Hear the voice of the apprentice.

Du Yue, who was originally still smiling and talking with Chen Nan, suddenly straightened her face, and a trace of anger flashed in her eyes: "Master Wei doesn't have time to take care of you now, get out!"

She didn't want to be disturbed when she ate.

Not even his own apprentices.

"Master is angry, apprentice will get out!" Leng

Yinyin didn't know why the master was angry, but she didn't dare to disobey the master's order, and immediately left the inn.

A sense of depression rose in Chen Nan's heart.

I wanted to see my sister-in-law's expression when she saw her, but I didn't expect to be driven away by Du Kite.

Because of the drink, Du Yue's face had a shallow crimson, she held her cheek with one hand, and looked at Chen Nan with a smile: "Brother, have you ever married a wife?"

Chen Nan shook his head: "I married one before, but it's a pity..."

Du Yuan couldn't help but ask, "What is the pity?" "

She took me off!" Speaking of this, he sighed, picked up the wine glass and drank the wine in the glass.

"There is such a thing?" Du Yue's face was full of surprise: "Whose girl, was her head kicked by a donkey?

Chen Nan smiled bitterly: "Maybe in the eyes of my sister I am excellent, but in the eyes of others I am a waste."

Du Yuan smiled: "Maybe this is the lover's eyes of Xi Shi..."

The words are not finished.

She was stunned.

Watery eyes trembled constantly.


Why do I say that my lover is out of sight

? Could it be that I like him?

No, no, no,

he's just my brother.

Chen Nan's heart trembled.

Oh lie down

! Auntie is really in love with me?

How embarrassing is that

! Bang!

Without warning.

There was a deafening explosion outside the window.

A brilliant firework came from the east.

Chen Nan's face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly said, "Sister, I still have business, so I will leave first! With that, he jumped out of the window and quickly disappeared into the rain curtain.

They all have cloud-piercing arrows on them.

Once this thing is released, it is a sign that something big has happened.

Catch in the neighborhood as soon as possible.

Plain fashion and so.

Not to mention, these are still special times.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Nan eventually came to a private school.

He came to this school yesterday.

More than a dozen families were resettled in the south of the city whose houses were flooded.

There are eighteen elderly people.

Thirty-three children.

That adds up to fifty-one.

Without waiting for Wu Jiu to answer.

A pungent smell of blood came to my face.

Chen Nan looked into the academy.

The picture in front of him made his pupils tremble.

The originally clean and tidy school was stained red with blood, and there was a skeleton on the ground that had been gnawed only white bones.

Broken arms can be seen everywhere.


killed these old people and children?" Chen Nan's scalp was numb, even if he saw it with his own eyes, he did not dare to imagine the picture in front of him.

Wu Jiu looked at the paw prints left by the animals on the ground, and his eyes flashed with deep jealousy: "There is a lake downstream of Tongcheng, called Taixuan Lake, according to legend, there are water monsters in Taixuan Lake, but anyone who falls into the lake will not survive."

"Looking at these paw prints, it is very likely that the water monster in Taixuan Lake took advantage of the flood to come upstream and enter Tongcheng.

Chen Nan whispered, "If that's the case, won't the people in

the city suffer?" He himself thought that staying in the city was an easy job.

As soon as He Chengxiang opened the floodgate, a water monster appeared again.

Wu Jiu's expression was solemn: "We still have to let the people in the city evacuate to the north of the city, and the farther away from this side, the better."

Chen Nan didn't say anything more.

So far, that's the only thing they can do.

Evacuating the people as far north as possible can ensure the possibility of being eaten by monsters.

Of course.

This is not a long-term solution.

The safest way is to find a way to lure out the monster and kill it.

Spent the night, led by seven of them.

All the people in the south of the city had already evacuated to their positions in the city.


The animals were not taken away.

It was still useful for Chen Nan to keep them.

He was going to use those animals to lure out the monster.

Don't take a break.

Chen Nan simply ate two bites and then came to the newly bought house.

After a few days of nurturing.

Penicillin is already available.

He needed to teach Wu Jiu's wives how to extract penicillin, and if he didn't extract it in time, the hard work of the past few days would be in vain.

After teaching them how to extract penicillin.

Chen Nan returned to the county.

Because one after another, the injured were sent back.

He was going to come over and help with the healing.

But halfway through.

A familiar figure appeared on the street ahead.

She stood quietly in the rain curtain.

With an icy gaze on his face.

See her.

A strong uneasiness suddenly rose in Chen Nan's heart.

Leng Yinyin's appearance is definitely not a good thing.

She must be trying to find trouble for herself.

Then he looked at the five-story building in the distance.

I saw Leng Qingmei holding an oil-paper umbrella, looking at him with a smile.


Leng Qingmei told Leng Yinyin what happened to her.

This time, Leng Yinyin blocked herself in order to help Leng Qingmei avenge herself.

Although he controls the laws of space.

But he didn't think he could defeat a master at the peak of the Soul Gathering Realm.

And at this time.

It is at least five kilometers away from the inn where Du Kite stays.

And it's raining.

Even if there is a fight here, the ciris may not be able to feel it.

Leng Yinyin spoke, gritted her silver teeth, and made a cold voice: "Brother-in-law, I heard that you are very arrogant and play with my sister in your hands again and again."


Nan looked at Leng Qingmei disappointedly: "You seem to have forgotten my advice to you!" Leng Qingmei's

eyes were cold, and she said angrily: "You forced me."

Leng Yinyin took out a black jade wrench and said lightly: "Brother-in-law, as long as you wear this wrench, I can let you live!" Chen

Nan asked rhetorically: "What if I don't wear it?"

"Then I will kill you!" A killing intent flashed in Leng Yinyin's eyes.

There is no one in the city.

Even if she killed Chen Nan, no one would find out about them.

"How about you try?" Chen Nan's eyes flashed with essence, and he made an act that made the Leng sisters feel puzzled.

Not only did he not run away.

It even rushed head-on.

"Just by virtue of your cultivation in the fifth layer of the Yin Realm, how can you be my opponent?" Leng Yinyin's face was full of disdain.

"Whether it's your opponent or not, you only know if you have fought. Chen Nan was warlike, after the two sisters of the Leng family appeared in their own domain at the same time.

He slammed his palm towards Leng Yinyin.

But Leng Yinyin was a peak powerhouse of the Soul Gathering Realm.

Calmly dodged Chen Nan's attack, and then a yin qi hit Chen Nan's chest.

But what happened next.

But it made her scalp tingle.

The sister who was hiding in the distance seemed to have been violently attacked, and a mouthful of blood spewed out with a wow.

And Chen Nan.

but unscathed.

Leng Yinyin's scalp was numb, and she looked at Chen Nan in horror: "What's going on, why did I attack you, but it was my sister who was injured?"

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