Dongfang Yang came to the people covered by ice and snow and squatted down to check their condition.

"There were no obvious injuries, and there was still a slight heartbeat. The body temperature was very low. Gardevoir used healing waves and healing bells. Charizard, you also come out to help, and raise the temperature around to a suitable temperature."

After hearing Dongfang Yang's instructions, Gardevoir quickly used skills to heal several people. Charizard came out again, mobilized fire energy, and raised the temperature to a suitable temperature.

"My heartbeat is still a little low. Come out, Pikachu."

Because of recent events and the low temperature in the Arctic, Pikachu was active only on the first day. On other days, he would hide in the Poké Ball to rest after dinner.

Now that he was released again, Pikachu called to Dongfang Yang twice and patted his chest."

Leave it to me if you have anything to do."

Dongfang Yang touched Pikachu's head and said softly.

"Use the smallest current you can control to stimulate the hearts of these people so that they can resume normal beating."

After knowing what to do, Pikachu nodded, came to the people on the ground, and controlled the tiny current to stimulate them.


After a while, the first person woke up.

Pikachu hurried to stimulate the next one.

Seeing someone wake up, Dongfang Yang hurriedly helped him up and asked

"how do you feel?"

"Where is this place? Is it the underworld?"

The man said in a daze, not fully awake yet.

"No, this is the North Pole. The Bull-Headed and Horse-Faced Demon is late."

Dongfang Yang smiled and comforted him.

"The North Pole, the North Pole… the North Pole!!!"

The man first breathed a sigh of relief, muttered a few words, and suddenly sat up and shouted

""North Pole, run!!!"

As he said this, the man stood up and tried to run away, but his body was too weak to move and he fell to the snow again.

Then, he turned his head to look at the person next to him, pushed Dongfang Yang, and shouted:

"You should leave quickly, the North Pole is too dangerous, leave quickly, as many people as possible should leave."

Dongfang Yang was a little amused and helpless, so he controlled the other person and comforted him.

""Okay, the danger is over. It's safe now. I was here to rescue you. Can you tell me what happened?"

Hearing Dongfang Yang say this, the man slowly calmed down. He looked around vigilantly. After confirming that there was no danger, he looked at Charizard, Shining Gardevoir, and Pikachu beside him. Only then did he completely relax and fell into Dongfang Yang's arms, asking weakly,"What happened?"

"Is there anything to eat or drink?"

Dongfang Yang quickly handed the prepared food and water to the man and said

"I know you are very hungry and thirsty now, but you should eat slowly, otherwise your body will not be able to bear it."

"Thank you."

The man took it tremblingly and ate it in small bites. While eating, he said to Dongfang Yang

"I am Lu Yeming, a soldier from the Dragon Nation. Two champion trainers have ordered us to garrison around the secret realm to prevent other countries from getting there first."

"As a result, not long after we entered the core area of the Arctic, we were surrounded by a group of ice ghost guards and snow demon girls. We had no idea what was going on. We hastily fought back and found out that the opponent was so strong."

"The opponent's Ice Demon Guard and Snow Demon Girl directly killed the six Pokémons of the two champion-level trainers, and our team was broken up."

"My teammates and I protected several researchers while fighting and retreating until we got here, where we were caught up by a powerful Ice Ghost Guard and fell unconscious."

"But before I fainted, I vaguely saw that they were looking for something on the researcher's body."

After listening to Lu Yeming's words, Dongfang Yang frowned, and his fingers kept tapping the ice surface, making a"tapping" sound.

Dongfang Yang did not doubt the other party's words. The positions of the few people here were not high, and if they hadn't met him, they would have died here. It was impossible for them to lie.

"Let me ask you, has one of those two champion trainers ever left?"

"I don't know about that."

Lu Yeming shook his head. After all, he was just a soldier and there were some things he was not very clear about.

""I have left before."

A voice sounded nearby.

Following the sound, it turned out that another person dressed as a researcher had woken up.

Under Gardevoir's care, the other person recovered a little. When he heard Dongfang Yang's question, he spoke

""Sir, I'm Yu Hang, a researcher. I know a trainer named Liu Yang left the team and brought something back. But because he's a champion trainer, we can't ask too much."

Dongfang Yang nodded and said in a deep voice.

"Very good, thank you for your help."

After saying that, Dongfang Yang continued to tap the ice surface in silence.

Yu Hang and Lu Yeming did not dare to say anything either, and stayed quietly aside, recovering their strength.

"How are your elves? I have some medicine here, do you need it?"

Dongfang Yang said after a long silence.

The few people who woke up were overjoyed and hurried to thank Dongfang Yang.

Although many of their elves died in the disaster, there were still a few survivors.

Nodding, Dongfang Yang gave them his medicine. He still had to find other people and could not send them to the ruins. After leaving the core area, they had to walk by themselves.

Fortunately, the ruins are not far from the core area.

An hour later, the people here woke up one after another.

After resting for a while, Dongfang Yang showed them the direction and asked Gardevoir to take them out of the core area.

Soon, Gardevoir used teleportation to take people away and came back.

After a simple cleanup, Dongfang Yang continued to move in the direction indicated by Lu Yeming and Yu Hang.

Not long after, a ruin appeared in front of him.

There were corpses covered with ice and snow everywhere.

There were many human and elf corpses.

Walking through the ruins, Dongfang Yang's face turned completely cold.

Although he knew it was impossible , but still held on to the mentality of fluke.

In the end, they all died, and no one had any signs of life.

The people who fell here were not big, only a few years older than himself, and they were in their prime, but because of the mistakes of some people, they stayed in this snowstorm forever.

Those two bastards, they really deserved to die.

As for the ice ghost guards, Dongfang Yang didn't have too many thoughts here. When the two armies confronted each other, could it be blamed on the enemy's firepower being too strong?

At most, they would help when they met.

After confirming the situation of the ruins, Dongfang Yang incinerated the human bodies in them, made bottles with ice and put them separately, recorded them with their blood-stained name tags, and put them into the system space.

After doing all this silently, Dongfang Yang turned around and was about to leave, ready to return to the camp at the ruins.

At this moment, Dongfang Yang felt a violent energy fluctuation, and hurried in the direction of the fluctuation.

Using"teleportation" to hurry on the road, under the leadership of Gardevoir, Dongfang Yang soon arrived at the destination.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

Spirit: Ice Ghost Guard

Attribute: Ice

Level: 104

Qualification: Red

Features: Frozen Body

Carrying Item: Ice Gem (Middle Quality 35%)

Elf: Snow Fairy

Attribute: Ice Ghost

Level: 102

Qualification: Red

Features: Spell Body

Carrying Item: Ice Gem (Middle Quality 35%)

Under the leadership of two master-level elves, an old man, a middle-aged man and their six quasi-champion-level elves were frozen into ice and shattered into pieces.

All the objects on them were destroyed, and only one elf ball fell into the ice.

The rest of the people hugged each other and trembled. Just as the Snow Fairy and the Ice Ghost Guard were about to step forward, a huge flying water shuriken blocked them.

"Please stop and don't take another step forward."

Dongfang Yang and Gardevoir instantly appeared in front of Ice Demon and the others, protecting the remaining people behind them.

At the same time, the bonded evolved Greninja appeared.

Feeling that the opponent's Pokémon was stronger than himself, especially the bonded Greninja, it seemed to have entered that realm.

Therefore, Ice Demon and Snow Fairy did not go any further, looking at the people and Pokémon who suddenly appeared with fear.

Under the watchful eyes of the two Pokémon, Dongfang Yang picked up the Poké Ball on the ground and released the Pokémon inside.

Looking at the Snow Boy who came out of the Poké Ball with a face full of fear and panic, Dongfang Yang showed an expression of"as expected".

He used his superpowers to control the Snow Boy to fly.

As soon as Snow Fairy made any move, the bonded Greninja blocked it in front of it, with the flying water shuriken in his hand pointing at the opponent.

Ice Demon, who was eager to protect his wife, quickly stood in the middle, looking at his opponent with a serious face.

Putting the Snow Boy in the arms of Snow Fairy, Dongfang Yang released his momentum and said in a deep voice

"Your children have been given to you. This matter ends here. Please ask your tribe to stop, otherwise I don't mind being your opponent."

Feeling Dongfang Yang's momentum, the Ice Demon Guardian and the Snow Demon Girl looked at each other, let out a long roar, and left with the Snow Boy.

Watching them leave, Dongfang Yang breathed a sigh of relief and put away Greninja and Gardevoir.

When he came to the relieved members of the expedition team, seeing their wounded appearance, Dongfang Yang frowned, took out the medicine on his body, and gave it to them.

"Take care of your wounds first, I'll take you to the ruins later."

They looked at each other, picked up the medicine and started to treat their wounds.

""That secret place?" a young researcher wearing glasses asked in a low voice.

"What, you want to go by yourself?"

Facing Dongfang Yang's cold eyes, the researcher lowered his head silently, not daring to say anything.

Seeing this, the others stopped asking for trouble.

After the group of people were able to move, Dongfang Yang directly made Gardevoir super evolve.

Then the super powers of the two were connected, and three large-scale"instant teleportations" were directly performed, taking the dizzy expedition team members back to the location of the ruins.

Seeing the group of people suddenly appear, the people left behind in the camp were startled at first, and after seeing who was coming clearly, they quickly moved.

Ying Yudie, who was waiting for news in the camp, hurried out to check on Dongfang Yang's situation.

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