The words "father" stung Chen Nan.


It's not so much a sting.

Rather, it angered him.

He didn't expect that the Zuo family would still appear.

"I'll go home first."

He said goodbye to Li Mu and drove the car quickly towards his home.

Although it is past the evening rush hour.

But Kyoto's traffic is known for its congestion, even if it's half past nine at night.

The streets are full of traffic.

Fortunately, his car skills are superb.

All the way to the wind, I don't know how many red lights were run, how many scoldings were attracted.

He shortened the one-hour drive to half an hour.

Come outside the villa.

He took a deep breath.

It was with mixed feelings that he walked into the villa.

In the villa hall, I saw a middle-aged man with deep facial features and three-dimensional distinct.

He exudes an air that is not angry but powerful.

In front of him.

Chen Nan also felt a feeling of blood connection.

There is no doubt that the father is pro-father.

Zhu Yining and Zuo Yunyang sat on the side.

It's as casual as returning to your own home.


There is also a woman with a curvaceous figure and a veil on her face.

Although you can't see the real appearance, it gives people a dignified, elegant and noble temperament.

Because she wanted to return to the immortal world, the female emperor took her daughter and went shopping accompanied by Chen Xiazhi.

Only parents and little sister were left in the family.

At this time, the family of three stood slightly uneasy.

No way, they are all mortal.

Don't dare to offend each other at all.

If you provoke them and provoke a severe beating, it will be more than worth the loss.

Saw Chen Nan appear.

Zuo Jingtian's eyes were indifferent: "Son, don't kneel yet?"

Chen Nan smiled and asked, "Kneel down to send you the end?" If so, kneel down too.

"You look for death!"

A trace of anger flashed in Zuo Jingtian's eyes.

A terrifying True Qi shot out between raising his hand.

He knew that Chen Nan was a subordinate and a deceiving and destroying his ancestors.

But he didn't expect to put his biological father in his eyes.

This was unbearable for the high Zuo family patriarch.

You have to teach you a lesson!


True breath roars out!

Burst out with a destructive momentum!

Chen Nan did not resist.

Beat the other party abruptly.

The body took an uncontrollable step back, only then did he stabilize the figure.

Don't say it yet.

It hurts a little...

"Now, we don't owe each other!" Chen Nan laughed.

In fact, he was able to withstand the opponent's attack.

You can even dodge.

But it didn't do that.

Because no matter what, his life was given by this man.

And after this palm.

The two no longer owe each other anything.

Zuo Jingtian's face showed a hint of disdain: "Don't owe each other? He

was not surprised that Chen Nan was hit by him and did not fall.

He had already learned about Chen Nan's defeat of the Four Directions God of War.

As for why he didn't have the breath of a cultivator.

In his opinion, it should be that Chen Nan was injured during the battle with the Quartet God of War.

"Your life is all given by me, and you want to write off your bloodline when you receive my palm?"

"Isn't that an idea too whimsical?"

"I tell you, you will be my son Zuo Jingtian one day, all your life."

He had a condescending attitude: "Yesterday, your mother came and asked you to return to the Zuo family, why did you insist on refusing?"

"Although you are asked to take care of the ancestral hall, the ancestral tomb is a very boring thing."

"But it will also give you food and clothing."

"You shouldn't be so ignorant."

Chen Nan was amused: "Your family is really impressive, yesterday Ms. Zhu said, just let me go back to take care of the clan land." Today you said to go back to take care of the ancestral hall and the ancestral tomb.

"I don't know which of your husband and wife can be convincing."

Zuo Yunyang shouted loudly: "The clan land naturally includes ancestral halls and ancestral tombs.

Chen Nan asked seriously: "Let's just say yes, if I take care of the ancestral hall of the Zuo family, can I pee and on those tablets enshrined by the Zuo family?"


"People in the small world don't cremate after they die, right?"

"That is, they have been buried for many years, and their bodies have long been rotten."

"Can I find good weather, dig them out to bask in the sun, and put them back in?"

As soon as the words came out.

Chen Hanlu couldn't hold back and laughed.

Even Chen Shan and Jia Cui blushed.

I didn't expect Chen Nan to say such a thing.

At all costs.

Those are his ancestors!

This is more or less contrary.

"Son, do you really think I dare not kill you?" Zuo Jingtian was furious.


Chen Nan lit a cigarette and said lightly: "Old thing, don't take a sip of a, if I am a, then what are you?"

Zuo Jingtian took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart: "I heard that your woman is very strong, call her to get back!"

"As a daughter-in-law, I actually slapped my mother-in-law, I want to discipline her for you!"

"Just because of you, you want to discipline me too?"

The female emperor's voice sounded outside.

Immediately, she took her daughter and walked into the living room with Chen Xiazhi.

At the moment when the female emperor appeared.

The woman wearing the mysterious veil next to Zuo Jingtian suddenly stood up, her pupils trembling fiercely, showing her inner shock and unease.

"You... Are you the Female Emperor Lord? Zuo Qingmei's tone trembled.

As soon as the words came out.

Zuo Jingtian, Zhu Yining, and Zuo Yunyang's family of three were all stunned.

Could it be that the ancestors knew this woman?

It shouldn't be!

The old ancestor had already ascended to the immortal realm for many years, how could she know a mortal woman?

Not to mention calling each other a female emperor.

Although I don't know what the identity of the female emperor is, but how can she be called an emperor, how can she be a mortal???

"Who are you?" The female emperor looked at Zuo Qingmei.

Zuo Qingmei knelt on the ground with a snort, and said with sincere fear: "Zuo Qingmei, a female official of the lowly Tianzhou Mansion, has the rank of a five-rank official, and has had the privilege of witnessing the supreme demeanor of the female emperor.

Zuo Qingmei's body was trembling.

She never dreamed that she would see the supreme of the Terran high in the mortal world.

"Ancestor, did you recognize the wrong person?" Zuo Jingtian subconsciously swallowed his saliva: "She is just this evil woman, how can she be a woman..."

"Stop!" Zuo Qingmei was furious: "This is the supreme of the Terran race, the female emperor of the snow country, she is rude, and if she doesn't want to die, she will kneel!" "

Zuo Qingmei just wants to take the clansmen into the immortal world.


The land also needs to be guarded by descendants.


Zuo Jingtian proposed to find the son who had been abandoned for many years and let him return to the Zuo family to guard the clan land.


Where would Zuo Qingmei expect it.

The waste son in Zuo Jingtian's mouth turned out to be the husband of the female emperor.

The three members of Zuo Jingtian's family on the side instantly petrified.

Zuo Qingmei's words made them feel a burst of unprecedented fear in their hearts.

This is actually the Supreme of the Terran Race, the Female Emperor of the Snow Country?

Wait a minute!

How could she, a supreme of the Terran race, become Chen Nan's wife of this abandoned son?

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