"The Magic City - Ice River Pavilion. "

"This gym is said to be very unusual!"

At this time, Neuer on the private jet excitedly flipped through the electronic version of the travel brochure.

"Anyway, the gym was built on top of the frost fragments that fell from the sky more than 100 years ago. "

"Challenger, if you use an ice spirit, you have a chance to resonate and gain strength improvement!"

"It feels amazing!"

"It's a pity...... We don't have ice spirits. "

Lin Mo leaned back in his chair and listened, and his heart moved slightly.

Frost shards??

He had the impression that it was a symbol of the Ice River Pavilion, and this artifact that descended from the sky was directly connected to the leylines near the Demon Capital.

So much so that the original climate is more pleasant in the magic capital.

Every winter, it is different from before he crosses, and it will be unusually cold!

And therefore in the city.

Ice spirits are extremely abundant, and the Ice River Pavilion is one of the best in China! It is even more famous than the Ice Daoist Pavilion in the Northern Capital

Of course......

Because it's a gimmick, it's good for the ice elves when it comes to fighting.

Naturally, the entry fee is also expensive.

Ordinary trainers, 5,000 Alliance Coins to challenge once!

Gym-level trainer, 10,000 alliance coins to challenge once.

The so-called ordinary challenges and gym-level challenges.

The badge obtained by this method is the same, but the ID card records a normal badge.

It can only be used to participate in the domestic rookie elf competition......


Generally speaking, except for the top universities of Kunlun University, most people who want to become vocational trainers after graduation have to go through this experience.

Gain experience through big and small events first, Kim.

In the end, like Lin Mo, he challenged the gym level, took badges, participated in the world competition, and finally won the right to fight with the champions of the Heavenly Kings......

That's how the different challenge prices of the gym come about......

Of course, as Lin Mo said when he was assessing the Dao Pavilion level before, this challenge for ordinary trainers ......

The profits are terrifying!

The Ice River Pavilion relies on frost fragments and benefits immensely!

And Lin Mo had a whim.

That's right!

If his own Eevee participates in this gym competition, will he have a chance to evolve and then evolve the frost fragments? ?

Change the entire Devil's Leyline.

The quality of the best ice energy is there!

And in the game, Eevee can evolve by leveling up next to a boulder with abundant frost energy!

Suddenly, this person is looking forward to the next challenge a little more!

Neuer didn't know that his companion was distracted.

She just continued to plan her trip......

"Let's take a stroll around and have lunch in a moment......"

Lin Mo listened to the soft and glutinous voice of the beautiful girl in his ears, but he also felt that he was in a good mood and enjoyed it very much.

And after getting off the plane, Neuer was even more confident.

took Lin Mo and walked around.

The Internet celebrity cake shop endorsed by the frost milk fairy, and the restaurant where the starry sky is accessorized by Daewoo monsters as waiters is very suitable for check-in......

Before Lin Mo crossed, he had a very clear attitude towards these shops......

Who's going to be stupid!


Next to her is a cute fairy girl, and the other party's smile instantly injects wonderful connotations into these flashy tourist spots......

As a result, Lin Mo was also fully engaged and enjoyed a rare trip.

Until—an uninvited guest, interrupted the two.

A strong man in an azure waistcoat and a turban stopped the two.

And Lin Mo's complexion changed.

He is very self-aware, and now he is surrounded by beautiful girls with high looks!

And, even in a peaceful elven world.

The motivation of the color critics to make trouble should not be underestimated.

However, the muscular strong man just smiled honestly and gently.

"Handsome guys and beauties, I wonder if you are interested in getting to know our great Lord. "

"Lord Gaioca, who controls the life nurtured by the ocean and is destined to bring purification to the world. "

As he spoke, he handed over a leaflet,

It's a big salted fish with a dead face!

One of the three fools of Fengyuan - Gaioca!

The leaflet was also concise, praising Gaioca's supreme power and saying that the sea is the home of humans and elves alike.

It is the existence of this god of the sea that can make this world so beautiful!

Then it was said that the pollution and damage to the ocean was too serious, and we should pay attention to environmental protection......

But the second half of the content is getting more and more nonsense!

He urged all countries to sink uninhabited islands to gain more living space for the creatures of the ocean, and especially suggested that China stop all kinds of reclamation and island building activities......

In short, China is required to make huge concessions and sacrifices......

In exchange for the freer reproduction of the so-called sea creatures, isn't this?

"You're from the Hanhai Operations, huh?"

Lin Mo's expression was strange, and the strong man looked proud.

"Yes, would you be interested in joining us in the worship of the great Gaioca?"

"I'm not interested!

This refuses to be in the second company.

Neuer was also interrupted from the date, and his face was very unkind.

Seeing this, the strong man could only retreat in a sneering manner.

The two walked away quickly, and Neuer commanded.

"Don't entangle with this kind of person, Hanhai Action Organization ......"

"Why did this group of guys suddenly arrive in Huaguo?"

And Lin Mo said with a strange expression.

"It's actually different from what you think......"

He and Neuer exchanged words.

The organization of the belief in Gaioca that the strong man propagated just now, Lin Mo knew.

notorious in China,

In order to promote the protection of the oceans, all sorts of radical rhetoric.

Anything, sea elves, should be released! For the sake of environmental protection, fishing should be banned......


In Neuer's cognition, the Hanhai Action Organization is even more outrageous!

In order to promote their concept of action, they have attacked some well-known fishing cities, and even caused deaths.

With this kind of neuropathy, Neuer definitely doesn't want Lin Mo to get close.

Among the differences.

The main reason is that the security in China is too good......

Outside, like terrorists, at home, obediently and peacefully preach.

However, Lin Mo was also a little puzzled, the Hanhai Organization is usually quite low-key, how dare he pull people down in public?

This one just thought about it casually and didn't care too much.

Therefore, I can't pay attention to the weird and violent waveguide of the strong man behind him.

"Hmph, unbeliever. "

"All damn it!"

He muttered, and when he saw another couple coming, he immediately changed his face and greeted him warmly.


was disturbed by the people of the Hanhai Action Organization, and Lin Mo was not in the mood to play.

Simply, go straight to the challenge gym.

The construction of the Binghe River Pavilion was very magnificent, but as soon as he arrived at the place, Lin Mo saw that outside this magnificent building, some kind of inexplicable frosty aura was surging.


Lin Mo hasn't paid the registration fee yet!

The hall master took the initiative to show up and received him warmly!

There was also an acquaintance beside him.

Li ao

The Treasure Island Challenge plus the college league is connected with the unlucky ones who were eliminated by Lin Mo.

And Li Ao looked even more embarrassed.

The owner of the gym on the side was Li Qingxin, whom Lin Mo had seen many times on TV.

He is more or less a celebrity in China.

She hated that iron could not be made of steel, and knocked her own children and nephews into a brain melon.

"Isn't this the classmate Lin you met in the game before?"

"Don't go up to say hello yet. "

Li Ao's face was full of helplessness at this time.

"Brother Lin, long time no see. "

He has long since lost the unruliness of the first time they met.

And the middle-aged woman named Li Qingxin looked at Lin Mo even more enthusiastically......

After all, this is Huaguo's current hot genius!

"Kunlun University has already told me. "

"Come, come, come! I've already set up a training ground for you in advance. "

"Just go through the motions, everyone knows your strength!"

Lin Mo was also slightly helpless when he saw this......

This...... It's not the same thing as challenging the gym as you imagined!

When I watched the anime back then,

When Ash challenged the gym, which time was not very difficult, his own side...... It's just going through the motions, but it's okay!

And after coming to the arena, Lin Mo's mood finally improved!

In the center of several battle sites, a huge block of ice stands about 10 meters high.

【Secret Treasure: Eternal Frost (Divine Product)】

【Production: Divine Power of Kyurem】

[Efficacy: Increase the cultivation speed, attribute strength, and move power of ice spirits, and give great life force]

[Special: The main function of this secret treasure is to improve the strength of the surrounding leylines, with ice buffs, and the positive promotion of the surrounding elves can only play the effect of the best secret treasure]

[Warning: Once this treasure moves, it will cause great disaster!]

[Hint: The host Eevee can use this secret treasure to complete the evolution (just keep fighting around)] (If you read a violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

This one looked at it and knew it in his heart.

Sure enough, it's a divine treasure!

However, due to its special nature, it improves the ecology of the entire magic capital, resulting in it resembling a giant carrying prop located in the Ice River Pavilion, and can only play the role of the best secret treasure.

Plus this surging frost can't be transferred......

Nature is extremely difficult to study.

As a result, the people of this world, extremely funny and dark under the lamp, were stunned that they did not find the existence of the divine treasure!

But...... The power of Kyurem?

Lin Mo pondered slightly in his heart, the establishment of Huaguo was related to Shuanglong, and there were such treasures in the Demon Capital......

Is it a coincidence?


Lin Mo didn't have the heart to think about it.

The Gym Challenge began, and he immediately noticed that the audience was already sitting around.

"Lin Mo!!"

"Lin Mo!!"

"Lin Mo!!"


The audience is extremely fanatical! This is the hottest star in China!

On the other side, Li Qingxin had already released his elves.

Gym Intermediate Rank, Blizzard King!

In fact, collecting badges for gym-level trainers is also a process of training.

Hence the trainer of the zero badge.

All you need to do is defeat two beginner-level Gym and one mid-tier Elf in three vs. three!

It's not much more difficult than a gym-level assessment.

And Lin Mo naturally released his own Eevee without hesitation!

Then the atmosphere was on the verge of erupting!

Blizzard King is the first to attack!

"Tempest!" Li Qingxin commanded.


A terrifying frost storm swept in.


Lin Mo spoke.

Eevee quickly analyzed the composition of the blizzard in front of him, and then barely spewed out a frosty rain!

Lin Mo's idea is very simple, use more ice-based moves to withstand the erosion of ice-based energy, so that Eevee can quickly absorb the power of the divine secret protection to complete the evolution!


Looking at Yi Bu in his initial form at this time, Li Qingxin also understood.

"Frozen Wind!"

She was very particular about it, and switched to less powerful moves to make it easier for Eevee to comprehend.

The special spirit of Lin Mo has long been known to everyone, and no one knows about it.

And if the audience saw this scene in other gyms, they would definitely be dissatisfied with the match-fixing, but now everyone is holding their breath!

Waiting for the elves of the Lin Mo family to evolve!

And then there's—

Constant imitation and constant freezing winds.

The cold frost around the Divine Treasure is blowing a hurricane!

And the petite Eevee was still trembling at first.

Soon, a special talent from the depths of its genes allowed it to gradually ignore the storm caused by its opponents and imitate a more perfect version of itself.

In the end, it resonated with the huge ice cube in the gym!

In an instant, the light of evolution on Eevee's body lit up!

The form of ice appears!

Then, the atmosphere on the field was even more explosive!!

"New form!"

"Sure enough, Lin Mo's Eevee!!"


The audience was thrilled!

It didn't feel in vain!

And Lin Mo watched Eevee turn into ice blue, his posture was elegant, but he was in a calm mood.

That's just one more striking surface.

Ice Eevee, everyone who understands understands.


After that, Lin Mo was very ruthless.

After completing the evolution, Eevee - the dragon destroys the light and easily takes out the Blizzard King!

This unlucky elf can't even understand that he was a very inferior opponent who had fought back and forth with him before.

Why did you suddenly kill yourself in seconds?

There are two beginner-level elves left, Maura and Longhaired Pig......

Also carried away by the Ironhoof Ray and the curse......

Extremely easy!

Eevee's combat power, if you want to deal with a gym-level opponent, there is no pressure at all.

Then, Lin Mo also got his first badge.


There are three plum blossoms floating on the pale blue river.

Pretty fine.

But Lin Mo is tasteless.

It's so easy!

It's not hot at all, it's not burning at all!

Of course, it didn't end there.

Neuer also has a challenge.

Li Qingxin was originally very patient to find a middle-level spirit in the gym, but she saw it-

Champion Hudi!


After the game, the owner Li Qingxin strongly invited Lin Mo and Neuer to stay.

finally met this future star, and he must find a way to win him over.

And Lin Mo finally agreed.

After all......

The two of them still have a plan to play.

The conditions of the Glacier River Pavilion are also much more upscale than those of the five-star hotels.

In the evening, there was naturally another burst of madness.

Neuer is in a tight mood!

Chu Shenyu, Lin Mo's training (Nuo Zhao Hao) partner, may come over at any time!

She hasn't completed her credits for the time being......

So tonight, Neuer is more enthusiastic about Lin Mo and cherishes the time he spends alone.

And Lin Mo watched the girl beside him fall asleep.

He suddenly perceived a special waveguide.

It's in the space backpack - Mewtwo's embryo!!

During the previous battle, the surging waveguide awakened the elf.

"I ...... Who am I?"

Mewtwo had just been born and was very confused.

And Lin Mo hesitated for a moment.

"You...... It's my child. "

Anyway, in this heart, Dragon Tooth and Eevee are their own cubs, and this time there are no worse than multiple biological ones.

And Mewtwo was confused.

"What do you mean I'm your child???"

The meaning of the birth just now is obviously a blank sheet of paper, and Lin Mo began to guide according to the draft he had prepared a long time ago.

tells about his relationship with Mewtwo.

But he does not shy away from the fact that the other party is made through genetic engineering.

Because...... Sincerity is the medicine for communication.

Lin Mo directly confided a secret.

Mewtwo is bound to be born in this world!

"It's not because technology created you, it's because you need to be born, that's why you have technology!"

Lin Mo's core idea is very simple, that is, to make himself his "biological child",

Recognize that you are not a dispensable being!

It was born by the love of the world!

Mewtwo's comprehension is very good, and its state of mind at this time is not as experienced as many tragedies as it has been in Team Rocket.


It's almost the same as a dreamy style, innocent and lively.

Soon, it didn't bother with anything, who I am.


Faintly passing through the waveguide, he kept shouting.


And Lin Mo's face stiffened, although he had long expected that something similar might happen......

But the age at which I like to be a father is too young, I'm only eighteen!

Fortunately, Mewtwo's consciousness was still quite weak and swollen at this time.

Not long after, I fell asleep again.

Lin Mo was left alone to digest his feelings of being a "human" father for the first time.


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