Looking at Leng Qingmei's face full of grievances, Chen Nan didn't mention how happy he was in his heart.

It was more relief than last night's mouthful.

After all, last night, that man held a cold little life.

And now, his name is Chen Nan.

"Brothers, let's go, let's go to breakfast."

"I'll treat you to whatever you want."

"Don't ask what the reason is, just because Lao Tzu is in a good mood."

He made a loud sound.

With five brothers, he swaggered away in front of Leng Qingmei.

Leng Qingmei's face was full of anger.

His eyes were full of resentment.

"The surname is Chen, let's walk and see, you will know the end of being an enemy with me!" Leng Qingmei made a vow in her heart, and then endured the pain in her body and left the street.



Chen Nan returned to the county with his five brothers.


Someone beats the drum and sounds the grievance.

It was a middle-aged woman in her thirties, dark-skinned, dressed in a linen coat.

She accused Rumenglou of murdering her husband.

Her husband, Junningham, is a gambler.

Because gambling has a huge debt.

And Rumenglou is the largest casino in Tongcheng.

Before she smashed pots and sold iron, she went to her mother's house to borrow some.

Barely raised the money owed.

He then gave it to his husband and asked him to pay off the debt.

But Junningan was gone.

There is no one to live, no corpse to die.

Because there is no absolute evidence that Junningan was killed.

Therefore, the government could not take this case at all.

After all, the government must have the defendant and the plaintiff to accept the case, and the plaintiff must produce evidence of the defendant's crime.

It's clear.

Now no one knows whether Junningan is alive or dead.

If you take this case, and bring the steward of Rumenglou.

This is unfair.

"Hu Shi, you go back first!"

"Regarding the disappearance of your husband, this official will let people investigate."

"If your husband is really being killed."

"This official will give you justice."

The county commander Han Zongyuan sent Hu Ning'an's wife.

Then look at the catcher on duty.

That is, Chen Nan.

He said: "Chen Chakuai, since this official took office, this is the first time that the drum has been beaten.


"Whether Juningan is alive or dead."

"There has to be an outcome to this."

"It's up to you to take someone to investigate the disappearance of Juningan!"

Chen Nan ordered: "Yes!" Saying

that, with a long knife on his waist, he walked out of the county with his five brothers high.

"Boss, do we really want to investigate the disappearance of Juningan?" An inexplicable nervousness flashed in Zhang Lu's eyes.

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "Otherwise?"

Zhang Lu said nervously, "You shouldn't know the forces behind Ruyi Building, right? As far as I know, the owner behind Ruyi House is the Ram family. "

If the disappearance of Junningan has nothing to do with Ruyi Lou, it will be enough."

"If this matter is really done by Ruyi Lou, then what should we do?"

"Seize Ruyi Building?"

"If this is the case, we will definitely offend the Ram family."


A compound surname.

The Ram Family is the second largest super family in Tongcheng.

The strength is not comparable to the Leng family and the Chen family at all.

Chen Nan showed a wry smile on his face: "Lu Alu, everything can't be seen so one-sided, you have to think about it at a deeper level."

Zhang Lu scratched his head and asked puzzled, "What is the deeper thing you said?" The

other four were also confused.

Although they have been fast catchers for several years.

Although people are not stupid either.

But one thing is to say, the pattern is far less than Chen Nanda.

At this moment, they were all curious about what the deeper things in Chen Nan's mouth were.

Chen Nan smiled and said, "Ask you a question, why did Lord Yuan Zun transfer his position as a county commander not long after he came to Tongcheng, and instead became the prefect of Guangling Prefecture?"

Zhang Lu didn't think about it, and said directly: "That must be because after Yuan County Ling came to Tongcheng, he killed the remnants of the Anti-Heaven Sect and solved that green-eyed zombie!"

"So, it's because of merit." Chen Nan said again: "You say, does Han Xianling envy Yuan Xianling's chance in his heart?" Do you want to surpass him or even make him a target?

"Of course." Song Yunfei said, "Who wants to live under the prestige of the previous county order all the time? Who doesn't want to outdo each other?

Chen Nan grinned: "So, at this time, no matter who commits the crime, it will be targeted by Han County Ling."

"Because he needs to fish..." Goon..."

Chen Nan didn't say any more, he believed that these guys could understand what he meant.

Song Yunfei asked cautiously, "Scouring merit?"

"Yes!" Chen Nan showed a reassuring smile and continued, "Tongcheng is very peaceful during this time, which is a good thing for the common people.

"But it's not a good thing for Han Xianling, who has just arrived and urgently needs Liwei."

"Because it doesn't show his ability."


He lowered his voice: "Believe it or not, he hopes that something will happen in Tongcheng more than anyone else?"

"One more point."

"At this time, no matter who commits the crime, it will attract his great attention."

"Moreover, the stronger the other party's background, the happier he will be in his heart."

"Only by making great merits like Yuan Xianling, the people of Tongcheng can remember him."

"His Yin Difference level can be improved."

"Think about what Han Xianling said before!"

"There has to be an outcome to Juningan's disappearance."

"To the point, he wants results."

"Don't look at the process."

Song Yunfei and the others suddenly realized.

But looking at Chen Nan, his eyes were full of strangeness.

Why the same words.

This guy can comprehend so many intentions?

And also.

Is the human heart that complicated?

They don't know.

But they know one thing well.

Following Chen Nan will definitely be able to eat fragrant and drink spicy.

Then they went to Ruyi Building.

Because it's daytime.

So there are not many gamblers in Ruyi Building.

"What are the orders of several officials?"

Xu Dacheng, the steward of Ruyi Building, greeted him with a smile, and his attitude towards several people was very respectful.

Chen Nan was straight to the point: "Did Junningan come last night?"

Xu Dacheng thought for a while and said, "Hu Ning'an owed Ruyi Lou thirty taels of silver before, and he came to pay the debt last night, but he left after paying the debt.

Chen Nan asked, "When did you come?" When did you leave?

Xu Dacheng: "It seems to be the time of Hai."

As soon as the words changed, Xu Dacheng couldn't help but ask: "Official, did something happen to Hu Ning'an?" Why are you investigating his affairs?

Song Yunfei's eyes widened: "Don't ask blindly if you shouldn't ask."

Xu Dacheng smiled and did not speak.

Chen Nan said again: "You said that Hu Ning'an left at the time of Hai?" But did anyone see him leave?

Xu Dacheng said: "Yes, he almost collided with the Genfu when he left yesterday, and the two also had a quarrel, yes, the Genfu can prove that Hu Ningan left."

Chen Nan frowned slightly: "Why is there so much evidence of Hu Ning'an leaving on your side?"

"Also, you're a casino manager, how do you know the whereabouts of this little man Juningan?"

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