The content is simple.

But for Chen Nan, it was like a gift in disguise.

Because the third sent the exam question of this yin selection.

Other words.

He doesn't have to look at the mountains of books.

As long as you know the exam questions in advance, you can stand out in the essay test.

Roll up other competitors.

Although it is very unfair to other competitors.

But he had no choice.

Because of becoming a yin chao, seeing the Houtu Niangniang, this is a matter of the lives of hundreds of millions of races in the three realms.

This also includes the people of the underworld.

After memorizing the content of the two exam questions, he sent a message to Number 3: Even if you reveal the exam questions to me, Lao Tzu will not like you.

Saying that, he put away the communication wooden card, and then concentrated on refining the Soul Gathering Pill.

He needed to refine all the Soul Gathering Pills in one go, which could be regarded as a matter of heart.

As for the reasons for not liking number three...

Very simple.

Steward Wang said before: We don't have feelings to talk about!

Your sister.

No feelings, you got me the exam questions for this Yin Poor Selection?

You have to play a stranger for me, right?


county magistrate.

Han Zongyuan looked at the information on the wooden card with a stunned expression, and then let out a light sigh: "It seems that the fifth brother is angry with me, I should have given him the exam questions before."

"And not in this euphemistic way!"


early the next morning.

Chen Nan got up to make breakfast.

At breakfast, he suggested, "Mother, I'm going to buy a house!"

Wang Mengqing couldn't help but say: "It's not that we don't have a house to live in, why do we have to buy a house?"

Chen Nandao: "Although the house we live in is also good, after all, it is not under our name, it is better to buy a house of our own and live comfortably." "

This house was bought by Liang Jian to raise a woman, but later he requisitioned penicillin to cultivate.

After the Liang family was destroyed, they moved in.

Although it can also be lived here.

But Chen Nan was more or less embarrassed in his heart.

Wang Mengqing sighed lightly: "It's okay to buy a house, but it costs a lot of money!"

"Madam, you don't have to worry about money, the young master has made a lot of money during this time." Song Ziwei smiled and said, "It's more than enough to buy a house."

Chen Nan snorted and took out a silver ticket of 100,000 taels: "I developed penicillin, and this time Tongcheng Water suffered from many people who were injured when digging rivers, and it was thanks to penicillin that they recovered a life."

"These 100,000 taels of silver are rewarded by the government, and it should be enough to buy a suite."

He has nearly a million silver tickets on him.

However, he could not explain the origin of the money.

Can't tell his mother and Song Ziwei that he has become an alchemist.

So you can't take them all out.

But now.

Here comes the opportunity.

So you have to grasp it.

"I really didn't expect my son to be so talented!"

Compared with the joy of buying a house, Wang Mengqing is more pleased with her son's current achievements.


took a day.

Chen Nan took his mother and Song Ziwei around the huge houses in Tongcheng.

In the end, he chose the Liang family's house.

Although the Liang family was tragically destroyed, many people died tragically in the family.

But for Chennan, this is not only not a bad thing.

It's even a good thing.

Because this kind of house is cheap!

The original price was one million taels of silver.

It can be learned that the Liang family was tragically destroyed and many people died.

Even if the government hangs a fold, no one cares.

Hung the house in my mother's name.

Chen Nan also proposed to hire some maids and servants.

After all, this house covers an area of more than fifty acres and has hundreds of rooms.

Rockeries, artificial lakes, pavilions, gardens and everything.

Someone has to come and take care of it.

Of course.

It can also allow those people to relieve their mother's boredom.

Although Song Ziwei is a talker, after all, she has been with her mother for eighteen years.

Don't say it's not biological.

Even if it is biological, it is impossible to say endless words, right?

Injecting more fresh blood can make the mother happier.

Chen Nan did not intervene in the matter of choosing a maid servant.

This kind of thing can be done by Song Ziwei.

And he reads carefully.

Although you have questions, you want to get a high score.

It is still necessary to read more books to enrich your knowledge base.

After reading, Chen Nan went to the place where penicillin was cultivated, thanks to the penicillin refined last time, it came in handy, otherwise there would definitely be many casualties.

Because penicillin needs to be refined twice, and Wu Wangshi and others only know how to refine the last step, they did not buy vegetables during this time.

Because they knew that Chen Nan was injured and fell into a coma, but they didn't know how to wake up.

Seeing his return, the group went directly to the vegetable market, bought a lot of rotten vegetables, and then stacked them on those wooden shelves in the room and waited for fermentation.

"Sister-in-law, in fact, the first extraction of penicillin is simpler than the second time, so let me tell you the method of extracting penicillin for the first time."

"I will delay the extraction in the future."

In his opinion, if Wu Wangshi and others thoroughly master the method of extracting penicillin.

Then you don't need to come over regularly.


His proposal was immediately rejected by Wu Wang Clan and others.

Wu Wangshi said embarrassedly: "Big brother, thank you for trusting us, but we don't want to learn the ability to refine penicillin."

Song Yunfei's wife also said: "That is, now everyone in the city knows that penicillin is a treasure that can save people's lives, although we didn't think about carrying you out to set up another portal."

"However, if someone really plots against us and wants to force us to hand over the penicillin refining method by using the side door, won't we all become sinners?"

Actually, this is not what they thought.

It was proposed by their husbands.

In any case, the method of penicillin refining cannot be learned.

Because this is Chen Nan's secret.

They must not snoop.

After all, money can make people crazy, and no one knows if someone will betray Chen Nan after learning this technique.


If you learn this technique, it is very likely that it will be destroyed.

Chen Nan didn't expect them to say this.

When it comes to this point, he can't force others.

For him, though.

It doesn't matter who cultivates penicillin.

Even handing over this patent is not a big deal.

Because he invented penicillin not to make money, but for the sake of the world.


It's to make merit.

Even if others learn how to cultivate penicillin, he invented the thing penicillin.

This will invisibly allow him to gain more merit.

"It is necessary to sum this matter well, and then sell the penicillin cultivation technology!" All of Chen Nan's thoughts are now in the Yin Difference Selection.

The sale of penicillin cultivation technology also has to wait until it becomes a negative one.

Anyway, he could not have come to extract penicillin on time.


Without warning.

A small gray-white mouse ran in the distance, chattering in its mouth and full of horror in its eyes.


Chen Nan suddenly felt his scalp tingle.

He knew the little mouse.

It has always been with Song Ziwei.

Now it comes looking for itself and behaves so uneasily.

There is only one description for that.

That's Song Ziwei's accident!

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