"I didn't expect that we would meet here today."

Looking at the familiar friend opposite him, Lin Jin smiled helplessly.

Among their group, he is the weakest, because he is not very interested in elf battles, and prefers to stir up the business world.

However, because he has not graduated from college yet, the family does not intend to let him take over the business.

He can only rely on the pocket money of his brothers to make a small fortune in the stock market.

Not to mention, Lin Jin is really talented in this area.

With 5 million raised by six people, he has earned tens of millions in a year and a half.

This is because he spends most of his time on cultivating elves, otherwise, the gap in strength between him and others would be quite large.

Therefore, he has always been the God of Wealth in the small team, specializing in managing money.

"How about I give up? You are the God of Wealth after all."

Cao Lin shrugged, saying that he had not expected it either, and even made a joke.

"Don't, you know me, I'm not very interested in the path of a trainer, you need these things more than I do."

Lin Jin quickly shook his head and rejected Cao Lin's idea.

"Well, why don't you admit defeat?"

"piss off"


Looking at Cao Lin who was still being naughty, Lin Jin rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Okay, although I am not your opponent, I still want to fight you seriously. After all, giving up easily is not my style.

Seeing Lin Jin say this, Cao Lin also put away his playful look and said seriously

"That's not my style either."

The two looked at each other and threw the Poké Ball at the same time.

"Come on, Gengar"

"Go ahead, Fiery Eagle."

The two elves confronted each other in the air, and the battle was about to break out.

In the audience, after watching the two elves fighting for a while, Dongfang Yang had already made up his mind. He turned his head and said to his sister:

"Now you have entered the quarterfinals, and your place is already secured. I will not watch the next games."

After saying that, Dongfang Yang took the still confused Ying Yudie away.

Dongfang Ling certainly understood what her brother meant, and did not say much. She replied,"I know," and continued to watch the game.

Dongfang Yang could not care about these games, she could still learn a lot from them.

After leaving Magic City University, Ying Yudie could no longer hold back her curiosity and asked

"Not going to watch the next game?"


Dongfang Yang nodded and said

"I don't care about this kind of competition. If Ling'er hadn't participated, I wouldn't have watched a single one. I might as well go out and play if I had that much time."

After hearing this, Ying Yudie also understood Dongfang Yang's meaning and her eyes lit up.

"Tomorrow we have the quarterfinals, the day after tomorrow we have the semifinals, the day after tomorrow we have the finals and the closing ceremony, and then there is a three-day holiday, which means we have six days to go out and play."

"Yes, after all, there will be a closed training camp after the three-day holiday. For the freshman league and the college league, you and I are not free, so let's go out and have fun these days."

Gently rubbing Ying Yudie's head, Dongfang Yang smiled and said softly

"Then I'll make a good strategy..."

Ying Yudie immediately took out her phone and prepared to find that place to have fun.

At this time, Dongfang Yang reached out and held her hand, blocking her sight, and said softly

"I've found a good place, just listen to me"

The next morning, Ying Yudie wrapped herself in a thick cotton-padded jacket, blew on her palms, rubbed them vigorously, then squatted down, knocked on the solid ice under her feet, raised her head and looked at the man beside her in silence.

"The North Pole is where you're looking for? What are we looking for, tundra bears or ice geese? Oh, and some geometric snowflakes and ice monsters"

"Don't tell me about watching the aurora, you can see it in China, there's no need to come to the North Pole to see it, and you made Dragonite so tired, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I will ignore you for a day."

Hearing Ying Yudie's subtle threat, Dongfang Yang smiled and explained

"I met an Articuno before. After a brief fight, it ran away. Later, it was chased by Han Tianxue all the way to the North Pole, but lost its track."

"The alliance estimated that there might be an undiscovered secret place in the Arctic, and Articuno hid in it. Now, Cao Yang and Han Tianxue led the team to conduct a carpet search in the Arctic."

"However, when we were chasing them, we made too much noise and were noticed by the White Bear Alliance and the American Alliance. Now many alliances are searching for this secret place in the Arctic."

At this time, Ying Yudie's face changed a little, and it was hard to tell whether it was good or bad.

"So, the alliance called you over, hoping that you would help and take charge here?"

"Although I was told about this, I didn't agree, after all, I had other things to do at school."

After hearing Dongfang Yang say this, Ying Yudie's face looked a little better

"Why did I come here? First, I really want to look for this secret realm. After all, an undeveloped secret realm is still very valuable."

On this point, Ying Yudie also agreed that an undeveloped secret realm is very valuable.

"Second, Articuno is quite attractive, and it would be nice if we could capture it."

Ying Yudie did not object to this.

"Finally, and most importantly, the Arctic is an area without jurisdiction. If we encounter certain people, we can just make up a story and beat them up. It is not against the rules, and we can just consider it as a contribution to the country."

Hearing this, Ying Yudie's eyes lit up.

This is totally possible. We beat people up and help them. After all, when we fight with others and affect their progress, we are also helping them.

Then, Ying Yudie thought of another question.

"The Arctic is so big, how can we find people?"


Dongfang Yang smiled, released Lucario, and gave orders.

"Ahem, Lucario, use your waveguide to find people these days. Whether you can fight or not depends on whether you can find people."

Lucario nodded in understanding. It was familiar with this job. In the previous world, when Dongfang Yang destroyed those criminal organizations, it was it that used the waveguide to find people.

It just so happened that he was a little pent up these days. As long as he could take action, nothing else mattered.

Twisting his neck and moving a little, Lucario left at a very fast speed, while constantly expanding the range of his waveguide perception.

"Lucario is responsible for finding someone, what are we going to do?"

Dongfang Yang tilted his head and looked at Ying Yudie, feeling that his girlfriend was silly.

"Of course it's for fun"

∑( ̄□ ̄;)

"Are you sure, what are we going to do in this icy and snowy place?"

At this moment, Ying Yudie felt that she couldn't keep up with Dongfang Yang's train of thought.

She disliked the Arctic because she thought there was nothing fun to do there.

Now that she knows that she can beat those people from other alliances, she wants to stay, but she can't find anyone for a while.

What should I do? You said play, what about making trouble?


"Oh, you need to think outside the box. How about capturing geometric snowflakes?"

Ying Yudie rolled her eyes and said unhappily,

"Use elves?"

"Of course not, I want to catch it like catching a butterfly"


(๑´•ω•)It's quite interesting. Ying Yudie suddenly became interested.

"Is it possible?"

"Hey, leave it to me."

Dongfang Yang came directly in front of a large group of geometric snowflakes and said

"Who among you can take charge?"

However, the geometric snowflakes ignored the human in front of them.

Dongfang Yang was not surprised by this, he just used courtesy before force.

Then, Dongfang Yang released his momentum and called out Charizard.

Feeling the mighty momentum of Dongfang Yang and Charizard, the geometric snowflakes knew that they could not afford to offend this person.

A geometric snowflake that was slightly larger than the other geometric snowflakes and slightly darker in color came out and paid respect to Dongfang Yang.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to fight."

Dongfang Yang retracted the fire-breathing dragon and restrained his own momentum.

"My girlfriend and I came here to play a game with you guys."

Dongfang Yang pointed at Ying Yudie standing behind him, then took out two net bags from his space backpack and continued

"We will use this net bag to catch you. You can run away. We will also use some weak elves to help. However, it is agreed that neither side can attack the other. We will only block them. As a reward, we will give you some energy cubes, which are a kind of food. You can try them first to see if you like them."

Dongfang Yang took out some ice energy cubes and handed them to the geometric snowflakes.

After some discussion, the geometric snowflakes sent several representatives to try the energy cubes.

After tasting, several geometric snowflakes were excited and spun around in place.���They really liked this kind of food they had never seen before.

Seeing this, the leader of the geometric snowflakes agreed to Dongfang Yang's conditions.

After formulating some simple rules, Dongfang Yang returned to Ying Yudie.

"nailed it"

∠( ᐛ 」∠)_Watching the show

This was Ying Yudie's original expression. After witnessing the whole process, her expression changed to this

Σ(っ °Д °;)っ

"Isn't there still such operation?"

"Oh, that's normal. Don't underestimate the elves. They are actually very smart."

Dongfang Yang waved his hand, indicating that these were all trivial matters. He briefly explained the rules to his girlfriend, and with the help of Pikachu and Murkrow, they played a game of catching with the geometric snowflakes. They played until noon with laughter and had lunch together. Dongfang Yang was not stingy and directly provided many ice energy cubes for the geometric snowflakes as lunch.

Before leaving, Dongfang Yang once again left a large number of ice energy cubes for the geometric snowflakes, and then left under the reluctant eyes of the geometric snowflakes.

However, Dongfang Yang also learned from the geometric snowflakes that a group of white snowflakes had indeed appeared nearby a few days ago. kind of people.

In the afternoon, Ying Yudie did a lot of interesting things under Dongfang Yang's imagination. She competed in ice skating with the ice babies.

She exchanged food with the snow hat monsters.

Even in the evening, she drank and wrestled with the tundra bear family.

One fell down, and the whole group was drunk. It was outrageous.

Slowly, Ying Yudie found that Dongfang Yang really liked elves, and he could really play with any elf.

Perhaps it was his kindness and respect that made the elves sincerely welcome him.

Perhaps, the place that really suits him is the wild.

Ying Yudie couldn't help but think.

At night, Lucario, who had been out for a long time, finally came back.

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