Although I don't know why Leng Qingmei wants to see herself.

But Chen Nan returned to the backyard.

Song Ziwei burned a large bucket of hot water.

Chen Nan took the opportunity to take the pill given by the old man before.

After taking it, I immediately felt that the pain in the body had been significantly relieved.

"It seems that where there are people, there are pills."

"I have to find a way to get a Dan furnace and refine the elixir."

"That's how you can grow up quickly."

"Otherwise, you may die one day."

Chen Nan is not afraid of death.


If he dies.

The immortal world will be annihilated with him.

At that time, his relatives, lovers, and friends will also die tragically.


He needs to improve his strength.

At least have the ability to protect themselves.

As for becoming a ghost and entering the eighteenth layer of hell to find Houtu Niangniang, this is not a priority.

I took a shower and changed into clean clothes.

Chen Nan sat in front of the copper mirror.

Song Ziwei combed his hair behind him.

Looking at the copper mirror like a crown jade, the face of the sword eyebrow starry.

Chen Nan was slightly relieved in his heart.

Although the host is a licking dog.

It's a soft egg.

There is no sense of presence.

But one thing is undeniable.

This guy is handsome.

Handsome mess.

Chen Nan on Earth is also very handsome.

But one thing to say, it is far less than a third of the host.

(Looking at the three worlds, the only ones who can be more handsome than this guy are the little cuties who read this book)

After ------ freshened up.

Chen Nan came to the deserted courtyard.

By this time, night had fallen.

But under the pavilion of the other courtyard, there is a beautiful back.

She wore a long azure dress.

Long flowing hair.

Skin like curd.

Like a goddess high above, it releases the smell of fireworks that does not eat the world.

She was holding a book and was reading it intently with the light released by the green lantern.

Beside her stood four handmaids.

They are Chunmei, Xialan, Qiuzhu, and Dongju.

They looked at Chen Nan indifferently, and seemed to be very upset that the young lady and this waste became a husband and wife.

Change to before.

When the host sees these four servants, he will behave very exquisitely.

But now.

In Chen Nan's eyes, it was just four vases.

He didn't even look at them seriously.

Stopping in front of the pavilion, Chen Nan asked politely: "I don't know what happened when the lady called me here?"

"Be bold!" Chunmei took the lead in attacking: "Can't the young lady let you come over if she is fine?" The surname is Chen, you have to find out your identity, you are my Leng family's son-in-law!

"As long as the young lady has an order, you must appear at the first time at any time."

"Don't care if it's okay."

Chen Nan looked at Chunmei, and a chill flashed in his deep eyes: "Even if I am the son-in-law of the Leng family, but you are a subordinate, do you talk to your aunt like this?"

"Leng Jiagui is one of the six great families, how can he cultivate something like you who has no respect and is a dog?"

As soon as the words came out.

All four maids felt incredible.

You must know that Chen Nan has been in the company for more than a year.

For so long, he had been only promised, and he didn't even dare to look at them squarely.

But who would have thought.

What would he say at the moment?

Under the gazebo.

Leng Qingmei's icy voice sounded: "Palm mouth!"

Chunmei's eyes lit up, and she said respectfully: "It's Miss, I'll slap his mouth!" Saying that, he rolled up his sleeves and walked towards Chen Nan.

Leng Qingmei: "Slap your own mouth!"

Her voice was cold, but it exuded an irresistible smell.

Chunmei was taken aback, her eyes full of horror.

She didn't expect the young lady to let her slap her mouth.

Leng Qingmei: "Dongju, you come to execute."

"Yes, Miss." Dongju did not dare to violate Leng Qingmei's words, walked to her good sister, and slapped Chunmei fiercely in the face.

Slap on the left, slap on the right.

The hit is crackling.

Chen Nan was terrified as he watched.

He felt that Dongju had some personal grudges.

When Dong Ju smoked Chunmei's face, Leng Qingmei's voice sounded again: "In any case, Chen Nan is my Leng family's aunt, if anyone dares to disrespect him in the future, don't blame me for not remembering the old feelings." Several

maids showed expressions of sincere trepidation.

I don't know why the young lady wants to protect Chen Nan.

Although they have become husband and wife.

But it's in name.

"The new city lord Yuan Zun has arrived in Tongcheng, and the inauguration ceremony is scheduled for tomorrow noon."

"At that time, the six major families will send people to watch the ceremony." Leng Qingmei's voice sounded again: "You also know that there is no male in my Leng family.

"So, tomorrow, Lao Fujun will accompany me to attend Lord Yuan Zun's inauguration ceremony."


Chen Nan did not refuse.

As Leng Qingmei said.

The Leng family has three daughters.

But there was no man.

Because of this, the Leng family will recruit a son-in-law.

It is in order to have a man come forward at a critical moment, at least to maintain the dignity of the Leng family.

"Lady, it's cold outside, you better go back to your room early to rest, so as not to catch the wind chill." Chen Nan said, "I'll go back first, you can call me if something happens." Saying that, he turned around and left the deserted courtyard.

Just after Chen Nan left.

Leng Qingmei put down the book in her hand, and a trace of doubt appeared on her beautiful face.

Why has this guy changed so much?


back to the backyard.

Song Ziwei had already made dinner.

Although Chen Nan was not welcomed in the Leng family, he was still guaranteed in terms of food.

There is meat, and there are fine grains.

In addition, Song Ziwei's cooking skills are superb, and he is addicted to eating.

After the meal, he returned to the bedroom, sat cross-kneeled, and practiced the Yin Picking Technique.


An old man on crutches, wearing a white robe, and white hair also appeared in the city lord's mansion.

"Meet the lord of the mansion!"

The officials of the city lord's mansion, as well as the servants, paid great gifts.

Yuan Zun snorted quietly, and asked casually: "In the past few days, have any suspicious people entered Tongcheng?"

Wei Chong, the inspector of the City Lord's Mansion, hesitated and said, "Back to the Mansion Lord, some stranger faces have appeared in the city during this time.

Yuan Zun frowned.

He asked casually.

But I never thought that some raw faces really appeared.

"Could it be that that little guy can really predict the prophet?" A big question mark rose in Yuan Zun's heart.

10,000 years ago.

The underworld is in chaos.

A cult called the Anti-Heavenly Sect has emerged.

No one knows the origin of the Anti-Heavenly Sect, but they are fierce.

So much so that the King of the Ten Temples and the Emperor of the Ten Temples died tragically one after another.

For a long time after that.

The underworld is at war.

Until a thousand years ago, the underworld elected a new emperor of the capital and the king of the ten temples.

This calmed the war.

The common people lived a peaceful life.


The Anti-Heavenly Sect has not been completely destroyed.

From time to time, they would appear and kill important court officials.

Thinking of the advice Chen Nan gave him, as well as the anti-Heavenly Sect's methods.

An intriguing smile appeared on Yuan Zun's face: "Things seem to be getting more and more interesting." "

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