At this time......

The whole secret realm is trembling wildly!

But this is not to celebrate the revival of the originally sleeping sea god, but to be horrified of the existence of a certain agreement, and the mistake has come!

Not to mention the people of the Hanhai Action Organization who have turned into residues.

On Lin Mo's side, the investigators and the steel king with a relaxed look!

Also instantly dumbfounded!!

Endless divine power and life force suddenly converged in one direction.

Then the shadow of a giant elf appeared!

It was condensed from the other side of the temple, breaking through the metal structure, and the entire temple trembled, countless fragments, cracked and shattered everywhere!!

"Did Gaioca really show up?"

"The people of the Hanhai Action Organization actually succeeded?"

"No, what should we do now!"

The young elven investigators looked extremely surprised, and then looked at Luo Changqing......

They're a little panicked!

But not completely panicked.

Lin Mo just told everyone about the content of the translation, and there is no doubt that the sea god here is an extremely benevolent and kind existence.

Even if you are summoned......

It shouldn't be a big deal, and the Hanhai Action Organization shouldn't be able to control it!


The Gaioca won't hurt anyone at all!

Maybe I'll be blessed and sheltered or something......


But the illusions of the inquisitors were immediately shattered, and the shadow of Gaioca, which was made of energy, went berserk directly, wreaking havoc in the temple.

In just a few seconds, the pillars and murals in countless temples have been shattered.

This is the power of God!

The original extremely glorious and atmospheric hall was on the verge of shattering in an instant, and the walls and ceiling made a cracking sound, like a wail!


"Everyone back off!"


And the investigators also hurriedly released the elves in their hands, retreated with themselves, and slipped out of the temple!

The relaxed look on their faces vanished.

The document didn't last long before it collapsed and shattered!

Behemoths poke their heads out!


The blue energy of the sea was constantly surging and churning, and finally it was completely constituted - Gaioca, the appearance of the god of the sea!


"That's not right!"

"This isn't the god of the sea!"


Soon someone shouted in terror.

The giant shadow that was expanding in shape was no different from the image of the big whale in Gaioca at first.

But then after the crazy expansion, the normal Pokémon skin and epidermis were completely gone......

Transform into a body made of blue energy!

The unstable energy on his body is surging, and many lines are lit up, and his body size is expanding wildly without restraint, and the size of the real Gaioca is naturally not 317 only a few meters like the game illustrated.

But now this strange shadow has swelled to thousands of meters in just a few seconds!!

Directly smashed into the temple!!

Even if you continue to expand your body!!

At the same time, the power and vitality of the sea god are also being extracted rapidly!

The momentum of the phantom is also constantly expanding and expanding.

Heavenly King......

Champion ......

Even step by step towards the realm of the gods!!

"How so!"

At the front of the team, Luo Changqing, the steel king, was also ready to release his trump card to block one or two at the beginning.

It turned out that the strange blue shadow that appeared just now like Gaioca had surpassed his trump card in an instant!

The investigators present were even more confused.

"What is this? It's coming!"

"This is definitely not a sea god!!"

"We must retreat quickly, this seems to be already a god-level power!"


They were terrified!!

Because the giant blue phantom was wreaking havoc on everything it saw, first the temple was inflated, and it swept directly into ruins with its tail!

Then it rolled around even more violently, directly tearing apart the fish of the cherry blossom rain that everyone had seen before!

Countless blood flows!

In an instant, the Pokémon suffered heavy casualties!!

Right now......

The monsters that appeared inexplicably are crazy to destroy everything in the secret realm!!


I can't do anything about it!!

The power of God, even if it is a false god who seems abnormal,

It's not humanly competitive.

But what's even more terrifying is that after a lot of killing, this terrifying shadow is even more eyeing the outsiders in the secret realm!!

"Ang !!"

The whale roars and rushes!

Huge size, the water flow is starting to surge!

And many of the investigators were also uneasy!


It's so fast!

If you are on land, the giant elves may be a little slow in speed, but in the water......

The unknown existence of this whale type is not slow!!

I can't run away!

However, at this time......

When everyone was looking desperate and frightened, the Steel Heavenly King made a move, and he directly released all six of his elves!

Giant Gold Monsters, Bronze Bells, Detonating Magnets, Lucario, Knight Snails, and Slimy Dragons (CCBB)) are here!

Although their combat effectiveness in the ocean has been greatly affected, the strength of the Heavenly King level can still be brought into play!

Instant sixfold full force erupted!!

The output of the Heavenly King-level elf crashed into the giant azure shadow like Gelka.

But it has no effect, in the face of god-level existence, what can the steel king do?


It's not without effect!

Luo Changqing's act of death successfully attracted the attention of "Gaioca", and at this time, he floated directly above this giant beast and the positions of the other investigators, completely staggering.

So the evil god instantly turned his attention!

Then the crowd heard the voice from the communicator in the wetsuit.

"Everyone dispersed immediately and left the secret realm to report the relevant information!"

"Then hurry up and contact the Chinese official to organize a nuclear weapon to destroy the entrance to the secret realm!!"

"I'll cut it off for you!"

Luo Changqing said loudly without hesitation.

The inexplicable existence of this horror......

If no one stops us, everyone present will be wiped out!!

And, what's even more terrifying......

This newly discovered entrance to the secret realm has not undergone special technical processing, and with the ability of "Gaioca", it can easily come to the real world!!

You know, this thing is constantly absorbing the power of the temple!

At present, it is only close to the strength of a second-level god, and it is likely to reach the strength of a first-level god in the end!

Even if this terrifying existence comes to reality, instead of attacking China, it will attack other countries in the sea and territorial waters, it will still cause extremely terrifying casualties!

Time must be delayed!

Let the young heroes present, especially the hope of Huaguo's future, Lin Mo escape!

Time must be delayed!

Let Hua Guo know the news in advance, and use the weapon of maximum destruction to temporarily block the entrance to the secret realm!!

The export of nuclear weapons can make space chaotic for at least a few days!!

When the time comes, the heritage of Huaguo ...... The power left by Shuanglong can at least completely seal this secret realm!

In this way, the disaster can be solved!

And for this......

Luo Changqing knew that he would definitely die!

The emaciated figure of this steel heavenly king trembled slightly

In the face of the threat between life and death, even an iron man will have a feeling of fear, and he can't hide the uneasiness in his heart.

And...... Regret!

Who is not afraid of death!

If the rational analysis is decided, Luo Changqing feels that he is likely to directly let the giant gold monster teleport away with him!

Anyway, even if you stop it, you may not be able to stop a god-level existence......

Why bother, give your life in vain!(If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Luo Changqing scolded himself for being stupid in his heart, just a few seconds, and somehow remembered that he had tracked down those smugglers at the border......

That's when he was still a fledgling investigator,

In the past, the elven hunters who faced the quasi-heavenly king, in their squad with the highest strength of only the gym level, it was the captain and vice captain who rushed up to break off.

In exchange for the survival of the other team members!

Half a second of electric lightning.

Luo Changqing originally wanted to escape, but a voice sounded in his heart.

"It's my turn. "

So the body completed the action before the consciousness, and brazenly sent out all the elves!

I want it, and the mantis arm is a car!

Luo Changqing turned off the communicator, and he realized that his voice was already trembling.

At this time, he was not as a heavenly king, but as the leader of this Huaguo task force, in the last few minutes or even tens of seconds of his life.

He hoped to teach the elves one last lesson in scavenging the door.

As a search officer who maintains national security and order, he should not be afraid of life and death!!

And the giant "Gaioca" roared slowly, rushing upwards!

Destroy the world!!

The terrifying water system forces constitute turbulence!

There are even whirlpools formed in the ocean!!

Fortunately, with the assistance of the giant gold monster of the super energy system, Luo Changqing and the elves completed a teleportation and hid to the side, but they were not killed immediately!

But no one with a discerning eye can see that the giant phantom is swinging wantonly, and the sea is so turbulent that even the balance between the steel king and the Pokémon cannot be maintained.

Teleport a few times at most, and you will inevitably be caught, and in the face of god-level power, you will be wiped out within a few seconds.

And at this time......

Most of the many investigators trembled with fear, but they actually ......

There are also many people who rush forward without hesitation.

"Luo Tianwang, we're here to help you!"

"A few of us are leaving!!!The news is out, let's stall for time!"

"Captain Lin, you leave first!!"

One by one, they roared angrily!

It's almost a mess in the communicator!

These people have a clear idea.

To block this secret realm, it is impossible to rely on Luo Changqing to delay alone!

The god in front of him will not be able to solve this heavenly king in a short time!

In the face of the gods, there is almost no difference between the king of heaven and ordinary people!

But because of this, an idea arose in the hearts of these investigators, that is, the value of their current cannon fodder is not low!

The secret realm must be sealed down, otherwise once this strange god comes to the real world!!

Then it takes sacrifice!!

At the same time, they don't forget to let other colleagues escape, especially the hope of Huaguo's future, Lin Mo!

I strongly persuaded this person to leave!

This is China's task force! The ideological education it has received is indeed far superior to that of other countries!

Later, although the investigators who had calmed down a little, they immediately regretted it!

Really close to this god!

They just felt the suffocating pressure, there could be no miracle, no survival!

I'm going to die!

These people, not as calm as Luo Changqing, failed to react, and wanted to turn off the communicator.

So contact the channel.

There were cries of panic everywhere.

"It's over! I'm going to die!"

"Don't come here!!"

"Am I a fool!!"


Almost everyone regretted it at this point!


The investigators who gathered around him did not retreat!

Anyway, I can't run this distance!!

It's better to die with hero points!!

And about 1/4 of the remaining investigators—

Some were slow to react, and some were stopped by their companions, after all, there were still people who needed to go out to ventilate and report.

Of course, there are also those who are afraid and unwilling to come forward to die......

Also trembling one by one, ready to retreat!

However, to the surprise of these people, they hesitated for a moment.

But one of the squad leaders in the titular task force has run away!

It was Lin Mo, who swam quickly in the direction of the deep sea!

It seems to be a little panicked, because the exit of the secret realm is not in this direction.


In the face of the fear of death!

These extremely heroic investigators have already broken through their inner defenses.

And seeing Lin Mo's actions, there are also people who are silently settled in their hearts......

Anyway, it's a good thing that Lin Mo reacted so quickly and escaped!

And the investigators on the periphery were even more relieved, and they were slightly grateful, Lin Mo ran away so decisively.

There's nothing embarrassing about them, just slip away!


Can we really escape?

An atmosphere of despair pervades the field!


And in the chaos, Lin Mo ignored the words in the communicator and swam into the deep sea, in his eyes-

【Monster of the Sea (Water)】

[Level: 111 (Second Rank God Beginner)]

[Hint: The strength of this special existence is rising!Please stay away from the host immediately!]

It's actually a monster of the sea?

This person's heart was also slightly shocked, he remembered that in the original Pokémon animation, someone mistakenly released the monster of the earth with the help of the power of Jiraqi.

It seems that it is the image of Groudador, but in fact, the flames and the ground are made of power, and it is an extremely huge monster!!


Only know about destruction!

The current situation......

It's very similar!

Sure enough, the prompt system confirmed Lin Mo's guess.

[Hint: The monster of the sea, formed by the mistake of the blue jade!]

Although the Hanhai Operation Organization is fooling around, Blue Treasure does have a frequency similar to Gaioca's power.

After completing the resonance, the energy of the temple was mobilized and could not revive the benevolent sea god, so such a terrible monster was created!

It doesn't have any sense, it just destroys everything around it.

And Lin Mo ......

His actions at this time are very clear -

The current situation is that the strength of the sea monster has not even reached the second-level divine beast, and it needs to continue to absorb the life force and the power of the sea god to become stronger, so it is an opportunity!

Go and cut off the beard first, life energy, and then run away!

With the power accumulated under this temple, it may be possible to hatch the Y bird directly!

As for......

Lin Mo admired King Luo Tianwang and those investigators very much......

However, he also had a tightness in his chest.

I can't do anything by myself!!

Even if they were blocked together in the past, that is, the ants were bigger, they could hold up for a few more seconds.

On the contrary, Lin Mo knew that the situation in front of him was the best solution.

is to teleport out as many people as possible as much as possible as possible......

Lin Mo pondered.

A pool of emerald green light lit up in front of me!

He's here!

In the shattered temple, the zone where the life force is deposited.

Without hesitation, he lifted the elven egg of Ipeltar......

There are countless terrifying howls from the outside world, coming!!

And the young Y bird also senses everything around it......

It shocked Luo Changqing and the other investigators' decisions......

At this time, the young god looked at the area where countless life forces gathered—

Countless corpses below.

It's full of determination.

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