One hour later.

Chen Nan got up.

When he walked to the door, he looked back at the cold beauty on the bed: "Your service is not bad." "

Keep coming here tomorrow night."

Saying that, he resolutely turned and left.

Come outside.

It was already raining lightly in the sky.

Although the sky is hazy, there is a cold wind and drizzle.


His mood had never been so comfortable.


It was the most relaxing and enjoyable night he had been in the underworld for so long.

Because he fulfilled the host's last wish.

Successfully won the cold and beautiful.

Completed the cave room.

Although Leng Qingmei still does not know his true identity.

But when the time comes.

He will take off the mask on his face when he is cold and mei.

Let her know that she is the waste in her eyes.

And this time is waiting for him to step into the Soul Gathering Realm.


With his cold strength, he will definitely kill him.


Chen Nan left a long time later.

The luster of the cold and slightly dull pupils regained their luster.


But it was endless humiliation.

Think back to what happened before.

She felt sick.

Feeling sick.

But there was nothing she could do.

Because after the mysterious man gave her a needle.

The pain in her body was significantly reduced.

According to what the other party said.

After three days, her chaotic meridians were completely restored.


Without warning.

There was a thunderclap outside.

After hearing thunder.

She came back to her senses and got dressed with the fiery pain.

Then push open the window and look into the night.

The moment the window was pushed open.

A drizzle of cold wind came in.

Let her heart calm down instantly.

She also noticed that there was a lot of oddity in the mysterious man.

She is quickly analyzing the identity of the mysterious man.

"Although the man's voice is hoarse, there are some things that cannot be disguised."

"If I'm not mistaken, he should be a young man."

"Otherwise it won't be as strong as an ox."

"But why did he pretend to be an old man?"

"Why don't you dare to show your true face?"


Thunder in the air.

A bolt of lightning tore through the night.

It gives people a sense of déjà vu that the mountain rain is about to come.

It also reminded her of what had happened before.

At first, the mysterious man was gentle with her.


The other party suddenly seemed to be crazy.

It's like a sudden storm.

Without warning.

Leave her powerless.

She hadn't had the heart to think about it before.

But now it seems.

The other party seemed to be deliberately retaliating against her.

It was as if some anger was venting on her.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Did we know each other before?"

Leng Qingmei was upset.

She had a hunch.

I should know the mysterious man.

And there is also a certain origin.

It's just that.

She didn't remember knowing such a master.


She felt a little itchy at the corner of her mouth.

Reach out and touch it.

A 'crooked hair' appears on the fingertip.

Then she seemed to have thought of something.

Bending over gave a violent vomit.

It's like trying to spit something out.

But even if her face was flushed and her pupils were bloodshot.

Failed to spit out the shame in her heart!

"Chen Nan, it's all to blame you, it's all to blame you!"

"It's all your fault!"

Leng Qingmei smashed the chair in front of her with a palm, and her eyes were full of coldness.

"You made me a ruthless and unrighteous person."

"If it weren't for you, that senior wouldn't have humiliated me like this!"

Leng Qingmei suddenly understood why the mysterious man humiliated her like this.

The reason for all this is because of Chen Nan.

Although Chen Nan was suspended by him, although he became a laughing stock in the eyes of many people.

But many sympathized with his plight.

In particular, he held a funeral for Leng Xuemin, wore linen and filial piety, and did his best.

Don't say he's just a son-in-law.

Even his own son may not be able to compare with him.


While sympathizing with Chen Nan.

Many people regard her as a vicious woman with a cold and heartless nature.

This also explains why the mysterious man humiliated her.


13 East Park Street.

After getting the other side flower.

Chen Nan began refining elixirs.

First, six auxiliary medicinal herbs were put in order.

After the medicinal herbs have almost dissolved.

He finally put in the other side flower.

At the moment when the other side flower entered the Dan furnace, a thick medicinal fragrance spread.

Almost an hour later.

He withdrew his soul power.

The original dark red Dan furnace has also returned to its original color.


He turned on the Dan furnace.

A blood-red elixir appeared in his eyes.

It has a fluorescent texture on it.

It's like a pearl that has been passed down for thousands of years.

Just by looking at it, you can feel its extraordinary.

"I have to taste this pill first."

Chen Nan directly threw the pill into his mouth.

The next moment.

The elixir was slowly melting in his mouth like jelly.

It flows down the esophagus into the abdomen.


A very layered fragrance also appeared in Chen Nan's mouth.

It is the fragrance of those seven medicinal herbs.

Finally, the mouth is sweet.

There is an inexplicable sweetness.

Of course.

It's just the taste.

After the elixir entered Chen Nan's body.

He clearly felt as if a bomb with condensed yin qi exploded in his body.

The Yin Qi in his body instantly doubled.

"So strong!"

Chen Nan was overjoyed.

Immediately, he controlled the yin qi with all his heart and traveled towards the meridians of the whole body.

After a big week.

All the Yin Qi gathered in the Dantian.

It's like a calm pool.

"This is the time!"

Chen Nan took a deep breath.

The calm Yin Qi in his body was like a terrifying wave, rushing towards the barrier of the dantian.


A terrifying aura came from Chen Nan's body, making his expression a little painful.

He thought that he could easily break through the barrier and step into the second layer of the Yin Harvesting Realm.

It turns out.

It wasn't as easy as he thought.

Three consecutive collisions failed to break through the invisible barrier.

But Chen Nan did not give up.

Continue to control the yin qi in the body, trying to break through the barrier.

And every time focused on one point.

In an instant.

He has launched nine attempts.

But the thunder is loud and the rain is small.

"Although the previous nine attempts are very powerful, there is still room for improvement."

"Since the first nine attacks are too weak."

"Then let's be ruthless!"

Think of this.

He closed his eyes solemnly.

Controlling the Yin Qi in the body forms a sharp drill.

Then spin it up quickly.

When a terrifying rpm is reached!

He opened his eyes sharply.

A cold light flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, the drill bit formed by the transformation of yin qi carried the momentum of forging ahead.

It hit the invisible barrier hard.

When it hits that barrier.

Chen Nan clearly felt a resistance.

But the resistance is not strong.

In an instant, it was forcibly broken by the Yin Qi Illusion drill.

The next moment.

Chen Nan felt a tingling pain coming from his dantian.

But he was not panicked at all, and his face was even full of excitement.

Because he knew that he had stepped into the second layer of the Yin Harvesting Realm.

He grinned: "It seems that it is the same as I thought, it takes nine weaknesses and one ruthlessness to break the shackles and step into the second layer of the Yin Harvesting Realm!"

"Who can think of this method except me?"

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