Chen Nan had only taken one Quenching Pill.

According to his experience in refining pills in the Yang Realm, the pills he refined could not have a big error.

Wang Yunchuan said: "You said before that you can have a 10% increase, but after I took it, I had a 20% increase, and you said before that 10% is really too low-key."

Chen Nan's hanging heart fell to the ground.

He thought.

The elixir he refined himself did not have a ten-percent increase.

"Since the elixir refined by Chen Daoyou has such a divine effect, then the price will be doubled, one hundred thousand taels of silver." Wang Yunchuan said and looked at a guy at the counter: "Go and get 100,000 taels of silver tickets." "


Wang Yunchuan looked at Chen Nan again: "Chen Daoyou, how many Quenching Pills do you still have in your hand?"

Chen Nan took out another glass bottle, which contained five quenching pills: "That's all I have on me at the moment."

Wang Yunchuan's eyes lit up: "Then according to the price mentioned before, one silver ticket of 100,000 taels?"


Chen Nan readily agreed to Wang Yunchuan's proposal.

The price was much higher than he expected.

Wang Yunchuan said to the young man who was taking the silver ticket at the counter, "Take another 500,000 taels of silver ticket." "


The 600,000 taels of silver tickets were taken.

Earn so much money at once.

Even Chen Nan was a little excited.

He put the silver ticket away and asked, "Can Steward Wang reveal the price of the flower on the other side in advance?"

Wang Yunchuan said, "The price of fresh flowers on the other side is about 500,000 taels of silver, and there are a total of six other shore flowers on one plant." "

The six flowers represent the six reincarnations.

Chen Nan nodded slightly: "In that case, then bother Steward Wang to help investigate the whereabouts of the other side flower."

Wang Yunchuan said, "Chen Daoyou, please rest assured, since you have spoken, our Qingyunlou will definitely help you find fresh flowers."

"You leave me an address, and I'll have it delivered to your house in three days."

Chen Nan was curious: "Can you find fresh flowers in three days?"

Wang Yunchuan smiled: "As long as there are things in the underworld, as long as you can say the name, generally speaking, our Qingyunlou will help customers find it within three days."

Chen Nan couldn't calm down in his heart.

No wonder Yuan Zun said before that if you need something, you will go to Qingyunlou.

It seems that Qingyunlou has a heavenly background.

"There is no need to leave the address, I will come to pick up the goods in three days." Chen Nan said and got up, arched his hand towards Wang Yunchuan, and turned to leave Qingyun Tower.

The reason why he wears a mask and a cloak is that he doesn't want to let him know his identity.

Even if he became a cultivator of the first layer of the Yin Realm.

But in the entire chain of monks is the bottom of the existence.

If you are targeted.

That's not an opponent at all.


He has to keep a low profile.

And you have to prevent being followed.

Just when Chen Nan's front foot had just walked out of the Qingyun Tower.

A beautiful face greets you.

Although wearing a white plain dress.

Wear a white hair cord on your head.

But it gives people a fresh and vulgar feeling.

Especially that cold face.

It gives a strong sense of possessiveness.

She obeyed.

Don't pretend to be so high.

Of course.

This person is no one else.

Chen Nan's ex-wife is cold and charming.

Perhaps feeling Chen Nan's gaze, Leng Qingmei looked over, and a polite smile appeared on his expressionless face, which was regarded as a greeting.

She is not a social cow.

Seeing strangers doesn't give any good looks at all.

But she noticed that this man wearing a golden mask and a cloak had just walked out of Qingyunlou.


The other party was a cultivator.


In the face of cultivators, it is still necessary to say hello.

"Don't have a hippie smiley with me, I'm not familiar with you." Chen Nan made a deep voice in his mouth, and then entered the night.

He had lived in the Leng family for more than a year before.

I haven't been looked at by Leng Qingmei at all.

Not to mention a smile.


She gave the stranger a smile.

What a great irony!

He lowered his head and murmured: "Brother, be patient and wait, one day, I will take down the cold charm and let you realize your dreams." "


Looking at Chen Nan's departing back.

A series of question marks appeared in Leng Qingmei's mind.

Is this old man sick?

Greet him politely, why should he swear?

Then she frowned: "Why does that person have a little look when he walks?" Although

she didn't see what the old man looked like.

But there was a premonition.

It's as if you've seen each other.

She didn't think about anything and turned around and went into the Qingyun Tower.

When he saw Wang Yunchuan, he immediately stepped forward and bowed and saluted: "The junior is cold and beautiful to see the senior Wang, did you receive good things today?" "

She is a frequent visitor to Qingyunlou.

Come back often.

He is still familiar with Wang Yunchuan.

Wang Yunchuan smiled: "Miss Toleng's blessing, Old Immortal just received five Quenching Body Pills." "

Quenching Pill?" Leng Qingmei's face was full of curiosity.

Wang Yunchuan picked up the glass bottle in his hand and smiled like a treasure: "Don't underestimate this little thing, although it can't improve the realm, it can increase the strength of the flesh."

"It can increase strength, speed, agility by 20 percent."

Leng Qingmei was overjoyed: "Is there really such a miracle effect?"

Wang Yunchuan: "This is nature, the old immortal has just taken one." "

Senior Wang, what is the price of the Quenching Pill in your hand?" Leng Qingmei had reached the peak of the ninth layer of the Yin Harvesting Realm, and she had been trapped in this realm for two years.

She urgently needed a breakthrough, which is why she came to Qingyunlou to try her luck.

Although Wang Yunchuan said that the Quenching Body Pill could not break through the realm.

But she doesn't think so.

Because she has now reached the bottleneck, if she is lucky, she can break through the shackles by taking some drugs casually.

Not to mention that the Quenching Body Pill that Wang Yunchuan said can also increase by 20%.

Wang Yunchuan smiled: "A Quenching Body Pill is worth 150,000 taels of silver.

"It's not cheap." Despite this, Leng Qingmei still took out the 150,000 taels of silver tickets and said, "Then junior will buy one and go back to try the effect." "

Go, dress up for Miss Leng." After changing hands and earning an extra 50,000 taels of silver, Wang Yunchuan's mood was still very good.

A moment later.

A quenching pill was handed to Leng Qingmei, and she said politely: "Senior Wang, you are busy first, and the junior will leave." He took three steps back.

A staff member looked at Wang Yunchuan with a puzzled face: "Steward Wang, after you take the Quenching Pill, why do you say that the Quenching Pill can reach a 20% increase?"

"You can completely default to only a ten percent increase, so you don't have to give Chen Bei the price of one hundred thousand taels of silver."

Wang Yunchuan shook his head: "I would like to earn more silver taels for Qingyunlou, but do you think the other party said that there was only a ten-percent increase?" "

The staff was puzzled.

Wang Yunchuan's eyes were solemn: "The other party deliberately said that there was only a ten percent increase, and the purpose of his saying this was to test whether we sincerely did business with him."

"If we don't say anything about the twenty percent increase in strength, speed, and agility of Quenching Dan, do you think we can still cooperate with him?"

"Invisibly offending an alchemist, how can you and I bear this sin?"

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