
The giant dragon on the horizon retreated from its primitive return state, slightly showing some tiredness, but its expression was extremely happy!

The Tyrannosaurus felt it, and it was now extremely strong!

Lin Mo also stepped forward to applaud.

"Great job, ~ have a good rest. "

He took the Tyrannosaurus back to the Poké Ball, and now the Poseidon needed a rest......

And Neuer and Chu Shenyu are also in a trance,

Everything about Fang Cai made them feel unbelievable!

Lin Mo is now ...... Hard power can already crush the existence of the heavenly king!!

"It's amazing. "

The fairy girl praised sincerely.。

Neuer felt that even if his trump card was in vain, facing the tyrannosaurus......

If you want to solve it, you have to work hard!

The primordial return allows the elves at the peak of the Daoist Pavilion to almost reach the combat power of the peak of the Heavenly King, not to mention that the combat power is one thing, and the body of a thousand meters brings a huge increase in vitality!

It also makes the Tyrannosaurus even if it faces a champion who is far superior to itself, and the well Pokémon can fight for a long time.

Neuer feels ......

This tyrannosaurus is simply the same as the so-called ...... The beast is as outrageous!

It's not the same species as a normal elf at all!

The rules of the division of strength are completely torn apart!

And Chu Shenyu was even more emotional.

"Has the Tyrannosaurus become so powerful?"

The beautiful girl was in a trance, she felt that not long ago, she was still hanging out on Poseidon Island with Lin Mo and rescued the carp king who was sold by profiteers.

I felt that I had been cooking food tirelessly a few days ago, and I stood by the water tank and watched this crazy energy cube with relish......

It's only been a long time!

The Tyrannosaurus has reached the top of the world - the king-level combat power!!


The two beautiful girls are still sighing.

Lin Mo was quick with his technique, he collected the corpse of Locke, the Heavenly King of the Lighthouse Country, and searched for it in the other party's space backpack.

Sure enough, I found it!

Half of the dragon Z, the fantasy exclusive Z, and several Z pure crystals that were mined were previously discovered.


It's some messy stuff, mainly props for survival in the wild.

In fantasy novels, it is customary to defeat the enemy and explode equipment and resources.

Not at all!

The secret treasure is something that most trainers use when they get their hands on it......

To Lin Mo's surprise, he found a set of lists in Locke's space backpack.


This one was just curious to open it, but soon he couldn't help but clench his fists and curl the paper!

Hard, fist hard!

Lin Mo was originally in a good mood, immersed in the scene of the tyrannosaurus showing its might......

The native ability of the fire elves has been completely blocked, and if Locke fights one by one, he can push the team!

No matter how calm Lin Mo's personality is, he can't help but be complacent.

If you are not a fire king, you may not be an opponent...... However, under the Heavenly King, ordinary Heavenly King-level trainers can still easily win it!

And now......

In the list that Lin Mo found, there were many names recorded-

Hua Qinglan, a grass family, is a king-level trainer.

Dragon family Long Gu, a quasi-heavenly king-level trainer.

Wild trainer Yicheng, a king-level trainer.


All of them are extremely outstanding talents of the young generation in China, and they are all participants in this world competition!

And these people in the list are all Locke's trip to China in addition to collecting Z pure crystals, he will find ways to persecute them.

What elves hire elven hunters,

poisoned the supplies that these Chinese trainers ordered on weekdays,

Even...... Killers for hire,

Direct physical erasure!!

It is to weaken the voice of Huaguo in this world competition.

Lin Mo was a little angry!

The world race hasn't started yet, and the Lighthouse Nation is already making crazy moves!

He's ...... now.

Thinking that the strength of the tyrannosaurus has increased, and the other elves in the family have also improved, I can't help but want to collect the badges,

Be ruthless in the game, and wash away the anger in your heart with victory!



Instead, he teleported back to hold a water Z, and looked at the trainer with an ugly face in a bit of confusion.

Lin Mo definitely couldn't shake his face at his own elve, and showed a smile.

"It's fine. "

"I'm just sick to some people. "


Hearing this, Shanaiduo conveyed his waveguide and superpowers, calming the trainer's mood.

"Thank you. "

Lin Mo sensed the peaceful spiritual power and calmed down.

Subsequently...... This person also knows that he should get down to business first, return to the previous mine, and mine Z Pure Crystal.

Previously, Locke, the king of the Lighthouse Country, only took a few,

It's purely because he doesn't know if this thing is useful or not, and the thing that contains special energy has gone to many seas in the elven world.

A lot of research has been fruitless for decades......

But Lin Mo knows it!

The value after Z pure crystal is definitely no less than that of MEGA evolution stone!!

Although he has been free, he is actually ......

Some top-level treasures rely on a strong person like the Heavenly King Champion to exchange evolution stones.

And the Evolution Stone is also a one-shot deal.


You can only cut leeks once, and you can only take one round of secret treasures, but Z pure crystals have created new needs!

Lin Mo can use this to obtain a lot of secret treasures!

This person was excited, walked together, and shone on the edge of the fire Z with strange brilliance,

According to the method prompted by the system, inject the palm of the hand with super energy, slowly get stuck outside the gap between the pure crystal and the ordinary crystal, inject the power bit by bit, and turn it into a sharp blade to cut off the connection!


Soon, Fire Z starts!

And Lin Mo was also in a good mood and took the trouble to continue the operation.

Next is the pink Fairy Z!

Lin Mo continued to quantify it as a sharp blade and excavate it.

This was followed by ......

Grass Z, Electric Z, Ice Z......

Pieces of pure crystals were dug up......

And Lin Mo also taught the mining method to other elves, as well as Neuer and Chu Shenyu.

The family was busy at a rapid pace.

Soon, all kinds of Z pure crystals were piled together, directly forming a mountain of colorful lights and huge power!

"One, two......"

Lin Mo quickly lit the number, and finally found that the ore veins were basically hollowed out, and more than 70 Z pure crystals were collected!

This is much luckier than when the megastone was discovered.

It was an ancient battlefield, and there were basically only a few broken fragments.

Now it's a complete vein!

As for the Z-Pure Crystal, some of the remaining ordinary crystals are rich in high energy.

Therefore, the estimated value is not small, but Lin Mo is really in no mood to mine, he is ready to report to the country immediately.

This is not a loss to Lin Mo.

It is impossible to send a pennant, because Hua Guo knows that there is a god behind this one!

And to Lin Mo's surprise, the 18 attributes in this pile of Z pure crystals are directly together!

It's a pity that no exclusive Z has been found.

Moreover, after emptiing the ore vein in front of him, no matter how Lin Mo used the waveguide to perceive, he couldn't find a new spar vein, and it seemed that there was only this thing left on this island......

And after collecting the Z spar, Lin Mo was also in a good mood.

Right now......

Just go back and polish the Z pure crystal through the process given by the system!

All members of the family can use the Z move, about that......

Lin Mo is in a hurry!

His plan was to first study the system of Z moves and the thesis, and then pick up the relationship between the last time he dealt with the monsters of the sea, and communicate directly with the upper echelons of Huaguo.

The Z system, with the help of the power of the whole country, is firmly in your hands!


Even if the Z move is released later, although the top players from various countries should have a channel to find Z Pure Crystals produced by other parallel worlds to use the system.


If you compare the countries with each other, that is, China can rely on the new system and become a dominant family!

Tongbao monopolized mega stones before, and it could only be acquired through the market.

And Huaguo can rely on official forces such as elf investigators to enter various secret realms to search for Z spar-related information and monopolize it in advance!

And Lin Mo can also use the power of the official to help him polish pure crystals in large quantities.

In this way, you can quickly familiarize the Pokémon at home with the power of Z moves, not to mention ......

Ash's lessons from the past!

Constant use of Z Pure Crystal through Bonds can promote the evolution of the spar!

Lin Mo doesn't know if the general attribute Z is okay, (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Try it and never lose money!

And I have Ebu Z in my hand, after polishing, use it more, and the opportunity to awaken the exclusive Arceb Z is not small!

It just so happens that Lin Mo is also looking forward to it,

What will it be like for his own Ebu to use the Nine Colors Sublimation Quanjuding?

However, in any case, after all the elves in the family have the explosive power of Z moves, it is obvious that the intensity will increase a lot in the battle match!

Of course, in the world competition, before using the Z move for the first time, Lin Mo will ask the Chinese official not to publish the paper related to this system for the time being......

to ensure that you have an advantage in the game.


After collecting the Z pure gold, Lin Mo and his party soon chose to leave the secret realm.

Before leaving, of course......

Lin Mo was a little embarrassed and embarrassed, because most of the tourists who came to vacation in the secret realm ran away!

It's still raining heavily!

In reality, traits like the Origin Dragon can't disappear after the battle ends.

Even if the Tyrannosaurus is recovered, Baoyu will last for a long time.

Of course, Lin Mo even found out-

The person who insisted on not leaving, holding a waterproof camera, seemed to be looking for something.

"I obviously saw the appearance of the dragon god before...... Why is it gone?"

"Fart! What a dragon god, it's the god of the sea!"

"What's the situation, the giant god who is more than a thousand meters tall, said that he disappeared and disappeared, could it be that he could still be received by others in the Poke Ball?"


The era of national self-media.

The group frantically searched for the shadow of the vanished dragon.

And Lin Mo naturally didn't dare to speak, so he quickly slipped away.

The original return of the tyrannosaurus is too abnormal! At least for a while, Lin Mo has to keep a low profile, otherwise...... There is no doubt that there is a bomb next to him!

As an organization that hunts down the gods, the Secret Party will obviously be interested!


Therefore, Lin Mo and his entourage kept a low profile and took a plane back to Kunlun University first.

Ask for flowers0

As Dr. Elf, before he wants to get a paper, he just needs to copy the prompts on the system panel.

You also have to pretend, such as "researching" in a research room for a while.

Lin Mo naturally returned to Kunlun City and used the research institute prepared by Tongbao to bluff people.

I'm going to get the Z system paper out.

And before that......

Lin Mo also went to class for a long time, although the credits were full, but the quality credits of the elective courses,

This one gave up in order to start early to challenge the gym.

It's time to go back to school now, so I'll make up for it when I have time.

Of course......

In this course called "Elf Performance", as soon as Lin Mo appeared on the stage, he attracted everyone's attention!

"Brother Lin, you're back!"

"Lin Mo, what happened to the elf hunter before, are you okay?"

"The lighthouse worker is also disgusting, this kind of off-the-plate trick is all out. "


Many of the students in the class were outraged by the fact that the Lighthouse Nation had hired elven hunters earlier.

A class has become Lin Mo's personal stage......

And the teacher didn't have any opinions, but nodded with encouragement.

"Lin Mo, the matter of the elf hunter is not easy for the country to investigate. "

"In the future world competition, come on!"

"Get good grades!"

"Only then can we fight back against the Lighthouse Country!"

The students also applauded enthusiastically,

"Brother Lin!

"Slap the Lighthouse Nation in the face!"

"The more arrogant they are now! The more embarrassed they will be if they lose. "


The enthusiasm of boxing is overflowing!

The students of Kunlun University, although they are Tianjiao, have long lost any jealousy and catching up in the face of Lin Mo's out-of-specification existence.

Only with this ruthless man as an alumnus and honor!

They have spoken out in support!


Lin Mo just smiled freely.

"What does it mean to get good results? The goal is to be the champion!"

The audience was dumbfounded......

Teachers and students alike were stunned.


Lin Mo is so crazy??

Although everyone was encouraging before, they didn't really think that this person could get good results and break through the knockout round!

After all, it's been less than a year since I became a trainer,

It's already very powerful to be able to compete with the king or even the champion-level powerhouse on the same stage!


If it were the outside world, it is estimated that everyone would laugh at Lin Mo's inadequacy.

But the students of Kunlun University feel that they are the chosen ones, and the average middle two per capita is very good!

They are convinced by Lin Mo, but the gap is too big!

Now the pride of being a Kunlun student is also pinned on this one...... One by one, they are on fire!

Xiao Feng, who Lin Mo hadn't seen for a long time, shouted excitedly.

"That's right! Ringo won the championship!

And the other people on the side are also infected,

"Champion Ringo!"

"Champion Ringo!"


The whole classroom was noisy.



For a period of time after that, Lin Mo basically maintained a regular life of two points and one line.

Go to the research room to study - in fact, you can remotely control the training that the elves in the house should train.

Later, he occasionally went to class, in addition to the elective content, he also negotiated with the school to join the sophomore course, accumulate credits in advance, and continue to ask for leave later.

At the same time, he also handed in the Z pure crystal and some papers, so that Hua Guo took the lead in controlling the power of the new system, and helped Lin Mo process the spar.

In the end, it is the list in Locke's hand, and Lin Mo has also handed it in, although he is also an opponent in the world competition, but he is also a trainer of the same country, so he still needs to help.

In his spare time, because he couldn't leave, Lin Mo challenged the Dragon Daoist Pavilion in Kunlun City by the way.

This gym may be the one with the highest gold content in China.

After all, in Kunlun!

Gym-level trainers are as common as Chinese cabbage on the roadside, and the strength of the gym master here is also extremely strong!


"Use the Dragon Blade!!"

Lin Mo shouted.

The dragon fangs, which have completed the evolution of the bond, are also screaming wildly, and they are impacting away!

"Reverse Scale!!"

On the other side, the gym master shouted!

The quasi-heavenly king-level rod-tailed scale armor dragon was wrapped in the torrent of terrifying dragon power and rushed away!

However, in terms of momentum, the dragon's tooth has already overwhelmed the opponent!

Then a terrifying blade swept by......

If a hot knife cuts through butter, the power of the dragon that is generally reversed is instantly calculated!

And the staff-tailed scale dragon was killed in seconds!

Dragon's Tooth roars even more!


Every time it encounters an elf who is also a dragon, the more noble the race, the more ruthless it is!

And the quasi-heavenly king-level cane-tailed scale carapace also provided a lot of experience.

Let the dragon's teeth directly use the latest training to complete the breakthrough-

Level 62!

Quasi-Heavenly King Beginner!

And after Lin Mo solved the trump card of the gym master, he also successfully obtained the fifth badge!

The Deep Valley coat of arms carved with Dragons and Valleys.

After taking a closer look at the badge of the gym,

This one received a message.

It is Luo Changqing, the king of steel.

"The Z Pure Crystal has been polished, and I will personally send five after that. "。

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