After Xia Youwei left.

Chen Nan glanced at the food on the table.

No appetite at all.

Grab your chopsticks and eat.

Then he called the treasurer and asked him about the funds in the two cloth shops and three restaurants.

The Leng family has two cloth shops, and now there are 80,000 taels of silver on the account.

Together with the three restaurants, there are a total of 200,000 taels of silver.

And that's still this month's earnings.

Earn 200,000 taels of silver in a month.

I have to say that the Leng family's financial strength is still very terrifying.

He asked people to exchange all these 200,000 taels of silver into silver tickets, and sent people to purchase medicinal herbs for a thousand years.

Because there was a civil strife in the underworld ten thousand years ago, there were not many medicinal herbs in the market for thousands of years.

Even if it does, it is very expensive.

Busy with that.

It was already evening.

He returned to Leng Qingmei and told Leng Qingmei what happened during the day.

For example, Xia Youwei controlled his soul and let him buy medicine.

Leng Qingmei learned of Chen Nan's plan and said seriously: "You'd better destroy that demon as soon as possible, otherwise I'm afraid that my father will hardly wake up."

Chen Nan snorted.

It can only be said that it will look for opportunities to be faster.

However, he did not elaborate on Leng Xuemin's situation.

did not tell him that Leng Xuemin had lost his soul.

Even if he killed that demon, Leng Xuemin would not be able to wake up.

Leng Qingmei suddenly asked: "One thing I'm curious about, how do you know that Xia Youwei is a demon?"

"Also, how did you avoid her soul control technique?"

Chen Nan hesitated and said, "It's nothing, when I was five years old.

"I once saved an old man who taught me the practice method in gratitude for my life-saving grace."

"It's just that my talent is very poor, except for the strong soul power, I have not been able to become a cultivator."

He has been hiding his cultivation.

Don't want people to know.

Not even if it's cold and flattering.

As for the medicinal herbs he asked people to buy.

They are also prepared for refining elixirs.

Although he also made a lot of money by selling books.

But if you want to refine the elixir that improves your strength.

Money from selling books alone is not enough.


It shouldn't be too much to lend Xia Youwei medicine to fill her pockets, right?


He couldn't get the alchemy furnace.

According to Yuan Zun, alchemists are extremely rare in the underworld.

Therefore, there are very few Dan furnaces.

Even if he wanted to help Chen Nan get one, he didn't know where to look for it.

Dan furnace can turn decay into magic.

If you can't get the Dan furnace of the Eight Classics of Zheng'er Refining Pill.

Even if he got the medicinal herbs, the effect would be minimal.


Xia Lan ran in in a panic: "Miss, aunt, Madame has an accident, let me call my aunt over."

Chen Nan's eyes lit up.

Is Xia Youwei in unbearable pain and let herself go over to help her massage?

Without much thought, Chen Nan came to Leng Xuemin's bedroom for the first time.

Leng Xuemin was still lying quietly on the bed.

Xia Youwei sat on the edge of the bed with a painful face, with fine sweat on her face, looking as if she was suffering severe pain.

Chen Nan bowed and saluted, and asked politely: "I wonder what happened when my mother-in-law summoned my son-in-law to come?" "

The moment I saw Xia Youwei.

Once again, his soul felt vertigo.

"My back hurts, you hurry up and give me a massage." Xia Youwei said with a wave of her right hand, and a terrifying demon force surged out, directly dragging Leng Xuemin off the bed.

Chen Nan felt a little sorry for his father-in-law.

This is the beautiful girl you just married.

Now it's so brutal.

It doesn't matter if you hurt or not.

After pulling Leng Xuemin off the bed, Xia Youwei stood up with difficulty, covered her waist with one hand, and walked towards the bed with difficulty.

At the same time, a cold voice also came out of his mouth: "I feel that you are a waste, it's okay if you don't massage me in the morning, but after you press it, I feel uncomfortable."

"It's my son-in-law's fault!" Chen Nan quickly lowered his head.

But in his heart, he sneered.

It's right if it's not boring.

If you get hard.

How else can I help you get a needle?

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and help me press it, otherwise I don't blame me for killing you!" Xia Youwei did not hide the killing intent in her heart, although Chen Nan was very comfortable licking her in the morning.

But to her, it's just a human being.

Kill and kill.

She has never lacked followers.

Chen Nan stepped forward nervously, reached out and put his hand on Xia Youwei's back, and gently pressed.

"How can it hurt so much?" Xia Youwei's face was full of pain, and she felt as if her body was broken in two.

Chen Nan said, "Mother-in-law, your lumbar spine seems to have a slight bulge, although this is not a serious illness, but it is difficult to fully recover.

"The best way to do this is to use acupuncture physiotherapy, which can greatly relieve your pain."

"Why do you emphasize acupuncture over and over again?" Xia Youwei forcibly turned back, her eyes were as cold as a knife, like a femme fatale, which made people shudder.

"Could it be that the silver needle is highly poisonous, and you want to take the opportunity to kill me?"

Chen Nan asked calmly, "Why did my mother-in-law say this?" Why did your son-in-law kill you?

He spoke calmly.

But inside I panicked.

He didn't expect Xia Youwei to guess his intentions.

Xia Youwei snorted coldly: "You'd better not have this idea, otherwise, you will regret coming to this world."

Although she guessed that Chen Nan wanted to kill herself.

But think about it.

What was his motive for killing himself?

And the most important point.

His soul is controlled by himself, how can he kill himself?

As soon as her voice changed, she said, "Can acupuncture really cure my pain?" "

Xia Youwei knows her physical condition.

When she was young, she was hit in the back with a club by hunters.

I almost died.

Although has recovered.

But I didn't expect that the old disease would recur after becoming an adult.

Chen Nan: "Acupuncture can indeed treat many conditions and relieve your pain.

"But I'm afraid of silver needles piercing my body." Xia Youwei's eyes had a trace of inexplicable fear.

Chen Nan: "Mother-in-law does not need to be afraid, acupuncture physiotherapy is not to pierce the whole silver needle into the body, but to pierce a small length to stimulate acupuncture points, so as to cure diseases and relieve pain."

Xia Youwei pondered for a moment: "That's it, then give it a try!"


Chen Nanqiang endured the excitement in his heart, so he calmly took out the needle sac, and after spreading it, dozens of silver needles of different lengths appeared.

He picked up the longest silver needle and placed it on the flame to disinfect.


Chen Nan's bizarre discovery.

The clothes on Xia Youwei's back actually disappeared, revealing a back as white as jade.

It looks tumultuous and addictive.

"Mother-in-law, I'm going to start." Chen Nan greeted politely, and then twisted the silver needle in his hand to prepare the silver needle to prick the point.

"Slow down!" Xia Youwei suddenly said, "You first pierce this silver needle into the acupuncture points of your body, I want to make sure that the silver needle piercing will not affect you before I can let you treat." Seeing

that this woman was difficult to deal with, Chen Nansuo was heartbroken, and directly pierced the silver needle into an acupuncture point on his left arm.

He had to dispel Xia Youwei's guard...

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