Chapter 91: The elves with the lowest race value are comparable to sea monsters?!!

The second day of sailing the secret land of Whirlpool Island on an ocean-going boat.

The sun is shining, and the ocean-going ship is sailing smoothly on the sea.

Sailing a boat is not like driving in a city, there are no traffic lights around and no sidewalks.

As long as the rudder is fixed, the cruise speed is adjusted, and the ten cuts are OK.

The ocean-going vessel is equipped with a storm forecaster, a strong signal detector.

If there is a storm within 50 nautical miles ahead, or if there are other vessels within 50 nautical miles, an advance warning will be issued.

Basically, there was nothing to do, Qin Ming didn’t have to pay attention to it, and let the ocean-going ship drive to a fixed destination by itself.

At this time, Qin Ming and Sha Naiduo were in the cabin, leisurely preparing lunch.

This time, I finally don’t have to bring some instant noodles and the like~ fast food like the previous two times I entered the secret realm.


Sha Naiduo thoughtfully washed the stored tree fruit and handed it to Qin Ming in a basin.

“With Xiaolu’s help, the efficiency is much faster—much faster.”

Qin Ming said while frying the steak: “In ten more minutes, you can eat.” ”


Receiving Qin Ming’s praise, Sha Naiduo was nothing on the surface, but his eyes were full of happiness.


The Koga ninja frog stepped on the skateboard and quickly floated over the sea, making excited calls as it glided.

Around the waist of the Koga ninja frog, a thread is wrapped.

It’s the metal monster pulling the Koga ninja frog while surfing.

The calm Koga Ninja frog was excited because he came to the sea, and Qin Ming did not stop him, allowing him to play with the metal monster.


Metal monsters don’t think it’s fun? I don’t know!

Anyway, Koga Ninja Frog thinks it’s fun!

Qin Ming and Sha Naiduo brought the prepared lunch to the table and shouted to the two elves who were showering: “Little frog, little Jin, come to eat.” ”



The Koga Ninja Frog echoed with the metal monster and returned to the cabin.

Qin Ming and the three elves ate lunch happily.

Not to mention, in the endless sea, basking in the sun and eating prepared food.

It’s quite pleasant.

At lunchtime, Qin Ming and he ate with the elves, and the other elves were also eating.



In the distance, a flock of long-winged gulls, led by the leader Bigmouth gull, quickly dived into the water.

Soon, they flapped their wings and jumped out of the water. The long-winged gulls all have a piece of food in their mouths.

This food is the weak dingfish.

The mouth of the large-billed gull is bulging, and it is estimated that there are many weak dingfish in it.

The white waves rolled, and a group of small sea lions, led by a white sea lion, jumped out of the water happily.

Like the large-billed gulls, they also have weak dingfish in their mouths.

In the water, weak dingfish are at the bottom of the food chain.

Often food for other elves. Weak dingfish, the race value is only 175.

It is the elf with the lowest race value.

Even the green caterpillar is 20 points higher than him.

Even the nascent form, Lulili, had a higher race value than him.

It is precisely because of the strength of weak chickens that they are used as food by various elves.

Qin Ming withdrew his gaze, and the weak elves were bullied or even devoured by the powerful elves.

This is actually quite common.

Just like the long-winged gull that ate the weak dingfish just now, if it encounters the Flaming Arrow Eagle, it will still be preyed on.

In addition, round silk spiders like to eat moe flies, and hazelnut balls like to eat moe flies.

Stinky mud chases broken bags to eat, and even dares to bite the dust mountain.

Ice Ghost Gou likes to eat mini ice and Soul Eye eats small broken diamonds.

These are the laws of nature.

Weak elves also have their own rules of survival, so don’t worry too much.


The Koga ninja frog is having fun and sharing surfing tips while nibbling on tree fruits.

Qin Ming was also invited to join him.

“In the afternoon, I’ll play with you when the sun goes down.”

Qin Ming chatted with the Koga Ninja Frog while eating.

Surfing can be seen as a game or as a kind of cultivation.

Surfing is about balancing and quick flashes at key moments.

You can also exercise your guts, and it is easy to be afraid in the face of the rolling wave.

Exercise more to overcome this negative clarity.


Just as Qin Ming was chatting with the Koga Ninja Frog, Shanaidor on the side pulled Qin Ming’s clothes.

“What’s wrong?”

Qin Ming turned around and asked curiously.


Shanado pointed not far away.

Qin Ming followed Sha Naiduo’s guidance and looked at the sea in front of him. I saw the surrounding sea, and there were constantly blue points of light flashing.

These blue points of light converge in one direction.

In the blue sea, the same blue point of light should not be conspicuous! But it was easily captured by Qin Ming!

Because, more!! There are a lot of these points of light!! Hundreds and thousands! Even thousands!

It’s no one else who emits these blue dots! Exactly the elves of the weakest chickens.

The eyes of the weak dingfish are shining!!

Countless weak dingfish gathered together, a giant weak dingfish formed from weak dingfish, formed underwater!!

This giant weak dingfish is 30 meters long! It emits a faint blue light.

【Elf: Weak Dingfish (Leader) (What a school of fish looks like)]

【Gender: Male】

【Attribute: Water】

[Characteristics: Fish (with the amount of physical strength, or convergence, or fall apart. )】

【Level: 45 (Dojo level)】

【Potential: Dojo Level】

[Personality: Stubborn (+Attack – Special Attack)]

[Skills: Water Gun, Shout, Help, Salt Water, Teary Eyes, Diving, Noisy, Water Tail, Water Loop, Water Cannon, Crash, Tide Spinning, Water Cracking, Surfing]

【Genetic skills: None】

[Individual value qualifications: HP (31), attack (28), defense (31), special attack (31), special defense (17), speed (10)]

Let the weak companions gather together and twist together to meet the opponent together, this is the survival rule of the weakest chicken elves.

Seeing the picture in front of him, Qin Ming muttered, “These big-billed gulls and white sea lions really make the weak dingyu anxious.” ”

I saw that the huge weak dingfish suddenly fired a water cannon at the group of large-billed gulls hovering in the air.

[Water Cannon: Attack by violently spraying a large amount of water at the opponent. 】

Suddenly, several thick water columns rose from the sea.

Directly poured on the body of the large-billed gull.

A large number of large-billed gulls and long-winged gulls were bombarded by ice cannons and fell into the water.

The giant weak dingfish also did not spare the white sea lion, which likes to prey on them the most.

In the direction where the white sea lion was, the tail of the water flowed.

[Water Tail: Swing your big tail like a stormy wave to attack your opponent. 】

The huge tail of the weak dingfish directly instigated the wild waves and flapped down.



The white sea lions had no way to dodge, and they were photographed into the water.

“It’s terrifying!”

Qin Ming slammed the rudder and turned around, intending to stay away from ‘this’ weak worker fish of the same type.

Even if it is half a nautical mile away from the giant weak dingfish, the wild waves still make the ocean-going ship constantly sway from side to side.

A weak dingfish is indeed a weak chicken.

But when the weak dingfish become a group? Then He is a demigod!

The race value soared from 175 to 620.

20 higher than quasi-gods.

Of course, it is not comparable to the pervert of the leave king.

However, the weak dingyu does not have the characteristics of the pit daddy of the leave king.

In addition, in the water, the giant weak dingfish is an invincible god!

On the book, there is such a passage describing the appearance of the weak dingfish school.

[The weak and weak dingfish gather together and gather their strength. Has a terrifying power comparable to that of a sea monster. (What a school of fish looks like)】

Of course, the weak dingfish is only comparable, not a real sea monster.

The real sea monster is Gaioka.

Under the strength of the giant weak dingfish, the large-billed gulls flap their wings and fly high in the air, away from the terrifying opponents.

The little sea lions even followed the leader of the white sea lion, desperately scattering and escaping.

Having fought off the opponent who devoured him, the giant weak dingfish did not scatter.

Instead, under the control of the leader, he jumped out of the water and fell heavily.

Beat the wave, it is advisable to vent to see your strength.

Either eaten by this or eaten by that! Now it’s finally getting stronger!

Can be outgassed!

But the opponents all ran! This makes the giant weak dingfish very unhappy!

But there is no way to spread gas!

Immediately afterwards, in the eyes of the giant weak dingfish, he suddenly saw an ocean-going ship on the sea not far away!!

The fishtail swung and accelerated towards the location of the ocean-going vessel.

What do you want to do?

Take an ocean-going ship to gas! In the cabin.



Shanado and Koga Ninja Frog both made warning sounds.

Even without using the elf size, Qin Ming knew that this giant weak dingfish wanted to do something to himself.

Although at the moment when the weak dingfish formed, he had already steered the boat and turned his head.

But after all, the ship has inertia, and it will not be possible to turn around for a while!

In addition, no matter how fast a good boat is, it is not as fast as a fish swimming in the water.

Seeing the giant weak dingfish is about to catch up!

Coming at an ocean-going vessel, a current tail or a current breaks.

Even if the ocean-going ship can carry it, it is estimated that it will be half-disabled.

What is the most afraid of! It’s a water cannon! Then just capsize! War!! Must fight!!

You must let the giant weak dingfish know that you are not easy to mess with.

In the wild, only by beating the beast painfully and fearfully will the opponent retreat in spite of the difficulties

Qin Ming immediately shouted: “Xiao Lu, Little Frog, Xiao Jin is ready for battle!” ”


The Koga Ninja frog quickly jumped out of the cabin, supported by his flippers, allowing him to stand smoothly on the water…

At the same time, two shurikens were condensed in his hands, waiting for the command to attack at any time.



Sha Naiduo and the metal monster, one left and one right, protected Qin Ming’s side.

“500 meters!”

“400 meters!”

“300 meters!”

“The other party enters the attack range!”

Qin Ming gave instructions in a loud voice: “Little frog, use the key point of the assassination attack!!” ”


Koga Ninja Frog received the order, and the originally translucent shuriken in his hand quickly changed to pure black.

A large amount of evil energy was condensed and thrown towards the giant weak dingfish.

The giant weak dingfish senses the attack and uses a move to burst the current.

[Water Flow Breaking: Crashing into the opponent with the power of water to attack, sometimes lowering the opponent’s defenses.] 】

A large amount of blue water curtain gushed out from the giant weak dingfish, covering its body like water curtain armor.

A shuriken that directly affects the evil lineage.

on the body.

Under the collision of the two, a burst of splashes exploded.

However, the giant weak dingfish, the remaining momentum is not reduced!

Continue to rush towards the ocean-going ship where Qin Ming was.

“The little frog’s attack can only slow him down!”

Qin Ming’s eyes froze, and the super power that his left and right hands placed on the bodies of Shanaduo and the metal monster respectively quickly rotated and poured into their bodies.

Shouted: “Xiaolu, illusion light!!” ”

“Xiaojin, Nian Li!!”



The two elves who received the increase in super power each emitted their own screams, and Shanado shot out a brilliant pillar of light!

The metal monster also followed, sending a cloud of condensed superpower attacks! Rumble!!!


The two attacks after the increase directly scattered the giant weak dingfish.

At the same time, a series of prompts from the system sounded in Qin Ming’s mind.

[Ding, your Koga Ninja Frog defeats the opponent weak Dingyu and gains 550 experience]

【Ding, your Shanaido defeats the opponent weak dingfish and gains experience 550.】

[Ding, your metal monster defeats the opponent weak dingfish and gains experience 550.]

However, Qin Ming didn’t care about these hints at this time, and looked straight at the sea.

When I thought that if the giant weak dingfish was scattered, I could breathe a little.

Surprised to find!

A large number of weak dingfish, regrouped.

Giant weak dingfish reappears!!

The only good news is the alliance of the three elves just now.

It seems to have defeated a batch of weak dingfish, resulting in the current giant weak dingfish, a little smaller!

From 30 meters long, it has been shortened to 28 meters!

The distance between the giant weak dingfish and the ocean-going vessel has also been shortened to 200 meters! Almost close at hand!!

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