say that Sakaki's initial elf is a small fire dragon, and it seems that it has been mentioned in the special article.) But here I will write about the big needle bee, without him, handsome!

And the World Tree, which is known as the Initial Tree of the World, can naturally do this, so it is not surprising that Jiang Chuan's big needle bee can have this kind of strength... Lin Xun: It's not surprising that this is the World Tree! And dreams!

What made Lin Xun feel inexplicably happy was that the combat power reference of the large needle bee of Sakaki was the ace fast dragon of the power of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Now, the people of this world, the reference to the combat power of Jiang Chuan, the big needle bee, is also the fast dragon of Long Yue, who is also the king of the dragon system. Once upon a time, the fast dragon, which was once a quasi-god of the dragon system, actually became a combat power unit. (Kuailong: ... Are you polite?

While Lin Xun was still immersed in his cranky thoughts, Jiang Chuan, who had completed all the finishing touches, also returned to Lin Xun. With a look that Lin Xun couldn't understand, he looked at him and the Scorpio Little Kabi Beast.

Lin Xun finally did not hold back the doubts in his heart, and opened his mouth to tentatively ask, "King Jiang, you... Know me?

Then Lin Xun shook his head, he denied this possibility, he was very sure that he had absolutely not had contact with

Jiang Chuan before, as for Jiang Chuan and his parents to know, Lin Xun felt that it was also possible, however, let Lin Xun not expect it, Jiang Chuan first nodded, and then shook his head.

This strange action made Lin Xun even more confused.

Looking at Lin Xun's appearance, Jiang Chuan couldn't help it, and a smile appeared on his cold face: "That's not important, it seems that you are now a senior in high school?"

Lin Xun nodded with confusion in his mind, and muttered in his mouth: "It doesn't matter what you call it."

Seeing Lin Xun nodding, Jiang Chuan directly ignored the muttering in his mouth and spoke: "If, if I remember well, your Jiang Province has made a small phoenix king cup this year?"

"Well, there is such a thing, why do you also pay attention to Jiang Chuan Heavenly King?" Lin Xun asked.

"Oh, no, I'm not interested in this kind of kid-like competition."

"Lin Xun's head is full of black lines, even if you are a Heavenly King-level powerhouse, you can't directly classify the Little Phoenix King Cup as a child's house game!" If it doesn't beat you, it will definitely make you look good. However, Lin Xun did not dare to say this, but silently complained in his heart.

It could be seen that Jiang Chuan liked to see Lin Xun's crazy look but did not dare to attack, which could be seen from the more obvious smile on his face.

There was silence between the two for a while, and finally just when Lin Xun was about to say goodbye to this somewhat bad Jiang Chuan Heavenly King, he saw Jiang Chuan throw a Spirit Ball.

Seeing this, because he was not prepared, Lin Xun was in a hurry, only to barely grasp the Spirit Ball steadily, looking at the Spirit Ball in his hand, Lin Xun raised his head suspiciously, looked at Jiang Chuan and asked: "Jiang Chuan Heavenly King, this is... For me?

Jiang Chuan nodded, "Well, it's for you, there is an elf with very good potential in it, I think you should like it, and these two things are also given to you." Saying that, Jiang Chuan took out two things from his pocket again and handed them to Lin Xun together.

Lin Xun took the thing handed over by Jiang Chuan stunned, because of the darkness of the sky, at first he did not see what Jiang Chuan took out, until he took it and saw the thing in his hand.

Looking at the item in his hand in disbelief, Lin Xun couldn't believe his eyes, one was a move disc, but Lin Xun didn't know what skill it was at the moment, but the king of heaven would not be too bad to shoot. What really surprised Lin Xun was another item, the highly poisonous orb!

The poisonous orb is a very precious prop, and the severe toxicity contained in it can greatly increase the toxicity of the poisonous attribute elves, so it is the best cultivation resource for poisonous elves.

If it was just like this, Lin Xun would not be excited, Lin Xun was excited about its other role! Elves carrying highly toxic orbs, as long as they are not poisonous, will fall into a highly toxic state. And when Scorpio evolves into the Queen of Scorpio, the 'immunity' property will also change into the 'poison therapy' feature!

With the effect of the highly toxic orb and activating the 'poison healing' characteristics of the Scorpio King, the Scorpio King will also have a powerful and perverted recovery ability, and become a "poison king" in the true sense!

Looking at the surprised Lin Xun, Jiang Chuan chuckled and said, "You should use this thing, as for that disc, it is a holding move." It should be what you need too, as for that elf..., hehe I'm sure you'll like it too. Jiang

Chuan's big move shocked Lin Xun again, the effect of holding the move is that as long as it is not used continuously, it will be able to prevent a powerful defensive skill that exceeds ten times its own strength, even the state skill is no exception, it can be called a life-saving divine skill! (Absolute defense is a little too perverted, weaken it a little!) It is impossible for a first-level elf to hold a sacred fire for the Phoenix King. Seeing

that Jiang Chuan was an elf and a prop, and even the life-saving move was directly given to himself, at this moment, Lin Xun felt particularly cordial when he looked at Jiang Chuan's cold face.

As for why Jiang Chuan sent so many things to him, he didn't think about it, he didn't think that there would be anything Jiang Chuan needed to calculate.

Lin Xun looked at Jiang Chuan with a serious face: "We really didn't know each other before?"

"Well, I don't know."

Seeing Jiang Chuan nodding again, Lin Xun didn't bother to entangle the meaning of "counted" in his mouth, and said to Jiang Chuan seriously: "Then from now on we will be half-brothers!"

Jiang Chuan: "..." really

want to beat this goods!

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