A beautiful woman in red suddenly appeared underwater.

This frightened Chen Nan.

He didn't expect that there was such a beautiful woman in the water.

Look at what she is wearing, how she looks.

At a glance, you can tell that you are either rich or expensive.


Ripe just right.

It's a pity to die here.

Just as Chen Nan was about to press the round stone in the ground.

He saw it clearly.

The beautiful woman in red spat out a bubble in her mouth.


The body is also slowly falling.

Chen Nan frowned.

He thought the woman had been dead for a long time.

But now it seems.

It didn't seem like it was what I imagined.

If she is dead for a long time, she will not spit bubbles in her mouth.


The body will float up.

Instead of sinking under the water.

Don't think about it.

He reached out and grabbed the other's wrist.


It's still hot.

The woman's body is slightly hot, and there is still a pulse.

It is clear that he has just drowned.

Although it is not known why the woman drowned.

But he is not a man who cannot be saved by death.

He immediately untied the hemp rope on his body and entangled him with the woman.

Then he urged the yin qi in his body and pressed fiercely on the round stone on the ground.

The stone was like a tire for a truck, heavy and heavy.

But Chen Nan's power is amazing.

When the round stone was pressed down by him for more than ten centimeters.

The stone cracks on the ground suddenly became larger.


A huge vortex emerged.

The surrounding river swarms.

A powerful phagocytosis was produced.

But before the devouring power could spread, Chen Nan violently pulled the hemp rope on his body.


The strength of Wu Jiu and the others alone was not enough for him to get rid of this devouring force.


He decisively released the space field, forming a circular vacuum field underwater.

With the help of this buoyancy, he was pulled out of the water by Wu Jiu and others.

And then.

As soon as he burst into action, the spatial realm appeared on the city wall.

At this time.

A large whirlpool with a diameter of more than three meters has appeared in the city.

It can be clearly seen that there is a river flowing down the city wall to the low-lying places outside the city.

Song Yunfei looked at Chen Nan, who was wet incredulously: "No, you... If you go down to open the floodgate, how can you bring back a beautiful woman?" Wu

Jiu: "Don't say nonsense, this is not a beauty, this is an older beautiful aunt."

Chen Nan weakly untied the rope on his body: "I don't know what the situation is, this beautiful aunt was in the water after I went down, and I saw that she was still hot, so I took her out." Said laying the woman flat on the ground.

Then she sat on top of him and pressed her hands to her bulging chest.

Woman drowning coma.

It must be treated as soon as possible.

Otherwise, there is a high risk that the brain will be deprived of oxygen.

"Chen Nan, you are simply a beast!" Watching Chen Nan give artificial respiration to the woman, Wu Jiu sighed deeply.

The other people also looked disdainful.

You saved her because she's still hot?

You're trying to do something while she's hot.

It's just...

"You know a fart, I'm saving her!" Chen Nan said angrily, and then pinched the woman's nose with one hand, broke her cherry small mouth with the other, and then crossed the breath for her.

"It turned out to be to save her, but I misunderstood you!" Wu Jiu was ashamed and said, "What, you just opened the floodgate, saved Tongcheng, and are the great heroes of Tongcheng, as for saving people, let me come!"

Chen Nan's eyes were full of stunned.

This guy is really chicken and shameless.

He ignored the other party and continued to help the woman do artificial respiration.


He held out for almost three minutes.

The woman let out a mouthful of yellow water.

The pale face also turned a little red.

Then he slowly opened his weak eyes.

Right now.

She saw a strange man pouting and kissing her.

A cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Raised his hand and pumped it on Chen Nan's face.


accompanied by a crisp slap sound.

Chen Nan flew out upside down like a kite with a broken line, and after landing on the ground, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Wu Jiu was furious, and pulled out the saber on his waist: "Brothers, kill this slut!"

Song Yunfei and the others were also stunned, and immediately pulled out the saber on their waist.

Chen Nan risked his life to rescue the woman underwater.

And it saved her life.

Not only did she not say a word of thanks.

He even injured Chen Nan.

They can't bear this.

"I am Du Yue, the Lord of the Hundred Flowers Valley, you dare to hurt me?" The woman stood up with difficulty, her voice was cold, but there was a trace of jealousy in her eyes.

She was seriously injured.

It simply does not bring out its full strength.

Not to mention, there is still a group of predators in front of you.

Wu Jiu shouted angrily: "Even if you are the Lord of the Hundred Flowers Valley, my brother risked his life to save your life, not only did you not thank you, but you even hurt people."

"To say that you are a little bit of revenge, and to say it seriously, you are provoking the dignity of the imperial court." "

The Valley of Hundred Flowers is a hidden sect.

There are hundreds of disciples.

Change to usual.

Wu Jiu would definitely be afraid of the other party.

They simply can't afford to offend such people.

But today is different.

Chen Nan had just released floodwater and saved Tongcheng.

After this flood.

The imperial court will definitely reward meritorious deeds.

Nothing else.

Even as brothers, they would not watch Chen Nan being severely injured by this woman.

Song Yunfei slashed at the other party: "What do you do with her so much?

At the same time, he also knew what happened, and said with an apologetic face: "Gentlemen, it's my fault, and I am willing to apologize to this little brother."

"Actually, we are all our own people, and I came to open the floodgates on the order of Lord Han, but because of the poor water quality, there was an accident underwater. "

Listen to her say that.

Wu Jiu and the others all frowned in unison.

Before, they felt that the Valley Lord of Hundred Flowers Valley should not appear here.

But he didn't expect that he came to open the floodgates on the order of Han Zongyuan.

Since it is his own person.

Then it cannot be considered an enemy.

Wu Jiu looked at Chen Nan with inquiring eyes.

Chen Nan stood up weakly, his head was still buzzing, but he still said, "Since this sister is her own person, then what happened just now should be regarded as a misunderstanding!"

Wu Jiu and the others naturally didn't want to say anything.

It's just that.

Isn't it

too shameful???

"Sister?" Du Yuan's heart was like a deer, she couldn't remember how many years she hadn't called her that.

Thinking of this, a wry smile appeared on her face: "At my age, it is more than enough to be your mother."

Chen Nan said disapprovingly, "Age is just a series of meaningless numbers for cultivators. Du

Yuan just wanted to speak.

But seeing that his face changed, his delicate body fell directly to the ground and fell into a coma.

Song Yunfei couldn't help but say, "What is the situation, why are you fainting again?" Wu

Jiu sighed, and looked at Chen Nan with complicated eyes: "The opportunity for heroes to save beauty has come, and you still don't seize the opportunity?"

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