"Okay, with this, those guys won't dare to do anything. I guess the Dark Stone will be in your hands tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

After putting away the recorder, Wu Yucai showed a disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Like Dongfang Yang, he doesn't mind people pursuing power and interests, but don't let your head be filled with fat. Who is Dongfang Yang? He dares to do something behind the scenes when he says something good, haha. It's nothing more than that he or the people around him also need the Dark Stone, and it just so happens that the school recently got a perfect quality one, so he wants to do something.

It's a good idea. Let Dongfang Yang and the school argue for a while, and he can exchange it through the campus' internal exchange system.

Even if Dongfang Yang needs to be given a Dark Stone in the end, it is the school's business, and he completely took the school's legal route.

It's really a good plan.

It's equivalent to asking the school to help find a Dark Stone for no reason, and in the end it was Dongfang Yang's fault, and he himself couldn't be a good person.

It's a pretty powerful operation.

But everyone is not a fool.

He probably never expected that when he put the Dark Stone into the warehouse, he said,"No one is allowed to exchange this Dark Stone by other methods unless they have their own approval."

Otherwise, he would have succeeded.


When it was the most troublesome time, other people's actions were reasonable.

Because you did not take the resurrected fossil elves away in time, you will bear the losses caused by them.

Since the elves were used to offset the losses, the previous promises are no longer valid. After all, you did not do what you said, so why should we give you the Dark Stone?

Since there is an extra Dark Stone with no use in the school warehouse, it is reasonable for me to exchange it for use.

After all, the only abnormal thing is that the research room of Magic City University cannot keep an eye on the fossil elves that have just been resurrected, which will cause damage and losses. If this gets out, it will be laughed at by other universities.

But what does a few innocuous jokes mean? As long as Magic City University achieves excellent results in the college league, these are nothing. At that time, it will be over as negligence.

Dongfang Yang didn't care about how Wu Yucai dealt with those people. This time, he came mainly because Wu Yucai needed his help.

If Magic City University doesn't give him the Dark Stone, he has plenty of ways to deal with them.

"Okay, I'll leave first and won't accompany you, old man."

Dongfang Yang stood up with Ying Yudie in his arms.

Before leaving, Dongfang Yang stopped, turned his back to Wu Yucai, and said slowly

"Tell those people not to mess with me. Of course, if there is a first-level god in their family, it’s another matter, otherwise they can’t stop me."

After saying that, Dongfang Yang strode away with Ying Yudie.

Looking at the door that was gradually closing, feeling the coldness in Dongfang Yang's words, Wu Yucai shook his head and laughed twice

"It seems that he is still holding back his temper. Those people who don't know how to live or die don't even think about how many ordinary people can become champion trainers. Forget it, it's none of my business, just ignore it, haha."

After walking out of the principal's office, Dongfang Yang restrained the coldness in his eyes, lowered his head and said softly to Ying Yudie

"It's almost time, let's go have lunch, I think Ling'er and the others will be almost there by now."


Ying Yudie smiled and had no objection to this.

"We use your super powers to teleport there instantly?"

"Why do you want to experience it again?"

"Is it okay?"

Seeing Ying Yudie blinking her big, sparkling eyes, Dongfang Yang's mouth curled up into a wicked smile.

"No, I'm tired."

Then, while Ying Yudie was stunned, Dongfang Yang let go of the hand that had been holding Ying Yudie, strode towards the stairs, and muttered to himself:

"It's so tiring to teleport there instantly, and bring someone with you. It's a thankless job."

Listening to Dongfang Yang's mumbling, Ying Yudie's cheeks slowly swelled up. She quickly came behind Dongfang Yang, raised her leg, and kicked him.

But Dongfang Yang dodged it.

Dongfang Yang turned around and hugged his girlfriend. Without giving her time to speak, he activated his superpower and teleported to the vicinity of the Magic City Canteen.

After knocking on Ying Yudie's head, who was still stunned, Dongfang Yang took his girlfriend's white and tender hand and walked towards the canteen.

"Okay, stop thinking about these things in your little head, let's go eat quickly."

Hearing this, Ying Yudie puffed up her cheeks again like a little jumping frog, and said angrily

"What do you mean? Are you calling me stupid?"

"Aren't you my little fool? With me here, you don't have to worry about anything else. Just be a happy, cheerful, and carefree little fool. I will take care of the rest."

Although she was not happy with Dongfang Yang calling her a fool, she still let her boyfriend lead her forward. Looking at Dongfang Yang's back, Ying Yudie smiled faintly. A happy, cheerful, and carefree little fool.

It sounds good.

The two looked at the windows one by one, looking for their favorite food.

Since Dongfang Yang brought Ying Yudie here instantly, and most of the students were still on their way to the cafeteria, the cafeteria was relatively empty. Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie quickly bought what they wanted to eat.

Holding the plates, the two found a seat in a secluded corner and sat down.

"Why are you here? Do you want to feed me or do you want me to feed you?"

After sitting down, Dongfang Yang looked at his girlfriend with a smile, hugged her in his arms, and whispered in her ear:

"What are you thinking about? Eat your own food. You are not a child anymore."

Feeling the heat in her ears, Ying Yudie blushed and snorted softly.

"Think it over, if you give this village away, you will lose this store. Don't regret it later."

Dongfang Yang looked at Ying Yudie with a smile.

"Humph, if you say no, then no."

Ying Yudie turned her head and said stubbornly

"Then I'll start eating, ah~"

Ying Yudie was immediately angry when she heard that Dongfang Yang really didn't plan to feed her, and even ate first.

She chose this remote location just to have a sweet meal with Dongfang Yang, wasn't it? Isn't it the same for couples in TV dramas? Why can't it work with Dongfang Yang? Can't she just experience a sweet love?

Ying Yudie turned her head angrily, and just when she was about to say something, she saw Dongfang Yang feeding her favorite golden shrimp balls to her mouth.

"Okay, open your mouth, ah~"

Looking at Dongfang Yang's smiling eyes, Ying Yudie blushed and opened her mouth to eat the food Dongfang Yang fed her. She lowered her head to chew and hummed.

"Humph, you only know how to bully me"

"I can hear you."

Dongfang Yang blew the hot air off the pork ribs and winter melon soup, fed his girlfriend a sip, and said softly.

"I bully you just because I like you. If it were someone else, I wouldn't be happy to bully them."

Enjoying Dongfang Yang's service, Ying Yudie snorted.


As she spoke, Ying Yudie also picked up her chopsticks and began to feed Dongfang Yang

"Come and eat too."

Time passed slowly.

More and more students came to the cafeteria to eat.

Passers-by saw Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie being affectionate with each other and smiled slightly, thinking that they were a student couple in the passionate love period. After all, this was very common in Shanghai University.

Some people who recognized Dongfang Yang also knew what was good for them and did not bother them.

Of course, there are exceptions.

For example, Dongfang Ling would not care about these things.

Just when Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie were about to finish eating, Dongfang Ling appeared in front of them with a plate, sat down directly at the opposite seat, and said to Dongfang Yang unhappily.

""Brother, you are in love, so you don't care about your Pokémon anymore?"

Pikachu standing on Dongfang Ling's shoulder held his food and shouted at Dongfang Yang in dissatisfaction.

Waiwaiwai, are you still my trainer? You don't care about food anymore, right?

Long Yun and others smiled at Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie, apologized for not stopping Dongfang Ling and disturbing them, and then sat down at the seats around them.

"Isn't Pikachu by your side? As for Beedrill and the others, I was planning to feed them at the training ground after dinner."

Dongfang Yang is very magnanimous to his sister and would not get angry at such things.

Ying Yudie would be even less so. She had investigated before and knew how much Dongfang Yang doted on her sister, including what happened in the past.

To be honest, she envied Dongfang Ling very much. She had a brother who was so strong and doted on her. This was what she dreamed of.

Now she is the most outstanding disciple of the Ying family, and at the same time she is under a lot of pressure. Sometimes she can't stand it and wants to give up. At that time, she hopes that there will be a brother who can stand up to protect and help herself. However, the men in the family are not competitive. Whether it is the older brother or the younger brother, they can only grit their teeth and persevere.

Seeing Dongfang Ling's carefree appearance, Ying Yudie is quite envious.

She also wants to experience the feeling of being doted on by her parents, brothers and sisters.

"You should raise it yourself. Pikachu is a foodie. If you ask it to choose the energy cubes, it will choose the best one. It also has a big appetite, like a glutton. Really, remember to reimburse me later. It’s all my pocket money."

After hearing Dongfang Ling call himself a glutton, Pikachu, who was feasting, couldn’t sit still anymore. He stuffed his mouth with energy cubes and pointed at Dongfang Yang and shouted at Dongfang Ling.

What do you mean? Fang Zheng, you have to ask your trainer to reimburse the expenses. What’s wrong with eating more and better? I didn’t eat your rice. Why do you say I’m a glutton?

Looking at the grumbling Pikachu and the energy cube fragments flying out of its mouth, Dongfang Ling was full of disgust and wiped its mouth with a tissue.

After this period of getting along, Dongfang Ling roughly understood what Pikachu meant and said:

"My brother hasn't reimbursed me yet. It's my money. Besides, isn't the rice from my brother's house the same as my rice? Is there anything wrong with you eating my rice? Really, next time you talk, swallow what you have in your mouth first. It's so dirty."

Letting Dongfang Ling ravage his cheeks, Pikachu tilted his head and thought about it, and found that what Dongfang Ling said made some sense.

Looking at his arms folded, he tilted his head and thought about how to���Refuting Dongfang Ling, Pikachu did not forget to chew the food in his mouth, Ying Yudie burst out laughing

""Wow, how can you be so cute?"

Ying Yudie said, ignoring Pikachu's resistance, hugged it in her arms and kneaded it continuously.

Under the pressure of Dongfang Yang's power, Pikachu could only accept it when he saw that his resistance was ineffective.

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