Leng Yinyin has a soul gathering realm cultivation.

It can be seen that my sister's meridians are imprisoned.

This is difficult for her to accept.

Leng Qingmei sighed: "Don't mention this!" She

didn't want to mention the matter with Chen Nan.

That was the greatest shame of her life.

"Sister, now that my father is no longer alive, we sisters depend on each other, no matter what you encounter, tell me, I will help you get justice."

"Don't expect that waste husband of yours!"

Leng Yinyin was cultivating in seclusion.

But he also had correspondence with his sister.

Knowing that Leng Qingmei recruited a son-in-law for the Leng family.

"He's not a waste!" Leng Qingmei smiled miserably, and then said things about Chen Nan, such as his hidden cultivation and hidden alchemy methods.

And the thing about him playing with himself and poisoning himself.

Leng Yinyin was furious after hearing this: "Damn, he hides so deeply, he even plays with your sister

you!" "If you don't kill this son, it's hard to eliminate the hatred in my heart

!" "No, no, no!" Leng Qingmei hurriedly said: "Yin Yin, you can't kill him, if he dies, the poison in my body will have no solution, if I don't get his antidote, I will die a bad death."

Leng Yinyin chuckled: "Does my sister really believe that he poisoned

you?" Leng Qingmei was puzzled: "What do you mean?" A

trace of disdain flashed in Leng Yinyin's eyes: "I have been in the hidden world mountain gate for many years, and I have never heard of poison in the world that can make people's cultivation fall sharply, if I guessed correctly, that guy should want to use this method to control you and make you willing to be at his mercy!"

Leng Qingmei stood up suddenly, the incredulity in her eyes instantly turned into anger, and a strong anger rose in her heart.

I can't wait to cut Chen Nan by a thousand cuts.

"I'll know if my sister is poisoned. Leng Yinyin took out a piece of white jade in the storage magic weapon, and she said, "This jade can detect a thousand poisons in the world, and my sister only needs to drop blood on it." Leng

Qingmei did not hesitate at all, biting her fingertips and dripping a drop of blood.

The mood suddenly became tense and nervous.

Leng Yinyin said, "If my sister is highly poisonous, this piece of jade will absorb your blood and turn black."

"On the contrary.

"If my sister hadn't been poisoned, your blood would have slipped above the jade pendant." "

Seeing my own blood slip on the jade pendant.

Tears flowed from Leng Qingmei's eyes.

She was thrilled.

Also angry.

I never expected that Chen Nan actually used a lie to pinch her.

It made her so many plots that are difficult to describe.

This moment.

She couldn't wait to cut Chen Nan by a thousand cuts.


matter how many cuts are made, it is difficult to wash away the killing intent and anger in her heart.

"Sister, you endure it first, I'll help you break the confinement in your body and let you restore the peak cultivation of the ninth layer of the Yin Realm!" Leng Yinyin squeezed her hands and punched into Leng Qingmei's body.

The next moment.

A painful moan came out of Leng Qingmei's mouth.

That was the pain caused by Ren Du's second pulse being forcibly opened.

The pain disappeared.

A powerful force returned to her control.


back!" "My strength is back!" Leng

Qingmei's eyes were full of ecstasy, this feeling of power returning to its peak was really wonderful

! It made her feel inexplicably safe!

"Sister, do you need me to help you kill that man?" Leng Yinyin spoke.

The corners of Leng Qingmei's mouth rose: "Why do you need your sister to kill him personally?"


Although Chen Nan's strength is very strong.



Yinyin hesitated and said, "Sister, actually, I don't recommend you kill him." Leng

Qingmei couldn't help but ask

: "Why?" Leng Yinyin said: "That man insulted you in every way and played you in the palm of your hand, don't you feel that killing you directly is not relieved?"

My sister was right.

Killing him directly is really not relieved.

She asked, "Then what should I do?" Leng

Yinyin showed a sinister smile: "Enslave him, treat him as your puppet, let him do what he doesn't want to do! "

Hear this.

Leng Qingmei's eyes bloomed with a dazzling light.

My sister had a point.

I should repay him all the shame that Chen Nan brought me.

Let his puppy drink water.

Let him call me ancestor.

Leng Yinyin continued: "Secondly, Chen Nan is the county magistrate's fast catcher, and has a lot of influence in Tongcheng, if he is openly killed, the government will definitely strictly investigate this matter."

"If this is the case, not only will the Leng family suffer a catastrophe, but even the master behind me will not be able to protect me." "

Imperial power is above any power.

No one dares to provoke.

"One more point. Leng Yinyin said, "Although I don't know why Chen Nan is proficient in the art of alchemy, alchemists are extremely rare in the underworld, if this son can really grow up, won't we have a powerful help?"

Leng Qingmei nodded: "It's still Xiaomei, what you said makes sense."

"Later, I will ask the county to invite him to dinner, and when the time comes, I will definitely let him know the fate of being my enemy."

A black jade wrench appeared in Leng Yinyin's hand and said, "Find a way to get Chen Nan to wear this jade wrench, as long as it is put on, I can control his life and death."

Leng Qingmei was overjoyed, quickly put away the wrench, and then asked: "By the way, why did you suddenly come back this time?" Leng

Yinyin said: "The flood in Dongning Mansion is serious, and the imperial court has sent some sect powerhouses to dig the river." I came with my master, but my cultivation was too weak to be useful, so my master asked me to take the opportunity to go home to visit my relatives.

Leng Qingmei was relieved: "Since you are back, then I will take you to worship your father!" "

His old man left too suddenly, even if I wanted to summon you back, there was not enough time." Speaking of this, he sighed.



The originally calm surface of the river is now filled with yellow water.

The river is turbulent, giving people a sense of déjà vu that can swallow everything.

Chen Nan and the others wore robes and quietly looked at the picture in front of them.

Everyone's heart is heavy.

"The river will overflow soon, let the nearby residents move to the city first!" Chen Nan began, the terrain south of the city is low, once the flood overflows, it will definitely threaten the lives and property of the people in the south of the city.

Wu Jiu nodded and said, "The time is tight and the task is heavy, seize the time to take advantage of the rain and move the people in the south of the city!"

The group got busy.

It was busy until the evening, which moved the people of the south of the city to a safe area.

According to incomplete statistics.

They have moved almost 3,000 families today.

Mostly elderly people and children.

In addition to this, there are some livestock.

And for the course of the day, they didn't even eat.

Except for Chen Nan, everyone collapsed to the ground tiredly.

Just as Chen Nan was waiting for dinner in the county office, the cold and charming personal maid, Chunmei, came to the county office with an oil-paper umbrella: "Aunt, the young lady asked me to invite you home for dinner."

Chen Nan frowned, and a trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes: "Did the sun hit the west and came out, and she actually invited me home for dinner?"

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