"What do you say? Chen Nan and Jiang Jiancheng teamed up to harm our Zhao family? "


"Absolutely impossible!"

"Jiang Jiangcheng is the richest man in Jeju, how could he do such a thing?"

Zhao Dongyang couldn't accept this.

Zhao Yuan's eyes revealed a hint of despair!


But more still smiled bitterly: "Actually, I don't believe it either."

"But the truth is right in front of us!"

"I can't let us not believe it!"

Zhao Dongyang looked at Jiang Jiancheng in the distance, closed the car door and sat in the co-pilot, and said, "You once asked me a question, will Jiang Jiancheng harm our Zhao family."

Zhao Yuan's eyes were dull: "Yes, I did ask this question."

"I also thought that Jiang's richest man would not harm us."

"But now, I understand a lot of things."

"For example, why did the Jiang family hand over Zhongxing Square to our Zhao family for development."

"I thought it was our luck to get the favor of the Jiang family."

"Now it seems that things are not as simple as we imagined, this must have been influenced by Chen Nan!"

"Especially the act of advancing funds in the early stage can hollow out our entire Zhao family."

"Once we take over this project, they can find a fault to terminate their cooperation with us, and make our Zhao family bear huge debts!"

"I don't believe Jiang Jiancheng would be so despicable!"

Zhao Dongyang could not accept Jiang Jiancheng and Chen Nan to let the Zhao family be destroyed.

After all, he is the richest man in Jeju.

Famous philanthropist.

Zhao Yuan gritted his teeth and said, "Dad, I met Chen Nan a month ago.

"That day, he once said wildly in front of me, saying that today, a month later, is the time when our Zhao family goes bankrupt!"

"I haven't forgotten that."

"But I didn't take it to heart either!"

"But this came true!"

"Fulfilled Chen Nan's words, our Zhao family is really finished today!"

"Moreover, the Jiang Group agreed to cooperate with us, only after I met Chen Nan."

"That is, we jumped into the trap they prepared for us?" When all the clues were strung together, Zhao Dongyang only had despair in his heart.

Because he hoped it was a misunderstanding.

Since it was a misunderstanding, there will be a day of clarification.

But if it's a conspiracy, a trap!

The entire Zhao family had no chance to turn over.

Zhao Yuan showed a miserable smile: "Otherwise? If it wasn't for the conspiracy, how could Chen Nan easily find those substandard steels?

"It's just, I don't understand why Jiang Jiancheng is so jealous of Chen Nan's little doctor?"

"I... Seems to understand something.

"Two years ago, Jiang Jiancheng was seriously ill and almost died, and it is said that the will was made, and then inexplicably recovered."

"If I didn't guess wrong, the person who saved him should be Chen Nan."

Zhao Yuan never put Chen Nan in his eyes.

Even yesterday, he was still thinking of finding an opportunity to get rid of Chen Nan.

And now he finally realized one thing.

Even if Chen Nan is in prison, he has formed a terrifying network.

And the connections he has can easily destroy the Zhao family!

"Even if you know this?" Zhao Dongyang said angrily: "Our Zhao family is finished, if it weren't for you, how could our Zhao family go bankrupt?"

"Dad, I don't want that either. But compared to Pang Zhen's family of three, compared to Feng Xinyue, our end is much better, at least we are still alive, aren't we?

A burst of happiness rose in Zhao Yuan's heart.

At this point, he could be sure that the three members of Pang Zhen's family, as well as Feng Xinyue's death, were all related to Chen Nan.


Chen Nan did not kill him invisibly, he was already content.

"I'd rather die than live with no hope in carrying huge debts!" Zhao Dongyang's eyes were scarlet, and he pushed the car door like crazy, and directly crashed under the wheels of a bulldozer that drove over.


Blood stained the ground.

There was a burst of shouts.


Zhao Yuan's eyes were shattered, and he didn't expect his father to make such a move.

Could this be Chen Nan's revenge on them?

Did the father die because of himself?

If he hadn't framed Chen Nan three years ago.

He was not sent to prison.

No one fired his father.

His father's legs were not broken.

There should be no bonds between them.

The family won't fall to this point, right?

I am a sinner of my family!

Just when the people outside were in a panic.

Zhao Yuan also pushed the car door and rushed out like crazy, crashing headlong into the bulldozer.

The blood flowed like a pour.

Both lost their lives.


"The grudge between us is settled!"

In the black Mercedes-Benz, Chen Nan lowered the window, and two hairs fluttered away with the wind.

Although the Zhao family went bankrupt today.

But it was far from the result he wanted.

As a practitioner.

He loves and hates.

Zhao Yuan's father and son must die!

Otherwise, his thoughts are incomprehensible.

Jiang Jiancheng on the co-pilot's face was full of fear, and he felt like sitting on pins and needles.

He had just seen the process of Chen Nan casting spells.

You don't need to think about it to know that the father and son of the Zhao family should have paid a heavy price.

And how many people are there in the world today who can be destroyed at the snap of his fingers?

Feeling that the atmosphere was a little depressed, Jiang Jiancheng said nervously: "Mr. Chen, as you said before, I had an accident a few days ago, but fortunately you gave a talisman and saved my life!"

Chen Nan nodded slightly: "Your luck will be better and better in the future."

Jiang Jiancheng hurriedly said, "This is thanks to Mr. Chen's kindness."

"Let's not say so many polite words between us, what time is the Qin family's auction?" Chen Nan diverted the topic.

Jiang Jiancheng replied, "At ten o'clock in the evening, at the Provincial City Yanjun Hotel.

"Okay, let's go straight to the provincial capital!"

For millennial ambergris.

A hundred years old.

He is determined to win.

Only by obtaining these two treasure medicines can you refine the elixir of enlightenment.

In order to make Chen Xiazhi have an extraordinary memory that cannot be forgotten!

In order to make her inscribed on the gold list in next year's college entrance examination!

And now.

He has twenty-one million in him.

This is what he earned during this time.

As for whether he could photograph those two medicinal herbs, he didn't know.

Jiang Jiancheng took out a black card and said respectfully: "Mr. Chen, there are ten billion in this card, and it should be the cost of buying another talisman for you." Please accept it, so that my heart will feel better! "

Chen Nan refined six talismans before.

In addition to Jiang Jiancheng, he also gave Jian Nian a piece.

The two younger sisters are one piece each.

It's just that when she gave Chen Xia Solstice, she said that she had a good relationship with Jiang Li.

So... Shun took a piece and gave it to her.

"In that case, then I'll take it!" Chen Nan did not refuse.

Two talismans can save people four times in a critical moment, which is equivalent to saving four lives, which one does not exceed one billion?

Four o'clock in the afternoon.

Chen Nan and Jiang Jiang arrived in the provincial capital.

Came to Yanjun Hotel.

Just when the check-in was completed, a familiar and excited voice suddenly sounded: "Brother Tuan, why are you here?" "

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