"Brother, you are awesome. You gave us a holiday. The official members still need to train."

Dongfang Ling, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, said with a smile.

Of course, I am happy to have a holiday. After all, few people don't like a holiday. But my brother is going to be unlucky, haha

( ̄y▽ ̄)~*

Dongfang Yang's mouth twitched as he covered his mouth and laughed.

Thinking of Ying Yudie's resentful look when he announced the news, Dongfang Yang felt a headache.

ε=(´ο`*)))Alas , what can I do ?

I am helpless. Although I proposed this matter, it is not my decision alone. How can I be blamed?


"Wow, brother, you are done for. Sister-in-law told mom that you gave me a holiday and she didn’t."

Dongfang Ling, who was playing with her phone, suddenly shouted and showed the phone screen to Dongfang Yang.

Dongfang Yang, who was driving, slowly slowed down the car and glanced at his phone.

He saw messages in the family group.

Yu Hua Cheng Die: Dad, Mom, I won’t go back with Yang today. I have to go to the secret realm for special training tomorrow and stay for a while. But Ling'er should go back today. Little sister is on holiday. The face value of the fire department:???

Dongfang Yi Tiao Long:???

Tian Shang Yue:???

Tian Shang Yue: Sister-in-law, what do you mean, Ling'er is on holiday, and you still want special training? Was Ling'er kicked out of the team?

Little Ling'er:...

Little Ling'er: Eating melons will hurt yourself

Little Ling:ε=(´ο`*)))Alas,

Xiao Ling'er: Let me explain, because the training intensity of our reserve team has been too high recently, it has reached a bottleneck period, and the elves are very tired, so the coaching staff gave us a ten-day holiday to adjust our condition.

Xiao Ling'er: As for sister-in-law, in the eyes of the coaching staff, the training intensity was not high some time ago, and even the half-month challenge to the gym was similar to a holiday, so in the next period of time, we will conduct high-intensity training to sprint for the College League.

Xiao Ling'er: If you ask me, it's all my brother's problem. He challenged four gyms in half a month, and they were all the strongest gyms in each department of Dragon Country, but he said the intensity was not high. There is a problem, absolutely a problem.

Xiao Ling'er: According to reliable information, this matter was proposed by my brother (very quietly)

Yu Hua Cheng Die: Yes, that's it. The face value of the fire department: I see, Yu Die, since this is the arrangement of the coaching staff, we outsiders can't say anything, but brat, we will help you clean up, don't worry. Yu

Hua Cheng Die: Thank you, mom.

Yu Hua Cheng Die:ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ

The beauty of the fire department: What are you talking about? It's okay. Why are you being so polite to mom? Just be nice.

The beauty of the fire department: (^v^) The beauty of the fire department: You little bastard, what are you peeking at the screen for? Why don't you come out? @阳

The beauty of the fire department: (Angry`Д´Angry)

Oriental Dragon: Come out quickly @阳

Oriental Dragon: (▼皿▼#)

Tian Shang Yue: Come out soon @Yang

Tian Shang Yue: (▼ヘ▼#)

Gangzi: Come out soon @Yang

Gangzi :(╬◣д◢)

Rain turns into butterfly: Come out soon @阳

Rain turns into butterfly: ( ̄y▽ ̄)~*Covering mouth and laughing

Xiao Ling'er: Come out quickly @阳

Xiao Ling'er: ( ̄y▽ ̄)~*Covering mouth and laughing


After a whole night of ideological education, Dongfang Yang signed the"humiliating""unequal treaty" to calm everyone's"anger".

Although the reserve forces were given a holiday, Dongfang Ling trained the elves every morning under the supervision of her brother.

For this reason, during the afternoon break, Dongfang Ling often complained to her best friend Bai Mengyao about her brother's viciousness.

Of course, under the training of Dongfang Yang's Land Shark, Dongfang Ling's Dolonmesia successfully evolved into Dolonchi.

Other elves have also made steady progress.

Hearing about Dongfang Ling's progress, Bai Mengyao was surprised and asked the reason.

"My brother said that it was because my Pokémon had absorbed the energy from the broken horn of Xerneas, and their endurance limit was far beyond yours, so the training during this period of time could still have a good effect."

Hearing this, Bai Mengyao lay on the bed with empty eyes.

( ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ Smoke a cigarette and let me be quiet!

Forget it, I'm tired, destroy this world

(●°u°●) My heart is broken at this moment


During these ten days, Dongfang Yang had a very comfortable life. He supervised his sister every morning and did not neglect his own training.

In the afternoon, he occasionally showed up in Dongfang Ling's live broadcast room, or ran out to have fun before being captured by Dongfang Long and Ye Yan.

As for the school team, Dongfang Yang said that there was an unlucky guy named Li Yuan.

Li Yuan, who was enjoying the wind and sun in the secret realm, could not help but swear.


K, I seriously suspect that Dongfang Yang had thought of this when he chose to bring in the reserve. It turns out that I am the one being taken advantage of.

(/_\)The biggest grudge is myself.

It was not until the ninth day of the holiday that Dongfang Yang, who was lying on the sofa, received a call from Long Ze.

"Misimisi, what’s the matter, Longsang?"


Hearing this, Long Ze on the other end of the phone fell silent as if he had been cast a great silence spell.

After a long time, Long Ze slowly uttered a word.

"Do you believe that I will have someone put you in jail?"

"Oh, do your people have this ability?"

(́ಢ.౪ಢ‵)Yo yo yo

Hearing Dongfang Yang's mocking words, Long Ze's forehead veins throbbed and his fists hardened. o(`ω´*)o

"Forget it, I won’t waste my time on you. We have already investigated the situation of that organization. So, what are your plans?"


Long Ze sighed. It was really tiring to talk to Dongfang Yang who was so out of control.

I didn't know what this person was like. He was always thinking and his personality was changing. It was really troublesome to communicate with him.

"Tsk, you guys are using me as a knife, really, you have so many tricks."

Hearing this, Dongfang Yang also put away his playful look and said in a deep voice

"Good man, I really am good man, weren't you the one who used the alliance as a tool first? You are so shameless"

눈_눈 Your friend [Ji Cao Jun] has gone offline!

Long Ze said he had never seen such a shameless person. It was really like the officials were allowed to set fires but the people were not allowed to light lamps.

"Cough cough.

Dongfang Yang coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment and said without changing his expression.

"Okay, let's not talk about the second brother anymore. Let's skip this matter and don't mention it again."

‼(•'╻'• )꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ

(´இDishஇ`) I have never seen such a shameless person!

Long Ze was completely shocked by Dongfang Yang's shamelessness.

"Send me the information and prepare a plane for me. I want to take some people with me."

Ignoring Long Ze's mood on the other end of the phone, since he was not in front of him, Dongfang Yang said it didn't matter.

"Do you need the alliance to arrange someone to help?"


Dongfang Yang suddenly had a lot of question marks on his head

"What do you mean, you don't have anyone around?"

"Um, yes, not many, just about ten people."

Touching his nose, Long Ze said awkwardly


This time it was Dongfang Yang's turn to be dumbfounded. With only ten people, what could they do?

"No, what's the situation? Now that you have figured out the situation, why don't you send someone over? Do I still want my students to take advantage of the situation?"

"WK, you, the guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, are indeed up to no good."

He slapped the table and Long Ze screamed.

"Damn, you still dare to say that to me. What does it mean to have only a dozen people? I am embarrassed to say that an organization of hundreds of thousands of people is only watched by a dozen people. Tell me, what do you think?"

Dongfang Yang replied bluntly.

"Hey, hey, how about our eldest brother not talking about the second brother and just let this matter go?"

"Yeah, I agree"

ε(○´∀`)зε(´∀`●)зHolding hands

, the two people who reached an agreement instantly changed the topic

"Tell me what the situation is, I want to see whether I should take the students there."

After the commotion, Dongfang Yang's face darkened and he said in a serious tone.

This matter is not a trivial matter, and we can't mess around.

If we just go by ourselves, Dongfang Yang will not hesitate to kill them and control them.

~( ̄▽ ̄)C❀(However

, if it is used as a test for Qin Xun and others, we have to think carefully.

"This organization is the 'Scholars', which has three champion-level trainers and ten semi-champion-level trainers. They target the legendary beast Regigigas and carry out various criminal activities."

After roughly understanding Dongfang Yang's thoughts, Long Ze started to introduce briefly.

"This organization has a large number of scholars, and there may be many scholars whose identities have not been exposed who are members."

"No, a criminal organization has such a strong power?"

After hearing Long Ze's introduction, Dongfang Yang was a little dumbfounded.

There are three champion-level trainers and ten semi-champion-level trainers in the Dragon Country.���The super family has such strength

"Ahem, all three champion trainers are from the American League, and six of the ten semi-champion trainers are from the"

"Oh, I see."

Dongfang Yang understood. This is another force secretly funded by the hostile alliance. So let's destroy it.

"How strong are the dozen or so people in the alliance over there?"

"Where is Mr. Ying?"


Hearing this, Dongfang Yang couldn't hold it back any longer.

"No, Mr. Ying is already very old and you still want him to go to the front line. Do you have any heart?"

"There is no other way. Because of the"anti-gang" operation, we have liquidated many organizations. We are not enough manpower. Many strong men of the older generation have volunteered, and Ying Lao is one of them. Because of our liquidation, the Four Heavenly Kings and I have to take the lead to prevent other alliances from secretly sending people to make trouble."

Shrugged and spread his hands, Long Ze said that he was also helpless.



Dongfang Yang couldn't stand it anymore and cursed.

If he didn't know, it would be fine. But now that he knew, he couldn't just sit back and watch. After all, he was his girlfriend's grandfather, and also his grandfather.

Dongfang Yang believed that Ying Chuyuan volunteered.

But the other party would appear at the destination he wanted to go to. No one would believe that there was no trick.

(ꐦÒ‸Ó)You old man

, you son of a bitch

( *・ω・)✄╰ひ╯

Just wait for me. I'll deal with you when I'm free.

"You old fool, give me the address."

After stabbing Long Ze in the heart countless times, Dongfang Yang decisively hung up the phone after asking for his location.

Long Ze, who was far away in the imperial capital, sat in his office and sent the information to Dongfang Yang with a smile.

Dongfang Yang, you have come to this day, hahahaha.(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓Table slamming and laughing

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