Just when Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie fell asleep exhausted, Dongfang Ling and the others had just begun.

They had originally decided to set up camp on the mountain, but problems arose when cooking.

The four of them were all girls who had never touched a single layer of water, and none of them could cook. And the food they brought did not contain any ready-to-eat food.

This caused laughter in the live broadcast room, and Dongfang Long and the others went invisible directly. They all felt embarrassed. They even decided to enroll them in a cooking class after they came back, so that they could learn well. This was too embarrassing.

"Hahaha, oh my god, I am dying of laughter, no one can cook and ended up bringing a bunch of ingredients"

"It's okay if it's just one person, but four people are like this"

"They think they can't do it, but others should be able to do it. As a result, hahahaha"

"Are you trying to make me laugh to death and inherit my Huabei?"

"o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓Table slamming and laughing"

"The funniest thing is that you didn’t bring any instant food. It’s ok if you didn’t bring any compressed biscuits, but you should bring some snacks."

" (*≧▽≦)"

"I am so amused"

There is a reason for this situation.

When the freshmen of Magic City University were in military training, their luggage was prepared by others.

Tong Xue and Bai Mengyao were their mothers, Ximen Yan was prepared by the servants, and Dongfang Ling's backpack was prepared by Dongfang Yang.

Moreover, because they knew that they could not cook, they prepared instant food.

They had no idea what they should bring.

After entering the secret realm, because they had taken tutoring on relevant knowledge, they saw the instant food in the backpack without saying anything and started eating.

After eating a few meals of bad instant food, they met other teams.

There were people in other teams who could cook. After eating the steaming hot meals, they realized that they could cook by themselves, and they disliked these bad instant foods even more.

What they didn't pay attention to was also mentioned in the tutoring, but they didn't listen to the relevant content because they couldn't cook.

However, this time they came out to play completely on impulse. Thinking of the instant food they had eaten in the secret realm, they all looked disgusted and prepared ingredients.

They all thought that they couldn't do it, but others should be able to, so they wanted to learn. But they ended up making a fool of themselves.

Actually, cooking is not difficult. You can learn it online and make a simple meal without any problem.

However, the ridicule in the live broadcast room made them furious.

Things like"I was in a good mood today, so I ordered a takeaway for myself. It seems that I ordered too many dishes. What should I do if I can't finish it? I wanted to give it to my sisters, but they couldn't have any. It's so pitiful." This kind of tea made them unbearable. They immediately decided to go down the mountain and go to the city to have a good and expensive meal, and eat it live.

Hearing that the four girls were going down the mountain, the"Highland Wolf" was very excited.

He booked a hotel on the spot and waited for them to arrive.

The other party's hospitality was hard to refuse, and he also patted his chest to guarantee that the food would be absolutely good, which would make netizens envious but not necessarily able to eat it.

After the girls thought about it, they thought it was not bad, so they rode Ximen Yan's elf and flew towards the city.

Then the current scene appeared

"Come, come, take a look at the food on this table"

"This is a Tibetan cheese cake. The starch from the cream is dried and ground into powder. Then it is mixed with butter, sugar, ginseng fruit, peach kernels, raisins, etc. It is made into a round or square shape with red and green silk patterns on the surface to show auspiciousness and longevity. It is steamed in a steamer. It is a milky dessert with nourishing and strengthening effects."

"This is Xiangzhai.

First, peel the potatoes that have been cooked to eight layers and cut them into small pieces.

Peel and wash the scallions, fry them in a pan, take them out and mash them in a stone trough, and put them in a small dish.

Mix the curry powder with water to make a paste, pour it into the pan to make oil curry.

Chop the mutton into pieces, add some ghee to fry, then simmer with water, add the potatoes and oil curry prepared before, add salt, ginger, fennel, pepper, cloves, Tibetan cardamom and other seasonings, mix well and cook until cooked, then you can eat it.


"There are also Tibetan blood sausage, tsampa, steamed buns with milk residue, Masen, butter tea, etc. I won’t go into details"

"As for things like roasted whole beef and stone pot chicken, you just need to know that they are there."

The four girls cooperated and took pictures of all the delicacies on the table, which made the netizens in the live broadcast room angry. They kept grumbling about quitting and unfollowing.

However, the popularity of the live broadcast room did not decrease at all, and the number of viewers continued to rise.

After getting angry enough, the phone returned to Dongfang Ling's hand.

"Hehe, let me introduce you to someone here, the sponsor of this table of food, the sister of"Highland Wolf"."

As the camera turned, a royal sister appeared in the live broadcast room with a smile on her face.

She had a devilishly hot figure, curly hair draped over her shoulders like a waterfall, bright facial features, fair skin, and slender legs. As soon as she appeared, she grabbed everyone's attention.


"WC, sister"



"My sister's legs are not legs, they are the spring water of the Seine. My sister's waist is not a waist, it is the scimitar of the murderer."

"Oh, sister, kill me"

"Xiao Ling'er, forgive me, my heart no longer belongs to you alone, woo woo woo, I am a traitor"

"As expected, cuteness is worthless in front of sexiness"

"Hey, I'm fine, you guys continue."

"Typing with both hands to prove innocence"

"Sister, hey, sister"

"Hehe, hello everyone, I am the Wolf of the Plateau, you can call me Laze, or you can call me Gu Feiyan."

Gu Feiyan introduced herself with a smile

"Sister Gu"

"elder sister"

"Sister Laze"

Among the many"sisters" in the live broadcast room, Ying Ziyi's comments were particularly eye-catching.

"Winner Ying Ziyi: So it's you, Plateau Wolf, it's quite suitable for you"

"Winner Ying Ziyi: Don't call me sister. According to seniority, we are all grandma, right? Grandma Gu, or Grandma Laze."

Looking at Ying Ziyi's comments, Gu Feiyan said coldly with a frosty face.

"Ying Ziyi, you are looking for death"

"Winner Ying Ziyi: Come and bite me if you dare, MD, wasn't it my brother who stole your business, you brought people to block my brother's door, I came out to mediate, and you also sued my sister Yudie, and let sister Yudie beat me up, if you dare, let's fight head-on."

Seeing that the other party brought up the old matter again, Gu Feiyan's temper also came up, and he slammed the table, and his momentum instantly rose.

"You are so ashamed to mention it. You don't know what kind of despicable means your friend used. I am too embarrassed to say it. If it is just your ordinary business method, I will accept it. Go ahead and do it. Who is afraid of who?

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Dongfang Ling hurriedly persuaded them.

"Okay, okay, we are all friends, stop arguing"

"Winner Ying Ziyi: Humph, Ling'er, I'll tell you, this old woman is not a good person. She bullies people everywhere by relying on her grandmother's age."

"Don't talk about how good you are. You don't have any idea of what you are like."

Gu Feiyan rolled her eyes, leaned back in her chair, and said unhappily

"Okay, okay, stop arguing."

Dongfang Ling, feeling helpless, acted as a mediator.


"Sister Gu, why are you so senior?"

Bai Mengyao said jokingly.

"My great grandfather was one of the first soldiers to move into Plateau Province. After he retired, he got married and had children here. However, my grandfather was born very late, and so was my father. They both had children in their old age, which resulted in me being a few years older than you, but of a much higher generation."

Shrugging and spreading her hands, Gu Feiyan explained.

In fact, she didn't care. On the contrary, she often bullied others by relying on her generation. But when Ying Ziyi said this, it was always sarcastic.

Ever since the two of them became enemies because of that incident, they would fight whenever they met.

"Did you choose your name yourself?"

Seeing that the situation had calmed down, Ximen Yan also asked

"How should I put it? My great-grandmother was Tibetan. My grandfather had both Chinese and Tibetan names. When he registered, he still used the Tibetan name. As a result, my grandmother was Han. My father also had two names. He registered as Han. My mother was Tibetan. So, you know, it can be said to be an alternative family inheritance."

Gu Feiyan explained, playing with the ends of her hair.

"Winner Ying Ziyi: No wonder you are engaged to Cao Lin"

"These are two completely different things."

Rolling his eyes, Gu Feiyan said unhappily

"What, Sister Gu, you and Cao Lin are engaged!"*4After a brief moment of surprise, the eyes of the four girls from Dongfang Ling were full of gossip.

"Yes, isn't he your classmate? Didn't he tell you?"

Blinking his bright eyes, Gu Feiyan nodded and admitted it.

At this moment, the live broadcast room was filled with���My heart is broken.

Sure enough, all the pretty big sisters belong to others.

"But that's true. If he did, how could he still be a playboy?"

"Sister, don't you mind Cao Lin being a playboy?"

Tong Xue was full of curiosity about this.

"I don't care."

Gu Feiyan explained with a smile

"When we knew we were engaged, we had a long talk."

"Everything we have is given by our family, and we have no intention of leaving the family. Therefore, we do not reject marriages arranged by the family."

"In order to avoid regret, we made an agreement. He wanted to experience the life of a playboy, and I wanted to be a big sister. So we agreed that before marriage, we would not interfere with each other's life. After marriage, I would take care of my husband and children, and he would give his wife and children a title."

"Of course, the family will not tolerate anything too excessive, so even though he looks like a playboy in the capital, he has the intention but not the courage to do anything."

"Besides, a girl five years older than her mother, do you think her mother will not tolerate her son's misbehavior that does not exceed the standard?"

Looking at Gu Feiyan's smiling face, Dongfang Ling and the others knew that Gu Feiyan was not forcing a smile, but was really satisfied with her current life, so they didn't say anything.

Several people began to eat and drink, chatting about all sorts of things.

Seeing that they had almost finished eating, Gu Feiyan wiped her mouth and said

"Ling'er, I actually have something to ask for, and it was Cao Lin who gave me the idea. I was going to look for you, but you just happened to come over."

Dongfang Ling, Bai Mengyao and the other two looked at each other, as if it was just as they expected.

They are not ordinary people, and they have too many halos around them.

Especially Dongfang Ling, just the fact that she is Dongfang Yang's sister will attract countless people to approach her.

As for whether these people have good intentions or bad intentions, they will only know after contacting them.

As for why they dared to come to the appointment without knowing who Gu Feiyan is, the biggest reason is the existence of the fossil pterosaur.

Now let's not talk about what kind of person Gu Feiyan is. She is acquainted with Ying Ziyi and is Cao Lin's fiancée. For the time being, she can be classified as someone who can be befriended.

"Sister, tell me what you think. If we can help you, we will definitely help you."

Gu Feiyan didn't care about Dongfang Ling and the others' vigilance. After all, they were all family members, so they still had to be vigilant. They were not naive.

"That's right, I only like wolf-type Pokémons, and my main Pokémon is also the Great Wolfhound, Lucario and Werewolf. Some time ago, I was reading an ancient book and found that Werewolf has another form."

Gu Feiyan said, signaling his men to bring an ancient book.

When he opened the ancient book, the page recorded three forms of Werewolf.

"Unfortunately, the record of the third form of the werewolf was lost due to the damage of the page."

After listening to Gu Feiyan's words and looking at the records in the ancient book, Dongfang Ling and the other three were stunned.

"Sister, are you sure that the Werewolf has a third form?"

"Originally, I was like you, after trying many times without success, I thought it was just���People's reverie, but not long ago, I got the news that the Australian Alliance discovered the third form of the Mane Rock Werewolf, but the opponent was too powerful and escaped. The Australian Alliance released photos and is hunting the opponent, but it is not clear what the situation is at the moment."

Gu Feiyan nodded and told the news he had received.

"What do you mean?"

Dongfang Ling frowned.

"Your brother is very powerful and has been to many places. I would like to ask your brother if he has any relevant information. I can exchange it with resources."

After thinking for a while, Dongfang Ling nodded and agreed.

"I can promise you, but I can't guarantee that my brother knows something, nor can I guarantee that my brother will tell you that he knows. The most I can do is ask for you."

"No problem, that's enough."

Gu Feiyan said with a hearty smile.

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