"In a new batch of secret realms that emerged this year, we have discovered a large number of new elves, and after the alliance's research for half a year, most of the elven materials have been fully recorded."

"The alliance will also open these secret realms one after another."


As the old man on the TV screen continued to tell, the whole of Huaxia fell into a boil.

At this time, Lin Xun's mobile phone prompt tone also rang, Lin Xun picked it up and saw that it was a chat group made by him and Xu Qiang, Liu Tian, and Zhao Jie, and the news at this time was still jumping to refresh.

Liu Xiaochuan is not fat: "I'm going, have you read the news?" A new elf has appeared.

Xu is very strong: "I looked at it, I was excited to death." Zhao

Jiazhijie: "I don't know when I can really see it,"

Liu Xia was happy: "In other words, does our Jiangling have this secret realm where new elves appear, maybe we can go in and take a look." "


When Lin Xun saw it, the information was almost 99+, Lin Xun was speechless, and the chat speed of these four people was almost as fast as dozens of people.

At this time, a @ message popped up, it was Liu Tian.

Liu Xiaochuan is not fat, "@林中难寻, why is Lin Zi here, why doesn't it come out and bubble." It's

hard to find in the forest: "It's nothing, I'm watching the news." "


Next, the five people chatted in the group until after 12 o'clock, because they were worried that they would not wake up the next day, and delayed leaving for Jinling tomorrow.


next day ————————————————, Lin Hongyi and Chu Wan drove Lin Xun to the gate of the battle hall, which was the meeting point for the team that departed Jinling.

Before leaving, Chu Wan still instructed uneasily: "Son, don't run around when you get to Jinling, follow the teachers accompanying the team, and wear your clothes..."

Finally, Lin Hongyi pushed her into the car, and then looked at Lin Xun: "Son, come on!" Dad is waiting for you for good news. Feeling

the concern of his parents, Lin Xun also smiled and said: "Don't worry, father and mother, I will take care of myself, you are waiting for my good news at home, maybe there will be a live TV this time, then watch your son's heroic posture."

Lin Hongyi smiled and patted Lin Xun's shoulder, as if he suddenly felt that his son had grown up.

Lin Hongyi waved his hand: "Go, don't let the others wait for you, let's go back first." After

that, he got into the car, ignited it, and the car flew away in Lin Xun's line of sight.

Seeing this, Lin Xun also turned his head and walked inside.

As soon as I arrived at the assembly point, I saw that seven or eight people were already standing there, except for Lin Xun, several other people had actually arrived, and Li Qing and Zhao Changqing were also there, and the person standing next to Marven seemed to be Marven's teacher. As for the last one, Lin Xun had also seen it, it was a person from the Gangneung Alliance tournament group, and it should be the official person who went to Jinling with them.

"Everyone is early, I didn't expect that I was the last to arrive, I'm really embarrassed." Lin Xun waved and greeted several people.

Hearing the voice, several people turned their heads and saw that it was Lin Xunye who smiled and nodded.

Liu Tian said: "Everyone wants to go to Jinling early, I heard that there are new elves in the secret realm over there in Jinling, and they all want to go and see it."

The member of the alliance also spoke: "Since everyone is together, let's prepare to go." I'll go arrange a car.

After that, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the number, and after a while, a bus drove over.

Seeing this, several people also took their luggage and prepared to get on the bus.

Lin Xun also found at this time that in addition to a few teachers, these contestants were basically one or two large boxes, it seemed that not only himself, but also the parents of the rest were worried about a few people who went out alone.

But soon Lin Xun also found an exception, Qian Qing did not bring any luggage, just a lady's small bag, logically speaking, girls go out of things, definitely much more than boys, clothes alone may be several times that of boys, not to mention some goddesses like skin care products and the like.

Lin Xun couldn't help but ask curiously, "Qian Qing, didn't you bring luggage?"

Who knew that as soon as Lin Xun's words came out, Liu Tian Xu Kai's expressions became strange, and they looked like they were holding back their smiles.

Without waiting for Lin Xun to be puzzled, Qian Qing spoke: "No, my father has already arranged for someone to send things over there."

Lin Xun was puzzled: "Sent over in advance?"

Qian Qing explained: "Well, there is still a house over there in my Jinling battle center, so I sent it over first."

Lin Xun was surprised: "It is worthy of being Miss Qian, and she actually prepared a house in the Jinling Battle Center."

Who knew that Qian Qing's next sentence made Lin Xun completely lose his defense, and he saw Qian Qingfeng and said lightly: "Oh, that's not it, that community belongs to my family." "

Lin Xun: ......... Sorry for the interruption! I really don't understand the world of rich people. ○| ̄|_


Seeing this, Liu Tian and several people were also completely unable to hold back, laughed loudly, they had also asked this question before, and the result was that they were all numb by Xiu's scalp, just saw Lin Xun speak, and had long been waiting to see Lin Xun's expression.

Lin Xun (╬▔皿▔)╯Soon

, as several people all got on the bus, the bus also began to set off in the direction of Jinling.

It was at this time that the official of the Jiangling Alliance who accompanied the team spoke: "Hello, I am the leader of this team, you can call me the Ji team, of course, I will not interfere in your competition, I believe that your teachers will arrange you better, I am only responsible for taking care of your life, housing, and communication with Jinling." Hope we can get along happily. Seeing

this, Lin Xun and several people also clapped their hands and said hello to Monsoon.

Monsoon returned the salute with a smile, and then continued: "As for the process changes of this competition, I should also tell you about it. The new elves that were just announced yesterday, I believe everyone has heard about it. Hearing

this, Lin Xun was a little puzzled, how did he talk about the new elves, could it be that this competition was also related to the new elves?

Looking at the doubts on the faces of several people, without waiting for Lin Xun to ask, Monsoon continued: "That's right, the change in this competition is related to the new elves, this competition cancels the previous elimination system, and will directly send you into the super large secret realm where the new elves appear, for a seven-day wild survival match, you need to defeat the wild elves inside, get points, and finally decide the ranking by the level of points."

As the monsoon fell, the expressions of Lin Xun's five people also became richer, ranging from curiosity and yearning for the new elves to anxiety and fear about life in the secret realm.

You must know that the secret realm is not a safe place, Lin Xun only entered the sub-small secret realm, and he was almost left behind. This time I went to a super large secret realm, not to mention the dangers.

When Li Qing's teachers heard this, they also frowned and said, "......

Forget about the next chapter ( ̄_, ̄ ).

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