Park Ruozhi's self-confidence is capital!

The Sacrum is one of the Pokémon with the biggest improvements after the MEGA system!!

Moreover, in reality, the Suppurnas can also be cultivated......

This is a weakening for ordinary people, and it is definitely an enhancement for the elite of Pusan National University!

After the parent-child love trait, even the second move can hit more than half of the power!!

It's so explosive!

And at this time!

The light is shining

One large and one small, two half-dragon-like beasts dressed in hard stone armor appeared

Gym Intermediate Rank, Mega Sac Beast!!

Lee Seung-kun also realized the seriousness of the matter!

He didn't quite know how powerful the marsupial beasts were.

But knowing the elves after MEGA, it's difficult to fight without MEGA by yourself.

So he released his trump card, the elite high-level fossil pterosaur!

It's a pity that in the face of Park Ruozhi, a sophomore, the gap in strength is still a bit big.

Fossil Pterodactyl – MEGA EVOLUTION!!

A strange dragon covered in black hard stone, blooming with its own arrogance and roaring wildly!

With the brilliance and the excited shouts of the audience.

It's another game, mega vs. mega!!

Li Chengkun shouted.

"Primal Power!!"


Park Ruozhi just looked hideous.

"Enhancement Punch!"

In an instant, the fossil pterosaur gathered the power of the rock system and surged away!

The gray-yellow energy mass turned into a spiral shock wave and flew out!


That's the boost after MEGA!


There are two marsupial beasts, one large and one small, and their palms are wrapped with fiery red energy!

In an instant......


The Thysupial Beast breaks the primordial power with one move!

The pouchmon also flew high in the sky and gave the fossil pterosaur a lesson!

Although it doesn't hurt much,

But he still shook Li Chengkun's elf posture......

"In the first round, it was Park Ruoji from Busan University who took the advantage!"

The narrator shouted "two-six-seven" excitedly, and then he seemed to have discovered something.

"But the effect of the enhanced punch ...... I actually launched it twice!"

"While the Mega Sacrum lets its children attack, it can additionally trigger the collateral effects of the skill!"

"Its attack power goes up twice!"

"The gap in strength has been widened!"


"Oooh oh oh !!!"

Instantly, the audience cheered, this is the Mega Saccharine!

It's so strong!!

And the audience of Huaguo suddenly felt half cold, there was a gap in strength, how could they fight if the physical attack rose twice?

The people of the Stick Country are extremely excited!

"Park Ruoji!"

"Park Ruoji!"


This trump card of Pusan University has successfully curbed the momentum of Kunlun University, which is currently ranked first!!

When Li Chengkun saw this, his face was ugly.

His elf level is low, and after each other's mega, they can't erase the gap with the marsupial beast at all......

Coupled with the two reinforcements of the enhanced punch, how to fight?

However, Park Ruoji did not give his opponent a chance to breathe, and shouted directly.

"Ultimate Impact!"

This is the ultimate move of the main system after the physical attack has risen twice!

No doubt......

Fossil pterosaurs, there is no way to resist it.

With these terrifying air currents, the Thysupial Beast slammed into it, like a meteor, and smashed the elf in the air down.


The earth shakes and the mountains shake!

Even the little pouch didn't make a move!

The fossil pterosaur was killed almost instantly

Straight back from the MEGA form.

Two rounds!

Two moves, the battle is over!

Directly defeat the athletes of Kunlun University, who had won the limelight before!

Even the Mega Fossil Pterodactyl did not make any effective resistance, and was miserably knocked off the clouds!

That's what it is......

The power of the Mega Saccharmon is incomparably strong!

The narrator shouted loudly.

"This is the strongest MEGA elf that Park Ruoji said!!"

"Sure enough, the marsupial beast is unbeatable!!"

"Except for Lin Mo's Shanaiduo, so far, no player has shown more terrifying strength!"

And the audience outside China at the scene also cheered!

"Too strong!!"



People marvel at the power of the marsupials!

At the same time, Park Ruozhi did not have the demeanor of a victor at all, and he was even more arrogant.

"This is just the beginning, soon I will kill that Lin Mo from your Kunlun University!"

"I'll make him kneel down and apologize for his shameful act of academic theft!"

Of course, the atmosphere of the scene was detonated again!


The country of sticks is waving the flag and shouting!

"Let Lin Mo apologize for stealing our MEGA evolution results!!"

"Academic thieves pay a price!"

"Well done!Knock over Kunlun University!!"


And the audience from other countries ......

"Lin Mo, fight!"

"Lin Mo, fight!"


They are looking forward to......

After such cruel words, Park Ruoji Zhen and Lin Mo of Busan University collided, what kind of sparks will be aroused?

What a great game it would be.


And at this time... Colleges and universities around the world are also a little confused when they see the mega bag beast shine.

It's really a bit unimaginably strong.,One enhanced punch rises two physical attacks??


What elf can fight?

They really didn't expect another Park Ruozhi to come out halfway, with a very high probability of winning the championship!

Who would have thought that after the Sacrum MEGA, it would be able to fight twice, and the attribute improvement could be shared!

It's completely beyond the strength of those mega elves displayed by Kunlun University at present!


And in the lounge, the members of the Kunlun University team were also indignant!

"Damn! don't break him up easily when you touch Brother Mo!"

"It's best like what the retarded said, let Brother Mo beat him hard!"

"This stick is crazy!"


They were extremely unhappy, and they ......

Because of the randomness of the competition system, Lin Mo couldn't go up yet, and beat this guy from the stick country hard!

As for the lesson "Brother Mo" that Park Ruozhi said, no one cares.

The king-level bankelas can be drawn.

What are you!

Even Lin Mo frowned slightly.

It was the first time he had encountered such a stupid person.

Could it be that the people of the country of sticks really have some brains......


Although Park Ruozhi temporarily frustrated the edge of Kunlun University.

But it's a global college league!

There are so many participating universities!

Kunlun University still smoothly chopped melons and vegetables to accumulate points, Lin Mo also played a few times, easily broke the enemy, and finally nine people advanced.

Until the end of the first stage of the knockout round,

The second phase begins......

At this point, the format is changed to 3v3.

Lin Mo was still in the lounge with his eyes closed and recuperating, and Yibu, who was usually the most naughty, was lying on the side obediently.

But the outside world—

"Oh oh oh oh oh !!!!"

The noise in the audience soared into the sky, and even the ground trembled!

On the commentary seat, several guests who were in charge of reading out the list of contestants showed extremely surprised and playful looks.

"Oh my God, what do we see?"

"The opening matchup of the second stage of the knockout round is-

Pusan University's Park Ruoji vs. Kunlun University's Lin Mo!"

I don't know if it's a simple coincidence, or is it that the Elf Alliance deliberately wants to do something to the show effect and increase the ratings......

It's just a round of battles that have just begun in the second stage of the knockout round!

Lin Mo took the lead again and faced Park Ruozhi, who had spoken ruthlessly before!

Naturally, the audience at the scene before looked at the list of duels displayed on the big screen, and they were already extremely excited!!

"Lin Mo, fight!!"

"Lin Mo, fight!!"

"Lin Mo, fight!!"


Mountains and tsunamis!

This is, a global-level event!(If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Interestingly, this time, the audiences of Huaguo and Bangzi Country all had similar reactions!

All of them are convinced that their side will win!

At the same time, all kinds of live broadcast shots were also transferred to the lounge of Kunlun University, pointing directly at Lin Mo.

Countless people were excited.

In the live broadcast platform in China, the barrage almost exploded!

"Count that stick unlucky, I really ran into Lin Mo!"

"Relieve your anger and smash him!"


Countless people are fanatical about swiping the screen!

Sprinkle out the anger you had before.

Mega Thysupons are indeed extremely powerful!!

The special power of a booster punch to raise two physical attacks makes ordinary players directly desperate!

But the Chinese audience still believes in Lin Mo, who has an extremely good performance in the Treasure Island Challenge, not to mention that the MEGA system was discovered by this one, can't it break through a marsupial beast?

And in the lounge, many members of the school team were pleasantly surprised!

These members of Kunlun University are aware.

Mega Thysupial?


Do you understand the evolution of my brother Mo's bonds!

Easy to kill!

Xiao Feng is even more funny,

"Brother Mo, just knock him down and let that mentally handicapped kneel and apologize to us!"

And Lin Mo also smiled and nodded,

He was also a little angry, and was madly provoked by that Park Ruozhi......

Now I really have the opportunity to do it, and I'm in a good mood!


Several poke balls on Lin Mo's body trembled wildly.

Dragon's teeth, the big steel snake, the tyrannosaurus dragon......

The cubs at home said one by one that don't rob me, I'll go fight that goods!!

They're a lot more unpleasant than trainers!

The boss of our family (Lin Mo) is all-powerful and invincible!

You are worthy to say!!

And as Lin Mo stepped towards the arena,

The noise in my ears that was not really real was amplified bit by bit.

In the first round of elimination,

The audience actually didn't know how strong Lin Mo was......

Right now

The world is focused on this!

"The Power Empress!"

"The Power Empress!"




The audience is looking forward to the battle that is about to break out!

And when Pu Ruozhi saw Lin Mo appear, he looked excited.

"Take out your ace elf, that two-axe battle dragon, and the big steel snake, otherwise don't blame me for bullying you if you lose in a while. "

He's inflated!

The strength of the Mega Bag Beast really made Park Ruozhi enjoy a lot of honor in the stick country!

Even some elves in the quasi-heavenly king level,

None of them are the opponents of their trump cards, and a few enhanced punches can be broken with a single big move!

And Lin Mo is nothing more than a gym-level elf in his hands, and he can't kill him as much as he wants!

And the commentary also shouted...

"Look at what Park Ruoji said...... Lin Mo's trump card is not Shanaiduo!!"

"It's a two-axe battle dragon and a big steel snake!!"

The audience is also boiling again!

There are also stronger elves!!


It's a pity that Lin Mo didn't bother to take care of Pu Ruozhi, and just gently used the waveguide to soothe the emotions of his elves.

He is still ready to let the Pokémon of the second echelon of his strength level up first......

Anyway, it's really not good, there are dragon teeth and big steel snakes.

"I'm sorry, you're too weak, I want to use you to cultivate elves who don't have enough strength in my hands. "

Lin Mo thought about it, and simply learned Chu Shenyu's style, and expressed his heart tactfully.


"Oh oh!!Lin Mo said that the opponent is too weak!!"

The narrator immediately grasped the key!

Countless cheers rang out!

Audience, it's a joy to see!

It's this smell, talking trash hard, it's something to watch!

And Park Ruozhi's face suddenly darkened.


"Level up with me??You can try!"

"Right away you can see how badly I'm going to beat me in front of a global audience!"

And Lin Mo, ignored.

He was still doing ideological work, and he told the dragon teeth that he would give newcomers a chance to level up......

Finally, there is a standoff, and the game begins!

Park Ruozhi shouted loudly.

"Lin Mo, dare you bet with me!"

"Didn't you say you wanted to level me up? I want to see how good you are!"

"If you lose, you will return the research results of MEGA Evolution to me, and apologize to our stick country for your academic stealing!"

This person said that his blood was boiling!

However, on the Internet of Bang Zi Country, there are also people who question Park ...... But most of them still support Park Ruoji.


Of course, there are crowds of excitement in the live broadcast rooms of Huaguo!

"Call your mother! Lin Mo will beat you!"

"Go home with a stick! Like to steal, and slander others for stealing??"

"Don't get beaten to your knees!"


Apparently all on fire, quite angry!

And Lin Mo just complained coldly.

"Academic achievements are recognized by the Alliance, how can they be transferred, aren't you here to be funny?"

He felt that the stick in front of him was too pure.

The alliance is strict against academic plagiarism!

My dissertation was approved after a lot of scrutiny, and I became a doctor.

Busan University in Bang Country may also be working on mega evolution, and finally let yourself release it first, and it's normal to be a little emotional......

But Park Ruozhi really firmly believes that someone else must have stolen his own research results......

What a little bit of brain!

Lin Mo was quite angry at first, but in the face of this mentally retarded thing, he didn't bother to say anything, he could only have a caring and mentally retarded expression.

However, Lin Mo's words do not mean that others can endure them...... 5.2

Below the arena, Xiao Feng rushed directly to the side.

The commentator on the side of the provocation also shouted excitedly.


"I saw a member of the Kunlun University in Huaguo rush onto the field, and he seemed to want to say something!!"

Arch Fire!

Crazy arch fire!

And Xiao Feng scolded directly and excitedly.

"CNM Retarded Stick!!"

"You still touch my Brother Mo! You said that Brother Mo lost and apologized to you?"

"Then if you lose, kneel down in public and kowtow three times, apologize to our Huaguo, and admit that the stick country is a country that steals chickens and dogs, and if you can't study your own fart, you know that you steal someone else's!"

"Stupid thing, dare not!!"

Extreme Bad Mouth! Extreme Enjoyment!

Xiao Feng was refreshed!!

And the audience in the stands also shouted passionately after hearing the words.

"Don't you dare!!"

"Don't you dare!!"

"Don't you dare!!"

And even the last audience from other countries......

In addition to the country of sticks, they also followed suit.

"Don't you dare!"

"Don't you dare!"


They were also a little laughed at by the stick.

A normal person would not have doubted that the Elven Alliance would tolerate academic plagiarism!

Park Ruozhi is a player who is unilaterally slandering Huaguo!

Many non-Chinese audiences are not pleasing to the eye!!

Of course, they also want to see things get as big as possible, the more intense the competition the better, and the more trash talk the better,

That's competition!

That's the meaning of them buying tickets to come and see the scene!!

And Park Ruozhi didn't feel it at all, but nodded with a big wave of his hand.

"No problem!"

It looks like he's going to win.

Lin Mo is helpless,

I feel like my IQ has been lowered a lot......

At this time, with the referee's order.

Park Ruoji released his own spirit.


And Lin Mo also threw out the Poké Ball,

After the light——。

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