Chen Nan said excitedly: "Okay, I will find a way to solve that demon."

"I'm waiting for good news." Leng Qingmei: "If you can solve that demon, I will have a round house with you."

"Then wait for me at all times." The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose, and he left the cold room with a look of anticipation.

Back in the backyard.

He calmed down.

The host affects him too much.

So much so that he agreed to the other party's proposal in excitement.

It's him.

He categorically would not agree to a cold proposal.

Even if she proposes the round house.

But now he doesn't lack women at all.

Whether it is Ning Yinqiu or Xia Youwei, it is no worse than Leng Qingmei.

The most critical is.

There is too much risk in this matter.

Nor can he guarantee that his approach will work.


Anyway, since the promised thing.

That's all about giving it a go.

After simply eating something, Chen Nan left the Leng family and went to the county morgue to find the corpse of the green-eyed zombie that had not yet had time to burn.

The reason for finding this body is simple.

He needs the blood of a green-eyed zombie.

After all, corpse poison is very terrifying, even a strong person in the Transformation Realm is difficult to resist the corpse poison.

After taking the blood of the green-eyed zombie.

Chen Nan returned to the Leng family and heated the solidified blood in an iron bowl.

The next moment.

A pungent fishy smell spreads.

This smell quickly spread to Song Ziwei's room next door: "Young Master, are you eating stew?" Why is it so smelly? Still don't let you sleep?

Chen Nan shouted through the air: "Do you want to eat two bites together?" Song

Ziwei no longer paid attention to him.

Seeing that the corpse blood had dissolved.

Chen Nan took out the silver needle and then put it inside to soak.

Chen Nan had just stepped into the Yin Harvesting Realm now.

With his current cultivation, he wanted to deal with the demons of the Transformation Realm.

The safest way is to poison.

Using silver needles is the best means.

What the?

Can silver needles test for poison?

If you use a silver needle, it will definitely arouse the other party's defense?


Chen Nan does not deny that there are methods of silver needle poison testing in history.


Poison in history is very different from corpse poison.

This starts with the poison itself.

The most popular poison in ancient times was arsenic, scientific name arsenic trioxide.

Because of the backward production technology at that time, arsenic was accompanied by a small amount of sulfur and sulfide during refining.

When silver comes into contact with sulfides, a chemical reaction occurs to produce "silver sulfide" Ag2S.

So you will see a layer of black material forming on the surface of the silver needle.

In this regard, silver needles can indeed play a role in testing poison.

However, this does not mean that the silver needle really has the function of testing poison.

Because it identifies sulfur rather than poison.

Regardless of whether there is a toxin or not, as long as there is sulfur, it can make the silver needle black.

Corpse poison is different, there is no sulfur in it.

So even if you soak in it, it will not make the silver needle black.

After a night of soaking.

Chen Nan carefully put away the silver needle.

If you accidentally puncture the skin.

Then you will be cool.


Leng Qingmei came to the backyard and took him to the front yard to visit his father together.

Compared with yesterday, Leng Xuemin's complexion has recovered significantly.

Xia Youwei looked distressed: "Last night, your father woke up, ate something and fell asleep again. He said that the family business was first handed over to Chen Nanlai. "

Hear this.

A strange thought arose in both Leng Qingmei and Chen Nan's hearts.

Everyone knew that Chen Nan had no intention of family business.

At this time, will Leng Xuemin propose to leave all the family business to him?

Is this reasonable?

Normally speaking.

Chen Nan would definitely refuse.

And Leng Qingmei never interfered in the family business.

Other words.

Once Chen Nan refused to take over the Leng family's business.

Then Xia Youwei will be in full charge of the Leng family's family business.

Until then.

Not only Leng Xuemin will be taken down by Xia Youwei.

All the money earned by the Leng family will also fall into the pockets of this demon.

This little abacus is really crackling.

Thinking of this, Chen Nan sighed and said with an embarrassed expression: "Since the father-in-law can afford to look up to the son-in-law so much, the son-in-law will definitely do his best to make the Leng family's business bigger and stronger, and move towards glory!"

Xia Youwei was stunned.

It seems that he didn't expect Chen Nan to take over the Leng family's business.

It caught her off guard.

However, she didn't say anything more, and said politely: "Then it will trouble the virtuous son-in-law."

Chen Nan said with a hint of helplessness: "Although my son-in-law does not want to get involved in the Leng family's business, my wife does not interfere in the Leng family's family business."

"If the son-in-law prevaricates, won't all the family business fall on the shoulders of the mother-in-law?"

"The mother-in-law has just married into the Leng family, and she has to take care of her comatose father-in-law at night, which in itself is very tiring."

"As a son-in-law, can't you solve problems for your mother-in-law?"

"If my mother-in-law runs the family business while taking care of my father-in-law, and we only want to have fun, what is the difference between that and animals and animals?"

Xia Youwei didn't expect Chen Nan to say so much.

Because she's heard it.

After my aunt married into the Leng family, his status was very low.

Even in front of the next person, he did not dare to speak loudly.

And at this time, saying so much in front of her is nothing more than showing loyalty to her.

For Chen Nanbiao's heartfelt, she accepted it all.

Then he looked at the young man seriously.



It should be more fierce than Leng Xuemin's waste, right?

If he devoured his three souls and seven spirits, his strength would definitely become stronger.

This moment.

Xia Youwei was a little dumbfounded.

After the meal, Chen Nan first went to the house where penicillin was cultivated.

The process of penicillin cultivation was smooth.

According to this momentum, the fungus can be condensed in two or three days.

At that time, Wu Jiu can be out of danger.

And the invention of penicillin will definitely be able to gain a foothold in the underworld.

Turning vegetables into gold is not a dream for him.

After that, Chen Nan came to Leng Jiabu Xing.

The treasurer of the Cloth Bank had already received that Chen Nan wanted to take over the family business, and told him all about the account books, as well as the inventory and orders of the Cloth Bank.

Although Chen Nan had not been a treasurer, since he had agreed to take over the Leng family's business, he naturally had to go all out.


Just as Chen Nan was looking at the ledger upstairs.

The demon of the Leng family who transformed into Xia Youwei came to Buxing.

She walked in with a food box.

Chen Nan quickly put down the account book and got up to greet him: "Why is the mother-in-law here?"

"I heard that you didn't even eat lunch, so I specially made two special side dishes and brought them to you." Xia Youwei said and took out two plates of exquisite side dishes in the food box, as well as a jug of wine and two wine cups.

Seeing those two wine cups, Chen Nan was suddenly stunned.


Why did this woman take two wine cups?

Shouldn't she want to intoxicate herself and suck her own blood and soul?

Xia Youwei saw what Chen Nan was thinking, and sighed lightly: "I'm in a bad mood, I want you to accompany me for two drinks, and say intimate words, you won't mind, right?" Speaking of this, he looked at Chen Nan with affection.

Feeling her gaze, Chen Nan suddenly had a feeling that the sky was spinning.

A strong sense of crisis welled up in my heart.


This demon wants to him!

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