Zhang Mingquan asked rhetorically: "Why do I want to lay a net?"

Chen Nan sneered: "You know that I will find you, don't you have any means to deal with it?"

Zhang Mingquan asked again: "Does Chen Chakuai think that I am with that green-eyed zombie?" "

Isn't it?" Chen Nan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Zhang Mingquan smiled and shook his head: "Let's tell you a story!"

"Twenty years ago, there was a rat that was frozen to death."

"That rat almost froze to death on the street."

"Then I met a little girl who sold firewood."

"The little girl saw that the little mouse was about to freeze to death, and then lit firewood to help the little mouse ward off the cold."

"Even gave the little mouse some dry food."

"The little mouse managed to survive."

"And then follow the little girl all the way."

"Until she marries."

Chen Nan quietly listened to the story told by Zhang Mingquan.

If nothing else.

The little mouse in his mouth should be him.

And the little girl he spoke of was his wife.

Zhang Mingquan continued: "The little mouse originally wanted to guard that woman all the time.

"Because that woman is his lifesaver."

"But the sky is not what it should be."

"The woman's husband is not good to her, often beats and scolds, and does not give food."

"The little mouse can't see others hurting his lifesaver."

"Secretly killed her husband."

"Then, he transformed into her husband and stayed with her."

Chen Nan: "Shemales have different paths, aren't you afraid of going to eighteen layers of hell after death?"

Zhang Mingquan smiled and said disapprovingly: "I'm a rat-eyed person, I haven't thought about things for so long, and I don't want to think about it."

"In my opinion, as long as this life is complete and there are no regrets, it is enough."

Live in the moment.

This point is somewhat similar to Chen Nan.

Chen Nandao: "So, you developed rat poison just to satisfy your selfish desires?"

"Yes." Zhang Mingquan did not hide his inner thoughts: "Only by doing business with the government can we ensure that we don't have to worry about money, and can the woman I like live a good life."

"But I'm not all for myself."

"Since the government bought my rat poison, the rats in the city have never done anything bad."

Hearing this, Chen Nan was completely amused: "If I wasn't hungry, I wouldn't steal something from someone else's house."

Zhang Mingquan's old face turned red: "In the past three years, there has never been a plague in Tongcheng again."

"Moreover, most of the money I earned was donated and did good deeds."

Chen Nan did not object to this.

Can't object to it either.

The rats in the city do not eat the surplus food in the homes of the common people.

This prevented plague from occurring at the root.

And Zhang Mingquan also did good deeds with the money he earned.

It can be regarded as taking from the civilian to the people.

"What's going on with that green-eyed zombie?" Chen Nan asked.

Zhang Mingquan shook his head: "That green-eyed zombie existed when I was a child, its strength is very strong, when I learned that it controlled the rat colony to do bad things, I thought about killing it."

"Because when it controls the rat colony to do bad things, I have invisibly borne cause and effect."

"For example, today, if it hadn't controlled the rat colony to do bad things, would you have found me?"

"But I'm no match for it."

"Even if I controlled all the rats in the city to besiege it, I couldn't hurt it in the slightest."

Speaking of this, Zhang Mingquan sighed, his eyes full of complexity: "I know that shemales have different paths, and I am willing to bear all the causes and consequences for the sins I committed, and I only hope that Chen Chao will soon let my wife and children go."

Chen Nan secretly shook his head: "Shemale has a different path, you have always committed an unforgivable sin." If I don't know your identity, I can't sit idly by.

"If you want to blame, blame that green-eyed zombie!"

He thought that Zhang Mingquan would be the mastermind behind the green-eyed zombie.

But it turns out.

This matter is far more complicated than I thought.

And he could see that Zhang Mingquan was not lying.

It can only be said that he is unlucky.

And he, although he did not want to move Zhang Mingquan.

But the first rule of the law is that shemales have different paths.

The second is the difference between people and ghosts.

Knowing that Zhang Mingquan is a demon, but turning a blind eye, he will also suffer great cause and effect.

As for this cause and effect...

No one knows.

Just looking at the cause and effect of Zhang Mingquan assuming the green-eyed zombie, it is not difficult to know that there is no good ending.

"Chen Chakuai, please show mercy to your subordinates and let my husband go, okay?"


Zhang Mingquan's wife, Niu Yanhong, came over with a pleading face, and knelt directly in front of Chen Nan: "If you want to arrest me, arrest me, he is innocent."

"It was I who cried in front of him that Zhang Mingquan must not die well, and he should go to hell before he will kill Zhang Mingquan."

"Madam, what do you mean?" The mouse essence who turned into Zhang Mingquan gasped: "You... Do you know who I am? No, no, no, it can't be. "

Speaking of which.

His face was full of horror.

He didn't want Niu Yanhong to know that he was a person transformed into a rat.

Because this is his biggest secret.

He didn't want anyone to pry.

Especially Niu Yan Red.

If she knows.

It is also equivalent to violating the rules of shemales.

After death, you will also go to hell.

He can go to hell.

But he didn't want the woman he loved to follow him to hell.

Niu Yanhong showed a bright smile: "Although you look exactly the same as Zhang Mingquan, your eyes betray you."

"He looks at me with only impatience in his eyes, and you look at me with only love in his eyes."

"At that time, I knew that Zhang Mingquan should have been replaced by someone."

"Especially after that, the little golden rat that accompanied me is gone."

"I knew that Zhang Mingquan, who lived with me, was the little golden rat."

Zhang Mingquan's scalp was numb: "You know that I am a mouse, but why are you still with me?" Why did you sleep with me and even give birth to a child between us? "

Shemales have different paths!" Speaking of this, I cried bitterly.

He originally wanted to bear all the cause and effect, but he never dreamed that Niu Yanhong had already spied on his true identity.

Niu Yanhong smiled miserably: "What about people?

"What about the demon?"

"I have been married to Zhang Mingquan for so many years, and I worked as a cow and horse in the Zhang family."

"What can be exchanged for?"

"Endless invective, accusations, disgust, beatings."

"I can't even eat a bite of hot rice."

"Even my leg was broken by Zhang Mingquan."

"I don't deny that you say he is human."


"Is his behavior, character, human?"

"Although you are a demon, your kindness to me is not comparable to a hundred Zhang Mingquan."

"Even if it is combined with you, it will violate the first iron law of the underworld."

"Even if I want to go to hell after death, I have no regrets."

This time Chen Nan will not be able to rectify.

Although the two violated the laws of the underworld.

But he couldn't stop and arrested the pair of bitter mandarin ducks.

Because he has always believed that love breaks all bondage.

I also firmly believe that love is an eternal existence.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Nan said, "Just because I haven't been here today, you guys will live well in the future!" "

He can't change the outcome of the two of them going to hell after they die.

But it can delay their time to hell as much as possible.

Although the law is merciless.

But as an enforcer, you have to have a temperature.

Have a conscience.

Looking at Chen Nan's departing back, Zhang Mingquan came back to his senses in shock and asked nervously: "Aren't you afraid to let go of my husband and wife and bear the cause and effect of our husband and wife?" "

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