"So that's what's going on. A strange space appeared in the secret realm, similar to the inheritance space in fantasy novels. You can get all kinds of rewards. How can it be so fantasy?"

Touching his chin, Dongfang Yang was full of curiosity about that space.

In his previous life on Earth, Dongfang Yang often read novels about a pig horn encountering a lost land and obtaining a certain inheritance. Could it be that this kind of thing has also happened to me?

Interesting, really interesting…

(σ°∀°)σ..:*☆ Wow, not bad, kid, you have successfully caught my attention.

Rubbing his chin, Dongfang Yang was thinking about whether to take the reserve team to play over there.

The training here is almost done, and with their own increased training, the intensity has long reached the standard. It is not impossible to take them for a walk. If they are lucky, they may get something.

The more Dongfang Yang thought about it, the more reasonable it seemed. He no longer hesitated and decided to go to the mysterious space immediately.

As the saying goes, if you don't take advantage of an opportunity, you are a fool.

I, the youngest champion trainer in the history of Dragon Country, will give this test a try.

It just so happens that once this"dragon's den and tiger's lair" is entered, this trip to the secret realm can be over.

This is what I have been looking forward to, the long-famous"land of inheritance".

After thinking about it, Dongfang Yang summoned all the reserve team members and logistics staff and told them about the"mysterious space".

"…Well, that's roughly what I got. I want to confirm that for the remaining ten days, should we go and check out that space or continue training?"

Upon hearing this news, everyone was shocked at first, and then they were in an uproar, like a boiling kettle, with shouts coming one after another.

"Is this really possible, Chief Instructor?"

"Yes, won’t it affect the training schedule?"

"Besides, aren’t there a lot of young masters from different families and members of the school team gathered there? Can we compete with them for resources?"

A group of people were chattering, and Dongfang Yang had a headache listening to them. He waved his hand and said

"It's okay, go if you want, let's go together, you have already completed the second phase of training, it would be nice to go and see it for yourself"


Dongfang Ling and the others immediately cheered.

The logistics staff looked at the group of students with envy. Such an opportunity is hard to come by, and they also want it.

However, the next moment, they heard something that they thought was incredible.

"Well, members of the coaching team, you have worked hard during this period. If this"mysterious space" is real, you will not have any problems for a while after the students enter. If you want, you can go in and try."

‼(•'╻'• ۶)۶

Hearing Dongfang Yang say this, the logistics staff was completely stunned.

After a long time, a person in charge of making energy cubes for everyone raised his hand tremblingly and asked in disbelief

"Chief Instructor, are you serious? Can we go in and try?"


Dongfang Yang nodded.

"If you want to try, just give it a try. I have never heard of such a unique place. Maybe we will only have this chance in our lifetime. Don't leave any regrets for yourself. As for whether you will take away the students' opportunities, don't worry about it at all. Who will let them go after they leave school? If they can't grab it, it's a personal ability problem. You can't blame others."

While saying this, Dongfang Yang looked at his sister and the others. This is also for them. It can be regarded as part of the special training.

Dongfang Ling and the others understood Dongfang Yang's meaning in an instant. They looked at each other and clearly saw the raging fire in each other's eyes.

This time, they are also opponents. Everyone is eager to fight. No one is willing to give in.

"Long live the chief instructor"


All the logistics personnel cheered loudly, wishing they could lift Dongfang Yang up and throw him into the air again and again.

They were just thinking about it, after all, they were still very afraid of Dongfang Yang. Apart from anything else, the burst of momentum just now was really scary.

"Okay, pack up and we'll set off. Don't fall behind others and miss out on leftovers."

With Dongfang Yang's order, all the people started to move immediately.

They showed their high work quality. In just half an hour, they packed up everything and lined up neatly in front of Dongfang Yang.

After confirming that everyone was present, Dongfang Yang waved his hand and said loudly,"Let's go!"

""Let's go."

Dozens of people still walked out with the spirit of thousands of troops, and they were surprised that there was no elf blocking the road.

On the other side, Ying Yudie and others, led by Xu Yan, went through a day and came to the dense forest where Xu Yan and his friends entered the"mysterious space" before.

"Okay, let's talk about it. What should we do next?"

Wu Tianhao crossed his arms and looked at Xu Yan with cold eyes. He felt very bad at the moment. At this moment, he was like a gunpowder barrel that had been opened and could explode at any time.

"I don't know."

Faced with Wu Tianhao's questioning, Xu Yan shook his head, indicating that he didn't know either.

"The location is this one. As for how to get in, to be honest, I don't know. I was confused when I went in, and I was confused when I came out."

Before he finished speaking, dozens of cold eyes stayed on Xu Yan, and the air was filled with a faint murderous intent.

After staring at Xu Yan for a while, seeing that he looked like this was the fact, you can believe it or not, they withdrew their gazes.

Feeling the gazes move away, Xu Yan also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, if he had been a little careless just now, he would have been doomed. No one wants to die if they can live.


Wu Tianhao was obviously very dissatisfied with this result. He looked at���Ge Hongwen said in a gloomy tone

"Brother Zhuge, tell me, what should we do next?"



Zhuge Hongwen didn't care about Wu Tianhao's attempt to divert the blame. In his opinion, this was a very low-level trick.

"What is the next step? Is there any need to ask?"

Zhuge Hongwen glanced at Wu Tianhao with disdain and continued to move forward with big strides.

"We should keep going. Since Master Xu Yan can go in, there is no reason why we should be turned away. Or do you think there is any danger in this dense forest? Or do you think you are not as good as Master Xu Yan?"

Faced with Zhuge Hongwen's ridicule, Wu Tianhao's face flushed with anger, and he couldn't explain why.

Huang Yuqin simply ignored Wu Tianhao's existence, and even decided to teach the Wu family a lesson after she went out.

How can the heir of a family that has only risen for three generations have the courage to target a family that has been entrenched for thousands of years.

Money? Haha, the elf world ultimately looks at strength.

The Ma family also has money, even more than the Wu family, but they dare not be too ostentatious in front of the Zhuge family and the Huang family.

Families that do not control the secret realm are not considered to be on the same level in the eyes of the aristocratic families.

Unless you have absolute power, such as Dongfang Yang, who is so strong that everyone is afraid of you, others will certainly give you face.

Ying Yu, who was also born in an aristocratic family Die didn't even look at Wu Tianhao, and led his men to follow Zhuge Hongwen.

Ma Yunfei and Ma Yilan looked at each other, shook their heads at Wu Tianhao, and followed closely.

The family has been passed down for thousands of years, and the most terrifying thing is the foundation.

Most of the families use the resources in the secret realm they control to cultivate a powerful elf for the family.

There are also some who rely on their own abilities to cultivate powerful elves and then form a family.

The Dongfang family is like this. With a true dragon like Dongfang Yang, no one dares to ignore their existence in the Dragon Kingdom.

Especially after the incident in the Magic City Yveltal.

However, the Wu family, which started out as a business, is obviously no longer in this category. Who gave you the courage to provoke Zhuge Hongwen, Fish Leong?


Fish Leong: It's not me, don't blame me for everything. Besides, we are not from the same world, right?

The others ignored Wu Tianhao who was sulking alone and walked straight into the depths of the forest.

Seeing Wu Tianhao, who was like a clown, Xu Yan laughed out loud.

"Damn it, Xu Yan, are you looking for death?"

Hearing Xu Yan's ridicule, Wu Tianhao completely exploded, took out the Poké Ball and was ready to fight to the death with the other party.

Xu Yan looked at Wu Tianhao coldly, sat down against the tree, and said slowly

"If I were you, I would not stay here. Everyone else has gone in. Do you want to be left behind?"

Upon hearing this, Wu Tianhao paused.

After a mental struggle, Wu Tianhao put away the Poké Ball and walked into the depths of the jungle, leaving only a vicious word to Xu Yan.

"You better wait here and hope we succeed, or you're screwed.���"

Xu Yan didn't take Wu Tianhao's harsh words to heart at all, and he didn't plan to leave.

There were too many forces among the people who went in. If something happened inside, the Xu family would be doomed.

Xu Yan, whose family members were all in the officialdom except himself, knew some inside stories of the anti-gang operation.

The Liu family, which was several times stronger than the Xu family and the Wu family, was destroyed in an instant. The reason was that he had offended countless top forces in the Dragon Country at the same time. Just in case, he had better wait here and take a break.

But Xu Yan never expected that what he waited for was not Zhuge Hongwen and others returning empty-handed or returning with a full load.

He waited for the landing of a large army led by Dongfang Yang riding a large number of flying elves.

"Hey, you're the only one here. It seems they've all gone in, right? How long have they been in there?"

"Yes, they have just been in for less than half a day."

Nodding, Xu Yan responded to Dongfang Yang's question woodenly.

"Oh, it seems that we finally caught up after all our efforts. Everyone, are you ready?"

Smiling, Dongfang Yang turned his gaze to the people following him.

""Roar, ready!"

Everyone raised their right hands excitedly and roared.

""Okay, let's go."

With Dongfang Yang's shout, everyone rushed into the depths of the dense forest like hungry tigers out of a cage.

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