Chen Nan himself didn't want to do anything with Gong Ping.

Even if yesterday he targeted himself.

But also the position is different.

That little thing wasn't enough for him to remember.

But now.

Gong Ping compared him to a dog.

This is clearly deliberately aimed at him.

Chen Nan is not a soft persimmon, and he will not be bullied at all.

Looking at Chen Nan's appearance of daring to be angry and not daring to speak, Gong Ping didn't mention how addicted he was in his heart, and said to Dianshi: "Remember, it depends on the owner to beat the dog, and when Chen Chao comes soon, you don't need my permission in the future, understand?"

Dian Shi hurriedly said, "I understand."

Gong Ping snorted, then looked at Chen Nan and said seriously: "Chen Chao is fast, you have to learn to be tough."

"Just like killing the Wimber father and son in court yesterday, that can reflect your manhood."

"Although the prefectural government has a lot of rules to follow."

"But you are the red man in front of Lord Yuan's eyes."

"What if you break those rules?"

"With Lord Yuan backing you up, what are you afraid of?" Said patting him on the shoulder and leaving with a smile.

Dian Shi stood up nervously and made an inviting gesture: "Chen Chao Kuai, please come inside."

Chen Nan snorted and said, "Has Gong Xiancheng always been so arrogant? Dian

Shi hesitated and said, "No, the main thing is that he will retire in half a month."

Chen Nan suddenly realized.


A pang of regret rose in my heart.

You still have half a month to retire and retire, and you will be raising your life, what do you say you offended me for?


Chen Nan stayed in the file room all day.

Even the noon and afternoon patrols did not go out.

Although he flipped through a lot of books.

But it's a pity.

There was no answer in the dossier room that he wanted.

In the blink of an eye, it was evening.

Their group also completed two days and one night of duty.

But Tiangong is not beautiful.


It was pouring rain.

Faintly thunder is echoing.

"Yunfei, you go to the Leng family and tell my maid that I have something to do tonight, so I won't go back." Chen Nan said to Song Yunfei, who had changed into civilian clothes and was wearing an oil-paper umbrella.

He promised Old Deng that he would go to the morgue to be on duty for him tonight.

So I have to let someone say hello to Song Ziwei's girl.

Otherwise, she would definitely worry about herself.

Song Yunfei didn't ask more.

Chen Nan simply ate a few bites of dinner.

Came to the morgue with an umbrella.

"Old Deng, go back!" Chen Nan carried a long knife on his waist and entered the morgue with a pot of wine.

Because it's summer.

The corpse in the morgue emitted a pungent stench.

In addition, the room ventilation environment is very poor.

Almost didn't let Chen Nan spit out the dinner.

As the Lord of the Immortal Realm.

He thought he had seen many winds and waves, and he had also seen countless corpse mountains and seas of blood.

But he didn't get close to a corpse.

Not to mention spending the night.

Fear is not afraid.

It's just that the taste is too top-notch.

"Young man, if you are afraid, it is too late to regret it now." Old Deng came out behind the coffin with a hookah in his hand.

Chen Nan was amused: "We don't have anything else, just be bold." Go back and rest for the night, I'm here to promise no accidents. "

Although he is only mortal now.

It has not yet reached the Yin Harvesting Realm.


He was only one chance away from the Yin Harvesting Realm.


He can hope for qi magic.

No evils could be hidden in front of him.

What's more.

The saber in his hand can slash all the glamours.

In addition, he has a wealth of hand-to-hand combat experience in the Yang world.

To sum it up in four words: it's not a big problem.

Old Deng snorted and said, "Generally speaking, nothing will happen in the first half of the night. In the middle of the night... Remember that no matter what you see or hear, don't move, just fall asleep.

His expression was unusually solemn.

A flash of lightning suddenly flashed outside, reflecting his slightly hideous expression.

In the cramped morgue, it feels creepy.

A thick layer of goosebumps also rose on Chen Nan's body.

It's not that he's bold.

The main thing is that the atmosphere at this time is too scary.

Plus the host is a coward.

This more or less affected his heart.

After Old Deng left, Chen Nan lay in another coffin next to the coffin.

There is some straw inside, and it is relatively soft to lie in it.

That's where Old Deng usually slept.


Lightning and thunder outside.

The dense rain fell on the roof tiles and made a crackling sound.

It's like playing a tranquility.

Chen Nan had no intention of falling asleep.

On the contrary, it is very exciting.

But in addition to the excitement, there is also an inexplicable sense of crisis.

One thing is for sure.

In the past three years, it is definitely no accident that so many floating corpses have appeared one after another in the moat.

And now, in the coffin next to it lies a hundred floating corpses.

If nothing else.

The existence of the corpse next to it is of great significance.

It could be the key to a shocking conspiracy.

If you can successfully solve this mystery, it will be enough.

If not.

Tongcheng is very likely to encounter a catastrophe.

"Why did the other side kill so many people?"

"And the crime time is the heaviest time of the day?"

"What is he going to do with the corpses of this hundred people?"

Chen Nan had too many mysteries in his mind.

In fact, there are many ways to kill.

And it can make people disappear without knowing it.

But the other party used the moat to kill.

This is weird.

So it's not hard to know.

The other side wanted the people in the government to find the victims.

This allows people to transport the body to the morgue.


These people who died have no relatives to claim them.

Under normal circumstances.

After three days, when no one came to claim it, the body would be burned by the government officials.

Thus avoiding corpses from turning into zombies.

Think of this.

Chen Nan grabbed the coffin with both hands and sat up, and he cast a qi technique to look at the coffin next to him.

A thick corpse qi and resentment appeared in the eyes.

Corpse gas and resentment are mixed together.

It's ominous.

Time passes slowly.

Chen Nan also felt a wave of tiredness sweeping over.

Just when he was confused and about to fall asleep.

The closed door creaked.

It was like someone had pushed it away.

Chen Nan suddenly snorted.

No drowsiness at all.

The next moment.

An icy aura locked onto him.

It was slowly approaching him.

He didn't know what had entered the morgue.

But at this moment.

His heart was beating unusually fast.


The footsteps stopped in front of the coffin where he was lying.

An extremely ugly-looking green-eyed zombie appeared in front of him.

The green-eyed zombie stared at Chen Nan deadly, and sharp fangs appeared at the corners of his mouth.

If Chen Nan fell asleep, it would be fine.

The problem is that he is squinting at the moment.

The murderous appearance of the green-eyed zombie made him shudder and was difficult to disguise.

He 'whimpered'.

Suddenly sat up.

The sudden scene frightened the green-eyed zombie to take several steps back one after another, and fear appeared in his eyes.

It didn't expect this human to suddenly sit up with a whimper.

Just... Quite suddenly.

It's scary.

Immediately, the green-eyed zombie's eyes were full of anger, and it bounced on the spot and instantly appeared in front of Chen Nan.

Stretched out his steely hands and grabbed Chen Nan's neck!

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