The moment you take off your mask.

A handsome face appeared in Leng Qingmei's eyes.


But she let out a heart-wrenching scream: "No! No! No! "


"How could you be Chen Nan?"

The cold and beautiful scalp is numb, as if seeing a ghost.

She didn't expect that this mysterious person who could refine pills turned out to be Chen Nan's waste.

She couldn't accept that her dignity was trampled and played with by this man.

After all, in her eyes, Chen Nan has always been a waste.

And she was also given a letter of suspension from her.

Arrogant, she can put down her self-respect and shame in front of others for the sake of her life.

But I can't accept that person is Chen Nan!

"Say, who are you? Why do you want to look like that waste? Even if she saw it with her own eyes, she didn't believe that the man in front of her was her ex-husband.

The ex-husband is an unlearned waste.

And this person in front of him was a master of the third layer of the Yin Realm.

He also knows the art of alchemy.


In the cold and beautiful eyes, the man in front of him definitely did not show his true face.

"Sure enough, even if I become a cultivator and know the art of alchemy, I will still be a waste in your eyes." Chen Nan gritted his teeth and sneered: "There is one thing I have always wondered, why can't I have a little bit of success in the eyes of Master Lan?" "

Are you really Chen Nan?"

Leng Qingmei felt as if her whole body strength had been drained, leaning uncontrollably against the wall, her pupils full of shock.

When Chen Nan said the title 'Master Lan'.

She believed Chen Nan's identity.

It's just that.

She really couldn't accept it.

She looked at Chen Nan with a split eye: "Why are you a cultivator?"

"Why are you proficient in alchemy?"

"We are obviously husband and wife."

"Why are you hiding these means?"

Her face was fierce and her eyes were full of hatred.

If she knew in advance that Chen Nan was a cultivator and knew the art of alchemy.

How could she suspend Chen Nan?


In her eyes.

All this is at fault because of Chen Nan.

"What? Are we husband and wife? Chen Nan's face was full of strange expressions: "Miss Leng, are you kidding?"

"When did we become husband and wife?"

"Even if we were married, did you consider me your man?"

"No, no, no!"

"In your eyes, I am not even as good as the servant of your Leng family."

"I think wholeheartedly for the sake of the Leng family, as long as the Leng family needs it, I will come forward as soon as possible."

"When your father got married, I was busy."

"To put it ugly, that is, he didn't ask me to help in the cave room."

"What else is not my best work on?"

"He died unexpectedly and tragically, I gave him a linen and filial piety, Zhang Luo's funeral, and sent him to the end."

"Ask me what Chen Nan did, there are nearly 10 million people in the city, who can pick out a little flaw?"

"Who can say that I Chen Nan did not do well?"

"But how did you repay me?"

"A letter of suspension directly gave me a break."


"It is said that the human heart is made of flesh, when you took my leave, did you think of some of my efforts in the Leng family?"

"How come you have the face to say we're husband and wife?" Speaking of this, the whip was drawn and hit Leng Qingmei's shoulder, leaving a bright red whip mark.

Leng Qingmei let out a scream, hugged her shoulders, and squatted in the corner of the wall with a face full of horror and grievances.

"Slut, do you feel aggrieved?" Chen Nan roared angrily: "You are not aggrieved at all, everything today is all your fault." "

Especially you shouldn't tell the Xia family about me and Ning Yinqiu."

Thinking of the grievances Xia Youwei endured today.

He threw another whip.

If it weren't for the couple.

If it weren't for the host's deep love for this woman.

With his character, he will definitely kill the other party to vent his anger.

"Success and defeat, I have nothing to say when things have developed to this point, if you want to kill, you have to listen to the honor!" Leng Qingmei's eyes were dull, and her heart was like death.

Chen Nan: "Don't worry, I won't kill you."

"Although we didn't have a husband and wife after we got married, we now know the bottom line."

"Even if you are cold-hearted and vicious, your skin is still good."

"After all, you are the first beauty in Tongcheng and a goddess in the minds of countless people."

"The key is that the service is very good and I know a lot of flower work."

"Isn't it more comfortable to have you than with your hands?"

Leng Qingmei suddenly felt like she had been cut through a knife in her heart.

Once his licking dog and letting her die was because of his own skin bag.

What a great irony!

Chen Nandao: "Not only will I not kill you, but I will even give you a chance, even if you step into the Soul Gathering Realm, it is just a trivial matter for me."

"But before I do that, I have a question for you."

"Do you ever regret it now?"

Leng Qingmei slowly raised her head, with a trace of bitterness in her eyes: "What if you regret it?" "


Chen Nan ruthlessly pulled out a whip.

This whip was directly drawn on the right side of Leng Qingmei's face, leaving a bright red whip mark.

"I asked you if you regret it, didn't you ask me rhetorically, understand?"

Feeling the hot pain on her face, the grievances in Leng Qingmei's heart were turning over the river, and she pursed her lips to prevent tears from slipping: "Understood, understood."

Chen Nan asked again, "Then do you regret it?" "

Regret it!" Leng Qingmei lowered her head.

"If we regret it, then the grudge between us will be written off!" Chen Nan took out a pill: "Eat it, this pill can restore the injuries on your body."

"As long as you serve me wholeheartedly in the future, I will help you break through the bottleneck of the Yin Mining Realm."

"Help you become a soul gathering realm powerhouse."

Said and threw it to her.

Leng Qingmei didn't think about it, and directly put the pill in her mouth.

She needed to give Chen Nan an attitude.

Although the regret in her heart was that she did not kill Chen Nan at the first time.

But nowadays.

She couldn't kill Chen Nan at all.

Only look for the right opportunities.

The next moment.

Episodes of drug effects.

It made her have a headache, and she held her head in her hands and let out a scream: "What is that pill, why do I have a headache?"

Chen Nan grinned strangely: "Don't make such a fuss, although you have a headache now, your soul power will break through later."

"But don't be too happy, that pill is a poison."

"As long as you please me, I will give you an antidote on a regular basis."

"Otherwise, your soul will be eaten back."

"Light is better than death, heavy will become a dementia."


A simple remark makes the cold and beautiful scalp numb.

Her eyes were full of tears: "I have already admitted my mistake, why do you torture me like this?"

A cold light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes: "If I don't do this, will you be willing to serve me in the future?" "

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