With Lucario leading the way, Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie soon arrived at the depths of the palace.

"This is not the bedroom, right?"

The magnificent palace in front of her, no, rather than a palace, Ying Yudie would rather call it a pavilion.

Because it has no walls, only dozens of stone pillars supporting the roof. Standing outside, everything inside is visible.

However, the huge stone bed placed in the middle reminds Ying Yudie all the time that this is the bedroom of this palace.

"It seems so, haha, the leaders here are quite playful."

Dongfang Yang said with a smile, and stepped in.

"All the master elves in this palace are in here, let's go in and solve it quickly."

Nodding, Ying Yudie followed in.

Just a few steps in, Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie heard a voice in their hearts

"Human, this is not the place for you, go back to your place.

Suddenly, a blazing fire started in the palace, and three elves slowly appeared in front of the two.

"Nine-tailed Fox, Crystal Lamp Spirit, and Clay Giant."

Looking at the three elves in front of her, Ying Yudie frowned.

Elf: Nine-tailed Fox

Attribute: Fire

Level: 108

Qualification: Red

Feature: Fire Starter

Carrying Item: Fire Gem (Top 41%)

Elf: Crystal Lamp Spirit

Attribute: Ghost Fire

Level: 104

Qualification: Red

Feature: Penetration

Carrying Item: Ghost Gem (Top 41%)

Elf: Clay Giant

Attribute: Ground Ghost

Level: 101

Qualification: Purple

Feature: Iron Fist

Carrying Item: Ground Gem (Top 43%)%)

"Oh, not bad, very good, they are all here, I don't have to look for them one by one."

Dongfang Yang chuckled and didn't take the three elves in front of him seriously.

"Lucario, protect Yudie."

After giving the order, Dongfang Yang stepped forward, his aura bursting out, confronting the auras of the three Pokémons.

Taking a Poké Ball, Dongfang Yang said softly

"Just in time, after absorbing the life essence of Xerneas, you need an all-out battle. Go ahead, Greninja."

With a flash of red light, Greninja appeared in front of the three Pokémon.

Pokémon: Greninja

Attribute: Water Evil

Level: 110

Experience Points:…/…

Qualification: Gold

Features: Bond Transformation

Intimacy: 255

Carrying Items: Master Belt

Skills: Slightly

The momentum of the second-level god swept over instantly, and merged with Dongfang Yang's momentum, directly crushing the momentum of the three elves on the opposite side.

Feeling the strength of Koga Greninja, the pupils of the Nine-Tail suddenly shrank, and the voice transmission said


Hearing the leader's instructions, the clay giant strode forward, raised his huge fist, and the lightning flashed, and the"lightning fist" hit the Koga Greninja. The crystal lamp fire spirit was not idle either, attacking Koga Greninja from the other side, and the"energy ball" continued to attack it.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, the nine-tailed fox directly"flashed with lightning", and the target was exactly Dongfang Yang


With a chuckle, Dongfang Yang slowly raised his arm.

Greninja also raised his right hand synchronously.

Both of them clenched their fists at the same time. In an instant, a huge amount of water energy enveloped Greninja like a torrent.

A second later, the water ball shattered, and the terrifying energy shock spread out.

The surrounding flames were extinguished in an instant.

Nine-tails and the others were directly repelled.

Ying Yudie was also safe and sound under the protection of Lucario. The bonded Greninja appeared on the field.

This was also the first time Ying Yudie saw Greninja bonded form

"Oh my god, this is too cool."

Looking at the handsome bonded Greninja, Ying Yudie's eyes were full of stars.


Ignoring his girlfriend's current state, Dongfang Yang looked at the three elves opposite him and said coldly

"Let's start, 'High Speed Mode’"

Suddenly, heat began to come out of the bonded Greninja.

The next moment, the bonded Greninja disappeared from everyone's sight.


Two loud noises sounded almost at the same time.

The Crystal Lamp Fire Spirit and the Clay Doll Giant flew backwards at the same time.

And in their place appeared the Bonded Greninja and a huge flying water shuriken.

Seeing this, the purple pupils of the Nine-Tails shrank suddenly.

Before it could react, the Bonded Greninja had appeared in front of it.

Holding a large flying water shuriken, the Bonded Greninja raised an upward strike and directly knocked the Nine-Tails away.

At this time, the Clay Doll Giant, who had climbed up from the ruins, roared and rushed towards the opponent again, with thunder jumping on his fist again.

The Crystal Lamp Fire Spirit also shook off the dust on his body, and the candlelight jumped strangely.

In an instant, it mobilized the terrifying fire energy, and the majestic flames swept the whole scene, wrapping up the Clay Doll Giant and the Bonded Greninja.

"The Fiery Abyss.

The Nine-Tailed Fox stabilized its body in the air, and then it opened its mouth and spit out"Big Word Explosion Flame", blocking the retreat of the bound Greninja from top to bottom.

"Ha, a mere trifle."

Dongfang Yang, who was in the state, always fought with a condescending attitude.

He despised his opponent strategically and respected him tactically.

Without saying anything, Greninja, who was in tune with Dongfang Yang, already knew what to do.

He inserted the flying water shuriken into the ground, and in an instant, cracks appeared all over the field, and several energy gathering points appeared. The terrifying water energy continued to gather.

The next moment, a terrifying water column rushed into the sky.

""Water Oath".

The endless stream of water directly dispersed the"Fire Abyss" and"Big Character Explosion", and the Crystal Lamp Fire Spirit and Nine-Tails were also affected by the residual power.

The Clay Doll Giant was directly hit in the center of the bull's eye and flew backwards again.

The powerful"Water Oath" directly broke through the roof of the palace.

A large amount of rubble fell down.

Seeing this, the bound Greninja used several large pieces of rubble as springboards, soared into the sky, and after a few jumps, it came in front of the Nine-Tails. The flying water shuriken was swung down in the air.

The Nine-Tails couldn't dodge and was chopped hard on the waist. It let out a wail and fell to the ground.

The Crystal Lamp Fire Spirit not far away saw this scene, his eyes flashed, and he didn't move for a while.

The Clay Doll Giant, who got up again, saw this scene, roared, and quickly rushed towards the bound Greninja.

Facing the"Thunder Fist" from the Clay Doll Giant, the bound Greninja directly used the flying water shuriken to resist

"With a"clang", the Clay Giant and the bound Greninja each took a few steps back.

When the bound Greninja stabilized its body, the Crystal Lamp Spirit stepped forward.

Several"shadow balls" were fired at the back of the bound Greninja.

The bound Greninja, who shared the vision with Dongfang Yang, did not look back and threw the flying water shuriken behind him.

"All the"Shadow Balls" hit the flying water shuriken.

With the power of the"Shadow Ball" explosion, the bound Greninja rushed towards the Clay Giant.

A"Water Wave" hit the opponent's chest.

The next moment, the water ball exploded.

The Clay Giant was directly blown away.

Unwilling to give it a chance to rest, the bound Greninja was about to go up to kill the opponent, but a"jet flame" blocked the way.

Looking along the flame, it was the Nine-Tailed Fox that was helping the Clay Giant to delay time.

The bound Greninja was not angry, and turned around and threw the flying water shuriken in his hand Towards the Nine-Tails.

The high-speed rotating"Flying Water Shuriken" directly split the"Jet Flame" and hit the Nine-Tails in the face.

Suffering a heavy blow, the Nine-Tails flew backwards.

It couldn't figure it out.

Although there was a level gap with the bound Greninja, why was it beaten like this in a three-on-one situation.

In fact, Greninja is not far from the realm of the second-level god, and the gap with the Nine-Tails is not so small in level.

What's more, the Nine-Tails have not experienced a battle for thousands of years and have been sleeping most of the time, while Greninja Greninja had gone through countless battles, even facing a first-level god. Its combat experience was beyond their reach.

Coupled with the blessing of bond evolution and the advantage in attributes, this created a situation where the bonded Greninja was crushing the opponent.

Not giving the opponent a chance to breathe, the bonded Greninja condensed several water energy balls behind it.

Seven"water cannons" were fired.

At the critical moment, the Crystal Lamp Spirit and Nine-Tail used their skills to barely block two"water cannons".

The slightly bulky and seriously injured Clay Giant was focused on again. Although it tried its best to resist, the terrifying power of the five"water cannons" instantly blew it away.

The accumulation of a large amount of damage directly took away all the physical strength of the clay giant.

Seeing that the clay giant had lost its ability to fight and fell into a coma, Dongfang Yang raised the corners of his mouth and threw out the Poké Ball, ready to subdue it.

However, the next moment, all the people and elves present were stunned.

The crystal lamp fire spirit that brushed water in the later period suddenly appeared in front of the clay giant and was collected in the Poké Ball.

Seeing this, Dongfang Yang's mouth twitched, thinking that he was going to...���The service failed, and a new Poké Ball was already taken out.

Unexpectedly, the Poké Ball that contained the Crystal Lamp Spirit only shook twice and stopped moving.

After a brief moment of surprise, Dongfang Yang also understood, and looked at the Nine-Tailed Fox with a joking look as it roared angrily.

Your people are not good enough, just like that?

The Nine-Tailed Fox fell into madness and rushed towards the Poké Ball desperately. It wanted to know why the Crystal Lamp Spirit betrayed them.

However, this was destined to be impossible. As soon as it moved, the bonded Greninja blocked its way.

"Get out of the way."

Ninetail roared angrily, and the violent"Jet Flame" attacked the bonded Greninja that was blocking the way.

At this moment, how could the bonded Greninja retreat? It directly used"Water Cannon" to fight against it.

Looking at the somewhat irrational Ninetail, Dongfang Yang shook his head, then threw out a Poké Ball to subdue the unconscious Clay Giant, and slowly walked over to pick up the Poké Ball of the Crystal Lamp Spirit.

Seeing this scene, the remaining sanity of the Ninetail was instantly swallowed up by anger, and the"Jet Flame" in its mouth became more violent.

The bonded Greninja frowned slightly, and then dodged. After forcing the opponent back, the Ninetail rushed to Dongfang Yang who was still strolling in Hanting, trying to get rid of this hateful human.

However, the bonded Greninja would not let it get its wish.

Holding the flying water shuriken, it used an"Iai Slash" to knock the Ninetail out.

After smashing several stone pillars, the Ninetail was buried by rubble.

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