"Mrs. Ye, hello."

Li Yuan greeted the newcomer immediately.

Others also greeted Ye Yan.

They respected Ye Yan very much. She was a famous figure in her past.

Besides, her strength was not much weaker than Dongfang Long.

Ying Yudie was indeed stunned. She did not expect Ye Yan to suddenly appear behind her.

Although she had confirmed her relationship with Dongfang Yang, this was the first time she met his parents.

It was Li Yuan who just talked with Dongfang Long. He hid behind and thought of a solution. He also planned to go back and think of a plan with Dongfang Yang today, and attack again the day after tomorrow. Unexpectedly, Ye Yan actually launched a sneak attack.


After a brief moment of shock, Ying Yudie hurriedly greeted him, but was interrupted by Ye Yan as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Okay, girl, why are you being so polite to me? Coming to the Magic City Gym in the future will be like going home. You also need the Magic City badge, right? Mom will get it for you later."

Hearing Ye Yan calling herself mom, Ying Yudie's ears turned red. She felt shy, happy, and a little bit brotherly.���Ah

, Dongfang Yang, you bastard, you actually forgot such an important thing, what do you want me to do, what are you thinking, you actually let me face your parents alone, ah, ah, ah, I'm going to"kill" you

(●°u°●) My heart is broken at this moment.

Holding back my shyness, Ying Yudie said intermittently:

"No, no, I'm just like everyone else, that's all, yes, yes, otherwise, she'll be angry."

Ye Yan knew what Ying Yudie meant, and just as she was about to speak, her cell phone rang.

She took out her cell phone and saw that it was her son's call. Ye Yan smiled at Ying Yudie, whose cheeks were even redder, pressed the answer button, and decisively chose to speak louder.

"Hello, my dear mother"

"If there is any P, release it."

Although Ye Yan looked at Ying Yudie with a smile in his eyes, his eyes were so gentle and kind, but the words he said were so cold and ruthless.

"I guess Yudie will come to our gym in the next few days. Don’t meet her for now, otherwise it will be awkward. Can I bring her to see you later?"

"What? My daughter-in-law is here, but I can’t meet her?"

"It's not like they haven't come to the door yet, just wait a little longer."

Everyone who heard Dongfang Yang's flattering tone took a deep breath.

Good fellow, it seems that the rumor is true. The boss of the Dongfang family in Magic City is Ye Yan. Whether it is Dongfang Long or Dongfang Yang, they have to bow their heads in front of him.

WC, Madam Ye NB

(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵) Tear~~National One

Especially the female members, looking at Ye Yan with eyes full of admiration


"Then why did you let them be the first to come to the Magic City Gym? What do you want to do?"

"Hehe, after all, now that the old man and you are in charge, the Magic City Gym can be said to be the strongest gym in Dragon Country. If we pass it, the other gyms will just be a matter of time. I'll also find something for the old man to do."

"Humph, that sounds nice, but you just want to make trouble for your father. I don't know you two very well."

"Hehe, mother is wise and powerful. What do you think about the meeting with Ying Yudie?"

"Oh, it's too late. We've already met."


After a moment of silence, Dongfang Yang slowly spoke

""Yudie, are you listening?"

Hearing her calling, Ying Yudie glanced at Ye Yan and spoke after getting her consent.

"Well, in"

""Yudie, listen to me. I really miscalculated what happened today. Don't listen to the old woman's nonsense. Now this old couple has nothing to do all day long. They just make trouble. Don't pay attention to them. Wait for my sister to give birth to the child and leave it to them. Don't have any psychological pressure. The old woman has no martial ethics and will play tricks behind the scenes..."

Listening to Dongfang Yang's constant complaints and seeing Ye Yan's face getting darker and darker, Ying Yudie didn't know what to say for a moment.

Yang, you know that the phone is playing loudly now, and you still say this. Do you really not want to go home?

At this moment, Ying Yudie wanted to cry but had no tears.

( ๑ŏ ﹏ ŏ๑ )

Others were also shocked



Ye Yan snorted coldly and hung up the phone directly, interrupting Dongfang Yang from continuing to cast a spell.

"Um, Auntie…"

Ying Yudie was about to open her mouth to comfort her, but Ye Yan glared at her, scaring her so much that she quickly changed her words


Upon hearing this, Ye Yan immediately smiled happily.

"Oh, good boy."

Seeing Ye Yan's face suddenly brighten, everyone was dumbfounded.

This, changing face is too skillful.

Ying Yudie struck while the iron was hot and spoke for Dongfang Yang.

"Mom, don't take Yang's words to heart.…"

"You are not surprised that I am angry with my son, are you?"

Ye Yan's question directly made Ying Yudie's brain crash. After a long time, she asked carefully:

"Isn’t it?"

"Of course not."

Rubbing Ying Yudie's head, Ye Yan smiled and said

"I have no idea how many times I would have died if I hadn't gotten angry with that brat. I have never had a peaceful life since I was a child."

"Girl, I'm telling you, next time you're with a bad boy, be more careful. Even though he won't mess around, you still have to be careful that he might plot against you."

"Just like the Magic City Badge this time, he was purely looking for trouble for the old man, otherwise, it would be the same wherever he went, even the Imperial City Gym would be fine."

"His behavior just now seemed to be irritating me, but actually he was helping you.

It was indeed his mistake.

He didn't expect that I would come to see you early.

But things had already happened, so he was thinking about how to make up for it so that it wouldn't be so awkward.

The best way is for both of us to recognize each other's identities.

He knows that you will definitely speak for him.

If I push you a little more, you will call me mom, and we will accept it.

As long as we have had the first time, will there be any embarrassment between us?"

"You see, he wants to say that I have been doing this for a long time. If he does this, he will feel comfortable, you will not be embarrassed, and I will get what I want. It's good for everyone. It's just that he doesn't dare to go home these days."

"So, this kid has a lot of ideas, don't worry too much about him.��"

After listening to Ye Yan's explanation, Ying Yudie quickly reacted.

This bastard, he has so many tricks. I should ask my mother for advice more often in the future, otherwise I won't even know that he has played a trick on me.



Also, Mom, can you please stop rubbing my head? My hair is messed up. I finally understand why Dongfang Yang likes to rub other people's heads so much. It turns out you taught him that.

Having satisfied his desire, Ye Yan reluctantly put down her hand, looked towards the battlefield, and said softly.

"In fact, you should worry about the captain on the field. Aaron should have guessed the brat's intention and is probably holding back a lot of anger. You'd better pray that he won't be too heavy-handed."

Hearing this, everyone's face froze and they quickly turned their attention to the battlefield, praying silently in their hearts.

Seeing that Qin Xun was already in place, Dongfang Long said

"According to the rules, I should go first. Since you are all top students of Magic City University, I won't be polite. Go ahead, Red-faced Dragon."

Looking at the Red-faced Dragon on the field, Ye Yan nodded and said

"It seems that he is angry."

The school team members looked bitter.

It's over, Chief Instructor, you are tricking us.

Elf: Red-faced Dragon

Attribute: Dragon

Level: 79

Qualification: Blue

Characteristics: Forced

Carrying Item: Dragon Gem (Middle Quality 36%)

Although Qin Xun didn't know the specific situation of the Red-faced Dragon, he could clearly feel the opponent's strong strength. Qin Xun also guessed that he should have been tricked by the chief instructor.

There was no choice but to face it.

In an instant, Qin Xun's momentum suddenly changed.

"Forget it, don't think too much, go ahead, Staff Tail Scaled Dragon, enjoy the battle."

With an angry roar, the tall Staff Tail Scaled Dragon appeared on the field.

Elf: Staff Tail Scaled Dragon

Attribute: Dragon Fighting

Level: 72

Qualification: Purple

Features: Soundproofing

Carrying Item: Dragon's Tooth (Top Grade 24%)

Ye Yan's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Good boy, you guys at Magic City University have a big trick up your sleeve this time."

The aura of a king is something that is hard to come by, at least she and Dongfang Long don't have it.

Hearing Ye Yan's praise, Li Yuan and other accompanying teachers smiled happily, feeling proud.

"Damn, is it great to have talent? Red-faced dragon, you're welcome, let's do a 'Dragon Claw' first’"

After twisting its slightly uncomfortable body, the Red-Faced Dragon roared and rushed towards the Staff-Tailed Scaled Dragon. Its two sharp claws condensed terrifying dragon energy.

"I like it, the staff-tailed scaly dragon, we also use the 'Dragon Claw'’"

In an instant, the two dragons began to fight each other on the battlefield.

After dozens of rounds, the Staff-tailed Scaled Armored Dragon was caught off guard and was hit on the cheek by the Red-faced Dragon's claw.

The huge force made it lose consciousness for a moment.

The momentary flaw was seized by the Eastern Dragon.

"Red-faced Dragon, use 'Reverse Scale’"

Hearing the trainer's instructions, the Red-faced Dragon roared and burst out with amazing dragon energy to cover its entire body.

With the"Dragon Claw" blessed by the"Reverse Scale", it rained down mercilessly on the body of the Staff-tailed Scaled Dragon.

In a flash, the Staff-tailed Scaled Dragon endured dozens of attacks and flew backwards.

"Are you okay, Armored Dragon?

Qin Xun asked.

Shaking its body, making a ding-dong sound, the Armored Dragon roared, telling Qin Xun that it was fine, and then a fierce light flashed in its eyes.

""Shh, troublesome scales."

Seeing the appearance of the Staff-tailed Scaled Dragon, Dongfang Long knew that the Red-faced Dragon's attack was offset by its scales and did not cause considerable damage.

"While the effect of"Reverse Scale" is still there, the Red-faced Dragon rushed forward and used"Brute Force" and"Dragon Claw"’"

Wrapped in the energy of the"reverse scales", the Red-faced Dragon's muscles bulged, and the energy of the fighting system began to surge. It opened its"dragon claws" and rushed towards the Staff-tailed Scaled Dragon.

"Use 'hold’"

Hearing this, the Staff-tailed Scaled Dragon formed a green protective shield around its body when the Red-faced Dragon's attack approached.

Seeing this, Ye Yan chuckled.

"No way, you still need to"hold" in this situation, didn't the brat teach you? Tsk tsk, you're going to be in trouble."

Li Yuan's teacher also smiled bitterly. In normal training, everyone did not use skills such as"hold" very often.

It seems that the chief instructor had expected this, so he chose the Magic City Gym as the first stop.

The people in the school team were stunned at first, and then they quickly understood what Ye Yan meant.


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