Lin Mo looked at his phone and was stunned.

Originally, he was in a high mood and under great pressure!

I couldn't sleep at night.

The World Competition is the most valuable competition in the world, and you will have to face off against the top powerhouses except for the king and the champion!


Since it is held every three years.

Time in it...... It is enough to make some extremely talented trainers with adventures become extremely strong in three years, and even far surpass the current kings and champions who have positions!

Other words......

If you break through this contest......

It means that Lin Mo can almost stand on top of the world!

It's only weaker than the top champion level of the secret party and Chu Undefeated!

In Lin Mo's estimates......

The strength of the secret party should be unique in the world...... After all, the organization that can hunt down the gods is unique.

However, there may also be some trainers outside the organization who can reach the level of 100 above the champion.

After all......

According to the style of the secret party, what people are pursuing is not paper ability, but must achieve the ultimate in a certain item!

Just think about it......

It can't be that only these extremely talented trainers can reach the realm of about level 100.

Of course, such a strong person is very rare even in the whole world.

Plus some top champions in Lighthouse and China...... They are the elves who have the pinnacle of champions......

Below the above two levels,

It is Hwaseong, the scheduled champion of this world competition.

That is to say-

This game is your own transcendent path!

As long as he breaks through, he will already stand at the top of the mortal trainer and sprint towards the god level!!

The only problem is that it's too hard!

My current strength is not enough to see at all!


Lin Mo was passionate at this time.

The message pushed on his mobile phone made him speechless.

"Lin Mo, the champion of the college league, announced his participation in the world competition in just a few months, can a talented boy break through the preliminaries?"

"The genius of China will surely benefit a lot from the failure of the world competition"

"Lin Mo announced that he would participate in the World Competition in the country of Mao Bear, is it unacceptable to be eliminated in his own country?"


In fact, there is no malice in the media.

They just reasoned from common sense that the higher the Pokémon's strength becomes, the more difficult it becomes.

Daoguan-level elves want to reach the quasi-Heavenly King, or even the Heavenly King realm, within a few months......


It's impossible!

Even though it's Hwaseong...... It is suspected that he had an adventure in the Kunlun Secret Realm, and after he switched to the lighthouse country, he received great support.

It was also at the age of twenty-one that he was crowned a high-level champion!

Get Pokémon, more than three years!

And Lin Mo has only been a year......

Early Half-Year ......

The strength of the elves, even if you count the double axe battle dragon, will also reach the peak of the gym at most......

Why is it optimistic?

In the World Competition, the selection stage is basically over, and the weakest ones left have to be the trainers who have the high level of the Quasi-Heavenly King, or even the peak.

How powerful can Lin Mo be in a few months?

This time participating in the competition is probably just going through the motions and feeling the atmosphere.

Even if you take into account the evolution of bonds,

It's very difficult to break through to the qualifiers!

Among the world's top trainers, who doesn't have a super-evolved ability?

Tongbao's monopoly didn't last long......

There are many fragments of parallel worlds in this world, and there are many paths to excavate the super evolution stone.

And Lin Mo looked at the reports that were not very optimistic about himself, but he was calm.

He suddenly realized that he didn't seem to need to face too much pressure to face this match......

At all, I don't think I think it......

This one can win!


At this time, the Poké Ball on Lin Mo's waist was opened!

The dragon's teeth came out on their own!

It looks at its trainer and is full of confidence!!


I didn't have to worry about anything that might fail...... It is extremely determined!

This world competition is the beginning of the Dragon Emperor's enlightenment!!

And Lin Mo suddenly,.

"It's got to be you!"

He gradually became excited!

In fact...... It's not that hard!

It's the same as when I walked out of the Longquan cultivation base.

At that time, I was poor and white, holding an egg with a miraculous tooth and teeth, and I was still worried about the cost of food......

Now I have my own fetters and evolution in hand, and the Z system is complete......

I'm afraid of wool!!

Lin Mo instantly cheered up.

Even he ignored the figure that was supposed to be sensed by the waveguide.

"Mr. Lin, it seems that you don't need me anymore?"

Yelena's expression is complicated,

Originally, she saw Lin Mo standing alone outside the villa in a daze, as if she was worried about the upcoming game, and wanted to go up and comfort her......

However, there is no place for yourself!


Early the next morning.

Lin Mo had already come to greet him with the Shield Sword Monster brought by the Elf Alliance.

After all, he has gained huge popularity through the global college league, so no one is optimistic about how far this player can go, but he is indeed a star player.

The country of hairy bears is not as safe as the country of China,

Many handicaps have been opened, just waiting for Lin Mo to appear.

In order to prevent some criminals from taking risks, the alliance did not hesitate to send extremely high-standard security!

Lin Mo is also unusual,

This is the first time I have experienced it, the first perspective of the referee in major competitions?

Soon, the shield sword monster flew to its destination.

The largest arena in the country of hairy bears -

Red Square Arena.

Lin Mo was a little shocked just looking at it from the outside.

This size ......

It's outrageous than the previous college league arena!

It's almost the size of an entire residential area!

After entering, he felt even more outrageous......

With such a big arena, all the seats are filled!

Attendance is extremely high!

The number of spectators that can be accommodated at the scene, Lin Mo can't even recognize!


It is likely to be more than hundreds of thousands of viewers!

"It's almost full!"

Lin Mo was a little confused......

It's a fairy showdown!

The largest and largest tournament in the world.

It is true that college leagues will attract a lot of spectators......

But just like Lin Mo's previous life e-sports competition, it was always the S game or the ti game, which was the most eye-catching.

Most people watch a college league at home, and it's pretty much the same.

The same goes for Elf Battles!

College League?

In addition to the members of the college team, as well as some avid elf battle enthusiasts,

Who in general looks at this thing??

That is, this year's global competition has attracted attention, but many people are still not interested at all!!

Most people have their own lives.

The position exchange battle of the world competition and the king of heaven is the most concerned competition in the world!

Although Lin Mo gained great fame before......

But more than eighty percent of the world's fans who are extremely fanatical about him are cloud viewers!

Of the remaining 20 percent, 90 percent only watched one final.

Audience and World Competition......

There is no comparison!

And now...... This is the first time I've seen what it means to be a grand occasion!!

Lin Mo's participation in the qualifiers in the Mao Bear Country means that hundreds of millions of people in a country are watching him!

And at this time......

The world is shaking when the World Contest begins!!

If you have the conditions, you can choose to go to the scene, and if you don't, you can stay in front of your mobile phone or TV and wait to watch.

Today, more than 100 years after the fusion of elves, it is no exaggeration to say that this is a national entertainment!

From centenarians to newborn children, you will wait for this event to come.

After Lin Mo arrived, he saw ......

In a huge arena, there is a huge screen in the sky!!

Its size is no less than that of an ordinary football field and basketball court, and this is the arena with the highest specifications in the woolly bear country!

And above is the opening ceremony of more than 30 countries around the world that will be broadcast simultaneously, and the host country of the qualifiers!

The first is from the first stop.

The origin of elf fusion, Kunlun, Huaguo,

At the highest point in the center of the city, on the tower on the Linjiang Pavilion, religious people in different costumes representing several continents of the world prayed and called.

With at least billions of attention around the world, what is enshrined on the high platform is the rainbow feather.

A fetish from the Phoenix King!

The sky is even more strange power condensed rapidly, accompanied by people's prayers.

Above the feather, a flame rises.

Holy Fire!

The previous college league was enough to bring the flame of the Flame Bird.

But it's just a thing. It's useless!

Right now

But it's the blessed fire of the real top god Phoenix King!!

Lin Mo was in the Red Square Fighting Skill Platform, and even heard the commentary of the Chinese dialects broadcast above.

"The origin of the Flame of Blessing came from the first elven battle exhibition match at the Olympiad we held when the elves were just merging with this world!"

"In the city of Athens, which is now known as the holy city, the power caused by the collision of two trainers who harness champions and elves back then,

Summoned the legendary god Phoenix King!"

"He gave the flame of blessing!"

"When the flames burn, the elves will recover extremely quickly from the injuries they sustained while fighting each other!!"

"This is the World Championship! A competition that pursues the strongest trainer!!"

The commentators shouted, and countless spectators cheered!

"Oh oh oh oh!!"

The last time Lin Mo experienced the college league, he felt that he had seen the world!

But at least 10 times the number at this time!

He felt his skull buzzing,

This is the number one sport in the world!

Compared with before Lin Mo's crossing, this is equivalent to the total popularity and popularity of football, basketball, e-sports and other sports!!

Lin Mo was helpless by the sound, and stuck his own Eevee, Little Nebula, and Y Bird to a few Pokémon on his body.

Took it back.

Then the commentary shouted even more.

"Look! Now it's the distribution of the tinder!"

In the broadcast screen, the flying elves from the host country in Kunlun City arrived one after another.

Tyrannosaurus, Tanabata Blue Bird, Fast Dragon, Desert Dragonfly......

Basically, it is the elves of the dragon system that appear, highlighting the heritage of each country.

The trainers took out special containers, distributed the tinder, and flew away.

Fly towards the arenas of the nations!

It takes hours for the blessing fires to arrive......

This ritual is the beginning......

The flame will burn for more than a month until the end of the long qualifying stage, when it will gather at the final venue and be rekindled.

At that time, the second stage of the World Competition will officially begin!

The best players will compete on the same stage.


And although Lin Mo felt tortured, he was also boiling at this time!!

Who wouldn't??

With his own strength, he ascended to the glorious throne in the eyes of the people of the world.

At this time, he felt that he could travel to this elven world, not the original Pokémon world......

It's also a kind of luck!

Even if it is the final of the Eight Masters, I am afraid that it is not as high as the current qualifier that has just opened!

This is the real world that is fascinated and crazy by the elves,

Dance with them!

"I'm going to win. "

Lin Mo couldn't hear what he was saying in the noise, but his palm had inadvertently buckled on the dragon's tooth poke ball!


However, Lin Mo soon became depressed.

He now understood why the Flame of Blessing was sent so slowly!

Contestants, greetings to the audience!!

In the qualifiers, most of the gym-level trainers in the country of Mao Bear and sojourn were included......

The number of players has exceeded 10,000!

Even if they are in batches, hundreds of people at a time, waving and cheering with the audience, it is enough to drag on for several hours!


There are constant elf performances around, similar to the Gorgeous Contest.

For these coordinators, this is the biggest event in three years, and it is natural that they will do everything they can.

Therefore, let alone wait for a few hours, wait for a day, and the audience will not get tired.

And Lin Mo could only endure the noisy environment and wait for his turn.

However, when he himself came to the stage, he felt different!

Lin Mo found that there were actually a large number of Chinese people shouting desperately.

"Lin Mo, little genius!

"Win the qualifiers!"

"Lin Mo, you must win!!"


These people huddled in a place of stands, dressed in uniform bright red uniforms, waving flags!!

Compared to the hundreds of thousands of spectators in the entire arena......

They are quite small, but they are indeed die-hard fans of Lin Mo, and they are specially for the news that this talented young man signed up for the qualifiers in the country of hairy bears-

Rush to come!

And Lin Mo didn't hold back, and waved his hand excitedly in response!

He could see why the other players were so excited.

Because those gym-level trainers may correspond to a handful of ordinary spectators in their hometown in the stands!

They are the pride and glory of their hometown!!

This is, the World Race!

Every player from all over the world has the expectation of their hometown!

Everyone, eager to win!

...... (Qian Zhao Zhao)

Soon, Lin Mo appeared on the stage!

With the end of the opening ceremony, it was getting dark, and the opening battle of the Hairy Bear Country Qualifiers officially began.

The narrator cheered.

"Today's first match was handed over to Lin Mo from Huaguo and ......"

Countless Chinese audiences cheered!!

The red tide is surging, and although it is only a small piece, it still has vitality and vitality.

"Jevrokovich, the Quasi-Heavenly King trainer from our Leko City!!"

And then there was a cheer!

Some people from the city of Lek, the country of hairy bears......

The old men, strong men, and aunts who were quite strong stood up excitedly and showed off to the surrounding audience.

"It's him! It's him!"

"Our pride Rokovic Jr. !!"

The spectators looked excited, and none of them had reached the professional level.

But they were still watching the arena with great fanatism.

Wearing a thick velvet jacket and a scarf, Rokovich, a quasi-heavenly powerhouse symbolizing Lek City, has already arrived!

He gripped his Poké Ball.

"Go, Dharma baboon!"

The fiery red elves around them leap out!

On the other hand, Lin Mo was also a little excited!!

A truly world-class game!

He's a young man, and he really can't stop it!

As for who to make his debut, he has already thought about it.

If it is said that the end of the game along the way, Lin Mo used his original partner Dragon Tooth.

That is now the first battle of the opening, and it is naturally the crown prince of the family......


Lin Mo didn't throw out the Poké Ball, just snapped his fingers.

Full of force!

Around him, the power of the super energy system suddenly surged!

A humanoid figure, a strange elf, full of the aura of a strong man, standing high in the sky!

Mewtwo Descends!!

And Rokovic shouted out the move -

"Dharma Baboon! Flame Charge!!"

In an instant, an incomparably terrifying power burst out!

The spirit of the quasi-heavenly king driven by the explosion of flames came on.

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