Ying Yudie had never expected that the people who came to the expedition were all her acquaintances.

With Ying Yudie's mediation, the few people quickly became familiar with each other.

Ying Yudie also told Hu Jianming about their current situation.

"…This is the general situation now. When do you plan to go down?"

The four of them looked at each other and shook their heads.

Ying Tian explained.

"This time, we were divided into two teams. One team was us, who came here to investigate, and the other team went to check the situation of the temple first to prevent someone from getting there first."

"There are only two champion-level trainers here to temporarily escort another team to the temple. Here, there are only two king-level trainers, me and Chief Hu."

"I think it's relatively safe here with a champion trainer. When the other team arrives, one of the champion trainers will follow. They will arrive tomorrow at the latest."

After listening to Yingtian's words, Dongfang Yang covered his forehead, sighed, and asked

"No, you don't know enough about the core area of the Arctic, right?"

"What do you mean?"

Hu Jianming and others were stunned, somewhat confused.

In their opinion, no matter how dangerous the core area is, it can be guaranteed to be safe with two champion-level trainers.


After hearing the other party's operation, Ying Yudie was also a little confused and said

"When we came out of the core area, we caught a giant whale on the edge of the core area and used it as a mount to keep going. The giant whale was a semi-champion."

"We came out of the temple and flew a long way on the fire-breathing dragon"


Hu Jianming and the other three were horrified, and at the same time they understood the seriousness of the problem.

Looking at the four people who suddenly realized and were horrified, Dongfang Yang rolled his eyes, crossed his arms, and said unhappily

"Champion-level trainers can only protect themselves in the core area of the Arctic, and it is difficult to move forward. Otherwise, why do you think no one in so many countries has fully explored the secrets of the core area of the Arctic?"

Several people looked at each other in bewilderment.

This was really their negligence.

In fact, it was not their fault. This was a decision made by the two champion-level trainers on the way here. Their strength and status were not as good as the other party, and they could not change anything.

Now, all they can do is make a phone call and persuade the other team to come back.

However, when the call was connected, the two champion-level trainers were dismissive of Dongfang Yang's warning, thinking it was alarmist.

As champion-level trainers, what danger could they be in the core area of the Arctic? It was a joke. This was not in a secret realm.

The reason why no one has explored the core area of the Arctic is probably because the environment here is harsh. There should be nothing in this environment. The resources are there.

In a place without people and resources, who would do a thankless task?

Now that they are fully prepared, they are still afraid of the elves in the Arctic core area, which is ridiculous.

Wild champion-level elves are basically in the secret realm, so how could they appear here?

They were full of confidence and hung up the phone without waiting for Hu Jianming to say anything more.

They wanted to see if only masters could enter the temple secret realm.

But they forgot that the Arctic core area has a title that has been forgotten for a long time, the top secret realm in reality.

Looking at the hung up phone, several people fell silent. When they called again, they found that the other party's phone was turned off.

For a moment, no one knew what to say.

"Alas, it is hard to persuade a damned ghost with good words, and mercy without salvation will only kill people."

Sighing, Dongfang Yang sighed.

He handed the Poké Balls of Lucario and Garchomp to Ying Yudie, and arranged

"Yudie, you take Lucario and Garchomp down there first, and move slowly in the area we haven't checked. I'll ride Charizard over there to take a look. If everything is ok tomorrow, we'll leave."


Ying Yudie nodded in response after accepting the Poké Ball.

Turning his gaze to Hu Jianming and the others, Dongfang Yang said in a deep voice:

"I'll go and see. If anything goes wrong, we'll save as many as we can. You guys contact Long Ze immediately and report the situation to him. He'll take care of it."

After that, after asking about their possible approximate location, Dongfang Yang rode away on the Charizard.

Hu Jianming and the others also contacted Long Ze immediately and reported the situation to him.

Afterwards, the four of them packed up and were taken with a few others, following Ying Yudie to the ruins.

Long Ze, who was far away in the imperial capital, had just finished his work during this period, but just as he sat down to drink a sip of tea, he received a report from Hu Jianming.

"WC, who gave them the guts to take the Arctic core area lightly? I don't even dare to lead people deep into it, they think they are stronger than me, right?"

Faced with Long Ze's roar, the people far away in the Arctic could only remain silent.

""Okay, I got it. Go ahead and get busy."

Then Long Ze hung up the phone in a hurry and walked out of the office.

Hu Jianming could feel from a distance that someone was going to be in trouble.

In the corridor of the alliance headquarters, the staff who were originally in a hurry now stood trembling on both sides like chicks.

Looking at the angry Long Ze, everyone dared not breathe.

Mr. Li, who was semi-retired and delegated power, was listening to music at home when he heard the intelligence reported by his subordinates. He frowned and knew that something had happened. He hurriedly rode a flying elf and rushed to the alliance headquarters. As soon as he learned of Long Ze's location and arrived at the room where he was, he heard Long Ze roaring inside.

The congressman who was drinking tea in the office had the door kicked open by Long Ze. Before he understood what was happening, he heard Long Ze roaring.

""Okay, Mr. Liu, your Liu family is really powerful. You dare not listen to the orders issued by the alliance headquarters, right?"

Long Ze became more and more angry and kicked the congressman in the stomach.

"I asked them to lead the team to the ruins, but your two idiots just disobeyed me. NNND, two champion-level trainers, but only three champion-level Pokémon, just getting started, disobeying my orders, Dongfang Yang kindly reminded them, but they still insisted on doing it. NB, your Liu family is so powerful, do you want me to be your champion, ah."

Long Ze kicked and roared.

""Quick, pull them away."

Li Lao frowned, and after listening for a long time, he still didn't say what happened, but it seemed to be related to the North Pole.

The people around hurriedly stepped forward to hold Long Ze.

Long Ze was controlled, and the congressman who was kicked and bruised staggered to his feet, pointing at Long Ze and shouting

"Long Ze, you are looking for death. Alliance leader, you have seen it too. You have to make the decision for me."

"Stop howling, you don't even know you're dying."

Long Ze sneered and mocked.

When this was said, everyone was shocked.

Councillor Liu was even more frightened and ran to Mr. Li.

"Leader, look at him, he's threatening me."

Elder Li glanced at Councillor Liu, and Councillor Liu immediately shut up.

"What happened to Longze?"

"Oh, what else could happen? The two champion trainers of the Liu family, one old and one young, were so confident of their strength that they led most of the expedition team to the core area of the Arctic to look for the temple. Only less than fifty people went to the ruins where Dongfang Yang was."

Long Ze explained the matter in a cold voice. Those who knew about the situation in the Arctic looked grim.

Councillor Liu, who was a civil servant, was not aware of the situation and was still shouting.

"Isn't it just going to the core area of the Arctic? There is..."

Before he could finish his words, Mr. Li slapped him in the face.

Councillor Liu looked at Mr. Li in confusion.

"The Arctic core area is a real-world God-level secret realm, with many master-level Pokémon inside. Do you think it is safe for a champion-level trainer to go in?"

Hearing Mr. Li's cold voice, Councillor Liu trembled all over, his mouth trembled, and he couldn't say a word.

"Your Liu family rose to prominence because of these two champion trainers, right? Haha, use your pig brain to think about why our Long family did not take any action after knowing the location of the secret realm. Guess why."

Faced with Long Ze's sarcasm, Councillor Liu was speechless.

At this time, the people who originally controlled Long Ze also let go of their hands and looked at Councillor Liu with cold eyes.

"I know why you want to bring your two champion trainers into the team. Isn't it just to get a piece of the pie? I don't care. As long as I work hard and do my part, I don't mind having two more people in the first group. What's the result? That's it?"

After moving his wrist, Long Ze slowly came to Councillor Liu who was sitting on the ground, leaned over, and whispered

"It would be fine if you don't take Dongfang Yang's kind advice seriously. If you, the Liu family, want to die, I won't stop you. But if you take other members of the expedition team with you to die, do you think the alliance was founded by your family?"

"Don't forget, among the 300 members of the expedition team, nearly 200 are outstanding children of major families. You'd better pray that they can return alive.���Otherwise, I guarantee that your Liu family will be ruined."

After saying that, Long Ze stood up and walked out without caring about the incontinent Councillor Liu.

"All right, take this man to the hospital for bandages first. Remember, keep an eye on him."

Looking at Councillor Liu who was dragged away with disdain, Mr. Li quickly came behind Long Ze.

"How are you going to handle this?"

"Dongfang Yang has already rushed over, but he didn't have a specific location, so it will take some time to find him. I hope he's okay. I'm taking people there now. Whether it's looking for someone or exploring the ruins, we need people. They should be all there by now."

"Well, I'll be watching over the alliance, it's okay, go ahead."

Elder Li nodded, this is the best way.

"We will ride the elves as fast as we can. There will definitely be international disputes, and even our actions in the Arctic will be discovered. We may not be able to hide some things."

Long Ze rode on Dragonite and expressed his concerns.

"It's okay, let's ensure the safety of the personnel first. Our progress is currently unmatched by theirs, so it doesn't matter, let them catch up slowly."

Old Li shook his head, indicating that it was okay.

""Okay, I'm leaving now."

Looking at the ten Dragonites soaring into the sky, Mr. Li was filled with worry. He always had a bad premonition.

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