[Elf: ugly fish]

Gender: Female

classification: Fish elf

attribute: Water

height: 0.8m (average 0.6m

) Weight: 9kg (average 7.4kg)

Characteristics: Swim freely (in rainy days or heavy rainy weather, the speed of the elf becomes twice the original.) Hidden

Attribute: Adaptability ( When an Spirit with an Adaptability trait attacks with the same skill as its own, the attribute bonus effect is doubled. Skills

: Jump, Crash.

Disc Skills: None.

Genetic skills: Salt Water, Temptation, Dragon Waves, Black Mist, Specular Reflection, White Mist.

Level: Level 22 (Career Level)

Potential: Champion

Level: None.

Cultivation Scheme: Eating energy cubes made from tree fruits such as ink berry fruit, maize fruit, coconut wood fruit, indigo fruit and other fruits can increase its beauty, so that it can evolve.

The elf was baptized by the World Tree and contains a large amount of World Tree power in his body. If you successfully activate the latent energy in your body, it may be possible to go further!


Looking at the lines of subtitles that appeared in front of him, Lin Xun was simply stunned, whether it was the qualification of the Gundam champion level, or the genetic skill that could be called a pervert, it could not match the shock that the cultivation plan brought to Lin Xun.

This ugly fish actually has a lot of World Tree power in its body, and what does it mean that it may be able to go further? Could it be that the qualification will break through the champion level and reach the championship level?

Wouldn't that mean that this elf has the possibility to break through to the championship level!

You must know that even the weakest second-level divine beast among the divine beasts is not something that ordinary elves can compete with, even among the second-level gods such as Fast Dragon and Bangira who have the title of quasi-god, such

as the Lightning Bird, the Frozen Bird, and the Flame Bird, the three strongest elves who are respectively given the names God of Thunder, Ice God, and Fire God have the power to easily destroy a city, as well as the incarnation of the North Wind - Water Lord...

As for the legendary first-level god who holds the priesthood, it has a great power that human beings cannot imagine.

Such as Lokia, the god of the sea who controls the monsoon currents.

The god of warm currents who masters the power of resurrection - the Phoenix King.

The creator of the earth - does not fly ... Oh no, it's Gulaten.

The creator of the ocean - the fathead fish (aka: Neptune Tooth, Gaioka)


That kind of power Lin Xun does not want, as long as the ugly fish can become an existence above the champion level in the future, even if it is only the weakest one, Lin Xun will be content.

Looking at the ugly fish swimming in the water, Lin Xun couldn't help but wonder about one thing, Jiang Chuan is this the world tree bald, the big needle bee has been baptized, even the elves who give people have a lot of world tree power. Are the big guys so proud? And why is Jiang Chuan so good to himself? It's not always about looking at me handsome, right? (⊙_⊙)?

If he couldn't figure it out, Lin Xun didn't think about it, and his attention returned to the ugly fish, and Lin Xun tried to get closer to it. However, even if it is only an ugly fish now, this elf seems to be born with the noble posture of Menas.

Lin Xun on the other side showed favor in every way, and did not care at all, swimming around in the water with his own care. Even Lin Xun took out the previous killer weapon-energy cube, the ugly fish just took one more look, a look that you love to give or not.

EMM...... Lin Xun can do it, how to say that he is also his own elf, so he can only obediently hand it over.

The ugly fish swam over slowly, and then slowly ate the energy cube into its mouth. I don't know if it was an illusion, Lin Xun actually saw a noble and elegant feeling from its ugly appearance.

After eating, the ugly fish turned around again and swam into the depths of the pool.

Lin Xun: ... Bah! Scumbag, eat dry and wipe clean!

Faced with this situation, Lin Xun had no choice, he could only wait to slowly enhance his relationship with the ugly fish in the future.

did not put the ugly fish into the spirit ball, because Lin Xun saw that the ugly fish liked to swim around in the water, so he let it, and whether the ugly fish looked at him or not, Lin Xun said: "The ugly fish, then you are here now, and I will find someone to help you repair it tomorrow." Good night! "

This is just an ordinary landscape pool, in fact, it is not suitable for ugly fish to live for a long time, Lin Xun is ready to go back to discuss with his parents and find a construction team tomorrow to expand it and transform it into a suitable for fish elves."

Waving his hand and saying goodbye to the ugly fish, Lin Xun went directly to Lin Hongyi, who was still watching TV on the sofa in the living room.

He didn't notice that after he turned around, the ugly fish, who had originally ignored him, turned around, and a pair of eyes stared at his back: This... Is that my master? Future...... Can I really meet my mother?

"Dad, tomorrow I want to transform the pool at home." Lin Xun sat down next to Lin Hongyi, picked up an apple from the fruit plate on the coffee table, and said while nibbling.

Hearing this, Lin Hongyi turned his head suspiciously: "Why did I suddenly think of changing that pool." "


Taking a bite on the apple, Lin Xun said while chewing: "It's like this, someone gave me a fish elf today, and I thought that it was not good to put it in the elf ball all day long, so I thought of expanding and transforming the pool at home so that it usually lives in it."

Listening to Lin Xun's vague words because he chewed the apple, Lin Hongyi was surprised: "Someone sent you an elf?" When did I not listen to you just now.

Lin Xun didn't want his father and mother to know about Jiang Chuan, so he could only change the topic and said: "Oh, that's not important, so it was decided, tomorrow dad, you help me find someone to reform."

Looking at Lin Xun's appearance that he obviously didn't want to elaborate, Lin Hongyi first frowned, and then sighed and sighed in his heart: After all, the child has grown up and has his own privacy.

Immediately nodded: "Okay, I'll call your Uncle Ma later, he is engaged in engineering, just find him for this matter." Hearing

that Lin Hongyi agreed, Lin Xun happily gave his father a thumbs up: "Dad is still so deeply aware of righteousness, atmosphere!"

"Oh, smelly boy, I know to slap, I can do it if you are less angry, and yesterday I told your mother about my hiding money in my private house, and I have no conscience at all." Lin Hongyi was too lazy to take Lin Xun, and said to him angrily.

"Hehe, don't care about these little things." Lin Xun was suddenly embarrassed.

This pit my dad yesterday, and today I will ask my father to do things, fortunately, my father has never been small in these things, and has always supported him to become a trainer.

"Che, what kind of elf is it, the fish is a horned goldfish? Or what? Could it be the King Carp? Would you like to show me around? Lin Hongyi asked suspiciously, and planned to get up as he spoke.

Seeing that the time is not early, the ugly fish is a new elf that has appeared in this world, and it has definitely not appeared before. At that time, I will definitely have to explain a lot to my father, and it is better to talk about it tomorrow during the day.

Thinking of this, Lin Xun also persuaded: "Dad, it's so late, that elf has already slept, it's better to introduce it to you tomorrow."

Lin Hongyi thought about his son's words and felt that it was right, it was not good to disturb so late, so he gave up. In the end, Lin Xun's family is the same, and they all really regard the elves as family.

Nodding, Lin Hongyi said: "Okay, then let's talk about it tomorrow, I'll call Lao Ma first, don't delay at that time."

Immediately, Lin Hongyi took out his mobile phone and prepared to make a call.

When the purpose was achieved, Lin Xun also got up and said to Lin Hongyi: "Then Dad, I'll go to sleep first."

Lin Hongyi, who was dialing the phone, did not speak, but just waved at Lin Xun and signaled him to go.

Seeing this, Lin Xun walked upstairs to his room and prepared to wash and sleep.

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