One listen to this.

The resentment in Ning Yinqiu's eyes deepened: "If it weren't for the money, would you still come here to find someone?"

Chen Nan raised his eyebrows: "What do you say?"

Ning Yinqiu's face turned red, and she forcibly sat up, sorted out her clothes, and picked up an account book and gave it to Chen Nan: "During this time, the first and second books have been sold one after another, totaling 100,000 taels.

"In addition to this, the third volume of the book is also on the market."

"The first batch of 20,000 copies was all sold out in less than a day."

"And then we we..."

Chen Nan didn't even glance at the account book, and directly interrupted her: "We don't need to talk about this relationship in such detail, you just need to tell me how much money we can share this time." Ning

Yinqiu's eyes were full of love, and Chen Nan's seemingly impatient behavior was precisely the greatest trust in her.

She said, "This time you can divide 180,000 taels of silver.

Chen Nan was taken aback.

I never expected that I could divide 180,000 taels of silver.

There is a saying.

Making money by selling stories is really a million profits.

He had a hunch that the speed of making money by selling stories was not comparable to penicillin.

But it.

Cultivating penicillin is a meritorious thing that can benefit life.

Suppose one day you grow into a big man.

He was asked what he did.

What does he say?

I write little H?

Although the profession is not prestigious.

But he wants face...

Of course.

That's why so many writers take pen names instead of real names.

It's just the fear of being looked down upon.

After receiving 180,000 taels of silver, Chen Nan left the Wu Printing Factory and came to a pharmacy to buy some medicinal materials for refining pills.

Just to buy medicinal herbs, he spent five thousand taels of silver.

It seems that whether it is the earth, the immortal world, or the underworld, alchemists are all smashed out with money.

After all, five thousand taels of silver is an astronomical amount that many ordinary people can't earn in a lifetime.

"Now that I have become a cultivator and have a Dan furnace, it's time to refine a wave of pills."

Chen Nan's eyes lit up, and a burst of anticipation rose in his heart.

Only absolute strength.

to let him stand in this world.

Only then can he go to the capital city, where he leads to the eighteenth level of hell and meets Houtu Niangniang.

In fact, Chen Nan also asked Yuan Zun how he could meet Houtu Niangniang.

But Yuan Zun said that he could only become a ninth-level yin.

Only in this way can he withstand the ghost qi and anger of the eighteen layers of hell.

Otherwise, even if the eighth-level yin difference enters it, it will have to be destroyed.

After returning home.

Mother and Song Ziwei have already prepared a hearty lunch and are waiting for him to come back to eat.

Four dishes and one soup.

It's all what the host likes to eat.

After eating.

Chen Nan returned to the bedroom and took out the Dan furnace given by Bi Cang.

He sat cross-kneeled, his expression solemn.

Then began refining elixirs.

He was refining elixirs that increased the strength of his flesh.

There are also elixirs that enhance mental power.

However, he did not refine the elixir that improved the realm.

It's not that you don't want to

Rather, there is no Danfang.

After all, the cultivators of the underworld absorbed the yin qi, and the pills of the yang were not suitable for the cultivation system of the underworld.

On the contrary, it is physical and spiritual power, which is not affected by the cultivation system.

He successfully refined a furnace of Quenching Body Pill.

It is said to be one furnace, but there are two.

And after refining the two Quenching Body Pills, he had a feeling that the sky was spinning.

The headache is splitting, and even the reaction is a little sluggish.

It's like staying up all night for three days and three nights straight.

No way, refining pills with spiritual power is too draining of spiritual power.

It's not at all something he can eat.

He endured his weakness and took out a Xuanyin stone inside the storage wrench.

After absorbing the Yin Qi inside, the dizziness was relieved.

"There is actually a message on the token?"


He saw the token made of agarwood with a line of text on it: Just know that you won't die so easily, be careful next time, don't show up easily.

Where are you now?

Need help with you?

See this information.

A bold idea arose in Chen Nan's heart.

The Anti-Heavenly Sect rebelled ten thousand years ago and almost overthrew the rule of the underworld.

This can be seen how terrifying their background is.

You said.

Do they have a pill in their hands to improve the realm???

If so, then why look for it yourself?

Think of this.

His soul power was injected into the token: "I took away the flesh of a junior, this little guy actually knows the art of alchemy, but there is no real pill. "

It took almost five seconds.

A line of text appeared on the token, still sent by 'three': "Leave this matter to me, I'll help you find Danfang." Chen

Nan was overjoyed.

That's okay too???

Anti-Heavenly Religion!

Xiaoye loves you to death!

Chen Nan was very excited, more excited than absorbing a Xuanyin stone.

Immediately, he sat cross-kneeled, took out a quenching pill and swallowed it into his abdomen.

The next moment.

He felt as if his flesh and blood had been torn apart.

That pain was dozens of times stronger than soaking in a medicinal bath.

But soon the pain disappeared without a trace.

Then he felt that his strength had increased a lot.

"I could hit five hundred catties of gravity with one punch before, but after taking the Quenching Body Pill, my strength can increase by at least one hundred catties."

Chen Nan knew the changes in his body very well.

The increase of one hundred pounds does not seem to be large.

But don't forget.

He has only taken one Quenching Pill now.

One more point.

Don't underestimate this hundred pounds.

It is difficult to tell the winner or loser from two cultivators of the same realm.

But if someone's strength can surpass the opponent by a hundred pounds.

Then you can completely defeat it, or even kill it.

Not to mention the changes that the pill itself has on the body after taking the Quenching Body Pill.

It improves strength, speed, reflexes, and sensitivity.

He rested for a while, and after waiting for his spiritual strength to be full, he continued refining the elixir.

Wait for the evening.

Ten Quenching Body Pills had already appeared in Chen Nan's hand.

He put the elixir in a glass bottle.

Right now.

He saw a small line of text appear on the round token.

It is the Dan Fang of Yin Pill, and the method of refining.

"Is the Anti-Heaven Sect so efficient?" Chen Nan's eyes lit up, he never expected Danfang to come so easily.

It's clear.

Anti-Heavenly Sect people believe that he is Yue Shan.

It was precisely because of this that in such a short period of time, he helped him get the pill of Yin Pill and the method of refining.

This moment.

The Anti-Heaven Sect became a fat lamb in Chen Nan's eyes.

He can make a strong wool.

After the excitement, Chen Nan kept in mind the medicinal materials for refining Yin Pill and the method of refining.

"Only seven medicinal materials are needed to refine Yin Pill, but these seven medicinal materials are not common."

"Especially the other shore flower, this is a medicinal herb that grows near the Naihe Bridge!"

Seeing that it was already dark outside.

Chen Nan planned to go to that place to try his luck.

It was a place that only cultivators could go.

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