Chapter 80 The Man of Battle, Qin Ming is the chosen son?!!

The beautiful Shanadot floats in the opposite battlefield, like a beautiful rainbow.

Seeing the beautiful Shanaiduo, there was also a discussion in the audience.

“Shanado, it’s so beautiful!!”

“This freshman actually has such a beautiful and moving Shanaiduo!”

“Envy, envy!!”

“I’m more like a big freshman than him!!”

“I also really want to have a gentle, well-behaved, loyal, clingy Shanado!”

A boy in a hat, obviously a fan of Shanadot, said excitedly: “I announce that Shanadot is the best-looking and most beautiful elf among all the elves!” ”

As soon as he said this, he was immediately refuted.


A boy with an inch said: “Shanaido is first? Where did you put Menas? ”

“Menas is the most beautiful elf, right!”

The boy in the hat said: “No matter, I think Shanaiduo is cuter and more beautiful!” ”

“Fart, Menas is the most beautiful elf!!”

“One thing to say, I think Shanaido is the best-looking.”

“Menas is the most beautiful, okay!”

“Can Shanaido dance, can Menas?”

“Menas can soothe people’s hearts, but can Shanaido?”

“I don’t care, anyway, Shanaido is the most beautiful!”

“I unilaterally declare that Menas is the most beautiful!”

“Don’t argue, let’s go head by Shanado and Menes!”

For a while, the debate over whether Shanaido was the most beautiful or Menas was the best-looking expanding.

Aesthetics, is diverse.

In the midst of the debate, a man with interesting glasses whispered on the side: “Am I the only one who thinks that the shiny female monster power is the best?” ”

As soon as these words came out, it immediately made the two parties who were arguing stop arguing.

His eyes brushed and looked at the glasses man.

“Young man, the taste is quite heavy!”

On the high platform, Zhang Hongfa, who was watching the battle, had a surprise in his eyes that could not be hidden.

“Elite-level Shanaido?”

“Judging from the current situation, all three of Qin Ming’s elves have reached the elite level!”

“This cultivation speed is also too fast…”

Zhang Hongfa turned his head to look at Lai Chengyi beside him: “Xiao Lai, what I arranged for you to do last time, is it done?” ”

Lai Chengyi immediately said: “Report principal, according to your request, I have made a phone call to Qin Ming’s parents. ”

“Qin Ming’s family conditions are quite good, and his parents have paid a fixed fee to the Trainers Association every year since the year he was born.”

“Qin Ming’s initial elves were obtained from the Yangcheng Royal Three Cultivation Base.”

“Before this, Qin Ming’s parents did not help Qin Ming cultivate other elves in advance.”

Hearing Lai Chengyi’s words, Zhang Hongfa frowned more and more.

He muttered in his mouth: “In other words, Qin Ming got the first elf after the college entrance examination!” ”

“But from the end of the college entrance examination to now, it has only been 3 months to complete the calculation!”

“In such a short period of time, three elite-level elves have been cultivated?”

“It’s hard to do. Is he a nurturing man? ”

Because Lai Chengyi was sitting relatively close, he heard it more clearly, and he was puzzled: “Principal, what do you mean by cultivating people?” ”

Zhang Hongfa was silent for a while, and then spoke up: “Some time ago, the Trainers Association harvested a stone tablet in the secret realm. ”

“The stone tablet records words that do not belong to our world.”

“From this, it can be determined that this stone tablet is the product of another plane.”

“After deciphering, the contents of the stone tablet are now known.”

“It is estimated that it will be announced in a while, so I will tell you in advance.”

As Zhang Hongfa spoke, the vice principal and teachers sitting nearby all focused their eyes on Zhang Hongfa.

I hope to get a hand from him.

“The stone tablet says that in the plane of the elven world, there are people who are different and have a variety of different abilities.”

“But one thing, they’re interconnected.”

“They all hold something called a booklet, and their ability can have a positive effect on the elves.”

“For example, there are people who are good at nurturing, can improve the abilities of elves, and make them stronger, and this kind of person is called nurturing people as I just said.”

“Some people are good at fighting and have a talent for fighting.”

“A person who can unleash one hundred percent, or even two hundred percent, of the potential of an elf is called a war man.”

“Some are good at capturing and can simply subdue elves, which are called capturers.”

(PS: This is not talking about dog hao, dog hao is a dog, not a person.)

“And the man of evolution, the man of healing, the man of hatching, the man of exchange.”

“These people all have different abilities.”

Lai Chengyi was surprised: “So Principal, do you think Qin Ming is like a cultivator of the elven world?” ”

Zhang Hongfa shook his head: “Being able to cultivate three elite-level elves in such a short period of time, even a top breeder, it is difficult to do it in a short time without using items such as secret treasures!” ”

“Exactly, Qin Ming did it!”

“This is a perfect fit for the cultivator!”

“In addition, Qin Ming can calmly command in battle in the face of the attention of so many people, which is very similar to a person in battle!”

“So, I think he’s more like a combination of a fighting man and a nurturing person.”

Zhang Hongfa’s words made the surrounding vice principals and teachers nod frequently.

Zhang Hongfa’s gaze locked on Qin Ming on the battlefield and arranged: “Xiao Lai, after the selection competition, you let Qin Ming come to my office.” ”


Lai Chengyi just wanted to nod and agree, but Zhang Hongfa overturned his words just now.

“Forget it, I’ll go find him personally.”

Lai Chengyi gasped, don’t look at Zhang Hongfa is just a university president

But the energy behind him is enough to reach the heavens! Can make him take it so seriously!

It can be seen that this Qin Ming is not ordinary!!

Zhang Hongfa continued to whisper: “By the way, his initial spirit is the Koga Ninja Frog, right.” ”

“If you give him a mysterious drop, he should like it…”

Lai Chengyi’s eyes widened, his mouth widened, and he looked incredulous!! He seriously suspected that he had misheard!!

Send a mysterious drop?

This is an attribute secret treasure worth 50 million Huaxia coins!!

Perhaps in Lai Chengyi’s view, the attribute secret treasure worth 50 million Huaxia coins is very precious.

But in Zhang Hongfa’s opinion, this is nothing at all!

Because about fighting and cultivating people, Zhang Hongfa did not finish speaking.

The stone tablets excavated in the secret realm clearly record that every person with supernatural powers is called the chosen son.

An attribute secret treasure in exchange for the favor of a chosen son.

Such a business is extremely cost-effective in the eyes of Zhi Hongfa.

For the importance of Principal Zhang Hongfa, Qin Ming did not know.

Now his attention is all on the dou mushroom in front of him.

The total ethnic value of the bucket mushroom is only 460.

In terms of race value alone, it is a standard weak chicken elf.

But the mushroom is very strong!!

Because his seemingly weak chicken’s race value is very limited.

The physical attack of 130 points, combined with the high-power skills of the fighting system, can cause huge damage in a short time.

The speed is 70 points, which is not fast but barely fast enough.

At the same time, Dookushi mastered a demigod technique, the mushroom robe! In the game, the skill of the mushroom robe is hit!

It will be 100% effective!

As long as the speed of the mushroom is fast enough, the first move of the mushroom robe can easily launch a thunderous attack.

Of course, there is no 100% hypnosis in the real world.

Because there are various variables in battles.

However, once contaminated with the mushroom robe secreted by the mushroom, it also has a higher chance of sleeping.

On the battlefield, because the attributes are restrained.

Feng Cheng’an took the lead in attacking: “Xiaodou, use the mushroom robe!” ”

[Mushroom robe: Sprinkle with hypnotic hugs to put opponents to sleep.] 】

Xiaodou should be Feng Cheng’an who helped his dou mushroom to get a nickname.

But it’s normal to think about it, if he really bred three identical bucket mushrooms.

You really have to take different nicknames to distinguish them.


A burst of medicinal powder of different colors shone on the body of the mushroom, and the medicinal powder covered forward towards the traction of the energy.

Qin Ming naturally wouldn’t let the other party get his wish easily.

“Xiaolu, use the shadow doppelganger.”


Sha Naiduo’s two plain white little hands waved gently, and suddenly created many doppelgangers with super energy energy.

The number of targets suddenly increased, making the mushroom full of confusion.

The colorful medicinal powder, which hit one of the doppelgangers, lost its effect.

However, as a trainer specializing in dou mushrooms, Feng Cheng’an also reacted quickly: “Xiaodou, use seed bombs!!” ”

“Smash the opponent’s doppelganger!”


Since you can’t detect where your real body is in a short time, then blast all the doppelgangers.

[Seed Bomb: Drop a large seed with a hard shell from above to attack the opponent. 】


Several energy seeds quickly condensed in front of the dou kasa mushroom, and the retractable arm quickly grabbed the energy seed and threw it around.

Broken!! Broken!!


Whenever the green energy seed touched the object, it immediately caused a small explosion.

Such an explosion quickly shattered Shanado’s doppelganger.

“Found it!”

“Shanado’s true body is there!!”

“Xiaodou, use the grinding robe to shoot yourself!!”

As soon as Feng Chengan discovered Sha Naiduo’s true body, he quickly made a move.

As long as the mushroom robe can hit, then Shanado will fall into a forced state of sleep.

In this way, the doukasa mushroom will have enough time to cast a thunderous blow!


Following the trainer’s instructions, Doukasa Mushroom dragged the colorful robes to attack.

Obviously, Qin Ming understood what Feng Chengan was thinking, and would not give the other party any opportunity at all and would not take the initiative to attack, but chose to defend first.

“Xiao Lu, teleport to dodge!”


Shanaido replied and quickly waved his hand.

The energy of the super energy system is forcibly distorted and folds the space.

In the next second, he instantly appeared on the other side of the battlefield.

Easily dodged your opponent’s attacks.

For two consecutive times, Qin Ming’s Sha Naiduo dodged the attack.

This point gave Feng Chengan a headache: “Sha Naiduo, who masters the shadow doppelganger and teleportation, if he wants to dodge.” ”

“My little dou can’t do anything!”

“In terms of total energy, the Shanaduo of the super energy system is obviously superior to the Doukasa mushroom family!”

“If you pull like this for a long time, the party that suffers will only be a small dou with the total energy and the disadvantage!”

“You can’t give your opponent another chance to pull!”

Thinking of this, Feng Chengan quickly made a decision: “Xiaodou, use the Eye of the Heart to lock Sha Naiduo’s qi machine!!” ”

[Eye of the heart: Feel the opponent’s actions with your heart, and the next attack will definitely hit the opponent. 】


Dooka Mushroom stared at his pure black eyes, motionless, staring at the location where Shanado was.

Use your own qi to lock your opponent’s qi! In this regard, the corners of Qin Ming’s mouth rose slightly.

The reason why he didn’t choose to attack strongly was to wait for this moment!

“Xiaolu, now is our chance!”

“Use the Strange Light!”

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