Lin Mo is busy here, but the entire Kunlun University and even most of Kunlun City are a sensation!

At first, most people just thought ......

Maybe it's the spirit of a strong man above the Heavenly King who used skills like Sandstorm......

But this time, the scope of impact is extremely violent!

Most of the university,

What is the concept?

Kunlun University is built around the mountain, according to the Kunlun secret realm!

No less than a small city in itself.

And with the summary of the information of many students and teachers, the senior management of Kunlun, especially the school leaders, were shocked!

Such a large-scale sandstorm or something like that......

Who exactly is it?

You must know that the Kunlun Secret Realm is here, so the security factor in the vicinity is extremely high, and such a terrifying sandstorm is at least a champion-level impact......

This kind of existence, Kunlun University will keep a file to pay attention to!

Now inexplicably, there is a champion powerhouse of a controlled sandstorm!

Could it be ......

Sneaking in??


Strict inspection!!

The important weapon of the Kunlun Secret Realm cannot be lost!

For a while, the storm is coming!

He already felt like it was all over.

Shakirath's Sigma Sandstorm power is negated by the Tyrannosaurus releasing Prayer for Rain in its normal form.

After the water system dispersed the sandstorm, it basically dissipated.

This is a mutual cancellation of the same super-god-level power......

The rain is sparse and lala,.

To Lin Mo's surprise, the owner of the Super Gym from Treasure Island had no interest in fighting at all.

The reason is very simple, when the power of the sandstorm was scattered, the super spirit Elelus he released -

I felt the existence of a super god level up close!

Some people are not very happy to fight with Lin Mo's spirit "Eighty-Sixty-Three", and what it feels is panic from the bone marrow and the depths of its heart!

This is not something that a gym-level elf can bear at all!!

There are not many mortal "people" who have the courage to challenge God.

Therefore, Lin Mo could only accept the second badge with an inexplicable face.

So far, all eight badges have been collected!

He had a sense of ceremony, and took out a badge box from the space backpack,

This thing was made by Chu Shenyu himself, a beautiful girl with low emotional intelligence, many times she has weird ideas, but she will also accidentally match Lin Mo's radio waves.

For example, she also thinks that collecting badges is important for trainers!

This box was specially crafted......

Lin Mo connected the last badge at this time, and the style was quite strange - the land and the island were close together.


He was slightly silent, remembering some of his memories before the time crossing, in a sense, this was the most appropriate for the last badge.

Lin Mo filled in the last groove in the box, and it was made of low-level secret treasure light clay, which could automatically adapt to the shape of the badge......

In an instant, eight badges are perfectly listed!

The man re-fastened the box and placed it on his chest, his eyes shining with excitement.

Anyway, after coming to the elf world for so long, I finally took the "first step" towards becoming a Pokémon master.

Successfully collect eight badges!

After that, it's time to prove yourself on the stage of the world's elf competition!

If it weren't for the fact that there was still a bit of idol baggage,

Lin Mo couldn't help but shout excitedly!!

And the two gym owners also congratulated each other.

"Lin, amazing!"

"Congratulations, collect all the badges!"

They don't know whether to rejoice or grieve.

It's naturally a good thing that Hua has such a genius!


For ordinary trainers, the brilliance of Lin Mo's talent is really too eye-catching!

It even makes people feel like they can't open their eyes.


And Lin Mo's excitement didn't last long, and soon the official of Kunlun University found out who caused the sandstorm with great efficiency......

So he was called to the school leader's office.

Of course, it was confirmed that the previous turmoil was created by Lin Mo's elves.

Several leaders of Kunlun University were immediately relieved, and even showed a look of surprise.

"Classmate Lin, how many surprises do you want to give us?"

A few old people sighed,

They are all heavyweights in the outside world, the former champion of Huaguo, the well-known Elf Doctor, and the former vice chairman of the Huaguo Alliance......

At this time, he looked at Lin Mo and couldn't cry or laugh!

Lin Mo's statement is naturally that his Shakiras has an inexplicable talent when controlling the weather, so he was subdued by himself.

This also made the school leaders relax and feel relieved, but also a pity!

Such a special elf, if it had been subdued earlier, wouldn't it have been able to shine in this world competition?

If you want to win this kind of top-level competition, sometimes you have to fight for the power of Pokémon with special abilities!

It's a pity, Shakiras's level and combat power haven't been able to pull up at all!!

Then several old people said seriously one by one.

"Student Lin, if these special elves of yours need any resources for cultivation, we will definitely try our best to contact you for you. "

They didn't dare to talk too much.

It's really impossible to start with the best secret treasure or something, but it is still possible to help Lin Mo match up and replace it with super evolution stones and Z pure crystals.

Lin Mo also nodded gratefully when he heard this.

"Trouble. "

For him, all kinds of secret treasure resources are never enough!

However, Lin Mo was about to leave.

A few leaders of Kunlun University remembered something.

"By the way, the vein of Z Pure Crystal that you commissioned the state to investigate before has been found. "

"Found it?"

Lin Mo showed a look of surprise.

"Find that vein, it should be based on your description of the most prosperous and largest main vein of the archipelago civilization, Melamella Island. "

Several school leaders were also excited!

Because of this Z pure crystal vein, the conditions for the cooperation between Lin Mo and Tongbao are almost the same.

Wait until this one goes to explore, confirm the existence and condition of the vein.

The Huaguo will send official forces to develop it, and Lin Mo can get a sixty percent share, while the official one is forty percent.

It seems that this condition is a bit outrageous!

Tongbao is the company!

A country also made concessions for Lin Mo alone......

In fact, Huaguo is not at a loss at all, because two days ago, they and Lin Mo had already discussed the way to announce the Z system.

It's just unilateral propaganda,

At the same time, it is proved by the Z move that is actually used in the game.

Papers will not be submitted to the Union!

And for this reason, Huaguo compensated Lin Mo for the worldwide reputation and the rewards of the Elf Alliance, and proposed an outrageous sharing model!

You have to know that a whole vein is mined......

In addition to the Z pure crystal, the economic benefits brought by ordinary crystals are also extremely amazing!

This is an impossible harvest for Lin Mo personally!

And Huaguo is not at a loss,

You can monopolize Lin Mo's Z move system!

For Lin Mo, even if he submitted the paper to the alliance, it was nothing more than earning one or two superb treasures......

And the Z system is almost destined to be leaked out!

But in cooperation with their own homeland,

It is equivalent to that China will continue to have the advantage of the Z system until other countries crack the use of pure crystal.

Huaguo has even come up with a whitelist of Z moves,

Let the relevant trainers learn how to hide the use of Z moves,

For example, we have developed a spar mounting device hidden in intimate clothing and elf hair, and we have also conducted special training to use the Z system without having to go all out......

It can be said that Huaguo is ready!

With the help of the Z system, you will become the biggest winner in this world competition!

And Lin Mo won even more!

Huaguo mines for him, although he is already rich and free, but now he is afraid that he will not be worth a few more 0s!

It's just that what makes this confused is-

"The Royal Secret Realm of the Hairy Bear Country??"

"That place where resources are said to be scarce, so the royal family is private??"

Lin Moren is dizzy!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

No wonder the Hua side has to wait for him to find out the situation before he can do it, the secret realm of the royal family......

It's not easy to get into normal diplomacy or spy infiltration!!

But if Lin Mo wants to go, it's not difficult!

Just say it directly to Yelena, who has a great relationship!

After all, this secret realm is notoriously resourceful...... As that silver-haired beautiful girl, I want to bring people in, straight!

But Lin Mo is a little painful, as soon as the front foot refuses others, the back foot is pasted back again, isn't it a bit bad.

Somewhat confused, he took out his phone and edited the text messages on the messenger bird.

I have Admiral Dragon's Tooth: Yelena, I suddenly have plans to travel to the country of hairy bears in the near future, or I will go back with you

Lin Mo was a little embarrassed and stared at the APP nervously.

It's like learning to dance with a dragon: really?

All right!

Mr. Lin, thank you so much for being willing to go back with me!

Did you push away a lot of things for me, I really don't know how to repay you, thank you so much!!

Yelena didn't think much of it at all......

She felt extremely excited just by typing the text!

And Lin Mo "......"

"She's agreed. "

Several leaders of Kunlun University were not surprised at all, but gave a thumbs up.

"We all know about you, classmate Lin. "

"As long as you are voluntary, you don't have to worry about marital problems. "


Soon, Lin Mo boarded the special plane sent by the Mao Bear Country to pick up Yelena with some embarrassment.

I don't know how ......

This one is a little trance-like, and it seems that he has basically been all the way since he entered the school-

Sitting on Chu Shenyu's private jet, taking Neuer's private jet, and now doing Yelena's special plane, how do you feel that you are completely gone in the direction of having dinner!

But at this time, Elena on the side was enthusiastic.

"Mr. Lin thank you so much, I didn't expect it...... I didn't expect you to be willing to accompany me. "

While talking, the silver hair, the beautiful girl lowered her head slightly, and looked embarrassed.

Seeing this, Lin Mo felt slightly depressed in his heart, and immediately dissipated.

Soft rice is hard to eat, which is also very good!


What surprised Lin Mo was ......

He didn't have a chance to bring up the matter of going to the Royal Secret Realm....

After getting off the plane, Elena expressed her hope that she would follow her to a place.

It is the private wealth of the Hairy Bear royal family -

Royal Secret Realm!

Lin Mo was stunned!So smooth??

And after entering the secret realm.

His eyes also lit up.

The introduction of the panel of the system directly indicates that there are veins of the Z pure crystalline here!

And Lin Mo looked around......

It was also found that this secret realm was very similar to the previous Garden Island secret realm, and because there were few resources and elves, it was transformed by the royal family of the woolly bear country to a considerable extent.

And due to the milder climate in the secret realm, this is the most prosperous main island in the archipelago civilization.

It also built a lot of rugged palace buildings in the style of the standard woolly bear country.

"Mr. Lin, can you come over for a moment?"

She seemed to be happy.

And what Lin Mo felt in his palm was not the rough skin that grew in the woolly bear country due to the low latitude in the general common sense, but the skin that was a little cold and silky to the touch.

It felt great to be in the middle of an island with some hot and humid conditions!

I can see beside me that the silver-haired beautiful girl leading the way in front of her is jumping with a ponytail.


For the sake of your cuteness, it's okay to waste some time.

Lin Mo pondered.

With Yelena's footsteps, the surrounding scenery continued to change, and Lin Mo even saw an abandoned gate appear nearby.

Elena walked to the door with great skill.


The hinged combination lock, which had rusted, was pushed by the beautiful girl, and then-


There seems to be a groove stuck and the door is opened.

Yelena was fond of it.

"When I was younger, I was basically the only one in the garden. "

"Now, I'm not here, it's really forgotten. "

"It was beautiful inside. "

Lin Mo's emotional intelligence was not low at this time, and he took the initiative to take a step forward, looking at the flowerbeds growing wantonly in the rusty gate and sighed.

The flowers have long been unpruned,

But in the case of free growth, a certain wild beauty is revealed.

Yelena was even more dazed and said nostalgically.

"Yes, Mr. Lin likes it. "

"But it's not the same place as it was when I was a kid. "

"This is actually the place where I first fell in love with elves. "

The silver-haired beautiful girl has a great desire to talk for some reason.

"When I was a child, I was actually very afraid of the elf battles that adults are keen on, and I felt that any move of Pokémon might hurt me, so I was too timid at that time. "

"That's why my peers have elven companions, but I don't, and a lot of times when no one plays with me, I like to wander around in this secret realm. "

"Then I met a big kind-hearted guy......"

"It's huge, but it's super fast!"

"Really, I didn't lie to you, I've grown up now, and I've never found such a fast elf, and it's covered in thunder, it seems to be very irritable, but it's actually very gentle 4.7!"

"Grandpa said, maybe it's a legendary elf!"

Yelena looked back on her story with some feeling.

She was not quite right in school before, and she seemed to be inexplicably stressed in her heart, so she confided in Lin Mo at this time.

And the latter is naturally a very personable choice, as a listener,

Wait for Yelena to finish reminiscing and talk about her distress.

Just listen......

Lin Mo felt that something was wrong.

Wait a minute!

The average person recalls the elves they met in their childhood.

Could it be that way it was described?

Huge in size, covered in thunder and lightning, and surprisingly fast, no elf can compare!

It is suspected to be a legendary elf.

Isn't this Reggie Elech?

Lin Mo people are stupid!

Good guys, aren't the memories of people's childhood and Pokémon all related to Pichu, Baby Ding and the like......

Yelena, are you so fierce?

Directly is the Thor Pillar.

Lin Mo felt that his expression couldn't hold back.


Then something suddenly occurred to him.

That's right!

Reggie Elech is a legendary elf that appeared around the same time as Regidorago.

In reality, it can probably be understood that the initial three pillars were the first to be made, and the two pillars of electricity and dragon were the second batch of creations!


You can find the temple of Regidorago through this elf that Elena knew when she was a child!

Then take this opportunity to touch the dragon's crystal, and let the potential of the dragon's tooth break through in one fell swoop!!

Lin Mo was excited!!

I rub!

How can you keep an eye on this...... Z pure crystal!

The future of the dragon's tooth is even more important!

So Lin Mo completely ignored the girl on the side who wanted to pour out his sad thoughts to him, and asked directly.

"Can you still find that big guy now??"

And Yelena was stunned, but gave a positive answer.

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