The next battle is in full swing.

Since it was a competition of 30 people, there were two empty spots in the first round, one of which fell on Liu Tian, making Lin Xun sigh again at this guy's luck, and the other fell on one of the three players.

Xu Qiang, Xu Kai, and Qian Qing went through the first round of the competition and naturally all successfully advanced.

The funny thing is that because Lin Xun eliminated the strongest player in the five, Ji Kai, in the first round, and the remaining four of the five were not very strong, only one person managed to get the promotion place in the end, and it was particularly difficult to win.

Lin Xun estimated that the fifth middle school was going to fall in the second round this time.

After the end of the day's competition, Lin Xun naturally took the little kabi beast to fulfill his promise in the evening. However, he dragged Liu Tian, ready to let him help share the hatred, and the cafeteria ticket was originally one for each of the two.

"Lao Lin, you said that we will not be crushed out this time." The two walked leisurely on the road, and Liu Tian asked.

Hearing this, Lin Xun thought for a while, and then said uncertainly: "Probably not, we entered with a ticket." "

It is obvious that Lin Xun is not very confident.

"Haha, don't make the boss anxious when the little kabi beast is in a hurry, and the boss chases us down." Liu Tian joked.

Lin Xun waved his hand uncaringly: "It's okay, I'm sure of this kind of thing, no matter what, the boss can't catch me,"

Liu Tian's eyes lit up, and he turned his head sideways and asked, "How?" Lao Lin, what are your secrets?

The corner of Lin Xun's mouth evoked a signature smile of the Urban Dragon King: "That's ———

" Looking at Liu Tian's expectant gaze, Lin Xun took a slight step back, and then said: "The secret is ~~ running faster than you." As long as I run faster than you, it can't be me who gets caught. After

saying that, Lin Xun started with a catapult and ran fast.

After reacting, Liu Tiantian's face was red and his neck was thick, shouting at Lin Xun, the guy who pit his teammate, and then chased after him.


Fortunately, the cafeteria naturally does not beat customers because they eat too much, but after Lin Xun and his party left, people with a black face sent a billboard to stand at the door:

the store is small and thin, and the big stomach king elf will not be accepted!!

Three red and bold'! It's easy to see at a glance the boss's determination to do this.

Lin Xun and Liu Tian and their entourage were walking to consume food while patting their round stomachs, and their mouths kept discussing the deliciousness of roasted green onion duck with fruit wood.


It's time for the next afternoon.

At the moment, an eight-in-four game is going on.

And the two sides of this battle are Xu Qiang and Marven in the second middle school, that is, the trainer with the big rock snake that Sun Ming said before.

Therefore, Xu Qiang also fell into a bitter battle, and his thunder elf was restrained too miserably.

"The Great Rock Snake uses a rock blockade." Marven calmly commanded his elf battle.

"Damn, what a difficult opponent, the thunder elf pay attention to the falling stones in the sky and jump away carefully. Then use the shadow ball to fight back. Hearing

Xu Qiang's order, the thunder elf stared at the direction where the boulder fell overhead, then ran and jumped away flexibly, and then looked for an attack gap, and a shadow ball shot towards the big rock snake.


A violent explosion sounded, and the smoke and dust set off by the explosion covered everyone's sight, and Xu Qiang could not see the situation inside, and did not dare to let the thunder elf attack rashly.

When the smoke cleared, a huge crater suddenly appeared where the big rock snake was located, and Xu Qiang was shocked when he saw this.

"Not good thunder elf, pay attention to your feet!"

Unfortunately, just when the thunder elf was just about to jump, the ground under his feet had changed, and the huge stone head of the big rock snake broke through the ground and crashed straight into the thunder elf.


The thunder elf screamed, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"Thunder Elf!"

Seeing that the thunder elf was hit so hard, Xu Qiang felt distressed at the same time, and he couldn't help but blame himself for his command mistake, he should have paid attention to the thunder elf's feet as early as when the smoke and dust cleared.

Hearing Xu Qiang's voice, the thunder elf trembled and barely stood up on four legs.

Marven's eyes also flashed a trace of unbearability, but this was a game after all, "The big rock snake uses falling rocks. With

Marven's instructions, a stone condensed again in front of the big rock snake head, and it continued to enlarge. Then smashed towards the thunder elf.

This time, the thunder elf, who was already seriously injured, could no longer dodge, and a falling stone hit it solidly.

"The Thunder Elf loses the ability to fight, and the Great Rock Serpent wins!"

"The winner of this match is the second Marven player."

With the fall of the Thunder Elf, this duel also came to an end.

Xu Qiang withdrew the thunder elf to the elf ball, and then shook hands with Marven who came over and said, "Congratulations, your strength is really strong."

Marven was obviously a very good person to get along with, and smiled back: "Thank you, your thunder elf is also very strong, if it weren't for the reason of attribute restraint, I really wouldn't be able to win." Looking forward to the next battle with you. After

the two exchanged commercial blows, they walked off the battle platform, while Xu Qiang went to the elf recovery center in the battle hall to treat the thunder elf.

"It's a pity that Lao Xu, if you change opponents, you really won't be able to lose." The viewing platform looked at Xu Qiang, who regretted the defeat, and Liu Tian sighed.

Lin Xun and Xu Kai also nodded, Xu Qiang's luck was really bad, and he directly encountered the only elf among the remaining eight people who restrained him comprehensively.

Lin Xundu wondered if Liu Tian's goods could absorb the luck of the people around him, otherwise why he and Xu Qiang were so unchieftain.

"The next players on the field are Xu Kai of the first middle school and Cai Jing of the third middle school."

The broadcast loudspeaker continued to sound, the name of the next contestant.

"Kai, you're still lucky."

As soon as he heard the voice on the radio, Liu Tian envied Xu Kai.

The four of them joked before that they accounted for 5 places out of 8 people, and they all hoped that they would not run into their own people.

Thanks to Lin Xun, Liu Tian and Xu Qiang, the relationship between the five people has also warmed up rapidly in the past two days, especially Xu Kai, who has been completely integrated into the discussion topic of Lin Xun and the three, as for what the topic is, it can be seen from the disgust and contempt that Qian Qing showed when he looked at the four of them. ( ̄_, ̄ )

"Alas, it seems that I am stable, you three will be ready for civil war, he, I will cheer you on then."

Xu Kai's cheap Chao Lin Xun and Liu Tian squeezed his eyes, as for Qian Qing, he didn't have the courage to squeeze, although the relationship has gotten along well recently, but in the end, it is a girl.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut ~~, look at your pride, don't roll over when the time comes." Liu Tian shot back.

"Haha, it's impossible, you guys just wait for the master's victory to return"

Xu Kai smiled and ran towards the battle platform.

The race begins!

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