Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie walked and talked, and before they knew it, they came to the entrance of a large exchange market in Shanghai.

"Do you want to go in and take a look?"

"It's okay to go in and take a look. It's okay anyway, right?"

Without thinking too much, Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie walked into the exchange market hand in hand.

There are still a lot of things in the exchange market, but most of them are useless to the two of them.

The two of them didn't plan to buy anything here, they just came here to kill time.

"The things here are of little use to us and not very interesting. Please accompany me to buy clothes in the evening. I haven’t been to the mall for a long time. I have been in special training. How do you think?"

"OK, no problem"

"I don’t know if there will be any new products in the past three months, and whether they are good-looking. My wallet is already thirsty, hehe"

"Shouldn't it be my wallet?"

"Hehe, all the same, all the same"

"as long as you are happy"

"What clothes do you think look good on me?"

This time, Dongfang Yang did not respond to Ying Yudie. Ying

Yudie looked at Dongfang Yang with a puzzled look on her face, but she found that her man was staring at a gray elf egg.

""What? Did you find an elf with excellent qualifications?"

Ying Yudie asked curiously.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Dongfang Yang was filled with strange thoughts.

"I can't say it has excellent qualifications, but it is indeed a very rare elf."

Elf: Rock Dog

Attribute: Rock

Level: 0

Qualification: Blue

Characteristics: Self-willed

Carrying Items: None

That's right, the elf egg that Dongfang Yang found was bred with a rock dog with the characteristic of self-willed.

Without immediately explaining to Ying Yudie, Dongfang Yang went up to the boss and bought the elf egg.

After walking around the elf egg twice, Ying Yudie didn't see anything unusual, and couldn't see it, so she gave up observing and asked her boyfriend.

"What kind of elf is this?"

"Characteristic: Rock Dog who does his own thing"


Ying Yudie looked like you were teasing me


"No, this is the rock dog that Feiyan has been looking for?"

I was there when Dongfang Yang and Dongfang Ling were talking on the phone in the Arctic that day. Ying Yudie also knew that her best friend wanted a dusk-form maned rock wolf.

It is said that in the past two months, Gu Feiyan has raised no less than two hundred rock dogs at home, but has not found a rock dog with the characteristic of doing whatever it wants.

I never expected that I would find it when I went to the market with my boyfriend.

This is more or less a bit weird, right?

My man's luck seems to be surprisingly good. Whether in the Arctic or now, there are always rare things delivered to him.

Could it be that he is the son of destiny in the novel?


Yang was completely unaware of Ying Yudie's wild thoughts. He spoke to himself.

"This is indeed the rock dog that Gu Feiyan needs, but its qualifications can only be said to be so-so, blue qualifications."

Hearing this, Ying Yudie couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Blue qualifications, you actually said it was so-so, you have really high standards.

White qualifications are the qualifications of most Pokémon, and green is already considered good.

Most Pokémon in the world are between these two qualifications.

Blue can be said to be excellent, purple is definitely a rare qualification, and red qualifications are the undisputed top qualifications.

The orange and gold qualifications above are basically legendary existences, even quasi-gods can hardly have such qualifications, and she only has Zeraora with orange qualifications.

Ying Yudie didn't know that Dongfang Yang was simply too picky and was spoiled by the system.

In the first team, except for Lucario who had red qualifications, the others All are above it. Garchomp and Greninja are both unique gold qualifications.

Of course, Dongfang Yang piled up all of them with resources.

The three teams have now confirmed that Charcoal, Dratini, Kokoro and Eevee are also red qualifications.

Even the second team's Pikachu is red, and Crow has been upgraded to red with the help of the Dark Stone. Beedrill also has purple qualifications.

The worst Meowth and Mushroom are also blue qualifications.

Therefore, in Dongfang Yang's eyes, blue qualifications are just so-so.

As for Crystal Lamp Spirit and the like, their strength is there, and qualifications are not important.

Although he wanted to complain, Ying Yudie also roughly guessed the situation of Dongfang Yang's elves, so he didn't delve into it.

"What are you going to do with this Pokémon egg?"


Dongfang Yang touched his chin with his right hand, looked at the elf egg in the palm of his left hand, and after a moment's hesitation, he said

"Give it to Ziyi?"


"Personally, whether it is to Gu Feiyan or Ziyi, it is nothing more than a favor, but Ziyi is still my brother-in-law after all, so I can help him if I can."

Hearing this, Ying Yudie instantly understood Dongfang Yang's thoughts and said with contempt

(#‵′)I despise you

""Hey, you have such a dirty heart."

Dongfang Yang gave the opportunity to Ying Ziyi just because he saw some conflicts between Gu Feiyan and Ying Ziyi. As for whether Ying Ziyi asked for too much or used it to mock him, it had nothing to do with him. Anyway, Gu Feiyan would definitely feel uncomfortable.

Although she despised Dongfang Yang's behavior of bullying girls, Ying Yudie still followed his idea and sent a message to Ying Ziyi.

After learning the cause and effect of the matter, Ying Ziyi quickly handed the matter of the breeding house to his confidant, and rushed to the exchange market where the two were.

While waiting for Ying Ziyi, Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie held hands and continued to stroll in the exchange market.

"By the way, you haven’t answered me yet, what clothes look good on me?"



Ying Yudie was once again shocked by Dongfang Yang's answer and was filled with question marks.

"I don't think I've ever worn Hanfu, right? You're talking nonsense."

Hearing the displeasure in his girlfriend's mouth, Dongfang Yang smiled and explained:

"The beauty of Hanfu, elegance for a lifetime, intoxicating for eternity, fully reflects the beauty of classicism, implicitness, lightness and elegance. Now many clothes reflect more of the external beauty of women, but I prefer Hanfu.���The temperament that comes out is not the kind of temperament that"a person with a wealth of knowledge and poetry is naturally elegant""

"Of course, the appearance of Hanfu is also beautiful, otherwise there would not be the saying"graceful as a startled swan, graceful as a swimming dragon"’,‘The lotus is not as beautiful as the beauty's makeup, the wind blows through the water palace and the pearls and jade are fragrant’,‘"The manner is elegant and sincere, the skin is delicate and the bones are even" and other famous sayings"

"So, whenever you ask me what clothes look good on me, my answer is: not as good as Hanfu."

After hearing Dongfang Yang's answer, Ying Yudie was stunned. She didn't expect her boyfriend to speak so freely.

But now is not the time to care about these things. The vixens around her looked at her man with eyes full of naked desire. She had to say that her man was quite handsome. His previous remarks, especially the series of poems that came out of his mouth, were still very lethal.

Just as he said, a person with knowledge of poetry and books is naturally elegant, and the confidence brought by his own strength makes him more attractive.

Originally, when he was around, some people would have to think twice, but now, some people might be shameless.

No, we can't stay here any longer. Some people are already ready to move, especially those women in Hanfu, whose faces are full of ill intentions.

Ying Yudie took Dongfang Yang's hand and ran away.

Dongfang Yang didn't know what was going on at all. After all, in his eyes, his other half would only be Ying Yudie, and everyone else, haha.

They didn't stop until they ran into a coffee shop.

Looking at the breathless Ying Yudie, Dongfang Yang smiled.

"any drinks?"


Ying Yudie said weakly, leaning on the chair.

After handing the elf egg to his girlfriend, Dongfang Yang went to the counter to order.

When he came back, Dongfang Yang also brought back a lot of small cakes and placed them in front of Ying Yudie.

"Try it, it is said to be the signature of this shop, it should taste good."

Looking at the tempting cheesecake in front of her, Ying Yudie scooped a spoonful, put it into her mouth, and tasted it happily.



Ying Yudie showed a satisfied expression

"Although it is not top-notch, it is pretty good for the price. I didn't expect there is such a treasure shop."

"As long as you like it."

Dongfang Yang picked up the magazine he brought back from the counter and started reading.

At this time, Ying Yudie scooped a spoonful of cake and handed it to Dongfang Yang's mouth.

"You should try it too, it tastes really good."

After enjoying Ying Yudie's feeding, Dongfang Yang tasted it and nodded.

"It's really good, it's worth our next visit"

"Hehehe, do you want more?"

"No, I don't like sweet food.

Although he wanted Ying Yudie to continue feeding him, Dongfang Yang still refused. After all, he really couldn't eat sweets like cakes.


Seeing Dongfang Yang start to concentrate on reading the magazine, Ying Yudie did not hesitate, turned to look at Pikachu who was licking the ice cream, and asked

"Pikachu, do you want to try it?"

Hearing this, Pikachu opened his mouth and waited for Ying Yudie to feed him.���He smiled, scooped a big spoonful of cake and put it into Pikachu's mouth

"Don't feed it too much. This kid has too much sugar today. He will get fat."

Dongfang Yang, who was reading a magazine, suddenly said.

Rolling his eyes, Ying Yudie directly pulled Pikachu in front of him and gave it some of the cake on the table.

"Ignore him, Pikachu. You have to eat to your heart's content. We don't eat every day. If you can't beat them, you can just practice tomorrow. Come and try it. If it's not enough, I'll order more."

As she spoke, Ying Yudie glared at Dongfang Yang

, who was disappointed. Pikachu patted Ying Yudie's arm and shouted excitedly.

He is indeed his best friend, and he thinks the same as he does.

Looking at the person and the pet in front of him, Dongfang Yang sighed in his heart and let them go.

What else could he do? He could only spoil them.

In the quiet coffee shop, there was a peaceful scene. Everyone was doing their job and enjoying the rare afternoon time.

The sudden doorbell broke the peace.

Ying Ziyi came to Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie in a hurry.

"Are you here?"

Dongfang Yang asked without raising his head.

"Hey, the road was a little congested, so it was a little late."

Scratching his head, Ying Ziyi smiled a little embarrassedly.

"That's the elf egg, you can take it away."

Closing the magazine, Dongfang Yang pointed to the location of Ying Ziyi's elf egg.

""Thank you, brother-in-law."

After saying thank you, Ying Ziyi picked up the Pokémon Egg with a smile.

Ying Yudie, who was originally playing with Pikachu, suddenly said

"What are you going to do with this fairy egg?"

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