At night, Dongfang Yang was on the rooftop terrace, enjoying the cool breeze and the bright moonlight while looking up information on his computer.

"It's so late, why don't you rest yet?"

Hearing the voice, Dongfang Yang turned his head and saw Ying Yudie in thin pajamas, holding a fruit plate and black tea, who appeared behind him at some point.

In response, Dongfang Yang frowned slightly, took the plate from Ying Yudie's hand and put it on the table.

Then, with Ying Yudie's exclamation, he pulled her into his arms, took the blanket beside him, and covered them both.

"It's cold at night, and I don't know how to put on more clothes when I get upstairs. What should I do if I get cold?"

⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

Leaning on her boyfriend's strong chest, listening to his violent heartbeat, Ying Yudie blushed, lowered her head, and whispered

"I won't catch a cold. After all, I am a martial artist, and the weather isn't that cold."


Dongfang Yang made a slightly dissatisfied sound.

Ying Yudie immediately lowered her head and said nothing.

Seeing that his girlfriend had calmed down, Dongfang Yang said nothing more and handed the steaming red tea to the little cutie in his arms.

"Drink a little to warm yourself up, and let the servants do these things next time."

"Yeah, got it."

Holding the teacup, Ying Yudie nodded obediently.

Originally, there were no servants in the Magic City Dojo.

Most of the things in the dojo were done by students or official staff.

The housework was done by the Dongfang family themselves. Sometimes students came to ask questions and would spontaneously help with the housework.

Dongfang Long would give something to the students who helped with the housework, most of which were financial help.

After all, the students of the Magic City Dojo were from poor families who could not afford to go to school.

Compared with other things, financial help was more useful to them.

In addition to Dongfang Yang's three apprentices, they would also help when they came, but there was no reward.

It was pure exploitation of them by Dongfang Yang.

It was not until Dongfang Yue became pregnant that Dongfang Long and Ye Yan hired a nanny and servants to do the housework.

Seeing his girlfriend's well-behaved appearance, Dongfang Yang kissed her on the forehead and continued to look for information

(ɔˆ ³(ˆωˆc)

"What are you looking for? Why are you still awake so late?"

Inwardly happy and smiling, Ying Yudie looked at the computer screen, curious about what her boyfriend was looking for so late at night.

Dongfang Yang did not hide anything and answered the question directly.

"Some information about mythical beasts"

‼(•'╻'• )꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ

Hearing this, Ying Yudie was horrified.

"Are you finally going to take action against the divine beast? Sure enough, no one can escape the law of true fragrance."

Rolling his eyes, Dongfang Yang flicked Ying Yudie's forehead and said unhappily

"What are you thinking about in your little head? I have no interest in mythical beasts, and most of them have their own duties. Not only can they not be tamed, but in serious cases, they will be attacked by the mythical beast alliance."

"Alliance of Divine Beasts?"


Ying Yudie was full of curiosity about this new word.

"The Alliance of Divine Beasts is an alliance of Divine Beasts. Do you know the Mountain God? The Divine Beasts are the guardians of a certain area, just like Kyogre is the guardian of the Pacific Ocean and Lugia is the guardian of the Atlantic Ocean."

"Just like our guardian dragon?"

"No, two different things."


Seeing his girlfriend's puzzled look, Dongfang Yang continued to explain

"The duty of the mythical beast is to protect a place, land, or region. As for whether the people living on this land are elves, they don't care as long as they don't destroy the region. For example, our national guardian dragon protects the Dragon Kingdom Alliance, but this is not its duty. Mount Everest belongs to the Dragon Kingdom, but its guardian is an Articuno, and this Articuno doesn't care about the Dragon Kingdom, and our national guardian dragon can't drive them away."

"Oh, I see. I thought the guardian of Mount Everest was Kyurem. After all, someone has seen him somewhere before.

Ying Yudie nodded in understanding and murmured:

"I do know that there is a place whose guardian is Kyurem, and you know that too.

Dongfang Yang smiled and acted as a riddle teller.

However, the riddle was very simple, and Ying Yudie guessed the answer in an instant.

"The North Pole, no wonder, then it makes sense"

"The beast does not have to stay in the area it guards, and it does not necessarily have to guard only one area. A powerful beast may guard many areas. However, when a problem occurs in the area it guards, it will sense it and go back to deal with it."

"Moreover, becoming a professional divine beast is mutually beneficial for the divine beast. Although it will be busy, the strength will be greatly improved. This is a natural feedback."

"Generally, there must be divine beasts in the forbidden secret places in reality, such as the Arctic, Mount Everest, the Pacific Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean. Natural forests may have divine beasts, but artificial forests do not have them because the nature inside cannot support them."

Looking at the information, Dongfang Yang introduced the information of the divine beasts to Ying Yudie.

"So how do we determine whether the mythical beast has a job?"

"In fact, the divine beast is what we humans call it. The divine beast can be divided into legendary elves and fantasy elves. The divine beast is generally the legendary elf. If you encounter a fantasy elf, you can try to subdue it. As for the legendary elf, if you encounter it, you can try as long as it is below the third level of God. Be careful with those above the third level of God, because there may be a divine beast in your position."

"I see."

After listening, Ying Yudie nodded in understanding, feeling as if she had grown some brains tonight.

"Then why are you looking up information about the mythical beasts?"

"Ask them for a favor"

"Help? If you have any problem, I can ask the winner to help you."

Looking down at the beloved woman in his arms, Dongfang Yang smiled and said softly

"Do you think I need the help of the divine beasts, and do I have enough power to be the winner?"

"It seems not enough."

Ying Yudie pouted and became sullen.

Suddenly she felt so useless and couldn't help at all.


Dongfang Yang smiled and continued to search for the information he needed without saying anything.

Silly girl, I absolutely cannot let you know about this, otherwise it will be meaningless.

Time slipped away quietly.

When Dongfang Yang was playing with the information, Ying Yudie also fell asleep in her boyfriend's arms.

In order to prevent her from waking up, Dongfang Yang hugged his girlfriend and fell asleep on the chair.

Until the first ray of sunlight appeared in the distant sky, the sun slowly rose from the east, Ying Yudie uttered a soft sigh and slowly opened her eyes.

"Wake up?"

Feeling the movement in his arms, Dongfang Yang, who was not sleeping too deeply, woke up immediately


Like a kitten, Ying Yudie nudged herself in Dongfang Yang's arms, turned around and continued to sleep.

Is the sun too bright?

Seeing this, Dongfang Yang smiled and used his superpowers to move the parasol over to help Ying Yudie block the sun.

The servant who got up early to clean the house saw this scene, smiled, and helped to half-close the door without disturbing the two.

In the morning, Dongfang Long lost to his daughter-in-law Ying Yudie due to Dongfang Yang's"rebellious" behavior.

Just as Dongfang Yang predicted, facing Ying Yudie, Dongfang Long first attacked Old Man Dragon.

So Ying Yudie attacked Zeraora first.

Soon, Old Man Dragon was not as good as Zeraora and lost his combat ability first.

After the Red-faced Dragon defeated Zeraora, Dragonite appeared and once again���Back to the previous game.

Later, the Desert Dragonfly and Dragonite fought fiercely in the air, and the semi-champion-level Desert Dragonfly was slightly better. Although the Desert Dragonfly tried its best, it was still like a gnat trying to shake a tree in the face of the powerful Super Dragonite.

Dongfang Long's head was buzzing as he watched the defeated Desert Dragonfly fall.

But soon, he figured out what happened. Dongfang Long didn't say anything to his well-behaved and lovely daughter-in-law, but he had no right to be polite to his unfilial son.

"You bastard, you even schemed against your own father. I was wondering why your Pokémon was so kind last night, training with Dragonite and Styracosaurus. It turns out that it was waiting for me here. K…"


Hearing her husband's roar, Ye Yan also reacted and laughed.(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓Table slamming and laughing

"Hahaha, I was wondering why Aaron's Dragonite and Triceratops were covered in wounds today and would not recover until the afternoon. It turned out to be the brat's idea, hahaha..."

At this moment, Dongfang Yang was nowhere to be seen in the stands.

As early as when the Desert Dragonfly fell, Dongfang Yang recorded his father's confused expression, and then left the place and even left the Magic City Gym.

Looking at Dongfang Long's stunned expression on his phone, Dongfang Yang smirked.

"Hehe, you don't know that I even hacked the random venue system in the gym, hehe."


Then, Dongfang Yang opened the family group chat and pulled Ying Yudie in.

A loving family

Yang invited Yu Hua Chengdie to join the group chat.

Yang: Welcome newcomers to join our big family, @ everyone

Yang:✺(^▽^✺) ✺(^O^)✺ (✺^▽^)✺

Yang: Congratulations to my wife for defeating the old man, congratulations to the old man for another defeat [Dongfang Long is stunned]

Tianshangyue: ? ? ? ? Tianshangyue

: What's going on? I just woke up and my sister-in-law has already fought with Dad?

Tianshangyue: Dad lost?

Tianshangyue:‼(•'╻'• ۶)۶

Tian Shang Yue: My sister-in-law is awesome

Tian Shang Yue: d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b Top

Tianshangyue: @Gangzi, husband, tell me what you promised me last night


Gangzi: Wife, the doctor said you need enough sleep

Tianshangyue:(ㅎ︵ㅎ) Say it again, louder.

Gangzi: (>人<;) Sorry. Gangzi:(﹏*) I was wrong

Tian Shang Yue: Hum


A dragon from the East: How dare you show up, you rebellious son


The beauty of the fire department: My son took a good photo. Do you have any photos of my daughter-in-law?

The beauty of the fire department:(σ°∀°)σ..:*☆ Oh, not bad.

Yang: Mother, yes, I will send it to you privately.

The beauty of the fire department: Yes, it is confirmed.

The beauty of the fire department:( ´_ゝ`)ノ平身

Eastern Dragon: Wife

The beauty of the fire department: Why, you are unwilling to lose to your daughter-in-law?

The beauty of the fire department:༻(`_´)༆Bold

Oriental Dragon: No, no

Xiao Ling'er:(✧◡✧)Wow

Xiao Ling'er: Did my sister-in-law defeat my father?

Yang: Yes

The beauty of the fire department: Yes Tian Shangyue: Yes Gangzi: Yes

Dongfang Yitiaolong: Uh... The beauty of the fire department: Ahem Dongfang Yitiaolong: Yes Xiao Ling'er: (


Xiao Ling'er: My sister-in-law is awesome@雨化成蝶

雨化成蝶: No, it's always dad who gives in to me

雨化成蝶: Dad, I'm sorry, I'm sorry

The face of the fire element: Yudie, no need to apologize, losing is losing, winning is winning, no need to apologize

东方一龙: Right, right, dad doesn't mean to blame you. As a gym leader, it's not like I haven't lost before. I'm just dissatisfied with that rebellious son


Xiao Ling'er: Hey, what happened to my brother?

Dongfang Yitiaolong: The brat plotted against me

Xiao Ling'er: Isn't this normal?

Xiao Ling'er:╮(╯_╰)╭ so ?

Eastern Dragon:...

Yang: o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓The fire element's face value: o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓Table slamming and laughing

Tian Shang Yue: o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓Banging the table and laughing

Gangzi: o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓Slapping the table and laughing wildly, the rain turns into butterflies: ( ̄y▽ ̄)~*Covering his mouth and laughing secretly,

Dongfang Long looked at the news in the group chat, his eyes spitting fire, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

My dear daughter, well, forget it.

Brat, we will settle the score later, there is no need to rush.

My daughter-in-law, um, I can't afford to offend her. My eldest daughter, she is still pregnant, no, no.

My daughter-in-law, no, absolutely not.

My son-in-law, well, this one is okay.

Dongfang Yi Tiao Long: Gangzi, you are still laughing, have you learned the necessary knowledge to take care of children? Are you proficient in changing diapers? Have you thought of a name?


Dongfang Yang looked at the new news and smiled disdainfully.

Old man, you are quite clear about your position.

From this moment on, the status of the Dongfang family has undergone new changes.

The child in Dongfang Yue's belly>Ye Yan>Dongfang Ling=Ying Yudie>Dongfang Yang>Dongfang Long=Dongfang Yue>Zhao Gang

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