The female emperor glanced at Chen Nan and saw that he didn't say anything, and said, "This guy has mastered the power of the seven laws and turned into rules to supplement the heavens of the immortal world.

"He is the Lord of the Immortal Realm."

As soon as the words came out.

Jia Cui and the others all gasped.

Unexpectedly, his son became the master of the immortal world.

"Brother, if I go to the immortal world, am I an invincible existence?" Chen Xiazhi's face was full of excitement: "Can I fly away?" Can you catch a dragon as a dragon knight?

Chen Hanlu scoffed: "Look at your unproductive appearance, how can a dragon do it?" At least two!

Chen Nan smiled and said, "Although it is possible, the Dragon Clan has helped me when I was in trouble, are you a bit of a bully like this?"

Chen Shan showed a pleased gaze: "You guy has a very good point, no matter how much he grows up, he will never bully others, let alone look down on others."

Jia Cui looked proud: "That's not it, you don't look at who educated the children."

Chen Nan looked at his mother: "Mom, you contact your uncle and grandfather, and let them go to the immortal world to live."

"I think the biggest dream of every cultivator is to enter the immortal world."

Catastrophe is coming.

Even Qinglong said that there was no possibility of changing the catastrophe.


He had to prepare early.

Even if it can't stop the catastrophe.

It is also necessary to prolong the lives of loved ones as much as possible.

Chen Shan was keenly aware that there was an unknown hidden secret: "Son, is something going to happen?"

"Why did you want us to emigrate to the Immortal Realm?"

Chen Nan was stunned: "Why do you ask like this?"

"Let's just say yes, if I work in a foreign country and buy a house, I can't visit my family and friends?"

"Is there something wrong with this?"

Chen Shan was speechless.

It always felt like my son was deliberately hiding something.

Otherwise, it would not have been proposed to let them all immigrate to the immortal world.


Chen Nan contacted Li Mu.

Let him send all the relatives in the Nine Tribes over in three days.

Except for Li Mu.

Xu Qianxin.

Jane Ning.

He Shanshan.

Xie Linger.

Ye Wanzhi.

People from the Huashan Sword School.

They all received calls from him.

Take their loved ones on a trip to Kyoto.

He has limited abilities.

I can only send my relatives and friends to live in the immortal world first.

Even if he couldn't change that catastrophe.

At least this method can also allow them to live for an extra thousand years.

The next night.

Chen Nan and Li Mu met in Houhai.

Solitary Harbor Bar will reopen tonight.

He came here to capture Fei Yao, who controlled the Beast Road, and kill him.

Seize the animal road in his hands.

"Seriously, you called me yesterday when I let the Nine Clans enter the Immortal Realm."

"I also fantasized that you would let more than a billion people in Huaxia enter the immortal world." Li Mu knew that the catastrophe was coming, and with his understanding of Chen Nan, it was reasonable even if Chen Nan made this move.

Chen Nan smiled bitterly: "Don't think of me as so lofty and great. "

This time.

Li Mu did not hide his inner thoughts: "The impression you gave me has always been very noble and great.

"People are vanity." Chen Nan smoked a cigarette and said, "Everything I did before was to satisfy my vanity and make myself more noble.

"But this time, I want to live a little better."

"It is not so much that stopping the catastrophe is for the sake of all living beings under the world."

"It's more for my loved ones, lovers, and you."

"If I can't even protect my relatives, lovers, and friends around me."

"How can you protect the world?"

Li Mu looked at him blankly for a long time.

Then he grinned: "You said something human."

"Well, that's how you're like a person."

"Your personality was too perfect before, which made me feel a sense of distance and felt that you were out of reach."

"Everyone has a selfish side, even saints."

"Otherwise, there would not be the saying that a man has the right way and a chicken dog ascends to heaven."

"If the saint is not selfish, why do you only take the chicken dog around him to heaven?"

Chen Nan: "I also want to protect Cangsheng, but this is within my ability."

"And this time, my ability can't protect the world."

As soon as his voice changed, he said, "Listen to what you mean, you really like me now?" So, do you want to think about me and your sister?

Li Mu scolded angrily: "You can die numbly!" "

Nine o'clock in the evening.

The neon lights of the Lonely Harbor Bar lit up.

Different from other bars, colorful neon.

The neon of the isolated harbor is bright red.

It looks very simple.

But in this bar street, it looks very eye-catching.

It feels out of place.

Not long after the bar opened, young men and women entered one after another.

Chen Nan and Li Mu also walked in one after another.

This bar has three floors.

The first and second floors are where guests drink.

The third floor is the room where the boss rests.

The room is dimly lit and smells of fine sandalwood.


But it can't hide the thin ghost qi here.


There are also several stray cats here.

It's just that they all give people a listless look.

Lying on the wine cooler.


Drowsy on the table and chairs.

Chen Nanshi looks forward to qi technique.

It was in those stray cats that they saw the souls of humans.

It's all young women.

This made Chen Nan feel a strong killing intent in his heart.

Trick others into death, send them to the animal road to be reincarnated as animals, and then raise them.

This Fei Yao is really a beast!

"What do you two want to drink?" A staff member came over politely.

Chen Nandao: "I heard that there is a cocktail called 'Meng Po Soup' in Gugang, which can make people forget their troubles, and our brothers want to taste it." Both

he and Li Mu looked like they had lost their souls, as if they had been hit by real life.

This is also in line with the image of coming to buy drunk.

The staff said: "Our 'Meng Po Soup' in Lonely Harbor is indeed very famous, but only our boss can concoct it, and the most important thing is that the price is not cheap."

Li Mu chuckled: "How much money can a cocktail cure?" Staff

: "Twenty thousand."

Li Mu was surprised: "This is also too expensive, right?"

Chen Nan directly scanned the code and paid 40,000 yuan: "If 20,000 yuan can forget your troubles, it is not expensive." The

staff said politely: "In that case, those two please later, I will ask the boss to prepare 'Meng Po soup' for the two of you." Saying that, he turned and left, and when he arrived at the bar, he dialed a number on an internal phone.

Knock knock!

A moment later.

There was a sound of footsteps on the wooden stairs.

Immediately, a middle-aged man wearing a black robe with a dark face appeared in Chen Nan's eyes.

His appearance made the dozen or so listless cats show terrified expressions.

Chen Nan knew.

This is Fei Yao.

"Do it!"

As soon as he gave the order, the whole person was like a cheetah, flying towards Fei Yao!

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