"Boss, what should I do now?" a young man named Zhang Lu squeezed his waist with his hands and gasped.

Wu Jiu took two breaths of fresh air and tried to calm his breath: "It's not a big problem. He said and walked towards the edge of the moat.

The other five followed.

Wu Jiu is their boss.

Even he said that it was not a big problem.

They naturally believed in Wu Jiu.

How is this corpse different?" Just as Chen Nan was examining the corpse, Wu Jiu appeared beside him.

"There was a fight on East Street just now, and we went over. A

trace of embarrassment flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.

Is it necessary to confess to me as a new man

, and he did not dwell on the matter, saying: "The deceased was about thirty-five years old by sight, and there were no scars on his body, but his pupils were dilated, and it was obvious that he had been frightened before he died.

"He had a noticeable bulge in his abdomen and silt in his mouth, presumably falling into the river and drowning."

"Oh, right. "

There was a tiny scratch on the deceased's right calf.

"It looks like it was caught by something." Chen

Nan had not learned the skills of adjudicating cases.

But as a child, I watched hundreds of episodes of Conan.

I've also seen some police movies.

More or less understand a little.

Wu Jiu squatted on the ground, carefully examined the condition of the corpse, and then locked his gaze on the scratch on the right calf of the deceased: "Do you feel, what is this scratch?"

He previously thought that Chen Nan was just a rich son who came to gild.

But now.

He didn't mean to underestimate Chen Nan.


Compared to the murdered dead.

After the bodies of drowning people were found, they were generally terrifying.

But Chen Nan was very calm.

Obviously, this guy has a lot more guts than he thought.


He was also able to examine the cause of death of the deceased based on the external characteristics of the body, and even gave his own opinion.

Even he was willing to bow down on this.

Think back to when he first joined the catcher.

But after studying with the master for a long time, he learned to perform an autopsy.

Chen Nan can definitely be regarded as having no teacher.


He wanted to see what Chen Nan thought of that scratch.

Chen Nan hesitated and said, "I feel that this scratch should be left by a mouse." But... The city achieved an unprecedented victory in exterminating rodents, and there were hardly any rats in the city. "

He has been in Tongcheng for more than a year, and he has not seen a mouse.

Therefore, he specifically investigated the cause of the extinction of rats.

It is said that there were many rats in Tongcheng before, and a man named Li Cai developed a rodenticide, and then killed all the rats in Tongcheng.

And rat poison is sprinkled at the city gate, which can also prevent rats from entering.


It is highly unlikely that the scratches on the deceased were left by rats.

Wu Jiu said, "You said that there will be such a possibility."

"The deceased met rats outside the city, and was chased, accidentally fell into Hanoi, and rushed down the river to the moat?"

Wu Jiu looked at the brothers behind him: "Find a painter, copy the portrait of the deceased, paste it all over the city, and let his relatives claim the body."

Chen Nan said, "By the way, investigate the deceased's social circle.

Wu Jiu showed surprise: "You suspect that this is not an accidental case?"

Without explaining much.

He couldn't say that he saw a layer of resentment shrouded in the dead?

The resentment in him is still very strong.


This is by no means an accident.

Wu Jiu smiled bitterly and said: "Brother, this is a very accidental case, more than a dozen cases occur every year, how can we spend all our energy on this kind of thing

?" Chen Nan asked curiously: "Do many similar cases occur every year?"

"As for this year, this is already the fifteenth corpse.

"At the current frequency, by the end of the year, there will be at least a dozen more cases."

"Don't be surprised, Tongcheng has a population of thirteen million."

"Even if you remove the population in the countryside, there are more than eight million people living in the city alone." "

With such a large population base, it is normal to have a few cases of unnatural deaths every year."

Chen Nan admitted that what Wu Jiu said was very reasonable.


The resentment of the deceased proves that this is no accident.

Seeing that Chen Nan was unwilling.

Wu Jiu had no choice but to stop there, and he said to Song Yunfei: "When the family of the deceased claims the body, remember to investigate the deceased's social circle." Chen

Nan is the ancestor in their eyes.

Although he believes that the deceased died accidentally.

But Chen Nan obviously wanted to continue to investigate, and they could only rely on him.

The painter soon came to the moat, drew the appearance of the deceased, and then posted it on the major bulletin boards in the city, so that the relatives of the deceased could come to claim the body as soon as possible.

After doing this, Chen Nan also followed them towards the city: "Team Wu, if the relatives of the deceased do not come to claim the body, what will be done with the body?" Wu Jiu said: "If the relatives of the deceased do not

come to claim the body within three days, we will burn the body to prevent the corpse from changing." "

Speaking of which.

Wu Jiu's expression suddenly became solemn: "It seems that something is indeed wrong."

Chen Nan: "What's wrong?"

Wu Jiu said in a low voice: "If I remember correctly, in the past five years, all the bodies found, no one has come to claim them." "

He hadn't realized anything before.

But now I find out.

That's the weirdest part.

Chen Nan's face was full of excitement.

As soon as I took office, I encountered such a challenging case.

He endured the excitement in his heart and said, "Is there really a saying

of corpse transformation?" Wu Jiu's expression was serious: "Although this matter sounds fantastic, there is indeed a phenomenon of corpse transformation."

"When I first started, I saw a corpse deviate.

"A lot of us joined forces to destroy that zombie."

"However, we lost more than a dozen brothers. "

Talk about what happened.

Wu Jiu looked afraid.

Chen Nan gave his own opinion: "Why are the people who died some people who have no relatives

?" "Is there someone who doesn't want those corpses to be claimed

?" "If so, what is their purpose

?" He paused and asked: "Team Wu, before those corpses were burned, did you check the physical characteristics of those corpses?"

Wu Jiu frowned: "What do you mean?" Don't you want to say that someone wants to make a fuss with their

corpses?" Chen Nan smiled: "Is that so, you will know when the corpses are burned."

"Also, tell the morgue about the punkers and ask them to keep an eye on the corpse from before."

"I have a hunch. "

The killer will soon surface. "

Right now.

Liang Jian, whose face was covered in blood after being beaten, stumbled over, his eyes full of horror: "Brother Chen save me, save me!" Chen

Nan looked stunned: "Who is so bold that he dares to hit you?"

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