It just so happens that there is a catcher here.

Chen Nan asked the other party what happened.

"This is a private matter of the Wu family..."

Then Chen Nan knew what happened.

Everyone in the Wu family had an ancient blood spell.

This is something they carry in their bones.

This prevents the Wu family from fighting for profit.

It also prevents the miscreant from getting rid of the current patriarch and replacing him.

This is also why Wu Quan, the cripple, can firmly sit in the position of the head of the Wu family.

And five coffins appeared in the Wu family, also because Wu Quan died.

If Wu Quan only died accidentally.

Everyone in the Wu family must be safe and sound.


Wu Quan's death was not an accident.

It was an accident designed by Wu Yuanzhong and others, and they moved in the thatched house.

The hut collapsed and smashed Wu Quan into the.


After Wu Quan's death.

Everyone in the Wu family was swallowed up by the blood curse.

All the men died except the female dependents of the family.

Chen Nan knew what happened.

He came to the coffin and said to Ning Yinqiu, who wore linen and filial piety: "Mrs. Wu also asks for a festival of mourning."

Ning Yinqiu lowered her head, her face full of sadness, and said in a voice like a mosquito: "Don't you say such things, okay?" I'm afraid I'll be unable to hold back my laughter. The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched.

Let's disguise our inner thoughts, okay?

Now that the bones of the Wu family are not cold, if you say such things in front of their coffins, you are not afraid that they will come to you?

However, he also understood what Ning Yinqiu felt in his heart.

Married into the Wu family for so long.

She has always tried her best, but what she got was scolding and exclusion.

Now the Wu family is neatly dead.

She must be happy.

Of course.

He was also quite happy.

Because then they have no worries and can he

Even if Leng Qingmei knew about their affairs?

You won't let me you.

I'm not allowed to keep a canary out yet?

Leave the Wu family.

Chen Nan walked towards the Liang family's courtyard.

But on the street, he met Xia Youwei.

She wore a long light pink dress and an emerald green jade hairpin on her head.

The white skin can be broken by blowing and shimmering with a beautiful glow.

Chen Nan hurriedly saluted: "My son-in-law has seen my mother-in-law." "


The work on face is still in place.

You can't let people talk nonsense.

"You... You actually called me mother-in-law? Xia Youwei's face turned green, and her eyes flashed with tears of grievance: "Chen Nan, you are still not a person, I waited for you in Pingyang Town for so long and you didn't come, now I came to you, you actually called me mother-in-law?"

"Are you a beast?"

The sudden scene made Chen Nan unwhole.

He hurriedly used the Qiqi Technique.

But I was pleasantly surprised.

This Xia Youwei in front of her did not have any demon qi on her.

What's the situation?

This is the real Xia Youwei?

She's alive?

Chen Nan's face was full of ecstasy, and he directly hugged Xia Youwei into his arms.

Next second.

The familiar body fragrance entered his nasal passages.

He knows.

This is Xia Youwei he knows.

The woman is still alive.

"For such a long time, why didn't you go back and marry me?" Xia Youwei stretched out her small fist and pounded Chen Nan's back, with endless grievances in her voice.

"This is a long story, let's go, let's find a quiet place to talk." Without much thought, Chen Nan grabbed Xia Youwei's hand and turned into an alley, and then walked towards the Liang family's courtyard.

He didn't dare to lead Xia Youwei on the street.

Although the city is big.

But what if you meet an acquaintance?

People will definitely misunderstand that the son-in-law and mother-in-law got together.

One more point.

This will put Xia Youwei in danger.

Although he still couldn't figure out the origin of Xia Youwei from the Leng family.

But the most urgent thing is to protect Xia Youwei as much as possible and hide her.

Or then suffer endlessly.

Coming to the Liang family's other courtyard, Xia Youwei looked at Chen Nan with affection: "Chen Lang, people miss you!" Speaking of this, he slowly closed his eyes.

Chen Nan inherited the host's physical body, which naturally included inheriting all his memories, as well as joy, anger and sorrow.

There are also feelings for Xia Youwei.

Immediately sent his enthusiasm...

But there is no Xia Youwei fever...


"Say, you have been in Tongcheng for so long, why don't you return to Pingyang Town, why don't you fulfill your promise to marry me?"

"Also, you called me mother-in-law before, what is the situation?"

After comfort.

Xia Youwei made a straight face and asked with a slight displeasure.

Chen Nan smiled bitterly: "Actually, this is the matter..." It's a long story.

Xia Youwei: "Then make a long story short."

Chen Nan organized the language, and said helplessly: "After I returned to the Chen family, I was forced to marry into the Leng family and became the son-in-law of the Leng family..." It's extremely difficult for me to even survive, so how can I go back and marry you?

Xia Youwei's face was stunned.

Unexpectedly, after Chen Nan returned to the Chen family, he actually joined the Leng family.

She could accept that.

It's just a little distressed about Chen Nan.

"As for calling you mother-in-law..." Chen Nan's expression became serious: "Don't hide from you, my father-in-law married a bride a few days ago, her name is Xia Youwei, and she looks exactly like you." "

What?" Xia Youwei was taken aback: "How can there be someone under the sky who looks exactly like me and has the same name?"

Speaking of this, she seemed to realize something and exclaimed: "You mean, that person who looks exactly like me is a demon transformation?"

"Yes." Chen Nan's tone was solemn: "Before I get rid of that demon, you have to live here all the time, and you must not leak your existence."

He was worried that the demon would kill people and completely replace Xia Youwei.

"Chen Lang, shouldn't I come to Tongcheng?" Xia Youwei inexplicably felt a sense of crisis.

Chen Nan rubbed her head: "No, I'm glad you're here, at least you're still alive."

He had previously thought that something had happened to Xia Youwei.

Now Xia Youwei appeared in front of her.

He was happy in his heart.

"But what about the person who impersonated me?" Xia Youwei asked nervously.

Chen Nandao: "I will find a way to get rid of that demon, but during this period, I will have to wronged you to live here, don't worry, I will come to see you often."

Xia Youwei snorted.

Knowing that the situation in Tongcheng was so complicated, she would not have rushed to Tongcheng to look for Chen Nan.

"Thirsty, huh? I'll go get a watermelon. Chen Nan said and got up, didn't even tie his belt, pushed open the door and walked out.

Xia Youwei was also wearing a white lining, her hair was slightly messy, and her face was a touch of crimson, and she followed out with weak steps.

Although the situation in Tongcheng is complicated.

But she still feels very happy to find the man she dreams of.

Even if it's just living here.

But that's enough for her.

Right at this moment.

The door was pushed open.

Liang Jian walked in carrying a wooden lunch box.

When he saw Chen Nan and Xia Youwei, who were disheveled, the lunch box in his hand fell to the ground weakly.


Why is Brother Chen's mother-in-law here?

Why are they disheveled?

What did the two of them do before?

Is it so crazy to play?

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