[Elf: Kitten Monster]

Gender: Male

Classification: Flash Elf

Attribute: Electric

Height: 0.5m (average 0.5m

) Weight: 9.5kg (average 9.5kg)

Characteristic: Intimidation (When an elf with a threatening trait appears, all of the opponent's elf attacks are reduced by one level. Hidden

Feature: Perseverance ( When the Perseverance characteristic sprite is in an abnormal state, the attack becomes 1.5 times, and the attack ignores the burn state is weakened. Skills

: Impact, Glaring, Electric Shock, Electric Light, Charging, Biting, High Speed Star, Electrical Field.

Disc Skills: None.

Genetic skills: weird airwaves, long howl, sneak attack, signal beam, electromagnetic floating.

Level: Level 14 (Amateur)

Potential: Tenno-level

Carrier: None.

Breeding Program: It is recommended to improve the elf....

Lin Xun saw the little cat monster playing mischievously on the grass beside him, and did not notice them at all.

However, the professional-level Luck cat shrugged its nose, and then let out a howl and looked warily at Lin Xun's lurking dirt slope.

Seeing this, the rest of the others also turned towards Lin Xun's side, taking a guard posture, and the little cat monsters also ran back, obediently hiding in the encirclement formed by the Luck cat, looking at it with a curious face.

Seeing that it had been discovered, Lin Xun could only climb up and release the Scorpion King by the way.

As Lin Xun and his party fully appeared, the Luck Cat became more nervous, and they could feel the momentum emanating from the little Kabi Beast and the Scorpio King.

Lin Xun was worried about the king-level qualification kitten monster just now, Lin Xun liked the final evolutionary Roentgen cat of the kitten monster in his previous life, not how strong the Roentgen cat is, but its appearance is really completely grown on Lin Xun's aesthetics, and compared to the Roentgen cat, Lin Xun prefers its previous translation name - Thunder Lion!

What's more, in Lin Xun's opinion, the Roentgen cat is not weak, but it is limited to the limitation of only four skills in the game.

Not to mention that the Roentgen cat can master the three teeth of ice and fire thunder, but also can master powerful skills such as the iron tail of the steel system and the brute force of the fighting system to increase its strike surface. The Long Howl is a group skill that can improve the attack power of the whole team.

The perseverance characteristic combined with the flame orb, but also made its object attack value reach as much as 180, this terrifying attack power, combined with the electric field, a crazy volt down, Lin Xun does not believe that a few can resist.

And the Roentgen cat in the burning state can reach 140 if it uses a hard brace move, which can be called the physical attack version to destroy the death light, and there is no stiff side effect of destroying the death light.

It can also be immune to other state skills, which is somewhat similar to the poison healing characteristics of the Scorpio King, but unfortunately the problem of consuming self-strength in the burning state cannot be ruled out.

It's only a pity that Roentgen cat can master not many electric attack moves, only the three moves of electric lightning, lightning teeth and crazy volts, and the speed value of only 70 is also a problem.

But fortunately, the Roentgen Cat's special attack race value has also reached 95, which is not a stretch. As for speed, Lin Xun also had a bold idea, and it just so happened that this little cat monster also mastered the most crucial trick in Lin Xun's idea - electromagnetic floating!

Maglev train I believe everyone understands, electricity and magnetism are inseparable from a relationship, if the kitten monster can control the power of the electromagnetic force BUG in the future, not to mention, just increase their speed is absolutely no problem.

Therefore, Lin Xun was bound to this little cat monster, and it happened that there were no electric attribute elves in his team.

Thinking of this, Lin Xun signaled the little Kabi Beast and the Scorpio King beside him to put away their attack posture, and then raised his hands to his chest to show that he had no malice, and walked towards the Luck cat group with a smile.

Seeing this, the Luck cats relaxed their guard a little, but they still stared at Lin Xun with a vigilant face to prevent him from doing anything bad.

Lin Xun carefully walked to the Luck cats, and under the vigilant eyes of the Luck cats, carefully took out a little elf food from the backpack behind him, gently placed it on the ground, and then slowly took a few steps back again.

Only then did he speak: "Hello, I am a trainer passing by here, and I want to make friends with you."

Lin Xun didn't care if the Luck cats could understand what the trainer meant, but he understood a truth, it's always good to give some benefits when you meet, as the saying goes, eating people's mouths are short, taking people's hands is short, reaching out not to hit smiling people, he is probably right.

Obviously, Lin Xun's food offensive is still useful, the Luck cat can still endure, the little cat monsters can't, they are also the first time to smell the aroma of elf food, one by one want to squeeze out from behind their parents and elders.

Seeing this, the leader of the Luck cat turned his head and roared lowly, and the little cat monsters who were frightened all retracted their heads and did not dare to move anymore.

However, Lin Xun's gaze noticed that there was an exception to the little cat monster, which was the one Lin Xun had fancy before.

At this moment, the little cat monster was quietly bypassing the wall formed by the Luck cats, while carefully observing whether it was seen by the elders, and after observing, seeing that he did not notice himself, his limbs violently exerted force, and his body crawled on the ground, shot out like an arrow, and pounced on the food on the ground.

By the time the other Luck cats noticed it, the kitten monster was already lying on the food and feasting.


Lin Xun also laughed, this little guy is really not a safe master.

Seeing this, the leader of the Luck cat quickly went up and grabbed the soft meat on the back of the kitten, wanting to take it away, and the kitten monster who was eating happily agreed, shaking his head and tail and struggling, and his limbs and legs kept pedaling.

It's a pity that with its small body, where can it resist the Luck cat, and after being directly held by the Luck cat, he threw his head and threw it back.

When the kitten monster landed, and other Luck cats came up to see it, the kitten monster had no choice but to admit his life, lying on the ground with a grievance on his face, and his heart was still recalling the delicacy that he had just eaten in his mouth.

Seeing that the confrontation state was also broken by the kitten monster, Lin Xun spoke again: "I really have no malice, these foods are just a little bit of my heart, and the purpose of my coming here is also to find a partner who is willing to join us."

In fact, Luck Cat also probably knows the trainer, and has seen many alliance members before, passing by here, Luck Cat also saw the way they commanded the elves to fight, so they probably understood what Lin Xun meant.

The leader of the Luck cat stared at Lin Xun with a pair of eyes, and Lin Xun was a little overwhelmed, and after a while, the leader of the Luck cat turned his head and yelled at the clans behind him.

Lin Xun didn't understand what it meant, but he saw that after the leader of the Luck cat finished yelling, most of the elves behind him shook their heads, only the little cat monster that had rushed out was a little excited to call something.

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