A huge wave rose in Leng Yinyin's heart.

Can't calm down for a long time.

It is an exaggeration to say that Chen Nan does not need a belt.

But for women.

Definitely stomach.

It's horrifying.

No wonder her sister said that Chen Nan abused her.

Change who it is.

It's probably hard to bear, right?

It's just that.

Can this be considered abuse?

This is obviously painful happiness!


Sister, this is clearly in the blessing and does not know the blessing.


Chen Nan didn't know how long he had been in a coma.

After opening your eyes.

I saw a beautiful figure with her back to him sitting at the table.

Her hands were reading with relish as if she were flipping through a book.

"Sister, why are you here?"

Chen Nan recognized Du Yue and sat up with a little difficulty supporting his body.


Du Yuan subconsciously put away the book in his hand, his heart was pounding like a deer, and his face was also powdered and peach blossoms.

Beauty is not a thing.

No way.

The book she read was exactly [White Feather] written by Chen Nan.

I was fascinated by what I was watching, and I was suddenly interrupted, how could I not be nervous in my heart?

She recovered her mood and turned to look at Chen Nan, her eyes full of joy: "You guy is finally awake!" "

Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?" Saying that, he also reached out and touched Chen Nan's forehead.

It may be that the temperature is not obvious when touched by hand.

She even lowered her head and tested the temperature of Chen Nan's forehead with her eyelids.

The scene was a little ambiguous for a while.


She didn't mean it.

Because in the past few days when Chen Nan was in a coma, he used to have a high fever.

It was she who took close care of Chen Nan and helped her wipe her body with warm water to cool down.

"Sister, I'm feeling fine now." Chen Nan was a little embarrassed because he found that he was naked.

Although it is not clear why.

But one thing is not difficult to know, Du Yuan may have seen himself.

"Hmm, this is the dress that my sister sewed for you with her own hands, and it should fit." Du Yuan took out a new set of white robes, the material of which was fine silk and worth a lot.

"Thank you sister, it's just... Can you go out, or turn around? Chen Nan was embarrassed and couldn't wait to find a seam to get into.

Guarding the clump kite, he was really embarrassed to try on clothes.

Du Yue's face turned red, and he immediately turned his back to Chen Nan, but he was complaining in his heart.

It's not that I haven't seen it.

Need to be so reserved?

Of course.

Some things can't be said, just have a number in your heart.

Then Chen Nan put on the clothes that Du Yuan personally sewed for him.

Don't say it yet.

Particularly fitted.

It fits far better than what the tailor on the street sews.

Chen Nan smiled on his face.

Heart mom sells batches.

How well do you know my measurements to make such a fitting dress?"

You didn't do anything wrong while I was in a coma, did you?

"Thank you sister for the dress, this dress fits perfectly." Chen Nan said thanks, and then diverted the topic in time: "Since my sister has returned, presumably a new river channel has been excavated, right?" "

Speaking of which, look out the window.

The rainy season has passed.

The weather has also cleared.

Du Yue said: "Heaven bless the city, an hour before the flood discharge in Guangling Prefecture, millions of people dug a new river channel and successfully evacuated. Speaking of this, she sighed.

In order to dig new river channels, millions of people in the city do not sleep.

Although new river channels were excavated.

But thousands of people died alive.

The injured are innumerable.


Tongcheng, however, avoided doom.

It was a big victory.

"I heard about your killing of water monsters, and this is a great accomplishment."


"Don't use your abilities in front of outsiders."

She didn't know how Chen Nan would transfer her attacks to others, but if the matter was publicized.

It is bound to cause great trouble.

Chen Nan said solemnly: "Thank you sister for your advice, my younger brother will remember it in my heart."

Du Yuan smiled: "You can wake up, and my sister is relieved."

"However, Hundred Flowers Valley still has a lot to deal with."

"I'm afraid our siblings are going to separate." Speaking of this, a trace of sadness appeared on his face.

She really didn't want to go.

I want to live in Tongcheng for a while.

But as the Valley Lord of Hundred Flowers.

She couldn't help herself.

Chen Nan was overjoyed.

Although the woman is beautiful.

And the status is also high.


He was genuinely afraid that he would scumb her.

After all, he is just a passerby in the underworld.

Can't go around and show mercy.

If she wants to leave, she can also breathe a sigh of relief.

Du Yuan keenly sensed Chen Nan's mood change, muttered, and looked unhappy: "Why is my younger brother acting so happy?"

"Could it be that you really want me to leave?"


Good insight.

I actually detected the joy in my heart!

That being it.

But Chen Nan was not panicked at all.

Accustomed to strong winds and waves, he will not be confused in front of a woman.

He shook his head and sighed: "Of course I don't want my sister to leave, after all, my sister and I saw each other at first sight, although you and I have no blood relationship."

"But it seems that the sister and brother who have not seen each other for many years always feel that there are endless words."

"I still want to ask my sister for some cultivation things, why am I willing for you to leave?"

"But I also know that my sister is the Lord of the Valley of Hundred Flowers."

"It's the leader of the disciples of Hundred Flowers Valley."

"Shouldering the rise and fall of the Valley of Hundred Flowers!"

"If it weren't for your own self-help, how could you leave so unwillingly?"

"As for the smile I just had..."

"It's admiration for you!"

"Even if you are the Valley Master of the Hundred Flowers Valley, you can still lead by example and care for the disciples in the valley."

"I'm proud to have a sister like you."

Du Yu's eyes were full of emotion.

She suddenly had a feeling of hatred for Chen Nan.

Chen Nan is simply his confidant.

I really want to talk to him all night.

Thinking of this, Du Yue's face rose a crimson, she blushed, a coquettish face, and said in a voice like a mosquito: "If my brother doesn't want my sister to leave, I can let Yin Yin go back first."

"Anyway, she is my apprentice, and she is also very prestigious in the valley."

"It can help me deal with things in the valley."

This time Chen Nan will not be able to rectify.

Oops, lying groove.

Shouldn't this woman be a love brain?

If so.

Then things are a bit troublesome.

Without much thought, he said, "Sister must not be like this!"

"Although I also want to spend more time with my sister."

"But I don't want my sister to change your principles for me."

"It would make me feel like a sinner!"

"If my sister insists on doing this, then my younger brother can only cut you off."

A touched meaning appeared in Du Yu's beautiful eyes: "Are you really ruthless, in order not to change my principles of being a man, you cut off our sister and brother love with me?"

Chen Nan nodded solemnly, and said with a firm look in his eyes: "Sister is a goddess in the world, beautiful and incomprehensible, no one in this world can let you change for him." "

A simple word.

It's like a gentle knife.

Caught off guard and stabbed into Du Kite's heart.

The sea of her calm heart was completely messed up.

She blushed and plucked up her courage to say, "Brother, my sister has a small request before leaving.

Chen Nan: "What requirements?" "

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