Chen Nan smiled.

Make an exception for this.

Only zero and countless times.


I happen to have five other shore flowers here, I'll give them to you first!" Wang Guan took out five other shore flowers.

Some storage magic weapons have a fresh-keeping effect.

It can be stored for at least a month or two.


He guessed that Chen Nan would need the other side flower, and he had sent more than ten plants before.

"Thanks. With

a wave of his right hand, Chen Nan collected the five other side flowers into the storage wrench.

Then said: "By the way, what is the price of Xuanyin stone?" Steward

Wang couldn't help but say, "Does Chen Daoyou want to buy or sell?"

"Sell!" Chen Nan found more than two hundred Xuanyin stones in Yue Shan's storage magic weapon, but the price he didn't know.

Steward Wang's eyes lit up and said, "The price of Xuanyin stone is very expensive, and a piece of Xuanyin stone can be worth 100,000 catties of gold.

Chen Nan gasped: "Fog grass, so outrageous?"

Chen Nan was really frightened.

Although one pound of gold in the underworld is equal to sixteen taels.

But 100,000 catties of gold! A Xuanyin stone is worth 100,000 catties of gold



wonder those people in the Anti-Heaven Sect recognize Yue Shan so much, feeling that this guy has

wealth in his hands! Wang Guan said: "Ten thousand years ago, Xuanyin Stones were not worth much, but you also know that the Anti-Heaven Sect came out of thin air and wanted to overthrow the rule of the underworld.

"And the first battle between them and the Underworld was to attack the Xuanyin Stone Mine. "

After that, the Xuanyin stone became extremely rare.

"It is said that in that battle, Yue Shan, the master of the five halls of the Anti-Heaven Sect, took away tens of thousands of Xuanyin stones.

Chen Nan felt like he wanted to scold his mother.

Dog's Mount Mountain.

You took away tens of thousands of Xuanyin stones, leaving more than two hundred pieces for Xiao Ye?

But with more than two hundred Xuanyin stones, he didn't have to worry about money.

"I have a Xuanyin stone here, I'll sell it to you!" Chen Nan took out a Xuanyin stone smoothly.

Steward Wang's eyes lit up and exclaimed, "This... This is not an ordinary Xuanyin stone, this is a Xuanyin essence stone, the quality of this thing is much higher than that of Xuanyin stone, and the price is ten times that of ordinary Xuanyin stone!"

Chen Nan was taken aback

: "Is this thing so valuable?" Wang Guan asked curiously: "Chen Daoyou doesn't know the price of this thing?"

Chen Nan said casually: "I found this by accident, and I don't know its price."

Steward Wang was relieved, and then explained: "Xuanyin stones are all items derived from the rules of the Heavenly Dao of the Underworld, and cultivators can improve their cultivation or enhance their soul power by refining it.

"But, the Xuanyin Essence Stone is different.

"Even if you absorb the Yin Qi inside, it won't change much.

"Because it contains more than just yin qi. "


"There is the power of law in the Xuanyin Essence Stone. Chen

Nan also knew a little about the history of the underworld.

After knowing that the Anti-Heavenly Sect was born.

The previous emperor of the capital was severely damaged by the strong man of the Anti-Heaven Sect.

At first he didn't understand what was going on.

After all, the Great Emperor of the Imperial Capital was not only a ninth-level ghost king, but also a super existence ranked in the Immortal Class.

How could the Anti-Heaven Sect kill a strong man in the Immortal Class alone?

The Anti-Heaven Sect captured the Xuanyin Stone Mine and captured so many Xuanyin Essence Stones.

It has already caused confusion in the rules of the underworld.

In the chaos, the Emperor of the Imperial Capital will definitely take action to uphold the rules of the underworld.

At this time.

He definitely had no time to take care of the attack of the Anti-Heavenly Sect, and thus suffered a heavy blow.

Tragic death.

Of course.

The reason for the collapse of the six reincarnations was also because of the Xuanyin Essence Stone in his hand.

The rules are chaotic, and the six reincarnations fall apart.


Wang's eyes were hot: "Chen Daoyou, are you willing to sell this Xuanyin Essence Stone now? "

I'll think about this matter again!"

Chen Nan was thinking about selling the Xuanyin Essence Stone for some silver to buy the other side flower.

After knowing the value of the Xuanyin Essence Stone...

He gave up the idea of selling it.

Since this Xuanyin Essence Stone represents the rules of the underworld.

Then couldn't he fuse the rules of the underworld? Then

Chen Nan left the Qingyun Tower.

He did not try to study the Xuanyin Essence Stone.

Instead, five flowers were taken out.

After a night of refining.

Chen Nan refined the five other side flowers into thirty Yin Pills.


He swallowed thirty Caiyin Pills into his stomach.

In a flash.

Thirty Yin Pills erupted with terrifying Yin Qi.

Uncontrollably, he rushed towards the hundred remains of his limbs.

In the end, he was forcibly controlled by Chen Nan and returned to the dantian.

He used a nine-light and one-ruthless approach.

Bang bang.

From the fourth layer of the Yin Mining Realm, he stepped into the fifth layer realm of the Yin Mining Realm.

Do this.

He took out a Xuanyin Essence Stone.

"It's really hard to imagine that this little thing is actually the rule of the underworld. An intriguing smile appeared in Chen Nan's eyes, if he absorbed these rules.

Wouldn't he be able to enter the eighteenth level of hell at will?

He knows better than many people the magic of the rules.

Think of this.

He directly absorbed the Yin Qi within the Xuanyin Essence Stone in his hand.

Then he calmed down and seriously felt the changes in his body.

He felt.

I was able to hear the sound of raindrops ten meters away.

You know, it's still raining outside.

The sound of raindrops mixes together, and very few people can hear the sound of raindrops.

But he could clearly perceive all this.

"In other words, I just absorbed the space law fragment of the underworld.

Chen Nan's eyes lit up, and he immediately took out all the Xuanyin Essence Stones.

This is the Xuanyin Essence Stone.

This is the law of the underworld.

If only you could control that.

He was even able to become the Lord of the Underworld.

Without much thought, Chen Nan took out all the Xuanyin Essence Stones.

He wanted to see what kind of law these Xuanyin essence stones represented.

Watched for a long time.

He ended up accepting a fact he didn't want to accept.

These are all fragments of the laws of space.

There is no other law of fragmentation.

"Why was I disappointed just now

?" "The law of space debris itself is my creation, how can I ask for too much?" "I

myself am so handsome, if the opportunity is still so against the sky, how can ordinary people live?"

Chen Nan comforted himself.

Then he took out a few law fragments and absorbed the power of the law inside.

As the more the power of the law was absorbed, the more extensive his soul coverage became.

Previously, it could only cover more than ten meters.

But now it has skyrocketed to five hundred meters.

He could sense the wind and rain five hundred meters around the county seat.

You can even feel a leaf being knocked off by the rain.

Heaven and earth are silent.

Only the sound of raindrops falling on the roof tiles.


And right now.

Chen Nan suddenly opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "There are actually two masters approaching quickly, are they sent by the first family to kill me?"

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