Chen Nan was stunned.

Scalp bursts.

An icy chill instantly enveloped his heart.

Old Ji, as the county man, must have known that he had purchased this house, and he also calculated that he would hide here to avoid his revenge.

That's why he waited here.


really didn't expect this old guy to have such a city government, and he actually calculated the place where he wanted to hide.


Chen Nan could react, Lao Ji grinned, revealing a mouth full of yellowed teeth.

It looks like a demon, and it is chilling.

At the same time, he made a hoarse voice: "I really didn't expect that I could be found by you hiding here, Chen Yukuai really has the potential of divine capture!"


Why did he say that hiding here can be found by himself?

Is it a coincidence that he met Lao Ji here?

I never expected that there would be such a coincidence under the sky.

After all, Tongcheng has more than eight million people.

Even Zhang Mingquan said that even if the rat tribe wanted to find Lao Ji in the vast sea of people, it would take two days.

Which Cheng thought.


thinking about it, he instantly drew his saber and looked at Lao Ji angrily: "Lao Ji, I advise you not to resist, otherwise, I don't mind killing you on the spot."

Lao Ji was furious, and his eyes were full of chills: "Ignorant child, the old man is a strong person in the Soul Thirsty Realm, even if he is seriously injured, it is definitely not something that you junior can overcome." The

words fell.

His figure flew out.

At the same time, a long sword appeared in his hand and launched a fierce attack towards Chen Nan.

Chen Nan was defeated and retreated.

The terrifying energy instantly spread in all directions.

"The difference in strength between the two of us is too great, even if Lao Ji is seriously injured, he can crush me!" Chen Nan's face was solemn, but he did not panic in the slightest.

Because Lao Ji had two sword wounds that went deep into the bones on his chest.

At this time, with his attack, those two sword wounds also oozed a large amount of blood.

Other words.

The more fierce Lao Ji's attack is, the greater the consumption for himself.

But right now.

Something unexpected happened to Chen Nan.

Six middle-aged women ran over with clubs in hand.

It was Wu Jiu, the wife of Song Yunfei and others.

They were cooking in the kitchen and heard fights.

"Don't come here, go and call someone. Chen Nan's face was sallow, these people didn't come, once Lao Ji used them as hostages, he couldn't keep them with his ability alone.

Fortunately, the six women were not brainless, and after comprehending what Chen Nan meant, they ran towards the distance separately.

"Where to run!"

Lao Ji obviously didn't want them to go to the official.

He jumped and flew above Chen Nan's head.

Then he grabbed Wu Jiu's wife Wu Wang Shi.

Wu Wang Shi saw Lao Ji behind him.

The long sword in the other party's hand was like a poisonous snake swallowing the core, making her heart like death.

Even the brain stopped functioning at this moment.

"Not good!" Chen

Nan's face changed.


He didn't think much about it.

The long knife in his hand flew out.

It's like a long rainbow.

Before Lao Ji was about to capture the Wu Wang clan.

Chen Nan's long knife pierced through Lao Ji's back and splattered a stream of red blood.

The blood even stained Wu Wangshi's face, causing him to let out a heart-rending scream.

"Sister-in-law, run!"

shouted Chen Nan.

Wu Wangshi came back to his senses in fear, did not look back, and fled the backyard as quickly as possible.

"Damn it

!" "Damn it!"

"Damn it!" Lao

Ji exuded a monstrous anger, and he looked at the large protruding blade in front of him, and blood was slowly dripping from the blade.

"Chen Nan Xiaoer, the old man is going to kill you!"

Lao Ji roared angrily, and a terrifying yin qi erupted in his body.

Unexpectedly, the long knife in the body flew out.

And then.

He held a long sword, like a killing god, and pressed towards Chen Nan step by step.

"I have been hiding in the county for more than 40 years, and no one has ever suspected my identity.

"You're good, just a few days after becoming a catcher, you realized my identity."

"If I don't cut you by a thousand cuts today, it will be hard to quench the hatred in my heart." As

soon as the words fell, he was like a phantom, and he appeared in front of Chen Nan's eyes almost instantly.

The long sword in his hand slashed down angrily.

There was a faint sound of breaking wind.

Chen Nan dodged and walked towards his sabre.

He is now bare-handed, and he does not dare to go head-to-head with Lao Ji.

You have to get your weapons back.

In this way, there is a chance of victory and consumption of him.

Lao Ji saw Chen Nan's intentions and snorted coldly: "Do you think you can still recapture the weapon?"

A yin qi roared out, sending Chen Nan's saber flying out more than ten meters.

Chen Nan's expression gradually became solemn.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

This old man is too difficult.

Then his eyes lit up.

I thought of my own silver needles.

Silver needles were soaked in corpse poison.

It can completely kill Lao Ji.

Don't think about it.

He took out the needle sac and removed several non-toxic silver needles inside.

Silver needles shot out, flashing a cold light in the night.

Lao Ji Wujian resisted and flew several silver needles.

But two of them entered his body.

He looked down at the silver needles that pierced half of his body, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes: "Shouldn't you think that you want to

kill the old man with the silver needle?" "It's not that the old man looks down on you, even if you pierce all the silver needles into the old man's body, you don't want to kill the old man!" said and stepped out, instantly crossing the distance between the two.

This moment.

Chen Nan should choose to retreat.

That's how there is a glimmer of life.

But not only did he not back down.

Even took the initiative to meet Lao Ji when his footsteps were not firm.

He clutched four silver needles with corpse poison in his hands.

Directly stabbed into Lao Ji's body.

"Die on the side!" Lao

Ji blasted Chen Nan out with a punch.

Chen Nan spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the blood qi in his body boiled.

Thanks to the fact that he had taken the Quenching Body Pill, he had also become a cultivator of the third layer of the Yin Realm.

If only before changing to it.

Lao Ji's punch could kill him.

Lao Ji's face was full of disdain: "Just rely on you as an ant, how can you defeat Lao..."

The words are not finished.

His pupils trembled violently, and a sharp pain spread on the silver needles in his body, making his soul feel trembling and uneasy.

"Damn, what did you do

?" "Poison on the silver needle?"

"Despicable!" Chen

Nan straightened up with difficulty, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with a sinister smile: "Did someone say that you can't use poison in life and death fighting?"


The means don't matter.

"What matters is who survives!"


Ji spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the corpse poison made his already badly damaged body even worse, if not for the use of a long sword to support his body.

At this moment, it has long since fallen.

At the same time, Chen Nan also picked up the blood-stained long knife on the ground.

He walked towards Lao Ji step by step.

There was a hot glint in his eyes.

Kill him.


credit is destined to belong to him!

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