Because of the mushroom issue, Dongfang Yang stayed in the room of the cultivation house from morning till night. He ate lunch and dinner in the room.

Dongfang Ling and the others were very curious about what Dongfang Yang was doing.

""Squad leader, do you really not know what my brother is doing?"

Dongfang Yang asked unwillingly, staring at He Tian.

She was particularly curious about where her brother was. Given the current situation, the training of the school team and the reserve force was the top priority. Her brother actually put it aside and dealt with other things. What was so important?

Hearing Dongfang Ling's question and feeling the curious eyes of Long Yun and others, He Tian and Wang Yang and others looked at each other, put down their bowls and chopsticks, sighed, and said

"Ling'er, I really don't know what the instructor is doing. After we went to the breeding house to select the appropriate elves, it was the staff of the breeding house who told me that the instructor had something to do. We don't know what it was."

"That's right, we can prove this."

Wang Yao and others spoke up to prove He Tian's words.

Seeing this, Long Yun and others all looked disappointed.

"What could that be? It's so mysterious."

Not getting the answer she wanted, Dongfang Ling bit her lower lip and muttered.

"I might know what it is."

A voice suddenly sounded behind them, and everyone was startled. They looked in the direction of the voice, and the school team's regular player, Xue Xingxuan, and his girlfriend, Lv Ziqing, appeared behind them with plates.

Qin Xun and Ying Yudie also came with them.

In order to facilitate management and training, Magic City University built a cafeteria next to the school team's training ground, which is responsible for the meals of the school team members, reserve players and coaching staff.


Dongfang Ling can ignore other people, but she can't ignore her sister-in-law.

Holding down Dongfang Ling who wanted to get up, Ying Yudie sat down beside her.

"Okay, when did we have so many rules? Let’s eat first and listen to what’s going on."


Dongfang Ling nodded, and then turned her eyes to Xue Xingxuan who had just spoken.

Others also looked at Xue Xingxuan, curious about what was going on.

Who doesn't like gossip?

Xue Xingxuan pulled his girlfriend to sit aside, while Qin Xun found another seat to sit down.

"I took the subject of cultivating mushrooms, and my instructor is Professor Guan Yue, the person in charge of the cultivation house you went to. I know some things..."

Then, Xue Xingxuan told the story of the mushrooms and told Guan Yue and others' guesses.

After hearing all this, everyone present was indignant.

Hongwu, who was born in an ancient martial arts family, had always been taught by his family to be chivalrous and righteous, to help when he saw injustice.

After hearing this, Hongwu could not control the power of the wildness in his body, and broke the dining table with one punch.

Suddenly, the bowls and chopsticks fell into a ball with a clang.

"C, don't let me know which bastard did this.~%?…;# *’☆&℃$︿★?"

After looking at the bloody fist, Hongwu, who was still unaware and still roaring in anger, looked at the mess on the ground. He

Tian and others who were eating at the same table with him had veins on their foreheads.

Although they understood the other party's situation and were also very angry about this kind of thing, this was not a reason for you to destroy school property and waste national food.

Although they wanted to suppress Hongwu and make him realize his mistake, looking at the other party's bloody fist and the broken table in two,

He Tian and others decisively followed their hearts.

They couldn't beat him, they really couldn't beat him. It was okay to use elves, but if it was a real PK, they were really no match.

Damn it, why is it stipulated that elves cannot fight in the cafeteria? Aren't they afraid that some people with strong limbs and simple minds will bully other students?

If the school leaders knew what they were thinking at the moment, they would probably just laugh.

Where did this jumping clown come from?

The people at other tables looked at the mess here and the cafeteria staff who heard the noise and rushed over, and they were full of relief.

The next scene was interesting.

The staff who rushed over saw Hongwu's fist dripping with blood and still uttering some foul language, and thought that he was some criminal, so they wanted to catch him.

However, in his rage, Hongwu did not notice who the person was, but just noticed someone approaching, so he grabbed the person with his backhand and controlled him.

"Tell me, who are you, where are you from, why did you attack me in school, do you know that I have practiced this grappling technique for more than ten years, attacking me is the most wrong decision you have made, I will hand you over to the alliance for a thorough interrogation."

The people around him were stunned.

How should I explain this later?

At this time, the staff member shouted directly

"Good guy, you dare to attack me, brothers, come on."

Immediately, more than a dozen security staff came up.

Five or six staff members protected Dongfang Ling and the others and retreated to a distance, while the rest rushed towards Hongwu.

Seeing this, Hongwu, who had not yet reacted, sneered.

"Am I afraid of crowds? I just like to fight a group of people alone."

As he said that, Hongwu directly used his bone-breaking hand to break the man's arm, and then charged towards the opposite side.

Although these security personnel are tall and strong, compared with Hongwu who has practiced ancient martial arts since childhood, there is a big gap in strength, skills, physical strength, and ability to resist attacks.

Seeing that the idea was difficult, the head of the security team wanted to call for support and use the elves to deal with Hongwu.

Fortunately, Li Yuan, who came after hearing the news, stopped the other party.

"Captain An, wait a minute, it's a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, this kid is a reserve this year.

Captain An paused as he was taking out the Poké Ball and the intercom, and looked at Li Yuan in astonishment.

"Instructor Li, is this fierce kid a student of our school? Or a reserve? Is his identity correct? He is not a member of a criminal organization."

"Hahaha, no way."

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Li Yuan smiled and said

"There is no mistake in the identity. This is a complete accident and a misunderstanding. Qin Xun will come and explain."

After saying that, Li Yuan pulled Captain An and asked him to listen to Qin Xun's explanation.

��After everything happened, Captain An was helpless.

It was really a misunderstanding. This matter is not easy to deal with.

After all, it was his own people who started it first. At most, they destroyed school property. They just need to pay a fine. There is no need to take action. It is probably the first time that Xiao Yang has encountered such a situation. He smashed things, his fists were bleeding, and he was cursing. The people next to him were motionless. It was a misunderstanding.

What can I do? Xiao Yang came from the countryside and was hardworking. Although his strength is a little weak, he is young and I still want to train him.

Why is he so young and hot-tempered?

Without understanding the situation, he took the lead in taking action against students and instigated others to take action. If he is investigated, he may lose his job. I don’t have such great power.

Seeing Captain An’s difficulties, Li Yuan also fell silent.

This matter can be resolved privately, but now there are too many people who know about it. Although this place is responsible for the meals of the school team and the reserve students, the staff of the cafeteria are all real people. They are all taking pictures with their mobile phones.

If it were posted online, the school's top brass would definitely know about it. Given the nature of some people on the Internet, I don't know what kind of title they would use. It would probably cause adverse effects. At that time, the security guards who took the initiative to take action would most likely not be able to stay, unless they admitted that Hongwu had a problem, but how could that be possible?

Just as the two were in a dilemma, a voice rang out.

"Well, good, that's enough, stop it, this exercise is over."

Everyone turned their heads to look in the direction of the voice. Dongfang Yang appeared in the cafeteria without knowing when, followed by a Pikachu and a mushroom hiding behind the Pikachu and carefully poking its head out. As soon as

Dongfang Yang finished speaking, his golden-red pupils lit up with blue light, separating the people who were fighting each other.

"Hongwu, it's just a simple drill. Why do you use such heavy hands? You are not a real criminal, and neither is the other party. Just do it. The credits that should be given to you will be reserved for the time being. If there are no major problems with others, they will be given to you."

"Members of the security team, you responded very quickly, which is great. For authenticity, we did not tell you about this exercise. You still performed well, which is great. I will talk to Captain An and increase your bonus this month. At the same time, the school team will pay for the medical expenses of the injured."

"Now that we have talked about the good things, it's time to talk about the bad things.

It was you who was the first to be punished, Hongwu.

You went too hard.

Those whose arms you broke should apologize to me one by one and put their hands back.

In addition, you have to pay them extra medical expenses.

It was just an exercise, and although it was realistic, you still went too hard.

People who practice martial arts should make light of heavy things and heavy things, and learn to control their strength, no matter if you are a human or an elf.

I will punish you slightly this time, and I hope you will learn from it.


"Now it's time to talk about you."

Dongfang Yang looked at the first security guard who took action and said slowly

"There is nothing wrong with other people, but you are the main problem.

You are young and energetic, but too impulsive.

You want to take down the other party first to prevent him from causing harm.

This is good, but you think too one-sidedly.

Assuming this is not an exercise, Hongwu is a dangerous person.

Where is this place? The cafeteria specially prepared by Modu University for the school team and the reserve.

You don't even know where you work, right? Can a person who can disguise his identity and sneak into here be a simple person? With your ability, can you control the other party? Have you ever thought about what the impact will be if you are controlled?"

"First, the other members of the security team will be afraid to act rashly because you have become a hostage.

Secondly, your life will be threatened.

You should be thankful that this is just a drill, otherwise it would not be as simple as a dislocation.

Finally, the other party may very likely use blackmail to escape.

Can you bear the responsibility? Fortunately, your spirit of self-sacrifice can give you a lot of points.

Otherwise, I would have asked the school to dismiss you.

You must know that you are responsible for protecting the safety of the school.

You must be calm and act after planning, understand?"

"As a punishment, you will help out in the school team for the next month."

After saying that, Dongfang Yang looked at the people around him who were filming and said in a deep voice

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is just a small exercise conducted by our school team and the security team. I hope you won't spread it on the Internet. You can publish it, but if you distort the facts, the legal department of Magic City University will talk to you. By the way, I will also publish this paragraph for me. We will hold any video without this paragraph accountable."

After that, Dongfang Yang left a sentence,"Li Yuan, you and Captain An will deal with the aftermath."

After all, although the mushrooms are willing to follow Pikachu, they are still very afraid of people.

Li Yuan and Captain An looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths kept twitching.

It's you who distorted the facts.

But the two of them wouldn't say anything, after all, Dongfang Yang had already defined the incident.

As for the broken things, just kidding, isn't it normal to break one or two things during the exercise? The school team reimbursed it.

Well, Li Yuan asked Hongwu to reimburse it afterwards.

Hongwu didn't say anything, after all, it was indeed him who broke it, and he could be said to be the first to cause trouble.

That night, Captain An's roar was also heard in the security team's lounge.

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