"Manager Ye, let's have dinner together?"

Qin Chuan held a large bouquet of flowers and appeared in front of Ye Wanzhi's eyes.

Ye Wanzhi's face was expressionless: "I'm sorry Mr. Qin, I already have an appointment." Saying that, he bypassed Qin Chuan and prepared to leave.

She came to work in the magic capital for more than a year.

For more than a year, Qin Chuan will appear every three to five.

Although she has also rejected the other party more than once.

But Qin Chuan didn't go to his heart at all.

This made her very distressed.

But there is nothing to be done.


Qin Chuan's father was named Qin Zhengyang.

He is the general manager of Warwick Pharmaceutical.

Qin Chuan's uncle is Qin Zhenggang of Warwick Group.

And Qin Chuan is the richest second generation of the entire Demon Emperor.

There is no one.

He doesn't just squat off work to deliver flowers.

Sometimes he would even swagger into the company and send flowers to Ye Wanzhi's laboratory.

This greatly affected Ye Wanzhi's work and life.

If it were not for the signing of the labor contract, Ye Wanzhi would not continue to work at Warwick Pharmaceutical.


Since Li Muya's studio developed a specific drug to cure monkeypox and hepatitis B.

All the friends in the studio have become the sweet potato of the pharmaceutical industry.

Especially Ye Wanzhi.

Previously, when Warwick Pharma threw an olive branch to her, he offered an annual salary of five million, and also gave away the company's shares to set up an independent laboratory.

Because of this, she resigned from Li Muya's laboratory and came to the magic capital.

But it was because he rejected Qin Chuan.

Her work was suppressed.

Not only that.

The conditions offered by the other party were not fulfilled.

To put it bluntly.

She's a tool person now.

Qin Chuan once again blocked Ye Wanzhi, and the smile on his face remained unchanged: "Miss Ye, I have been pursuing you for more than a year, such a long time should be able to see that I have a sincere affection for you, right?"

"Why can't you just give me a chance?"

Hear this.

A sneer appeared on Ye Wanzhi's face: "Your so-called true feelings are to use the power in the workplace to suppress me?"

"If so, then I advise you to die this heart early."

"Even if there were only one man left in the world, I wouldn't consider it..."

You didn't finish the word.

An excited look appeared in her eyes.

Chen Nan was holding a cigarette and appeared behind Qin Chuan with his hands in his pockets.

The moment I saw him.

Ye Wanzhi remembered the bits and pieces of the two together.

In order to develop a specific drug to cure the hepatitis B virus, they went to Changbai Mountain and found the Siberian tiger after hardships...

Although more than two years have passed.

But looking back now, it feels like yesterday.

Especially seeing Chen Nan appear in front of him.

He was still as handsome and handsome as he had been two years ago.

It was as if time had left no mark on his face.

Qin Chuan: "Manager Ye, the shelf life of any woman here is only three days.

"After this shelf life, whoever it is, it will become boring."

"As long as you are willing to be my girlfriend, after three days, you will be single again."

"Of course."

"You'll also get the promised five million annual salary, company stock, and independent labs."

"Are you sure you don't want to consider it?"


Behind him came Chen Nan's indifferent voice: "My fair lady gentleman, you can pursue when you meet a girl you like, it's common for people to love."

"But isn't it too despicable to rely on threats?"

Qin Chuan turned back indifferently, and when he saw Chen Nan, his eyes widened: "Where did Xiao Xiao San come from?" Is there a part of your talk here? If you don't want to die, get out of here.

"Otherwise throw you into the sea to feed the sharks."

Chen Nan's face was full of doubts: "Is it so arrogant?"

Qin Chuan sneered: "What can you do if you are arrogant?" Do you know who Xiaoye is? Do you know the influence of the Qin family in the magic capital?

"I tell you, the Qin family is the heaven of the magic capital."

"This day, I decide."

Chen Nan was taken aback: "Wow doll, it feels so powerful!"

He didn't expect the Qin family to be so arrogant.

It was actually said that it was the sky of the magic capital.

This moment.

He couldn't help but think.

Why did the Qin family have such a person?

Is the upper beam not right and the lower beam crooked?

Or is it caused by lax discipline?

Either way.

The Qin family was not what he imagined.

He himself also wants to let Qualcomm resume cooperation with Warwick Group.

Now it seems.

Warwick is not a good choice.

"Why do I feel that you are laughing at my Qin family?" Qin Chuan's face was full of anger, and Chen Nan's strange words of yin and yang deeply angered him.

Chen Nan hurriedly said, "Your Qin family is high, how can I dare to laugh at you as a small person?" Don't you dare, even if you lend me a hundred dog galls, I don't dare to laugh at the Qin family who is high above!" Speaking

of this, he opened his arms towards Ye Wanzhi.

Ye Wanzhi's face was full of excitement, and he threw himself directly into his arms and came to a bear hug.


The expression on Qin Chuan's face instantly froze.

What's the situation?

Why did Ye Wanzhi throw his arms around Chen Nan?

After coming back to his senses.

Qin Chuan said angrily: "Ye Wanzhi, you deliberately found a dick to disgust Ben Shao, right?"

Ye Wanzhi didn't pay attention to him at all.

Remove the cigarette from Chen Nan's mouth and give him a hot kiss.

"Okay, you have a kind, you have a kind!" Qin Chuan was thunderous, and he didn't expect that the woman he had been chasing for more than a year would make out with other men in front of him.

Ye Wanzhi's face was red and earred and Chen Nan separated, but the corners of his mouth appeared to be drawn.

She looked at Qin Chuan and said lightly: "If I can, I hope that Young Master Qin will fire me."

"I've had enough of your company." Saying that, he took Chen Nan's arm and walked happily into the distance, with a hint of complaint in his tone: "Why did you come to see me now after you came back for so long?"

Chen Nan smiled and said, "I went abroad, didn't I come to you just after coming back?"

Ye Wanzhi jumped up excitedly and landed on Chen Nan's back.

Looking at the appearance of the two leaving.

A strong anger rose in Qin Chuan's heart, and he made a look at the bodyguard in the distance: "Follow them, I want them to know the end of going against me!" "



on the streets of the magic capital.

Chen Nan led Ye Wanzhi to walk through the streets.

It's like going back to the original time in Ice City.

Ye Wanzhi said what happened to him, and continued: "Warwick was indeed very strong and very fighting spirit in previous years.

"But after the old man of the Qin family died of illness a year ago."

"The Qin family has become a plate of scattered sand that does not want to advance."

"It's like a towering tree rotting at its roots."

Chen Nan nodded slightly.

When he left the earth, Warwick Group was still in full swing.

He Cheng thought about it for more than two years.

The company has decayed to this extent.

Cooperation on this thing...

It is necessary to think about it.

Right at this moment.

An Audi A8L stopped beside the two.

The windows are lowered.

A familiar face met Chen Nan's eyes.

Chen Nan's eyes lit up: "I rely on, can this be encountered?" "

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