Looking at Dongfang Ling opposite him, He Tian sighed and smiled helplessly.

"To be honest, I don't really want to face you. I know I am no match for you guys."

"What, are you going to give up?"

Dongfang Ling tilted his head and looked at He Tian, saying with some doubt and confusion


He Tian shook his head.

"It is impossible to give up. If you lose, you must lose with dignity."

"That's right, then~"

Dongfang Ling and He Tian looked at each other and threw the Poké Ball at the same time.

"Come on, Doron Messiah"

"The first round is decided to be you, Bad Frog."

The red light flashed, and Doron Messiah and Bad Frog appeared on the stage, facing each other.

"Damn it, I have no choice but to strike first. Bad Frog uses 'Shadow Claw'’"

As soon as He Tian finished speaking, the Bad Frog leaned forward, dark purple ghost energy surged rapidly, and"Shadow Claws" quickly condensed in his hands.

Facing the fierce attack of the Bad Frog, Duolong Messiah moved up and down in the air, floating left and right, dodging easily and freely.

Seeing that the attack was unsuccessful, He Tian immediately changed his tactics.

"Bad Frog, withdraw, use 'Acid Bomb’"

Hearing the order, Bad Frog immediately stopped the"Shadow Claw" attack, jumped back, distanced himself from Dragon Messiah, and threw a poisonous"acid bomb" in the air."

"‘"In a flash of lightning, he rushed over."

Doron Messiah turned into a white light and rushed towards the bad frog, causing the"acid bomb" to miss the target. The bad frog in the air had no point of force and could not move, so it was hit by Doron Messiah.

In a flash of lightning, Dongfang Ling and He Tian shouted at the same time.

"That's it, use 'Dragon Tail’"

"Hold on, Frog, use Shadow Claw’"

At the moment of collision and separation, the two elves moved.

Doron Messiah twisted its body and swung out its powerful"dragon tail".

Bad Frog raised its arms high and swung down its"shadow claws".

When the two sides collided with their full-strength skills, a small energy storm erupted, blowing the two elves away.

Doron Messiah quickly stabilized its body and wandered around in the air.

Although Bad Frog quickly climbed up after falling to the ground, it was visible to the naked eye that its condition was much worse than Doron Messiah's.

"Don't give the opponent a chance to breathe, and rush over again with a flash of lightning."

Before Dongfang Ling's voice fell, Duolong Messiah had already turned into a flash of lightning and rushed towards the opponent.

"Bad Frog, be ready to use"Poison Attack" to counterattack at any time."

Dark purple energy gathered in his hands, and Bad Frog stared at the rushing Duolong Messiah.

Just as the opponent rushed in front of him, Bad Frog threw an uppercut and swung the"Poison Attack" that had been charged for a long time.

However, at this moment, Duolong Messiah suddenly turned around and bypassed Bad Frog, and then circled Bad Frog.

As a result, Bad Frog's confident attack fell directly. It was also at this time that Bad Frog and He Tian realized that Duolong Messiah's"Lightning Flash" was not a direct attack, but to add a speed-up buff to himself.

But it doesn't matter, since he added a buff to himself, he will definitely attack.

Our goal is to wait for the opportunity, wait for the rabbit by the tree, and exchange injuries for injuries.

"Bad Frog, don't relax, be ready at any time."

He Tian reminded Bad Frog.

Bad Frog nodded, always alert to Doron Messiah, the"poison attack" in his hand never dissipated, but continued.

However, Doron Messiah did not take action, just kept circling around Bad Frog.

"Right now, use 'Dragon Tail’"

Dongfang Ling's voice suddenly sounded, and Duolong Messiah suddenly rushed towards the Bad Frog, and the"Dragon Tail" chopped down from top to bottom.

The Bad Frog quickly used"Poison Attack" to counterattack.

After the skill collision, Duolong Messiah only retreated slightly, but the Bad Frog flew backwards in the astonished eyes of everyone.

"It's speed!"

After a brief moment of shock, He Tian, after all, was a top student at Magic City University, and he quickly reacted.

"Lightning Flash plus Dragon Tail is not 1+1=2. It is obviously 1+1>2. It is not something that Bad Frog's weak Poison Attack can deal with.

"Are you okay, Bad Frog?"

Facing He Tian's concern, Bad Frog responded with a thumbs up, indicating that he was fine.

Seeing this, He Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the floating Dragon Messiah with a serious face.

The ghost-type elves were indeed troublesome. There was no other way. Bad Frog was too obviously at a disadvantage against Dragon Messiah.

After making up his mind, He Tian directly replaced Bad Frog.

"Come back, bad frog"

"Thank you for your help, Frog King."

As He Tian changed his spirit and Frog King appeared, a light rain suddenly fell on the field.

"The Frog King with the rain-inducing property? If so, you should come back too, Doron Messiah."

Seeing that the other party sent out the Frog King, Dongfang Ling had expected it and directly took back Doron Messiah.

""Go ahead, Bulbasaur."

Looking at the huge monster on the opposite field, He Tian's mouth kept twitching.

He was afraid of encountering this elf, so he didn't send out the Frog King at the first time, but he didn't expect that his thoughts were guessed by Dongfang Ling.

"Venusaur, use 'Vine Whip’"

Instantly, eight whip-like vines stretched out from Venusaur's back and hit the Frog King.

"‘Frozen Wind’"

The Mosquito Frog King blew out icy cold air from his mouth, instantly condensing the rain in the air and freezing the"vine whip" that was sweeping over.

Seeing this scene, Dongfang Ling's mouth twitched unconsciously.

It seemed that he had created this situation first, rainy days combined with"freezing wind", and he didn't expect these people to learn so quickly.

"‘Energy Ball’"

Bulbasaur opened its mouth and instantly spurted out three"energy balls", which shattered the ice that froze the"whip" and hit the Frog King from three directions at the same time.

"Use 'Bounce’"

Hearing this, the Frog King leaped up into the sky, not only avoiding the incoming"energy ball", but also falling towards Bulbasaur.

"Waiting for you, 'Poison Fan’"


Hearing Dongfang Ling's instructions, He Tian was shocked and had no time to give other instructions.

Venusaur took the"bounce" of the Frog King and suffered double damage. It twisted its body and sprinkled a large amount of"poison powder" from the flower leaves on its back. The

Frog King immediately fell into a poisoned state.

""Quickly retreat, Frog King."

Hearing He Tian's order, Frog King resisted the discomfort in his body and retreated, which just happened to avoid the whip from Bulbasaur.

"In that case, Venusaur, use Grassy Ground, then Root’"

Bulbasaur immediately roared, and the grass energy on its body surged. A large amount of green grass immediately grew on the battlefield. At the same time, a large number of tree roots grew on its back and penetrated deeply into the local area.

"Damn it, I can't replace the mosquito-repellent frog king for a while, I can only hold on for now, I can only take a gamble."

After muttering to himself, He Tian shouted

"Mosquito Repellent Frog King, use 'Belly Drum’"

Eh? ?

In the eyes of most people, the mosquito-repellent frog king puffed up his belly and increased his attack power to the maximum.

Looking at He Tian's actions, Dongfang Ling had a feeling

"Use 'Grow’"

Venusaur's body grew slightly larger.

What a pity, it failed to trick him out.

He Tian sighed inwardly and gave a random order.

"Now, the Frog King should go to sleep."

The Frog King fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep. At the same time, all the toxins in his body were cleared away.

"I see. I'll keep using 'Growth’"

Dongfang Ling suddenly realized that"sleeping" was indeed a good way to remove the poison, but... under Dongfang Ling's instructions, Venusaur's size grew again, and its dual attack increased again.


He Tian took a deep breath, and then it all depends on luck.

"Frog King, use 'Dream Talk’"

Hearing this, Dongfang Ling had an expression that was exactly what I expected.

But He Tian, the Frog King will learn a lot of skills while evolving. At this time, you choose"Dream Talk", a random skill. Are you going to rely on luck?

The Frog King, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly clapped his hands and danced, but nothing happened.

(≖_≖ )

Everyone in the audience was speechless. What was going on?

As a trainer, He Tian certainly knew what was going on, but he couldn't say anything. He could only cover his forehead with his hand and sigh about his bad luck.

Dongfang Ling, who was asked by Dongfang Yang to memorize the common Pokémon skill pool, quickly reacted and felt���It's"praying for rain".

Looking at the dark clouds that had not yet dispersed and the continuous drizzle, Dongfang Ling was speechless and even felt a little sympathetic towards Qi He Tian, but she would not show mercy.

"Venusaur, use 'Parasitic Seed', then use 'Flowering Blossom'’"

A seed shot out from the big flower on Bulbasaur's back and landed on the sleeping Frog King.

At the same time, a large number of petals and leaves flew around, carrying huge grass energy and hitting the Frog King, knocking it away.

"Once again, 'Sleep Talk’"

As He Tian finished speaking, the Frog King opened his mouth and sprayed out a"water cannon".

Bulbasaur quickly used"Falling Petals" to block.

Although the Frog King successfully used his attack skills this time, the effect was not satisfactory.

After all,"Belly Drum" improves attack, and there is no bonus for the"Water Cannon" which is a special skill.

As a result, the skills of both parties canceled each other out in the air.

He Tian glanced at the referee's seat and found that his right to change Pokémon had been cooled down (set it here that after each Pokémon is changed, it does not need to be changed again within five minutes, otherwise, the picture will be too beautiful if the Pokémon is changed all the time).

He Tian quickly replaced the Frog King and sent out the Bad Frog again.

"Venusaur, use 'Parasitic Seed’"

The newly appeared Frog was still enjoying the recovery brought by the"dry skin" characteristic of the rainy day, and was hit by the"parasitic seed" of Bulbasaur without any reaction.

Although it was a bit of an unethical sneak attack, He Tian couldn't say anything, after all, it was within the rules.

"Bad frog, quick decision, 'cross scissors’"

"Bulbasaur, don't worry about it, 'Energy Ball’"

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